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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • samunkim
    Free Member

    Still remember her best, from her stint, on Channel 4’s “Big Breakfast”


    Free Member

    Possibly a bit late but

    Free vaccination for US army recruits

    Free Member

    Its going round, very long recovery – 22days or so


    Free Member

    “I would say it might be worth grouping them.” +1

    6 at a time. Any real enthusiast would take a hit on buying 5 mundane ones just to get at the gem in the group

    Free Member

    If PI, was a nice round number, would we still need leap years ?

    Free Member

    This is a bit of a chore way of doing it but..I reckon you could set it up in about 20mins

    How about just build a new helper-sheet in file one

    =[File2.xlsx]Week1!$G$2 in G2
    =[File2.xlsx]Week1!$J$2 in H2

    Now you can see where this is going, create a Week_No. index in column A and Line_No. in column B Then make the cell references above into variables

    Free Member

    google “Debra Kelly A414” if you want to see why police don’t bother chasing convictions against cyclists

    Free Member

    Me for the win then.

    Large council(mostly ex-council now obvs.) estate north of london.
    Rarely hear anyone speak english.
    Never any trouble, though it seems every week, is firework celebration time for someone.

    Free Member

    Happens to me all the time, using alcohol rather than meditation.

    Woke up last week in a world where traffic cones are considered headwear and underpants are worn backwards.

    Free Member

    or you can just buy

    3m privacy screen

    Free Member

    Qlikview seems to be ubiquitous across the NHS and there is a free trial version

    Free Member

    sootkins ?

    NSFW google

    Free Member

    +1 Badgers

    They seem to leave it until the last second before they bolt in front of you.

    Nearly jump out of my skin everytime

    Free Member

    Dog Poo bags in trees. and I can’t work out what to do about it.

    I usually cycle in a nice woodland SSI and will pick up Mcdonalds wrappers and energy drink bottles but …….

    Free Member

    The pads are the sacrificial item

    Don’t change the discs unless there is a very noticeable step in the edge.

    Even then you can get them skimmed cheaply at any engineering shop.

    Free Member

    Good but this one still my favourite

    Free Member

    Apart from anything else why would the USA want to steal neighbour’s territory? They’re trying to keep Mexicans out not take it over. Canada? Would Canada welcome invasion the way Austria did?

    America were preparing to invade Canada just before WWII

    Free Member

    The little grub screw (covered in threadlock in the picture) will reduce throw for small hands, but also reduce pad travel , so remember to bring them in closer as well

    Free Member

    To be fair, his vocal opposition to gun ownership, pretty much lost him the $$$$ American gig. So some principles

    Free Member

    Get a Toyota Previa (not an ex Taxi Obvs.).

    Take all the rear seats out, fit a bulkhead and “mirror” tint the windows.

    Oil and Brake pads only for the rest it’s life (250k)

