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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • Sandwich
    Full Member

    Herself is awaiting delivery of a used ID.3 (one of the TPMS sensors needed replacing) and we have a very orange Corsa doing duty at the moment. The VW was bought on colour (it’s her car, her choice) I was there to make sure that all 4 wheels matched and nothing looked out of place in the business end. Next thing is a charger as the local ones are all the wrong side of 60p a kWh to use. So far it has been plugged in once in a week.

    Full Member


    This, charity should be for nice-to-haves not essentials.

    Full Member

    Hmmm, another one using their “commercial” teams to build their personal projects . I wonder how much of that cost “disappears” into other jobs ;)

    I suspect somewhere a VAT officer will be submitting a note into the system today. I would aslo expect that the HSE may spare an inspection to an ongoing project having seen the state of the “edge protection” installed for work at height.

    Came across as a “rules are for other people entitled git”. The neighbour could have made that over run by several more years by use of the submitted plans and objecting to any built, unapproved variations.

    Full Member

    Just back from moving my 31 yo son into his new place in Birmingham. He’s now of an age that we spend some quality time together and he’s confident enough to tell me when I’m wrong and explain why.

    My daughter lives close by and we see her regularly.

    They both have some of my odd behaviours due to the Jesuits being correct about the years until 7 (I did a fair bit of solo parenting on shift rest days whilst Mrs S did her career)!

    Full Member

    As another that’s 61 I do what imnotverygood does. It helps that Suffolk only has short hills.

    Full Member

    @jimster01 The rules chez sandwich state that the driver controls ventilation and usually music choice in the vehicle. Vehicle and passenger safety is the driver’s job and should not be interfered with.

    There’s a rich seam of autistic-type behaviour going on here that would have a researcher occupied for a full study!

    Full Member

    Some ‘work’ in Castilla La Mancha on Friday


    Vulture (Gryphon) waiting for one of the Brits to die


    Full Member

    Ipswich BMX was a bit more than a refurb, there was track resculpting/surfacing. New start ramp gate and a clubhouse installed. A couple of weeks after finishing they fenced the track end of the site to stop people falling into the bermed corner as it’s a bit steep.

    Full Member

    Two effing hours for a podcast? Life’s too short. Can we not just have the article(s) to read? That’s a quarter of my day. Seriously. I used to top out at 20 minutes per episode with the ones I ran – as a courtesy to my poor bloody listeners.

    Whateveer happened to brevity being the soul of wit?

    Full Member

    @squirrelking Eufy don’t need a sub and they can be blocked from spying on the owner.

    Locally there are a couple of scrotes that spent time at HM pleasure due to cameras on the property they attempted to burgle.

    Full Member

    My wife’s somewhat brutal solution to anti-social shit like this is to snip off the little finger starting at the distal phalanx. Nick another one? Nip off the rest. Had my beloved bike stolen a few years ago. Still miss it. So many memories attached to it.

    Along the right lines but thumbs are where it’s at. Take the secondary one first to show how difficult things could be if both are gone and a pint can not be gripped and lifted easily.

    Full Member

    They both seem to have better healthcare outcomes on more or less the same overall % GPD spend. (Germany 12.7, France 11.9 UK 11.3) Not every private healthcare model = the US version.

    Pound to a pinch of some ordure we’ll get the US model if it were to happen.

    2 that were regularly in the public eye : Dr’s Graham Garden and Michael Mosely, less well known Dr Adam Kay.

    Full Member

    The VP is on top of the trolling at Blue Sky

    Baked Cat

    Someone has also done this


    Full Member

    From experience with a faulty airbag I was unable to take the car into a dealer on pain of having it seized (under what law I don’t know) due to a faulty part that wasn’t available to be fitted.

    Full Member

    On the log, GO!

    That’s a specialised piece of training apparatus not a log. Speaking as one who did his Saturdays & Sundays training in Woolwich with a large piece of tree, fell over and spent 10 days having to unstick knees from sheets every morning.

    Full Member

    Last onesIMG_0423IMG_0422

    Full Member

    Second batchIMG_0418IMG_0417IMG_0419IMG_0420IMG_0421

    Full Member

    At a family wedding in Swettenham and the pub car park was full of this lot when we arrived.


