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  • santacrews
    Free Member


    It cant be compared to sherwood pines !

    Where as SP is relatively flat and featureless Gisburn is Fairly undulated but by no means mountainous, i would say the terrain is more adventourous than a traditional Trail Centre in that its man made and uses the land to follow natural lines and kinda has a hybrid feel of man made groomed meets natural materials !

    Hell Fire: I,m not doing a good job of explaining this ?

    Its pretty hard to put into words and has a mix of most terrain, fire road, berms, singletrack, its mostly man made but does a good job of blending in and keeping you on your toes !

    Whilst there is nothing wrong with SP and i ride there myself sometimes for fitness more than skills development its just not the same.

    Let us know your thoughts if you go ?

    Free Member

    Hmmm !
    Insane, there’s so much more to biking than just getting out there and hammering trails !

    The skills there are and some of the bikes / riders are akin to couriers in London !

    It certainly looks interesting,

    Free Member

    Ah !

    If Only..

    Free Member

    What rich said, Good Response !

    I,ve a 50mm stem and a slack head angle to compensate this,

    I would say that 50mm is standard on most bikes now and one that most folks seem to plump for when swapping,

    I,ve got wide bars too which seems to slow down the twitchiness and make for a more relaxed ride.

    Free Member

    Oi smart @rse Who’s the dickhead !

    me for telling you what you didnt want to hear or you for asuming i,m a dick head !

    Ive got some GORE-TEX socks size 9 !

    You can have mine !
    I,ll be at Wharncliffe this week end come and pick them up

    Bring a gum shield !

    Free Member

    The arse fell thro on my Hummers after about 12 rides !
    I put the abrasion & Grit down to wearing the stitching thro ! It just disentegrated……………..
    I cant imagine what the wear rate must be like in the winter as i only wore these in the Summer months

    I cant see how hot water would disolve stitching ?
    I seem to remember Kevlar being used as thread in some of their shorts years back ?
    And as for the MT500 Jersey ! I wore it 4 times in 1 week and didnt wash it in that time when i did look at it the Jersey looked brand new apart from the fraying stitching where the camelback straps run ?
    Surely the designers know that riders wear camelbacks and the stitching in these areas need support !

    I think i will use GORE kit in future it seems to last longer ?

    Free Member

    Ive been using ENDURA for some time now and had no trouble until recently,

    HUMVEES ! worn thro stitching in the seat area,
    MT500 Jersey ! Stitching / seams wearing after only 4 rides !

    Free Member

    Oh Yeah !
    I didnt see the bit about what size ? I only saw the top bit and then the picture and i felt compelled to go off on one !

    I,m sorry you didnt find my answer helpful !

    Try staying at home when its raining :!: OR MTFU !

    I,m not sure why you think a hole in a shoe where your foot goes in is any different to a hole in a stoopid sock where your foot goes in.

    I,m not sure what kind of water doesent run down ur legs and fill up what is attached to the bottom with water ? Hence my legs point towards the floor gesture,

    If and when you do find an answer to the conundrum ensure you Patent it !

    OH ! In response to the original question !
    I suggest a size 9 :?

    Free Member

    NO !

    I hate GORE-TEX………….

    I presume you want them for Biking ? They have a hole in them right at the top where your leg sticks out ?
    In my experience “and most legs are similar” they point towards the floor and have a foot on the end, When it rains the water runs down ur leg and fills up the sock !

    I,ve seen on here as well as other places people gaffer taping the tops of socks to said article attached to the foot !
    Ive even read about the tops of rubber gloves being used and in some instances the lowers of wet suits being cut off to assist the sealing of the top ?
    WTF !

    I just accept that when it rains i get wet ! when it stops i start to dry out…..
    My Skin is waterproof although sometimes it leaks out ! i think this is normal though ?

    I use bridgedale socks, when they get wet my feet stay relatively warm !
    My lungs and the pain in my chest usually means i dont have to worry about my extremeties.

    SORRY ! but u did ask…………..

    Free Member

    Oh boy !

    The days of Answer Manitou elastomer ! back in the day……………
    I,ll tell you what between that and the Girvin Flexistem you certainly knew what trail buzz was then ! vibration white fingers got F@(K all on those !
    I wonder if i can dig out some of my old pics !
    That,ll make ya eyes water !

    Free Member

    I put EBC pads in a pair of M4’s early on this year and you are right they are thicker,

    As others have said stick to the HOPE ones and again as its winter sintered !

    Free Member

    OK !

    I,m sold on the Gore cables.