    Free Member

    Gaining Grip and Control of NHS Expenditure
    Page 44 onwards

    Ensure that there are tight procedures around payment approvals
    Ensure that no payments are made to non-essential purchasers
    Consider approaching commissioners to advance funding to temporarily improve cash flow (we have seen commissioners advancing payments over 10 rather 12 months to assist with immediate cash flow problems)
    Establish weekly cash committee with operational, financial and procurement representatives present
    Consider stretching creditors beyond current creditors days
    Review and assess existing debtors ledger and focus on “easy wins” to target for immediate collection
    Develop strategy for each debtor – assess risk, ability to net-off if provider to provider debtors / creditors where the trust is in a positive net-off position. Ensure that utilise assistance linked to recovery of income from overseas patients (Cost Recovery Support Team and Overseas Healthcare Team).
    Consider process change within the collections team to optimise cash management etc.
    Review and recover all private patient non-payments
    If possible, discuss further support with commissioners – bring forward date when income received (from 15th to 1st) (in addition to action 1.4)
    Immediately assess estates position, if there are any external landlords consider renegotiation of terms to pay in arrears rather than in advance
    Assess what assets can be sold
    Reduce the number of payment runs to ensure that there is a greater control over outflows
    Implement cash focussed KPIs and a reporting dashboard
    Ensure that invoices are issued as soon as possible rather in batches
    Establish pro-active debt collection – cold call all key debtors before due date to ensure that payments are received
    Develop payment plans for key and large creditors where possible to ensure smoother profile and cash conservation
    Create commercial board to oversee income opportunities (this should include estates value maximisation opportunities – please link this to a review of estates strategy – 3.21)
    Undertake a full coding review (establish working group aimed at improvement of the depth of coding – assuming that there is not a block contract)
    Ensure that any changes in coding are clearly communicated to and recorded with the commissioners to ensure that income is received.
    Review income contracts with commissioners to highlight any opportunities to maximise income and to reduce penalties.
    Review progress on CQUINs, RTT, activity etc. and assess the likelihood / size of penalties for non-delivery or underperformance
    Optimise car parking income (if possible)
    Ensure fully recovery of any income from 3rd parties (use of facilities, estates, joint appointments, consultants working outside trust, junior doctor training etc.)
    Run refresher meetings with consultants and junior doctors to ensure contracts are understood and to ensure that key staff understand what levers to pull to ensure increased revenue
    Consider estate rationalisation where possible (rent/sell where possible)
    Review any tenant and licence agreements to see if there is any possibility to further maximise income from estates
    Cost and expenditure
    Finance related controls
    Review the approach used by the trust to improving quality and reducing costs across the organisation. Consider alternatives such as lean etc.
    Complete a full budget review – identify budget reduction opportunities and target overspend areas, create plans to bring them back in line with the initial budget
    Identify the full value of the creditor ledger including unapproved invoices
    Review PO system; strengthen or improve if required. Going forward any non-PO purchases should be reported by exception
    Reset budget holders if required
    Bring all existing orders on the system by creating POs (mainly agency staff, long term call off contracts etc.)
    Reset SFIs and delegation authorities if required
    Impose stringent controls over expenditure – overspends may need to be linked to disciplinary action
    Establish controls over central and corporate expenditure
    Review all telephony and large IT contracts – renegotiate where possible
    Undertake a user review for IT and telephony – cancel all unused mobiles, telephone lines, dongles etc.
    Review, reduce and control all “discretionary” spend such as travel expenses, subscriptions, training, clothing, hospitality, bed hire, office equipment etc.
    Identify priory suppliers and confirm that cash is available for priority suppliers
    Review all VSM pay costs – consider action (where applicable) on retire & return staff and ensure that the trust complies with guidance on “off payroll” workers and daily rates
    No invoices to be paid unless matched with PO
    Review scope for savings from making use, or increased use, of NHS SBS (where applicable)
    Review scope for savings from making use, or increased use, of NHS Professionals (where applicable)
    Review if can utilise NHS BSA to determine potential saving opportunities on 3rd party non-pay spend via NHS Supply Chain (where applicable).
    Where applicable, test saving opportunities via use of NHS Core list.
    Ensure that Medical Capital Equipment Asset register, medical equipment maintenance schedule and capital medical equipment procurement plans are in place.
    Review saving opportunities via use of Crown Commercial Services where applicable.
    VAT position has been reviewed and all recovery opportunities maximised
    Procurement related controls
    Review procurement, understand what contracts are due to expire/when to assess ability to renegotiate contracts or put contracts for tender
    (Re)set targets for procurement for contract renegotiations
    Procurement – remove rolling, value based purchase orders
    Contracting related controls
    Understand supplier discounts and penalties for early / late payments – set out plans to recover / avoid
    Ensure that all key contracts (including agency staff) are procured via appropriate frameworks. Any off framework arrangements should not be permitted, except in exceptional circumstances.
    Review or create list of all key contracts and external suppliers – including start dates, breaks etc.
    Look into cost reduction via consolidation of supplier base and invoices
    Ensure that the rules around professional fees over £50k are adhered to
    Estates related controls
    Specifically review and benchmark overall running costs for facilities and estates. Put in place cost reduction plans if above average (see utility and other contract review points)
    Undertake a review of estates strategy and confirm if action points, cost reductions etc. have been undertaken. If not implement “low hanging fruit” decisions immediately
    Ensure that estates have been rationalised – vacate all unused buildings, switch to rent on daily basis, room rather than floor rent etc. where possible
    Ensure that all lights and heat is turned off in unused buildings (ensure that comply with insurance requirements)
    Review all utility contracts to ensure that represents best value
    Waste disposal is managed and monitored
    Other controls
    Undertake clinical and non-clinical cost benchmarking
    Undertake drug formulary review and medicines management review
    Ensure that all overtime and enhanced payments are subject to prior approval and are monitored and minimised where possible
    PMO and CIPs
    Review the existing PMO structure: is it fit for purpose and is there board support and staff buy-in?
    If the answer to 4.1 is no, start working on improvement and strengthening of the PMO office
    Review existing CIPs for quality, deliverability and progress
