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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • Sandwich
    Full Member

    There was nothing in that case. I’m not feeling thee love for either of them, he can’t be told anything and she’s a bit of a drama queen.

    Full Member

    Norway collected around $1.5bn in revenue, which dropped by $600mn when the rules changed. The government of the day projected a $150mn additional revenue had the super-rich stayed

    So (and this gives me a frisson) a rounding error when set against the “income” (used for brevity not accuracy) from petrochemicals, their sovereign fund and the rest of their economy.

    Full Member

    resulted in a 40% reduction in revenue from that sector

    40% of how much and which sector? 40% of £10 I can fund but 40% of £1 trillion would be a stretch (both sofas would need checking).

    Scaremongering ill-defined sums have no place in finance, your point is poorly made as a result.

    Full Member

    It’s a sobering reminder that Cleverly wasn’t up to the job of LOTO, let alone PM

    Never was a name more wrongly allocated.

    EDIT Shamelessly stolen from BlueSky

    I’m hearing that Spurs were very impressed by Cleverly’s form in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

    Full Member

    Is it a chest freezer?

    At that temperature it will freeze anything! IGMC

    Full Member

    Another vote for the Technology Museum.

    Have a good cafe to go to after visiting SS HQ and Topography of Terror, they will need a lift and they’re old enough to learn about the worst the human species can do.

    Full Member

    TLD XL are good for those of us with a long narrow head. As ever try before you buy s what feels good for a couple of minutes may feel like a vice afte 30 minutes.

    Full Member

    I’m no psychologist but letting a kid sit at the back of a class not answering questions for 2 years isn’t doing anything to support removing the anxiety it just reinforces it and multiplies it

    Or they may not be ready to do that just yet and forcing the issue will cause long-term damage to the student. We all develop competencies at differing speeds.

    Full Member

    Sometimes the old ways are best “pour encourager les autres”.

    Full Member

    Freely admits that the whole Brexit thing was just to ‘win an argument’, like some massive sixth form debating society.

    Then, like the entitled arse that he is, expecting someone else to do the hard work. Cameron spiked that by throwing his toys out of the pram and resigning!

    Full Member

    Usually after the first coffee stop of the morning when on a cycling trip. Brain defaults to ride on the left which has had some interesting results (Guarda Civil getting stroppy in Tossa del Mar was a lowlight).

    Full Member

    The time to show a young woman that she is capable and build her confidence is ALL the time.

    GCSE exams year is maybe not the time to be mucking about with major changes. First year of A’ levels may allow for some shift in position but now is not the time, plus there’s an opportunity to stretch the next set of examination subjects over 3 years. The extra maturity will help the young woman get her head into gear for coping.

    Full Member

    Children are coming!

    Full Member

    Do you have any evidence for that? There have been deaths and serious injuries in the peloton forever.

    Yes further up the page from the linked article, this section

    According to known figures, between 1971 and 1980, 4 cyclists died during races in which they took part, 5 between 1981 and 1990, 6 between 1991 and 2000. From 2001 to 2010, 9 cyclists died in competition, while in the last decade, between 2011 and 2020, 21 cyclists died. In 2023 and 2024, 4 cyclists died on the road while competing. This is a clearly incomplete list that doesn’t take into account the many tragedies that have occurred in women’s competitions and at youth level.

    The rate of accidents causing deaths is rising. Any competent safety organisation would be taking a long hard look at the causes and trying to mitigate them. This would appear to be missing. We can’t reduce danger to zero but we can  ensure that risk is reduced “as far as is reasonably practicable” which is the basis of all UK and European safety law.

    Full Member

    Just to add that the very proficient IT types on The Register recommend Brother as there doesn’t appear to be a need for ritual scarifice and incantations to get them connected and keep them running.

    Full Member

    Mrs Sandwich has had a “I want that one” email.

    Full Member

    Neither ‘e-bikes’ or ‘e-motorbikes’ are sentient.

    Oh dear the curse of pointing out grammar mistakes strikes again! Neither. . . nor . .

    I expect that I have also made an error of grammar too but that’s normal for this forum and user!

    Full Member

    Unlikely with handmade bricks

    It looked like they were mass-produced and then given a cosmetic overhaul to achieve the hand-made look.

    Full Member

    The brother laser printer that fits your needs and budget.

    Full Member

    Maybe try some eye drops before you try and remove the lens.

    Top tip, if you’re a multi-purpose solution user for cleaning and storage this can also be good source for eye-drops. Read the label first and don’t touch the bottle nozzle on your skin or eyeball.

    Full Member

    @somafunk You sir are a barbarian! ;-)

    Full Member

    And that’s assuming that finding her quickly would have changed the awful outcome.