    Full Member

    Whereas going to Starbucks …

    Should be a hanging offence?

    Full Member

    Randal is a “Handsome Boy”.

    Full Member

    So as things stand we’re quids in, and I’m wondering whether now might be the time to pay for insurance again before he turns 10

    From previous research most companies weren’t taking new business where the dog is over 7. If they are now that’s a significant improvement but expect to pay rather a lot for the policy.

    Edit. further up thread I said Bought by Many were quick at settling claims. They are for small amounts for the recent nose surgery they were right on the 6 week target limit for repayment. There was also an attempt to wriggle out of payment by requesting full history for the dog from the vet. This was for £1300 of surgery, I hope there is nothing more expensive in Bodie’s future

    Full Member

    @e-machine “Parklife” (almost)!

    Full Member

    @nickc We learn by repetition and practice. Some need more than others before the information is assimilated and then applied as knowledge.

    Full Member

    I think there was a hunt for “evidence” that stretches the bounds of credibility in the attempt to make a strong case. Thats does not exonerate her but it does make the conviction dodgy

    Why none of this was challenged is beyond me

    The inference is that the defence assumed that the court officers were competent to test and verify the methodology used in the statistical analysis.

    Most of us should be aware that assumption is the mother of all **** ups! They trusted but failed to verify in attempt to save court time and the conviction is now suspect as a result.

    Edit: suspect and the legal profession are circling the wagons to protect themselves rather than ensuring justice is being served. (Very similar attitude to the Birmingham Six convictions).

    Full Member

    A short explainer on why government debt is necessary for growth and prosperity

    Why government debt is crucial for growth and prosperity

    Full Member

    David Allen Green has misgivings on how the trial was conducted. No answers to an awful lot of questions here

    Lucy Letby and miscarriages of justice: some words of caution on why we should always be alert to the possibilities of miscarriages of justice

    It seems to imply a lack of statistics knowledge by the legal system in general.

    Full Member

    Waitrose essentials as good and much cheaper.

    Full Member

    Any car with “Powered by fairy dust” on it.

    Unless qualified with “Driven by Jabba the Hut”

    Full Member

    Whatever the modern equivalent of the older chocolate brown Allegro or beige Marina. Driven by those committing crime to avoid drawing too much attention to themselves.

    Full Member

    Which Shimano document are you using? There’s various types and the dealer installation one is required for detailed information.

    Full Member

    To add to my earlier comment on Ms Allsop sending the kids out on an adventure is fine so long as one does not then go off on a jaunt somewhere. A parent has to be available to pick up the pieces and retrieve the distressed at short notice. Those with Scouts away on camp know this as leaders can not be spared to bring the child home.

    Full Member

    “I’m walking round Rome at night and it’s really scary. I’ve decided to follow a group of nuns. Surely no one messes with nuns”

    Top trolling by Ms Ampthill!

    Inter-railing is probably safer than them cycling to the shops for milk.

    Full Member

    Richard Murphy has written on Bylines and his summation seems to correlate quite well with what Rone is saying. Article is here

    Rachel Reeves is running a strange household

    Full Member

    And then you find out it’s all held together with T25 bolts….

    If it’s all Whitworth that’s going to have a long service record and possibly you’ll want the next flight!

    Full Member

    *Tannoy* @CountZero to the forum!

    Full Member

    Anyhow, Henry is back from his holidays. Holes have been dug, seaguls chased and many an arse sniffed.

    Enough about your holiday, what did Henry do?

    I thank you!

    Full Member

    Don’t bother until she’s passed her test, far safer & better to let just use an Instructor.

    You would think so but time on a learner policy counts towards driving alone and personal experience demonstrated that an extra month (he failed test 1) knocked around £200 off the annual premium of the ‘qualified’ driver.

    Full Member

    Shall I start a pod-cast?

    It was the Orcas what dunnit!

    Full Member

    Time to CYA on the verbal instructions. Summary emails to those issuing instructions (using the have I got this interpretation correct approach). Most importantly bcc everything to a personal account, the BOFH is only semi-fiction.

    Full Member

    It will only really take off if driving is made inconvenient for the able bodied for short journeys.

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