    Reset CIP targets for each division / directorate – ensure that these new targets have been prepared by each directorate to ensure buy-in
    Review CIP quality approach – maturity level grading (idea, documentation, financial verification, quality approval, DoF CIP executive lead sign off to go live as a scheme)
    Undertake series of workshops with the workforce (ensure good crosssection of staff such as clinitian, estates, finance, procurement etc) to generate ideas and buy-in
    Ensure that staff receives training to use tools and templates
    Establish CIP budget holders in each division / specialty to ensure that each area is accountable
    Forecasts. reporting and turnaround plans
    Prepare financial baseline
    Assess underlying run rate vs outturn positions
    Increase finance team bandwidth / review capabilities / align to divisions etc.
    Reduce the number of budget holders and reset objectives
    Develop turnaround plan (recovery plan)
    Develop clinical service sustainability review and strategic plan
    Develop structure of daily, weekly and monthly operational performance review
    Develop automated key performance reports and KPI dashboards
    Business cases / Capital expenditure
    Review live business cases and assess what can be deferred or stopped
    Review planned capital expenditure what can be deferred or stopped
    Ensure that all business cases and capex is procured via appropriate framework
    Create turnaround board or steering committee
    Ensure that the committee meets on a regular basis and feeds back to the board and to overall staff communications
    Review effectiveness of current management structures – are they effective
    Consider utilisation of non-executive directors for certain roles (if the skill set fits) to increase Trust’s capacity
    Create a plan to gain and maintain “grip” – including controls and processes. Ensure that the plan has key milestones and assigned responsibilities.
    Management and executive board
    Review necessity for various management meetings and committees etc. to free up management time
    Ensure that there is a greater challenge during board and other key meetings
    Establish list of ongoing and planned projects and determine what can be cancelled or delayed to free up people’s time
    Establish list of budget holders and determine level of buy-in so far (link with the SFIs reset)
    Turnaround board to approve all new projects across the trust (reduce distractions, focus on critical path)
    Culture and communications with internal and external stakeholders
    Review existing workforce communications plan and improve and change to reflect the key changes in culture and approach
    Establish regular contact and communications with the staff to ensure staff understanding and engagement (maybe establish employee forum)
    Establish regular workshops to gather cost saving ideas and drop in session to communicate changes
    Ensure that the management and the board embraced the “culture of cuts” and of continuous improvements throughout the trust.
    Establish regular contact with the trustees and ensure that they understand the key developments and changes
    Establish regular contact with external stakeholders such as commissioners, other acute trusts, NHSE, Monitor etc.
    Performance management
    Reset executive team objectives – ensure that these are geared towards grip and stabilisation
    Reset staff objectives and establish process to appraise within three months of year end. Ensure trust objectives are cascaded appropriately into personal objectives
    Where possible, identify non-performing individuals across the trust and ensure that they enrol on performance improvement programmes to improve skills (co-ordinate with HR)
    Create internal special measures / recovery plans for loss making specialties/directorates
    Ensure that service line management is fully implemented throughout the organisation – this will require clear management structures and strong performance management buy-in.
    Workforce planning
    Establish vacancy control board
    Assess recruitment process and establish processes to maintain quality but accelerate on boarding
    Implement weekly head count tracker (temporary and substantive)
    Assess number of interims, termination dates and daily rates
    Consider apprentices to be hired for administration, band 1 and band 2 posts under the Agenda for Change
    New recruitment to be considered on short hours e.g. 30 not 37.5
    Ward staffing levels v guidance (including uplift)
    Impose greater controls over bank and agency – self imposed cap on agency spend
    Impose greater controls over locum spend
    Review unfunded posts – check if some funds could be recovered
    Consider a direct engagement model for medical and medical support staff hired through locum and agency
    Consider rostering options and opportunities
    Review costs associated with RTT – do the penalty savings outweight the additional spend (if applicable)
    Review on-call run rate
    Review contract rates ensure that all aligned by band / post etc.
    Review any regular overspends on locum and agency staff – impose caps where possible
    Review and compare job plans for consultants, specialist nurses – improve if and where possible
    Ensure that e-rostering is in use for nurses and benefits realised
    Ensure that clear systems are in use for junior doctors, consultants etc.
    Monitor absence and sickness on individual, service line and trust level
    Ensure that rigorous illness policy and procedure is in place to minimise absence at work.
    Ensure that sickness is regularly reviewed at the board level.
    Establish current inventory levels and stock ordering system
    Review stock and reset stock targets by category / area (if required)
    Consider collection of excess drugs from wards and return to the pharmacy (if possible and applicable)
    If possible, establish automated stock cabinets to improve stock control
    Ensure that drug costs are benchmarked against peers
    Off contract spend controls and reports are in place and monitored
    Wastage and overspend are monitored and reported
    Where possible, procurement function is fully integrated into the process and incentivised to reduce costs
    Operational grip (including estates)
    Ensure that uncoded spells have been minimised or eliminated – ensure that clinicians are included in the process and proper and regular training is in place.
    Review and if required enhance capacity planning for each key areas such as outpatients, wards, day cases, A&E, community areas etc.
    Ensure that capacity planning is fully implemented across the trust, down to sub-specialty level
    Ensure that utilisation data is collected and compared to plan and peers – the data to be made available throughout the trust (board, clinicians, service lines etc.). Ensure that the data creates basis for utilisation improvement initiatives.
    Ensure that key management information is shared with the clinicians to ensure that they understand performance and targets.
    Review outpatient procedure to ensure that as efficient as possible and any downtime is minimised
    Review theatre utilisation against peers and targets, share within the trust (where appropriate) and build into personal performance targets
    Monitor bed utilisation, compare to peers and targets
    Length of stay performance is actively reviewed and managed
    Ensure that clear discharge policies are in place, with clearly defined responsible individuals to ensure that patients are discharged at the earliest opportunity where appropriate
    Ensure that staff levels are matched to patient demand patterns to avoid waits and avoidable admissions