    Just from reading this thread it appears that there are two types of cabling with & without liner.

    I,ve looked on CRC and it appears that i have found the right ones ?
    They are called professional ?

    Are these right ?

    Free Member

    Good news on the GORE kit :cry:

    I opted out and boughta pair of GOODRIDGE sealed cables WHAT A HEAP OF SH!TE !

    I too had GORE back in the 90’s and this is why i have opted out now.

    I have heard also that the XTR cables are that bit better than boggo but my LBS refuses to budge on the fact that boggo are best, i suppose its repeat business for those guys,,,,,,,

    So anyone live near Doncaster that can fit GORE cables cos my gear setting up skills leave much to be desired……

    Free Member


    Ah !

    Whats that contraption ?

    I thought that oiling cables was deemed to be an act of ludicracy nowadays ?

    I seem to remember filling old outers with wayoxl back in the day, cant remember having the problems i,ve had lately !!!!!!

    Free Member


    Mountain Biking……………..


    Free Member

    Walmart :lol:

    Free Member

    I had the same dilema when i built my bike up last Month !

    I went for HOPE Pro 2, Then ended up with an inset KING headset and kinda regretted not getting the KING hubs.

    Mind you my old Bulb hubs from HOPE were on my Bullit for 8 Years 8O

    Free Member

    730 with a 50mm stem.

    It wasnt until i rode at Wharny that i realised why id cut my old ones down :roll:

    Free Member

    730 with a 50mm stem.

    It wasnt until i rode at Wharny that i realised why id cut my old ones down :roll:

    Free Member

    I cant seem to fathom out BR forum members !

    From what i have experienced none of them ride ? Theres always something up with them ?

    Its either my knees playing up or i have a debilitating degenerative disorder that means i cant leave my keyboard for fear of not being able to tell a newbie what £300 Hard Tail to buy or what £750 full suss !

    I think we should have a forum Rugby match Us & Them !
    See who’s fit to ride a GT after that Fooker !

    Free Member

    I,ve done one !

    CTC Trail leader course…….

    On a personal level i found the course really helpful, i have found over the years that i,m a bit of a know it all and thought i knew everything about anything. I had mixed feelings prior to the course and was pleasantly suprised to find that it was not as i had expected it to be.

    Plenty of emphasis put on pre ride checks with safety in mind “for obvious reasons” Games to paly on bikes ? for when pedaling on fire roads old train tracks etc etc !

    There were plenty of miles covered over the two days and a lot to be learnt along the routes before putting this into practice and guiding the group over on and off road sections.

    I have no intention of making a career from it, but have thought about running starter sessions for those who are just starting out in the sport ! i need to build up my log book so i can progress onto tecnical leader !
    I work or help out with a bunch of kids who have behaviour problems so needed this proper qual to do it above board as its for the education authority.
    I didnt pay for the course they did !

    Good luck tho

    Free Member

    Oh yeah !

    I could sit and watch that all day it beats working !

    I,ve ridden at Wharny for 15 years and never tire of the technical aspect of it !

    Ah where my Bike !

    Free Member

    I got it too, I,m buying nawt tho till they make a decision on my Humvee’s that have worn thro after only a handfull of rides !

    I,ve ordered shed loads off them over the past 12 Months !

    Free Member

    I’ve just been sat looking @ The singlrtack ones !
    They look like a viable option ?


    As above Zymes, I,ve never really considered these before but these too look like a good sturdy pair of 3/4 Baggies

    I will await ENDURA’S decision as to what they perceive to be normal use ?
    Not detracting from the fact that i personally really like their kit.

    Free Member

    Hmm !

    Sorry i cant agree with you on the Humvee’s

    Ive had a pair for about 5 Months i only wear them on the weekend and the stitching has worn out and the the material is threadbare on the seat area.

    They have gone back to Endura to be inspected ?
    For what i do not know ? I can confirm i have been riding my bike in them and i have sat on my seat :o

    Free Member

    I thought that was a fair article and again i could pick out certain similarities !

    I am guilty of trying to race a Roadie on my MTB !

    Free Member

    Phew !
    Sounds terrible, I think you have answered ur own question.
    Socks have got a big hole in the top you are right and for that reason alone they will never be waterproof.

    I wear Bridgedale socks and just accept that i,m gonna get wet and cold but i have the upper hand in that my skin is waterproof !

    Once you are wet thro then you aint gonna get any wetter !
    You can only dry out from there on in.
    As for putting feet in plastic bags 8O Why would you even admit to that let alone partake in such antics ?