    There’s a thing called the “Golden Hour” in emergency medecine. I’m sure emergency medics would state that Ms Ferrur’s odds of survival would be better if she were found in this period.

    It would appear that event safety at all levels of cycling needs a radical overhaul with officials ensuring all competitors are accounted for and competitors/teams sanctioned for failing to check-in after finishing/abandoning.

    Full Member

    Neue Zürcher Zeitung reported that Swiss Air-Rescue (REGA) confirmed that its first helicopter mission in the Zurich area on Thursday had departed at 12:52 pm, more than an hour after the finish of the junior women’s road race. It is believed – though it has not been confirmed – that Furrer crashed near Küsnacht with more than 30km left to race.

    From @IHN linked item above, an hour before anyone got into looking mode with the cyclist being 30km from the finish. What were the commissaires up to? Did no one think we’re missing a rider, where has she got to before then?

    The UCI president doesn’t come out of the situation in a good light.

    Full Member

    Seems no one knew she was no longer in the race! How?

    Edit It took 150 minutes to find her!!

    This fabulous young woman crashed her bike at 90kmh during a World Championship race last weekend in Switzerland, organised by the #UCI. They didn't notice she wasn't in the race anymore (How?!? A time trial race where each rider leaves 60s apart and their times are tracked at multiple checkpoints

    Tricky Dicky ( 2024-10-03T09:40:11.726Z

    Full Member

    I have a torn ACL.

    I would hazard a guess that both will allow the consultant to plan a more effective repair plan than relying on just one view. This will probably mean that your valuable time out of circulation will be much reduced.

    Full Member

    OP are you searching for ideas?

    Full Member

    UPS, the depot is in Bury St Edmunds, home deliveries for me should be mid-morning to early afternoon. They are unable to get packages to us on the specified day, they are always a day late with notification that they will be late by email after business hours. This week a whole day was wasted waiting in for them, the dog was not impressed with his very delayed walk.

    Full Member

    When the best hope for leader is James Cleverley, the party should prepare for a long, long time in opposition!

    Full Member

    If the pictures you’ve posted tell the full story, then your ‘electrician’ is an idiot.

    I wouldn’t have prettied that up, he’s worryingly incompetent if OP had the full story from his partner.

    Full Member

    Thought I had managed to get tickets to see The Cure, turns out it was actually Placebo

    Research shows that they’ll work as well as Cure tickets in most instances.

    Full Member

    What are these JSO protesters putting at risk, what courage are they showing by vandalism of a work of art that has nothing to do with the subject of their protests?

    For the most part their liberty and place of abode/financial stability. Not a small risk for those approaching retirement and living in a major economic power. Next time you visit a Shell garage take a look at the posted High Court injunction on each and every pump, there’s also one for Gatwick/other major airports.

    Full Member

    I suspect that she only became a ‘rabidly transphobic’ straight after her resignation letter made the headlines today.

    You would be wrong about transphobic (rabidly I’m not certain of).

    Some reading by those with a dog in the fight

    Full Member

    The “lovely” Rosie is a dyed in the wool transphobe and should not have had the Labour party’s support for the election. Anyone who denies human rights should be cast into the political outer darkness.

    Full Member

    @rOcKeTdOg That’s one for HSE under the Health part of the employer’s duties. Ask for the risk assessment, senior managers like that sort of reminder!

    Full Member

    @BigChris your local person can be reminded in writing of their responsibilities to the local community. Then you go above their head and point out non-adherence to the corporate plan and how it is bringing the organisation into disrepute. That local manager is just a small wheel in a bigger arms-length civil service organisation and there are more senior people who will not appreciate being gainsaid by a minion due to their prejudice.

    Full Member

    Let’s see you in a suit.

    What type?

    Full Member

    On a FWD car? That’s Vauxhall for you.

    It’s there for the WRC development 4WD fire-breathing monster! *insert cynicla laughs here*

    Full Member

    The Guardian has turned into a parody paper, i’m absolutely sure Rachel Reeves was desperate for her entire life to get to this position of public office to be the bearer of bad news,

    Tell me you don’t normally read The Guardian without telling me you don’t normally read The Guardian. John Crace is responsible for biting satirical sketch articles, loosely based on the news.

    Well that’s a surprise, who could possibly have predicted that hammering the non-doms would be a terrible idea

    As usual an empty threat by the egregiousl rich as they won’t go it’s too comfortable and cultured here that’s why they chose to live here. Also economics like nature abhors a vacuum and something will fill the hole.

    Full Member

    RNLI and MRT are definitely in my nice-to-have class. A lot of people will have no interaction with either unless their hobby takes them into peril.

    Foodbanks, care homes and child welfare are areas where charity should have no remit.

    Full Member

    No need to mansplain.

    Are you new here? :-)

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