    Free Member

    “Jeremy Hunt’s throat”

    That got a laff round the office

    Free Member

    Why can’t they get in on the joke and be a bit more “soapy” like Jordan or the Kardasians.

    Killing Diana was worth an Eastenders Duff..Duff..Duff,Duff..Duff, DuffDuffDuff
    but since then nothing

    Free Member

    @ wobbliscott

    Polynesian Islander before being discovered by the West obvs !!

    Native American before being discovered by the West obvs !!

    Free Member

    No Roth3childs ?

    Free Member

    Clean it off, but no need to be fastidious

    Free Member

    Catfish and the Bottlemen – Ride

    Free Member

    a MTB component, after being plucked from a CNC machine in China and packed by sleep deprived weeping children and shipped out for $15.00 should cost $700.00 retail !!

    Free Member

    Why are you guys even bothering to debate this ?

    Public sector provision of anything is anathema to the Tories.

    The NHS will remain a shell logo but everything thing else is now out to tender

    and the NHS cannot afford to recruit & retain “bid response teams” so will NOT win any work in competitive tenders against Serco, Virgin, Capita etc.

    Its all a done deal…Chill

    Free Member

    @ notmyrealname Daily Mail reader ?

    Free Member

    Often find barn doors give a bit of privacy, to get changed or even have a piss in a bucket.

    Free Member

    Ripples in a stream, but I lost all respect for armed police in 1983

    Seems legit

    Free Member

    The Dating Equation: ½(your age) + 7

    Pretty close

    Free Member

    don’t they need constant pumping out ?

    Free Member

    Really feeling sorry for you

    Had a MOTOX bike and gear nicked 10 years and I was angry/depressed for months & still having dreams about finding it for years afterwards.

    Free Member

    There was another serious mistake made by the 777 crew – post landing…

    Not judging, just saying, thats probably why they never got the hero worship

    Free Member

    Do they include this in the sound track

    Also this poor guy so nearly pulled-off another Hudson water landing earlier this year..

    Free Member

    You know how MotoX and MTB are different things. Well I just just look at this as another choice. Maybe in a few yers we will see tracks(re-)opening all round the “home counties” for noise-free e-MotoX with no gravity needed.

    Could be really great

    Free Member

    I started wearing them when I realised if I teamed them with my desert boots I would NEVER BE AS cool as this gentleman.

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