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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • samunkim
    Free Member

    My Raleigh Racer & Puch Maxi Hybrid.(forks & wheels) worked quite well

    Jumped over 13 mates using a Scaffold board leant on a dumped washing machine.

    But then we got hold of Honda C90’s ( & fitted em with old MotoX tyres) and I didnt get on a pedalcycle again for 25years

    Free Member

    Herts CC Map

    Shame… seems there are very few actual “rights of Way” through there

    The Gascoyne-Cecil’s have previous for this sort of thing. They are having the hedge-rows ripped out all over his Hatfield estate and I seem to remember them getting fined a few years ago for illegal tree felling

    Free Member

    This at the 42 mile mark was like falling of a cliff


    Free Member

    Get a life – get Treavor’s life
    Get GTAV

    Free Member


    When building sneaky woodland trails I am often amazed, how people can walk by oblivious within a few ft of where I am stood, in my ex-army gore-tex jeans..

    Even had a Deer and Fawn walk past last autumn and family of badgers last spring

    So its kinda worth it and defo makes me wear a high-vis jacket over the top when cycling on the roads home

    Free Member

    Did this a few years ago with some mates (stayed in the YHA at MK).
    long parts of it were very rough. I would recommend front-sus (and low tyre pressures) as a minimum and have any luggage bike mounted. My mate was nearly in tears with his rucksack crashing around

    Free Member

    Try not to be a **** x2

    Do not build sh*t ramps on someones else’s trail.
    You want a jump line, make your own from scratch, or contribute on the original build.

    Free Member

    It’s taken nearly a 1000 years to get a sliver of access rights back onto the the land taken by our Norman overlords and now you want us to pay ?

    Perhaps some kind to implanted (paid for) satellite tracking tag to stop us pesky destructive MTB’rs sneaking in on bridle-paths

    JHJ is going to love this

    Joking apart, joining the Woodland Trust, lets me a think I am doing my bit

    Free Member

    Maybe worth mentioning that Burnham waved through a shit load of PWC inspired business-ification and privation of the NHS when last in power ( Google Ken Anderson if interested). So bit of a scumbag in my eyes

    Free Member

    Fact is the Tories have been in power long enough over the last 66 years to have dismantled the NHS if they thought it would not be political suicide to do so

    In the past 66 years they have been buzy & privatised everything else – (except the Forests and they has a dammed go try at that). They have now got the process down to a fine art. Expect pay to be frozen for another 5 years and 7 day a week working introduced without any shift bonuses to force the unions into a confrontation so that we can all blame the lazy shiftless staff and cheer the privatization.

    In order to survive the NHS has to be affordable and sustainable

    You do realize it’s already both & all other options are more expensive.

    Free Member

    Surely if you need help editing web-sites, generating false twitter followers and bogus endorsements …
    Grant Shapps(Cons) is your go-to guy for that !!

    Free Member

    If everyone who CBA’ed to vote, got out and voted for a minority party (Greens, UKIP, SWP whoever). It would throw a proper scare into the present government of P.P.E University debating club chums and we may start getting some non-lizard MP’s being put forward for next time.
    MPs we could respect what a novelty (Business people, Doctors, Squaddies even Teachers )

    Free Member

    How much water do you drink. Now double it

    Free Member

    With the recent introduction of

    Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) & Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (Ash Die Back) etc etc

    We are going to have to get used to the idea that, landowners are going to have to clear-fell all trees overhanging (or close to) roads, railways and public rights of way, or face crippling insurance premiums.

    The Railways have stated this work already and local councils are now catching up.

    On the bright side, this should only last for the next hundred years or so, whilst resistant species can be identified ( or bio-engineered ) and matured

    Free Member

    Surprised to see JHJ commenting that “Before that, the ruling classes”.

    They weren’t ( & aren’t ) a class. They are our Norman overlords and they have hung onto power since 1066

    Cameron scores a zero on the Consanguinity Index though Ha-Haa

    Free Member

    That’s nice then

    Nothing to see here, lets move on…

    Seb Coe anyone ?

