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  • is a scam website
  • samunkim
    Free Member

    Nominative determinism in action

    TLDR = This was designed to be ridden UP

    Free Member


    Wouldn’t a proper stress analysis, of load paths, lead to a printed frame looking much more like this

    This is not a frame, obviously, but I hope you get the point (geodesic esque)

    Isn’t anything else just replacing tubes with tubes ?

    Free Member

    Shin Pads
    Grippy Shoes
    Wicking T-Shirt

    Mobile Phone

    Free Member

    Yes I g.a.m.a.

    General elections are just a oxbridge PPE toff donkey race & “No matter who you vote for the government always gets in”

    With everyone still shocked by the death of Jo Cox, its perhaps a little unfair to forget Alice Gross.

    This a once in a life time opportunity to send a message

    Free Member

    Still got my Gary Fisher

    Free Member

    I think there will be a massive turnout. The GE is just anyone who can be bothered to chose the least repellent git..and if your anti a “safeseat”mp then what’s the point

    This is a real choice with real impact.. Im voting for the second time in 40 years.

    Free Member

    12.Skidding all the way up a ramp.

    Sh*t out by all means,but don’t make more work for me when you lose your bottle.
    It lets the rain in & the ramp starts to undercut which ruins the profile for everyone else 🙁

    Free Member

    Batley would be my (saddened) guess !!

    Free Member

    After a few years of Judo as a kid, I really cringe everytime I see an otb turn into a neck brace. Its a useful skill to develop (shoulder roll ) and one I taught my kids early

    Free Member

    Presumably different size disks for “brake balance”

    Free Member

    This Peter Smith bloke is a bit of procurement guru and he’s rightly angry, that the NHS has been so passive, given its virtual monopoly of demand..

    Purchasing Blog[/url]

    Free Member


    Trying to say that an e-bike will let you get loads more actual riding done

    Free Member

    Worth a read, I hope

    NHS Manager Blog

    Free Member

    In the poker world, a lot of new players came thru in tournaments, having been playing 5 or 6 games at a time for months “on-line”.

    Ebikes are going to be like that, they are going to give riders twice the amount of riding at places like Aston hill and will quickly be adopted by all the neighsayers as their skill levels are surpassed by the e-boys.

    Funnily enough its us old gits mucking about in the woods – who will be the last to change

    Free Member

    Injecting drugs, Opera, Morris dancing, Pegging & Fat Bikes

    Sometimes it’s better to go through life without knowing how awesome something “may” have been

    Free Member

    Beat This

    Scabby horrible ditch crossing in the local woods at the bottom of a gully. The walkers over the years have just jumped across or thrown logs into the stream as stepping stones.
    Anyway our separate MTB trail crosses about 10ft upsteam of the footpath and last year we built a really nice bridge using fallen logs and a gravel surface dug from the stream bed. (pics on application).

    During the course of the winter, the walkers have started using our bridge, since the gravel means its pretty weather proof. So far,so good, happy to share..

    But now some proper sh*t has started putting logs across the middle of the bridge in an attempt to cause crashes.

    Tempted to dig the whole thing up and let em go back to getting wet feet

    Free Member

    From private eye…

    Free Member

    As mentioned parts of the evans Ride-It map would make a very good starting route.
    There are an awful lot of bridleways round here that should suit your CX bike very well. Just keep off the road called Coopers Green Lane ( proper death trap)

    Using the quiet roads and tracks behind Hatfield House will get you straight into the Countryside. Take beer tokens 🙂

    Farmers Boy in Brickenden is a bit of a MTB’s hangout whilst Emily’s TeaRooms in Whitwell is always chockfull of roadies

    Free Member

    For the last couple of years or so Trusts having been asking NHS Prop what they will be charging, so that in hand the Trusts can go to their commissioner to ask for more funding, so that in hand the CCGs can go to DoH to ask for more funding.

    Who can go to the government, who can just take it from the tax payers… ??
    & not PropCo Ltd since they are £260million overspent already

    Free Member

    Think your missing the point.

    The rental increase was only announced in April 2016

    I agree, not much physically is going to change – but financially, this is like shooting yourself in the foot, to see if it hurts..

    Free Member


    re “Successive governments have tried and failed to encourage the NHS to release some of its redundant real estate for redevelopment.”
    You must have missed the 1980s when virtually all of the Psychiatric Hospitals were closed and sold off for housing

    re: This is why 13% of the available land was put under one single body to try and speed the process up and make it easier for developers to find land in the first place.
    Wow even better. So the NHS needs to be reformed for the benefit of property developers. Lets just hope the punishing market rental costs incurred on land in London that the NHS previously owned is going to teach it a real lesson and really kicks off another proper oligarch feeding frenzy

    P.S its only – “Since 2010, national planning policy no longer imposes maximum parking standards on development, and no longer recommends the use of car parking charges as a demand management measure to discourage car use”

    So you want Hospital Trusts to have started building multi-storey car-parks (which take decades to break ££s even) at a time when the NHS overspend is at an all time high ?. Especially when the car-park management and revenue collection has virtually all been outsourced. ?

