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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • sangobegger
    Free Member

    Built a tiddly little tractor yesterday(tractor fetish!) – took bloody ages,and yeh!,plastic – shamefull

    Free Member

    Shit! – that is the ugliest bike I have EVER seen.More money than sense?

    Free Member

    The bairns towalong bike cracked my beloved barracuda(I was skint) jump frame in two one fine day.Luckily,the two of us made it back(slowly) to the car.So a 400 mm seatpost nearly all the way up(14" frame) and towalongs do not mix – you have been warned all you hardcore dads needing your biking fix,and hoping the wife won't moan too much when wee Jonnie turns up covered in what ever flew of you back wheel on that crazy descent.

    Free Member

    marshalling on the puffer last year – Ho Ho Ho,glad I wasn't ridin!

    Free Member

    Yellow cable ties! – don't forget them,it really pisses everyone off,and it just takes the gold bling thing to another level.

    Free Member

    Work in progress, but you get the idea!

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    Free Member

    I work for Tesco and I think it's a lovely colour! – ummm,ehhh,anything else?

    Free Member

    Used as dildo cover,the "beast" can be stashed quietly in ones office desk until it's use as a device for shafting staff over pay/bonuses/perks etc can be exploited to the full."Thomsoned" they call it in hushed voices.

    Free Member

    Nearly bald panaracer cinders,run at low pressure.Fine if you are a light rider but snakebite like hell otherwise.Usually run 2 ply maxxis minions or a swampthing mix(supertackys) – NEVER flat on these babys – EVER!

    Free Member

    Looking across to the south end of Arkle with the Glen Golly loop track going into the distance.

    Free Member

    Living in the Highlands – wots a speed camera?

    Free Member

    Oh! ya dancer it works.!!!!!!!

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    Free Member

    I guess in some quarters that would be true,especially in the north.Lovely place,but the unemployment was shocking,and there was definitely a culture of "sod it the goverment can keep me" – but hey thats a new thread,cos this country is full of those lazy b>#@stds as well.

    Free Member

    Blimey ChunkyMTB. better not let me Kiwi wife hear you say that.Thought Australia was like that tho – full of racists as well to boot.Just ask an aussie with a beer gut what he thinks of Aboriginies before you all slag me off!
    Riding, – Rotarua for sure,bike hire is cheap(bikes are a bit shonky),but the terrain has some fantastic flow.Maps would drive you nuts though,there are that many trails.Try and hook up with some locals,and then hope you can hang onto their speed.Some decent stuff up at Whangarei in the North,but NO bike hire there,despite two decent shops locally.
    Oh! and try their organic beers,AND go dolphin spotting at Fuckatani(ok its not spelt like that – but thats how THEY say it)

    Free Member

    Thought I would catch up with an old college mate from way back(20 years),phoned his mum and dad and found out he had taken his life 6 years previous.Everyone has good friends who they drift apart from(he lived at the other end of the country),but what surprised me was the shock I felt about his loss.I visited his elderly parents,both of whom were always blind,and it struck me how much his passing meant even to me.We spoke at length about his life,and it seemed that he was a larger than life friend to many.A fantastic bloke with all the time in the world for others.His folks soldier on,living with this memory every day.
    Kenny my friend,long may folk remember your legacy.
    I guess it's my way of saying,before you commit to the ultimate act,seek help and support,most of us are surrounded by people who can and will help!!!

    Free Member

    Nightshift in Tescos pays abouts 8.50/hr.You have to work yer ass of though.One of our guys took home £1100/month working six days.

    Free Member

    Camping at the puffer,dont make me laff.We were made to feel like the poor relations by all the "rich" folks in their vans/campers/horseboxes etc(we were 4 men to a two man tent,and yes we are still mates,just not that "sort").If you think I'm on the sour grapes,wait until three o'clock in the morning, go jump in your local river,roll around in the mud at a farm gate,and piss in yer neighbours wheelybin,all the time watched by folks tucked up in their pyjamas with noses pressed to steamed up windows wondering what the loony next door is up to! – GET A VAN YE NUMPTIE!!!!!!

    Free Member

    What was that one about the yank billionaire who built the Spruce goose(flew it 10 yards and went home).Now theres a proper pile of dog dooda – 3 hrs we sat through it.The worst of it was,the place was packed and I did'nt have the balls to walk out.Did have an overriding impression tho,that if I did,it might have started a trend.The thought of this film still gives me the horrors! – Oh aye,now I remember,Howard Huwwey was'nt it?

    Free Member

    Earliest memory actually.My mummy(well I was three!)said a beatle is in town(that would be John lennon of course),and I thought oh! – a creepy crawlie.Nothing new there then!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Well I bought me a fancy three bike carrier from thule(towbar mount),and it is a funky bit of kit – oh,until the stupid cheepo straps give up the ghost after 6 months,and let yer bike flap around on the back.The roofrack ones look a better deal due to the securing/lock arm.I have to use bungees now – WTF!!!

    Free Member

    Steels are only for lazy buggers who can't be bothered to learn to use an oil stone!!!!

    Free Member

    Nope – again!

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Go and download some info from Roger Musson,I'm abouts to build up an ex 721 – my first attempt at wheelbuilding.There are loads of spoke calculators on the web though,try DT Swiss for starters.

    Free Member

    Go and have a look at the london fixie forum for "serious london bikies". Some of the threads take on a fairly aggressive approach to drivers/motorcyclists etc. But hey! – riding a bike is where all the cool people are – right?

    Free Member

    I saw a eveready head torch in B & Q yesterday.Wrap two (one up/one down) round your full face chin bar, and you have a cheap 24 set up.It won't tear up the dark, but I managed a full overnighter last year with just such a setup – fine if your a cheep like me!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh!,found you lurking in this thread then.Nope, did bugger all – had some sort of crappy virus and then did me back in.But! – I have boosted the performance of my front end(eh!) with some goodridge and phenolics,so hope to test them out with my ssc p7 two stager this week(or sunday) give us a bell tho!

    Free Member

    Evenin Mr Swayndo,I've got an old pair of flatties you could have!

    Free Member

    Ya just need an 6mm allen key for the plate covers and the world is yours!

    Free Member

    Just a quick one for Stuartie,unfortunately due to Scottish licensing laws,you will have to buy yer mate a four pack of super strength Tennants,therefore ensuring that the watch/booze combo goes outside the reach of the "usual" clientle.Hope you don't mind me makin assumptions aboots yer pal tho!!!

    Free Member

    Paris? – never heard of it!

    Free Member

    I'm with the muffin man-so to speak!

    Free Member

    Got the ssc p7 hand held jobbie for 20 quid.Atomic power or wot.Once my back get slotted back into it's rightful place(again!)I'll be oot and aboot lighting up the winter moonshine – now theres a thot!

    Free Member

    I work part time for an AID's foundation in South Africa,and Guys we have to fight for every penny.This is just another way of raising cash.It's not perfect I know but any form of fundraiser is a ball breaker.So hear this,if you want to donate – ask loads of questions first,where does the cash go,will you get feedback(especially on a long term donate),who is behind the project – google the directors etc!.There are pros/cons to every charity,only you know what you want from it.Even better do what we did.Stuff the hols to Marbella etc and go to Africa with a small charity(the big ones will empty yer wallet for the privalage!)and see for yourself.You WILL love it,go for it.

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