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  • sbob
    Free Member

    Give it to the police.

    I mean, really?

    Free Member

    Your fault probably, even though he shouldn’t be overtaking at a junction.

    Free Member

    My desktop:

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator

    But generally if you can plan a run-up

    Taking a run-up to overtake is often considered bad form as you are increasing speed at the same time as you are running out of options and reaching the point of no return.

    I know what you mean about vehicle performance, but I have had the pleasure of driving a 75 bhp shopping trolley and a 400 bhp, 187mph uber saloon, and although I can overtake safely in both, I’m presented with many more opportunities in Bavaria’s finest.

    Free Member

    Good times. 😀

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    Well not as disappointed as you have that your pages and pages of input have not raised that much response. I shall file you under W for whatever

    I have no idea if you believe what you type – who knows you might just be that stupid but I doubt it and think you want to goad folk

    I’m not goading anyone, other than in your words, the stupid. That is anyone that doesn’t agree with me, otherwise known as the gospel according to Junkyard.
    I admire Thatcher, she made it to the top of a totally male dominated world, even if she did have many failings, which I have never denied.

    All I called for was a bit of respect, but the lefties wouldn’t have it, and seeing as you too have chosen to be rude rather than have conversation, I’m out.

    Free Member

    Sorry; will not bother reading, obviously. 🙂

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    You know I really expected this to be lefties being rude

    Then you won’t have been disappointed.

    Free Member

    nick1962 – Member
    The election results say otherwise!!

    No they don’t.
    And as you deliberately snipped the part of my post that explained exactly what I meant:

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be able to vote against Labour, but unfortunately all I can do is vote for someone else.

    and quite clearly too, you have been exposed and I can safely file your posts under “W”.

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    no, i don’t see the num demands as being unrealistic

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    That’s either a joke or, no. I had better not say.

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    the unions put everyone out of work? how do you even imagine that there is any reality in that?

    Do you not know what demands the unions were making?
    Have you no idea how unrealistic and unworkable those demands were?

    Ps. you don’t need to precede a question mark with a space. 🙂

    Free Member

    nick1962 – Member

    The majority of the British electorate voted against the Tories in all 3 elections she won.

    No they didn’t. 🙄

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be able to vote against Labour, but unfortunately all I can do is vote for someone else.

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    that detail disables you from seeing what happens when a valley/village/town loses its only source of income?

    It’s awful.
    Which is why the unions should have accepted modernization and the inevitable few redundancies rather than put everyone out of work.

    Free Member

    stavromuller – Member

    De-regulation (brought in by Thatchers Government) meant the financial sector had free reign and was tightly not controlled by government. So how can successive governments be blamed for the financial industry so monumentally f***ing up? Unless you think Blair should have brought the financial industry to heel.

    Brown called for less regulation. 🙂

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    all you cretinous right wingers really need to look around– which country in europe has a strong economy, unions on the boards of most major employers, proper welfare system and a 35 hr week—- Germany….they work together for the good of most, wage /salary disparities nothing like here– oh and unemployed get 80% of average wage they were earning….

    Firstly, watch your language.

    Secondly, if you’re comparing the power hungry fat cat champagne socialist union leaders of this country with that of Germany, then you have obviously no idea what you are talking about.

    Free Member

    You’re not describing queuing at the till, you’re describing queuing down the aisle, which no-one does.
    Why should anyone wait for you in case you might overtake?

    Get over yourself.

    If I have to wait for someone else to overtake before I do, then I wait.

    It’s a much healthier mindset.

    Free Member

    TooTall – Member

    Utter rubbish. You need to understand simple economics if you are deluded enough to think that mining was sustainable in this country.

    Well it would have been more sustainable had it not been for the unions.

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    that’s exactly what unions do isn’t it?

    Sounds like you don’t aportion any blame to the unions, is that so?

    Free Member

    rob jackson – Member

    good riddance to bad rubbish – single handedly ruined the north of England. Miners have now won 1-0 AET

    The unions did that. 💡

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    If someone took one of the French colonies from France- do you think they’d just protest profusely to the UN?

    That may not be the best example… 😆

    Free Member

    Ro5ey – Member

    Yep … do bacon in the micro… it’s alright as it goes

    Heretic! 👿

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member

    You can’t cook with microwaves just warm things up, but they certainly have their uses.

    I cook in big batches to keep costs down and then freeze the leftovers to be microwaved at a later date.
    That is all I use it for though.

