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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • sangobegger
    Free Member

    Laggan, Craig Dunain at Inverness, Golspie (For MTB) – then up to Thurso for some surfin dude. Pop over to Durness, surf the first beach you come to, and use it as a base to ride some of the Glens (see Neil at 58 degrees north), then down to Torridon and ride the singletrack everyone is going on abouts. After that, Fort William and whatever floats your boat, then Black mount for downhill and some white water rafting in Perthshire to finish.

    Free Member

    Gawd knows, but I did cover 5 miles in 8 mins last spring. Heading into Durness from the top of Gualin lodge (1000 feet) with a howling wind up my chuff. Some of the guys behind me hit 45mph without pedalling and started to brake(the pussies). A mate apparently hit 147mph on a FZR 1000 on the same stretch, but he is a total headcase, so that doesn’t really count.
    Wot was it like? – a total rush! Faster mister, faster he said.

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    Wet bike[/url] by sangobegger[/url], on Flickr

    Out of your depth riding

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    Strath Dionard[/url] by sangobegger[/url], on Flickr

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    I’ll be there again! – as a marshall. I’ll cheer on all you daft buggers.
    An the previous comment was way off. By the time you are finished you will have spent £200 on pads and your bike will look like a 10 year old shed that you couldn’t even give away.Full sussers WILL require every pivot renewing and your drive train, if you are lucky will have every third tooth still attached.Apart from that its a great laff – oh and bring a caravan/motorhome,no point being totally miserable for 24hrs – enjoy!!!!

    Free Member

    Just to put plastic bags in perspective – my store uses on average 10,000 a DAY, (no not a typo).
    So to all u lazy **** out there who can’t be bothered to take a bag,I hope the next loose one curls round yer front hub an punts ya into the nearest ditch.Stop whining and take your own bags with you, – my company will VERY HAPPILY take your 5p and use it to further global expansion (and pay my wages).

    Free Member

    Deal extreme – love the lights (p7 an all that) but after going through 3 in a year I’ve had enough.Bright they may be but unreliable as hell as far as I am concerned.And before you ask they were all torches used for walkin the dog, not bashin thru the bush so to speak.

    Free Member

    Do it again – oh yes please,just like the last time.Now that would be the wife taking me to the top so I could blast down to Applecross for tea and cake (A bit slow in parts and even the horror – some pedalling).Then a lift back up to the top,and yes children close your eyes now,off we go.
    It starts of simple like,a bit of a slope,some hairpins, then there had better be no cars in your way cos you WILL overtake them.Not sure how fast you can go,but I bet you will s@#t yourself before you get to the bottom.It is, short of watching ping pong in a thailand brothel, the most fun you can have with your clothes on – enjoy.

    Free Member

    All that above plus sand surfing in Opononi – scary as you like and definitely stay in the Hostel half way up the mountain(you cant miss it – ask in town)plus the sunset from the hill down from the hostel is spot on.There is also some allegedly hardcore trails in Whangarei,but you will need a decent bike as the local bike shops were only renting out town bikes – there is a website dedicated to them at –

    Free Member

    biking versus masturbation – don’t they both f~’k you up?

    Free Member

    I’m doing my first degree at 44 years young.Frankly the thought of spending another 25 years in my (very secure) present role was enough to make me weep.I am in the fortunate position where I can afford to do the course,(Scotland,hard workin wife and some savings),however if even one of these supports wasn’t there I wouldn’t have given it a second thought – it simply costs too much.
    So why – midlife crisis,never know whats round the corner, or even the classic, ” I want to make a difference” – they all played a part in making the choice.Was it the right one? absolutely! After 1 year in Uni I love it,it really does motivate and inspire me.
    Folk get really tied up in securing their retirement funds etc,and then croak 6 months after the big day,frankly I’d rather have my health than wealth at that age.My family ain’t going to starve,I can still ride my bike,my prospects if I decide to stay on in my old role are much rosier and its fun – my answer is do it,take control and stop worrying about all the bollocks spoken about poor employment prospects, make your own luck for a change!