    Free Member

    You really believe that “What matters is that they are using ‘space’ efficiently

    Cause I thought what mattered was “care of patients” . But heyho diverting £60million away from care to estate agents sounds sensible.

    It’s perfectly obvious that this is all about, removing the pre-tax loss of £480m made by NHS Property Services Ltd. (year to March 2015.) and making it more attractive, to a full private sector sell-off

    Free Member

    You really want your kids to grow up with that accent ?

    Free Member

    Cough ** Compound Helicopter ***

    Very fast, no silly gearboxes

    Free Member

    We have one in the NHS


    A white hot new idea floated by the current management consultants, that was already “socialized” by the previous ones 18months earlier

    Free Member

    XP-32 DLDR

    Did they finally get hold of a left hand propeller ?

    Free Member

    and this/these

    bought out of retirement for the Korean war

    Free Member

    Shame it takes a war to produce something as cool as this

    Free Member

    You want weird

    Free Member

    Spent two weeks detoxing from GTAV after getting to around level 250.

    Downloading World of Tanks wasn’t to clever, but better than going entirely cold-turkey

    Free Member

    Yep Sorry

    Skip the The first 30mins – its just Parkinson-esque waffle.

    But after that is gets better – promise 🙂

    Free Member

    You can thank Hugo Boss for the uniforms

    Free Member


    Re the tail, by the end of production Spitfires were a proper

    Triggers broom,

    but UK preferred incremental change of existing designs, which is why Whittle was ignored

    Free Member

    Lovely thing, effective, at pretty much everything

    I seem to remember Goring was even more hacked of about its precision bombing and Photo-recon roles. He even tried to copy it


    Free Member

    Ive done the Dubrovnik thing and there is no where in the airport to leave bike bags. Though I think the longstay car park guys would have taken a few bob to store them in their office/portcabin if we could have made ourselves understood. We ended up leaving them in the YHA Hostel where we start/ended out trip.

    Loved it, jealous of you…

    Free Member

    Can I ask you all to view this. Lord Carter has spent the last 18months doing a root and branch analysis of the whole of NHS efficiency

    Report here for real pedants

    Free Member

    First of all the management consultants & lobbyists are all American, so their high profit model is whats being sold to us. Secondly “thats how it works elsewhere” is always more expensive in relation to GDP

    So why not fund the NHS to those levels now.

    Oh I forgot ” Labour when they gave GPs substantially more money”. It should be of note that GPs are actually private contractors, so its a bit of straw-man to offer this ( failed contract negotiation ) to be extrapolated to the whole NHS.

    The Europe and TTIP thing only applies once competition is introduced into a market

    Free Member

    For all you north Londoners

    Free Member

    Tiny point
    re: “and more money isn’t going to fix it”

    You obviously mean “a little more money isn’t going to fix it”

    Since a load more would allow us to buy our way out of the PFI schemes and start training enough nurses instead of asset stripping the rest of the planet of badly needed health care staff.

    Would allow the NHS to set up its own I.T. development house instead of paying £11.5 billion to CSC for a piece of vaporware.

    Would allow GPs to spend more than 5mins with patients.

    Would allow us to bring cleaning, catering, portering, estates, pathology, CSSD, Xray diagnosis & I.T. Depts etc back in house with proper training, career progression, standards & pride.

    Would stop troubled teenagers being reverse auctioned off to private care providers often 100s of miles away from their families.

    Would allow community trusts to properly resource community hospitals, reopen closed wards and allow them to start admitting patients from the Acute hospitals and freeing up the A&E logjams.

    Would allow the NHS to recruit some proper substantive Chief Execs & D.o.Fs instead of having them in post shorter than a football manager & in thrall to american management consultants doing their “stint” in England as the next step on their respective corporate ladders.

    P.S Labour were worse & money makes everything better (as long as its not spent on vanity projects – looking at you Blair & Lumley)

    Rant over… Done me some good… As does reading your stuff, for the LOLZ

    Free Member

    Walking across the Hospital carpark. wearing Bright blue NHS polo shirt with a huge NHS logo and NHS name badge and horrible NHS blue porting trousers.

    This posh bint in a chelsea tractor winds down her window and looks me up and down
    “excuse me, do you work here”
    I hesitate thinking “nah just I dress in this sweaty itchy crap stretch nylon for laughs” but I actually reply politely ” Well yes I do”
    “Oh good” say she “do you know where the neurology department is ?”
    So I gives my best stupid look and takes off me cap and scratches me head.
    “Lady I don’t even know where the OLD rology deptartment is”

    Window up – roars off

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