    Free Member

    Moses – Member

    Her method of dealing with the unions, like that of dealing with the Argentines, was pure confrontation. Negotiation would have benefitted everyone.

    In both cases, her reputation increased, and everyone else lost.
    As above, where are our steelworks and Brit Leyland now? Argentina still wants the Falklands and half of the North is still suffering. Her policies of selling off assets means that buying a home in the south is almost impossible for those on lower incomes, so private landlords are doing well.
    Her policies are poisoning society thirty years later

    Although there are many policies of hers I don’t agree with, I do believe that the UK would have been much worse off if she hadn’t faced up to the unions.

    Free Member

    BigButSlimmerBloke – Member

    And the banks, never been in a better state, Thank Thatcher for deregulation.

    I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned Gordon Brown, who also called for less regulation of the banks. ❓

    Mind you, he also called for more regulation of the banks, but then I’m guessing he was tired and emotional.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Thanks for the link deviant, but despite reading it I can find no mention of your claim that “between 1978 and 1979 Mr Robinson was credited with causing 523 walk-outs at Longbridge, costing an estimated £200m in lost production”.

    You posted –

    Think about this : According to the BBC, “between 1978 and 1979 Mr Robinson was credited with causing 523 walk-outs at Longbridge, costing an estimated £200m in lost production”.

    Why do you want people to think about it when there is no evidence that it’s actually true?

    It’s there, under the heading “De Lorean”.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Who is this ‘everyone’ who want something for nothing then?

    People I encounter on a daily basis.

    Free Member

    A great speech and often completely misconstrued by her detractors:

    “I think we’ve been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it’s the government’s job to cope with it. ‘I have a problem, I’ll get a grant.’ ‘I’m homeless, the government must house me.’ They’re casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It’s our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There’s no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.”

    Really rings true today where everyone wants something for nothing. 💡

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    Good link Grum and this explains it well IMHO

    I rather think this explains it well.

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member

    Might have an extra pint of milk this evening.

    I’m sure all STW posters are fully aware that Thatcher voted against that policy.
    As for the poor miners, it was the unions that brought a close to the mines, not Thatcher.

    Free Member

    molgrips; you need to calm the **** down my friend! 🙂

    If someone else’s overtake prevents you from overtaking, so be it.
    Wait for the next opportunity.
    If their driving is inconsiderate or dangerous then they have done you a favour; the safest place for a shit driver is in front of you.

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member

    as innocent as Mark Thatcher?

    I thought my post was perfectly clear as it was written. 😉

    Free Member

    Before posting, try imagining that perfectly innocent members of her family are reading this. 💡

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    It’s no wonder the driving gods get a bit wound up

    Who are these “driving gods” that keep getting mentioned?
    Is it those that understand their driving can be improved, and seek to improve it?
    Or is it those that don’t need improvement, who coincidently drive Audis, work in IT and ride Orange 5s?

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    Any statistics for IAM drivers?

    Advanced drivers are less likely to crash. 🙂

    Free Member

    stumpy01 – Member

    Depending on how new your computer is, Windows Media Player will do this.

    It’ll do it on my 10yr old PC running XP. 😀

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    I’m not angry unless someone pushes in front of me. It’d make me (and most people) angry in the supermarket, why not on the roads?

    Anything that could cloud your judgement on the roads is bad. Take solace in reacting safely to other people’s bad driving, rather than getting wound up.

    Free Member

    I’m honestly surprised that parents are allowing their children uncensored and unsupervised access to the internet. 😯

    Free Member

    Interesting to see the assumption by many that anyone overtaking is a rage fuelled lunatic; says a lot more about them than the overtaker.

    Nothing wrong with overtaking more than one vehicle at once either.
    I’ve done it before with no drama on fen roads with miles of visibility.

    The idea that I must be suffering from uncontrollable fury is pretty amusing as I picture myself pootling along in my little red Micra, complete with flower stickers all over it and with Otis Redding on the stereo (not too loud).

    molgrips – Member
    It frequently happens that I see clear road, signal, look in my mirror,

    Mirror, signal, manoeuvre old chap. 😉

    You do sound very angry, maybe the roads aren’t for you?

    Free Member

    She shouldn’t have a licence, report.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    Bit of wood/stone under the front mech to keep it in the middle ring after a broken cable. Tidy bodge.

    Puts my lego brick into perspective!

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