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    Free Member

    Trout! – I reckon you are fishing around for ideas on a new light.Perhaps you could bass the discussion on a new type of light that was developed in Finland, which although I reckon is cobblers,someone did come round to my plaice last week and say that kelp was wanted to develop a new factory that produced trout lights.Probably nonsense,cos me mate falls for stories like that – hook line and sinker!
    Anyway Mr Trout I think it was you puttin out these pics,in fact it haddock to be you – underneath all that guddling about you have a new hyper lite just waiting to be fished out so we can bream new lite on our fav riding spots.

    Free Member

    Hmmm! – riding the gorm.Despite the fact there is a big fat sign at the bottom saying “p+#s off cyclists” blokes who should know better still think that its ok for them an all their mates to “take on the challenge”.
    For f~’s sake lads the Highlands are huge with more biking than you can shake a stick at.I can ride all day in torridon and not see a soul,plus I dont have to push me bike uphill for miles for a two minute downhill run.In fact in a few mins you can go from the top to the bottom of Mullach clach a bhlair at the south end of the Feshie peaks and all on fire road – but it takes nearly two hrs to get to the top pushing a full susser.Big deal,plus all your hard earned cash would do more good spread round rural areas rather than chucked into the cairngorm uplift conglomerate or national hotel chains in Aviemore.
    Not to mention the aformentioned rants in more than one thread on the fragility of our hills- a bit of common sense is all thats needed on this one lads (and lassies)

    Free Member

    Talk Talk are w@##’krs. Took me a month to get them off my case AFTER I cancelled the contract before it even began.They got BT to cut me off for three weeks and I probablay havn’t heard the end of it yet.No wonder talk talk are rated as the most complained about provider.BT on the other hand could not have done more to help, so a big thumbs up for them.

    Free Member

    Drop the car at Achnashellach, down to Coulags up to Bealach Ban, round into Coir Lair and back to Achnashellach.The last section is some of the best rock riding in the higlands,like Laggan without signposts.Pretty much rode yourself into the ground covering the three routes mentioned above.And x3 the Liathach route.I wouldnt bother because the hill south of it offer so much more riding anyway.
    As for walking in the area take your pick, but a circuit of Beinn Dearg could involve a cycle into the bridge about 1.2 miles in, hide the bike,and then pick it up and enjoy the best of the Lithach path without the hike a bike bit further on.
    And if you want a really scary descent,head for the Bealach na Ba at Applecross.Just don’t make any mistakes,they don’t call it terminal velocity for nothing.

    Free Member

    Note about the laxford bit is bang on.Sounds like you are coming up by train,so give Lairg a miss and get off at Carbisdale which has probobly the best youth hostel in Scotland.Then cycle over to Lochinver for munchies.However, which everway you cut it,the road to Laxford is much tougher this way than than going up by Loch Shin.There are good campsites in Lochinver,Stoer area,Scourie and Durness.With decent grub available in all of them.Wild camping can be had wherever you like as well.Hotel in Tongue now has some superb food as has Melness.From there you can make Helmsdale in a day.
    Hills – big ones around lochinver and just outside Durness and Loch Hope,otherwise a lot easier than anywhere else on the west coast.
    Shouldn’t have any issues with midges until mid june as a rule,don’t camp in forests or near water if there are any about.
    Nearest bike shops are Steve in Strathpeffer,Mark in Dingwall,Inverness has a good spread,but after that nothing.Thurso and Golspie have shops that sell bikes but don’t know their reputations I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    The Moine path. That would be a big no,its tussocky grass fit only for walking.Any rain at all and you’d be lucky to push a unicycle.You can take the old moine road though which is entertaining as it bypasses about half of the main road plus there is a two mile or so downhill to the turnoff from the top at Moine house.Oh! and a bonus,some wag has graffited the inside of the old ruin,its certainly different.
    As for your run over past Gober to Merkland, the road is superb.Quite a climb up from the river but once on top its a long downhill to the main road. Go to flickr and look up Glen Golly to see what you have let yourself in for – enjoy the run, its fantastic.

