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  • samunkim
    Free Member

    What Dezb said.

    Sounds like its not great loss as a trail and a great gain as a way of getting to somewhere better faster off-road…

    Free Member

    Teva Links

    Got bogged down the other weekend . Knee dept in riverbed clay (Once I had managed to extricate myself) used some handfuls of gravel and water to scrub worst of the foul stinking goo off the Teva’s.

    Got home, warm bucket of soapy water and brush to clean of the rest of the mud, then a low temp trip thru the washing machine.

    Pretty much good as new….. Very Impressed.

    Sole not quite as grippy ( as has been mentioned above) as I would like thou 🙁

    Free Member


    Pivot using club as 1st left column and then sort by time column if anything preceding has disturbed the order then use the Right click Filter / Right click Top 10 and adjust it down to your criteria (5)

    Free Member

    Borrowed the wifes MPV to drive to one my fav trails last spring.
    She was not happy with it’s smell next morning on school run (after having my bike left in it all night with crushed garlic all over the tyres).

    Free Member
    Free Member

    +1 Road Kill

    Some the camera work is ace

    “PrintSrn” from their HD shows make really nice screen savers

    Free Member

    @ timmys

    My bad. Its my local, from Hertford, so didn’t look properly

    Free Member

    Aston Hill ( probably your best bet ) & Chicksands are within the NE area of your map.

    Evans RideIT Hatfield also use some long (for Herts) descents.

    Broxbourne Woods are (I believe) council owned and may play ball with any scheme which could also perhaps include the lee valley sports village virtually next door.

    Do the Woodland Trust ever allow this kind of event on their land ??

    Free Member

    Just knew you lot would come through 🙂

    “Santa Cruise” fits perfectly since the trail is kinda of a 1/3 mile of chilled flowy trail down a shallow gully using the banks as berms


    Free Member

    Leave aside the politics..

    Look at the cost, lets say £8,000 for every rider who has to be dragged out of there and cared for until they can get back to work.

    Creating a few rumble strips before the corner is looking like good value to me!!

    Free Member

    Whilst we are on this and whilst I seem to be off-message anyway..
    Let me just post this as an “I told you so” to the future.

    I very much doubt, that in most cases, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition.
    I think it far more likely that it’s a symptom of an industry-produced diet including a witch’s brew of Aluminium, Mercury, Dioxins, Aspartame, Alloxan (and other free radicals generators) which will one day prove to be to blame

    Not going to debate this with any “Governments never lie to us” types (specially after this winters pointless Flu vaccine drive, millions ££s spent on TamiFlu placebos & Donkey Meat Burgers etc..) – Just putting it out there as something to think about to explain the explosion in numbers suffering from this condition.

    I’ll get my coat

    Edit – This is in no way aimed at OP or any other Type-1 diabetic(myself & family included), as if I am right, avoidance of these substances (as an individual) is virtually impossible.

    Free Member

    Funkadelic – Maggot Brain

    For the win !!!

    Free Member

    You need to be realistic in your ambition for this project

    Free Member

    So you are a fanatical type with absolute belief in your omnipotent all powerful god, who has quite noticeably not been to bothered about the statues for the last 2000 years otherwise he/she would have done something “biblical” about them.

    Why do ISIS think they have their gods authority to do this now ??

    Free Member

    MCWCB day for everyone then ?

    Free Member

    To anyone else with this specific problem.
    Use a G-clamp to close the grip enough to take the pressure off the bolt. Then undo

    Free Member

    @ badnewz

    Broxbourne ??

    Free Member

    @ Nobeerinthefridge
    How does anything else ??

    Free Member

    You guys do realise that 9/11 was a conspiracy don’t you?
    – only it’s extent is up for debate

    So it’s a bit bogus to conflate that with Religion

    Free Member

    Tac-Weld just to be sure

    Free Member

    Pilot drill em & Lock wire

    Free Member


    There should always be enough lub flying around in that area, to make seize worries unwarranted

    Free Member

    I have had to do this a few times (using some washers from old brake blocks).
    Never to had do more than a couple of mm though as it’s usually to stop the calliper just scraping the top of a disc.
    Old pads on new discs usually give poor braking until they “wear-adapt “into the new surface

    Free Member

    I am right along-side JHJ with most this stuff. But “really” the Queen !!!