    Free Member

    Ooops double posted so ill edit this to add !

    I came from Coil and couldnt justify an Air can for my aggresive atyle of riding and tryed researching an alternative to the RP23 !

    The guys at MOJO insisted i wait until i had pedalled it and rode it on my favourite trail,

    All i can say is that its blows the Heckler way out and i,ve had 3 oh and Bullits and still a Nomad, IMO the Butcher works the same “IF NOT BETTER” than the nomad !

    I paired it up with some new tapered FOX forks being as it got a tapered steerer i thought it would be rude not to !

    Try get a demo on one and see what you think !

    Free Member

    I can whole heartedly reccomend the SC Butcher !

    Its an absolute joy to ride and the link activated shock is so plush with an AIR shock ! 8O

    Free Member

    Is it Gerrard Depardiu ?

    Surely as above there’s got to be more to it than that ?

    Free Member

    Not very helpful in that i havent got a clue how much you are likely to be charged !

    HOWEVER ! the last time i frequented my LBS i tipped up with a bag of Chocolate Flap Jack ! :oops:

    Personally i dont think i was charged nearly enough for what work they did on the bike ! now i,m wondering if they think i am getting them to work for cheap sugary filled sh!te instead of handing over hard earned cash !

    I have spent thousands there tho and would consider myself to be a good customer !

    I feel guilty now !

    Free Member

    Ive got MINIONS fitted, They dont shed mud that well at all.

    They do stick like SH!T to a Cat tho ! and they do drag a LOT !
    Which isnt too bad at this time of year for me because if i go too fast at this time of year it usually results in an off.

    Overall i,m more than happy them i just have to put a bit more effort in from the legs and lungs department and i,m rewarded with GRIP !

    And they are dual ply !
    Which means i dont have to keep stopping to fix pinch flats…….

    Free Member

    As you have said the time and distance is a big ride for you so you should prepare accordingly,

    Have a good Bkfst, Try the good old Porridge that everyone goes on about, personally i think its rank but i do force it down my grid in the belief that it will keep me fuller for longer !
    Which it doesent and when the hunger does come on i could devour the bike tyre SO !
    As already said, Malt Loaf ! Fig Rolls, i take the good old mars bar and a couple of Bananas, i tend to leave the energy gells alone and dont bother with Protein or magic tablets that you add to water !
    Have a good feed the night before with carbs and personally i’d leave the fags and beer well alone !

    Free Member

    might need an expert on this one from RetroBike
    “am i allowed to say those words on here”
    I’m sure its not 80’s as there is the rear wishbone and the fork tops

    My mate had one in the early 90’s although i,m not exactly sure when ?

    Free Member

    Hmm i’d say about 1992 ?

    Free Member

    I,m not sure a set of 130’s will do the Heckler much justice at all ?
    I would certainly be looking at the something with a fair ammount of travel = 160mm

    As for the chain, if its come off a Blur i’d say it was OK ? depending on age and condition and its relative wear to the rest of the drivetrain !

    The Heckler isnt VPP though its a single pivot pretty much like the Blur its replacing.

    Free Member

    We get FREE childcare ! they bring him presents and feed him often at their expense ! we dont have to pay their Fuel, NI Contributions nor PAYE !

    The in laws !

    Anyway, I,m for the Belper / Derby idea !
    Loads of hills, if i,m not mistaken theres something about the highest point east before hitting Russia or something strange ?

    So loads of cracking hills and the prospect of riding Chapel Gate every week end !
    And touche for Matlock and the watersports thing.

    Free Member

    A bit off topic but in reply to some of the above :idea:

    I am the worlds worst customer, i want everything at a reasonable price and i want it yesterday, sometimes thats just too much to ask from a shop that doesent keep massive stock but there are ways & means !

    In response to customer service i found out a long time ago that young lads who work in any LBS i have EVER been to do not make the best salesmen ! especially when they would rather be out riding and especially when they cant find the part that says there is 3 in stock and the phones ringing AND then some bloke emerges from the changing rooms clad in lycra smuggling a budgie asking for a size smaller who said young lad was serving 5 mins before you walked in and and and !

    At that point i wander off pretending to look at helmets or t-shirts.

    In response to the ill fitted parts well theres no excuse there.

    Free Member

    My account goes back to 2007 and is into 3 figures too 8O

    Free Member


    I have the long sleeved version in MT500 flavour, its cool and is well vented and has abrasion resistance down the outer sides of the sleeves.

    Mine has also snagged but its always goona when you come up short on a blackberry bush………..Like i did.

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