    Free Member

    The Catsback near the puffer, if I am not mistaken.Pussy jokes eagerly expected!

    Free Member

    Ok then – had a run through and you are fine till Lochinver.So you can run round the coast and pick up the drumbeg road,but and its a big one,its a slog to Kylesku,which means you will probably have to take in Scourie for munchies and a stop.Or you can miss out Scourie and head over to Achfary from Kylesku on the hill road(google earth it).From there you then run up the shoulder of Foinaven to Dionard and ride onto Durness for Munchies.Getting across on the ferry is no problem,just dont be late back or John the ferryman(old bugger) will leave you there.Its 23 miles there and back and the “road” is rough as anything,great views though.April to may(ish) there is no bombing(read road closures)on the Cape road because of the lambing.Now if Mr Deerman is no longer running the bus and no-one else takes on the mantle,you are well stuffed.I’m a local and the bus driver will not entertain me or anyone else for that matter(mucky bikes or some such crap).So your options are simply cycle out.Its worth thinking about Durness/Loch Hope/Gobernuisgach lodge/west Merkland and then either straight to Lairg or cut over into Glen Calvie from Corriekinloch and then onto Ardgy/Carbisdale youth hostel/train station.
    Let us know how you get on!!!

    Free Member

    Swinging a hammer in a tight spot,I smashed it into my nose – now that hurt(and bled)a bit.

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    Free Member

    Peats – but you need a croft in the Highlands for that,so that really buggers that one up for most folk. Smells nice too!

    Free Member

    There is also a Nifty wee trail at Badaguish near Aviemore.Give Bothy bikes a shout for advice.However using Inverness as a base you have Golspie,Laggan,Learnie, the Puffer,Balblair and even Fort willam within easy reach.Bed and Breakfast is easy to pick up anywhere and everywhere.For an outstanding stay, go to Carbisdale castle at Balblair near Bonar Bridge.Its part of the SYA and is pretty dammned impressive.

    Free Member

    Easter ross – Oban – Crianlarich-Fort william-Laggan-Aviemore and Home!
    Ok it was 489km on a 750 Suzi,but I promise to go back to pedal power next week.

    Free Member

    Go to Puerta Galera in Mindoro,and check out some of the resorts in the area.Stayed there a few years back on the reccommendation of the wifes cousin who worked in Manila.Had a fantastic time,cheap as chips and no hassle.To be honest though,the Phillipines is not for the faint hearted,and you do need to be a streetsmart traveller,but then you can say that about anywhere.Go,you WILL love it,and the people are its greatest asset,wonderful!

    Free Member

    I have to confess that riding my measly 5″,which is never enough by the way,I am usually to be found with me full face and body armour,etc – no big bag tho!.However,to clarify why? – Golspie,Laggen and a bit o the puffer,have at various times ripped me face off,busted me bones and generally inflicted such kickings on me that the only other way to get similar “injuries”,is to get pissed and punch some big bloke down the local boozer.Now I may be shite,old, an slo,but wearing a full face,
    no-one knows who you are anyway,so who cares.Probably only some skinny little bugger on a hardtail,an he is too busy giving himself a heart attack trying to “leave you for dead” anyway – Keeps my LBS in coin an all!

    Free Member

    Interesting,I am giving up a decent salary in retail for 3 years in uni.An enviromental and natural science degree beckons,and then who knows.Incredibly motivating though when you realise that failure is not an option (kids),plus the fallout at work is a BIT more than I anticipated.My employers do NOT appreciate "disloyalty",but hey,everything has a price – just are you willing to pay it?.