    I reckon the Illuminai, Freemasons, Rothch—s Bin-Ladens and Bush clan are running the world quite happily without her say so.

    Free Member

    Babies are NOT interactive so don’t expect too get much out of it start with.
    But when they run to greet you home from work, later in life though, best feeling in the world.

    Nappy contents can be ANY colour.

    Invent your own bed time stories based around the same characters every night , they will still remember this all their lives.

    Walking (with a crying baby in your arms) in circles, under a dimmed ceiling light, tires their eyes out and the rest usually follows.

    You will get peed on, accept that truth now

    Don’t lock them away in a room on their own, (look a how apes do it- always carrying their young everywhere) Babies are sociable and like voices and contact.

    Work hard to make “Daddy” their first word – Minor victory

    Accept knitted gifts/stuff gracefully, though we never did find a use for any of it.

    Build shelves everywhere and get everything out of reach. “Did she just swallow that” maybe one of the worst sentences I have ever heard.

    Don’t ever let junk food become a treat – My biggest failing

    Free Member

    Re: Fiat Uno vs a Mercedes

    I have done a fair bit of banger racing in my time and its a dead simple to spin any car with a well placed tap.
    The American police call it the “PIT maneuver” I believe.
    A limo with its engine far to the front is probably even easier.

    But I doubt that is how it was done. I think the Uno just accidently rear-ended the limo during the crash itself after being to close trying to a “papp” photo’s

    I would expect the idea of King William having a “corner shop owner” as a half brother was more than enough reason for some !!!

    Free Member

    Return though !!

    Where do you store the box whilst at the destination
    or source another ?

    Free Member

    So an e-bike that you need to take the wheels off to get it in back of a Ford Transit van. WTF

    Why do car engineers think they know anyting about bikes.
    Its kinda of patronising.

    Free Member


    Good luck with reversing the breakup of the nuclear family

    Free Member

    I know I am gonna get chewed up for this.
    But to me it looks like he has done the typical ex-roadie trick of having his saddle too high. As an ex MXr I find it a lot more controllable if I am sitting “into” the bike with the saddle about a couple of inches below the bar grips.

    Yeah dropper post, yeah climbing etc etc …..I’ll get me coat

    Free Member

    Keeps a lot of crap off your forks and mech as well

    Free Member

    Yeah. Hertfordshire is proper boring pile of overpriced shite

    Free Member

    Think big … Get a Toyota previa. You can stand 4 mtbs upright in to back.

    Even had a Motox bike – with the front wheel off.

    Had one 8 years and only changed the oil and brake pads

    Free Member

    Which is weird, cause I think in the U.K. equality really started bottom up (Factories, Wars, Nursing, Teaching etc etc.).

    Free Member

    Okay Clever clogsies
    Why isn’t the derailleur jockey wheel counter threaded.
    Guarantee in any MTB event I will always see some poor sod crawling round looking for the shaft and bushes.

    I even carry a spare these days in my puncture kit

    Free Member

    The biggest problem right now in the NHS is marketisation.

    Not sure you guys realise just how much of your NI is going to end up in the pockets of Serco, Virgin, Capita, KPMG etc.

    P.S. If we resumed training enough Nurses here in the UK ( instead of asset stripping badly needed nurses from the 3rd world ) that would help as well
    As would a VAT reduction on Medical Supplies, which are hardly, a luxury item

    Free Member

    Given that a large percentage of the world is using chinese at the moment, wouldnt you expect a film set in the future to reflect this.

    Look at English

    Free Member

    “Goin’ on a year now I ain’t had nothin’ twixt my nethers weren’t running on batteries


    Free Member

    Well you learn something new everyday..

    Always wondered why it was counter to what the friction drag would dictate.


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