    Free Member

    Just back from SA.Spent some time in the northern Drakensberg near Bergville.The Backpackers bunkhouse on the way to the Amphitheatre(fantastic walking by the way) had decent(ish) bikes.They can organise trips etc,for NOT lots of cash.There is also an adventure park in the Drakensberg that hires out bikes,but I think that is down near Monks cowl,local tourist info will keep you right.You will need to be really self sufficient in Lesotho,due to there being bugger all infrastructure outside of the capital.Other point is the altitude,unless you have cycled at that height before,you will definitely have a struggle on your hands.Roads are mostly dirt and spares will be non existant,plus there is definitely a safety issue in Lesotho.Cattle theives,drug smugglers and general thieving scumbags are to be found in escarpment areas.Northern Drakensberg is safest,but get advice from locals before you go,or get a guide!Do NOT pay more than r1000/day,and most community guides will charge only around r500 – 750/day.Sounds all a bit offputting,but the reality is if you take good local advice you WILL have a fantastic time.The people for the most part love having visitors and the country is visually stunning.Also try PMB(Petermaritzburg) – Greg Minnar has a shop there apparently.

    Free Member

    Got a couple of pics,but they were a tad out of focus to say the least.Got much better ones of Rissos Dolphins from the boat last week though.

    Free Member

    Bit late in the day,but nope – I followed the same route as yourself.I managed ok from the top of the Bealach to the flat,but after that it was a mare.Wait until you get up to the northern part of your tour though.There is a new road in round the back of Arkle which looks cracking,your only issue will be getting across the river at the western end of Loch Dionard if there is a lot of water in the river.Stay on its southern shore(not a fun way it has to be said)and you'll have no bother after that.)

    Free Member

    Picture this – lying in bed in an upmarket(ish) hut! on the edge of the jungle next to a coral sand beach in the Andaman sea.You get woken up by yer wife screaming her lungs out.Now shit!,I havn't even "woken up" yet and she is filled with the "passion" already? – er no!!!,a fugin monkey from said jungle is in the room,light fingerin an apple on the sideboard.What the ell do you do now? – oh yeah,shut the door you ****,the friggin monkey got a bigger fright than I did, an legged it.His big mate outside though jumped at the door an banged on the glass.And that was on the first morning – monkeys!,keep the buggers in a zoo and allow me to enjoy the jungle in peace!

    Free Member

    Had to check memory map to make sure that you ACTUALLY humphed a bike over Bealach Aoidhdailean.I made a fairly miserable ascent on a bare bones bike, never mind a loaded up one.Have to say though, that the descent on the other side was rather entertaining,with several impromptu falls into the carefully laid out bogs.Personally I would have dropped down Coire Chorsalain as it looked like a cracking wee descent,and the view over to Knoydart and the face of Beinn Sgritheall far outweighs a battering down a glen that is utterly buggered up by a set of pylons running down it.Well done though,that is definitely an epic run from Kinloch Hourn,and worth the effort in no uncertain terms.

    Free Member

    11 years old,an still doing the job.150 mph/comfy an ugly! – what more could you ask for.

    Free Member

    Looking down Strath Dionard.The bit you cant see, which is behind the camera person,is even better.Parts of the Arkle loop are nifty too.

    Free Member

    Its a red downhill run apparently,not a red "ordinary" run.

    Free Member

    Bloody norah,and I thought Bonking was summit you do in dark rooms with music turned down,fluffy pillows and -(fill in as appropriate!)

    Free Member

    Don't know about the snow,but is it doable on a hard tail,answer is yes.Would want a bit of travel up front though – say 130 and above.

    Free Member

    Thank f-~k I don't have to pretend to be hard anymore.43 an a bit! – so now that I am officially over the hill,I can sell the Bicycle shaped object.After umpteen broken bones my GP has decided that he will no longer treat an over the hill,post pubescent,delayed adolescent,prone to crashing old guy!
    Guess that means that singletrack will have to close its doors then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Get them from Custom fastners in Wales.Its all high quality motorbike stuff.What you will need to do is find out how long the unthreaded part is,ie,the part that supports the shock eye,and then cut down the bolt to fit.Buying a bolt that is the correct length will only give you a shank that supports one half of your shockeye.

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