    Free Member

    Has she ever won an event with a mandatory drug test for the winner ?

    Free Member

    I think there was a point in time (1940s < 1980s) when being from the U.K. was the best thing in the world.

    Mosquitos, Blue Streak, SR-1, V Bombers, Mods, Rockers, Punks, Jags, Tears for Fears, Ford Cosworth, John Noakes, Glasses repaired with Elastoplast, Paternalistic PMs, Sheene, Thorpe, Graham Hill,Butlins, Workings Mens Clubs, Transport Cafes,Sammy Miller, Bader, Pater Moore, Peter Firmin, Binge drinking, Social Mobility, NHS, Minis, Meccano, James Bond, Excelling at obscure Olympic events ( Ice Dancing FFS)….

    Politicians, Americanization (SIC) , Raleigh Choppers and SAW’s Hit factory destroyed all that and now I am as embarrassed to be English, as I would be if I had pissed myself, at an embassy party.

    Free Member

    Fiat 500 🙁 Its the X though

    Free Member

    Long term E-bikes will go their own way, with different power classes

    In the SE of England Moto-X is virtually dead due to the 4-stroke thump and noise adverse nimbys. So being able to hack round a field again (in almost silence) is going to be great.

    Most are not going to be turning up at trail centers since they won’t need the gravity for speed. but there a huge cross over in skillz..

    Still blows my mind that a Moto-X bike is cheaper new than a Full-Sus MTB !!!

    Free Member

    Funny how people have spent the last fifty years trying to not make it (who he aims his todger at) a big deal, yet it still gets dredged up.

    Rossi is a hero .. end of

    Free Member


    Free Member

    ACT 4

    Dont pull on the handlebars

    Free Member

    In from a a Algarve night club at 6am

    scrambled some eggs in a saucepan , poured baked-beans and chopped sausage into the mix

    Went down to the pool and ate the lot from the saucepan using a couple of bread rolls as a spoon just as z’germans were claiming the sun beds for the day.

    Then crashed out for the morning, woke up hours later ( in a little cleared circle )to the sound of tutting .. Classic

    Free Member

    @ Maxtorque

    I had my doubts too, but it Looks like they are very very armoured. see above

    Free Member

    I think you maybe over thinking this a bit based on your own comfort zone in programming.

    Why not just copy all the fields from the historic Excel form into a new excel table. Invent some column header names.

    Populate this table with either new repairs-items as they come in, or type in some old forms.

    Once you have a big enough data sample to be confident of your required field sizes and formats.. Just export to Access-DataSheet at that point and then recreate your excel form. I would create another DataSheet with a record specific to each piece of equipment as well (Purchase date / Purchase Price / Warranty / Training / Power requirement / Maintenance contract contacts etc / Prime user / Room number etc..)

    and link the two table using the s/n of the kit

    Make it live and rip up the paper

    Then only use Excel once a month for trend reporting (from the access table) until you get confidence in that aspect of Acceess

    Free Member
    Free Member

    @ Alanl

    Lenny Henry being funny ( post TISWAS ) I gotta see that, to believe it !!

    Free Member

    My Cousin Vinny

    English director gently taking the piss out of deep south America

    Free Member

    Tap it with t’hammer first
    Stick the torx bit in a cordless drill, put the wheel horizontal and lean some proper pressure into it whilst letting the motor take care of the twisting. Works for me every time

    Free Member

    re Benevolent dictators

    a properly trained economist maybe a good start, instead of the present PPE shower of muppets

    António de Oliveira Salazar
    who reversed century-old tradition of deficits and made budgetary surpluses the hallmark of his regime. The surpluses were invested in a series of development plans.

    Free Member

    Government by Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

    1 PrimeMinister , 12 Cabinet, 144 FrontBenchMPs, 1728 MPs (scrap house of lords)
    20,736 Councillors, 248,832 Sub-Councillors, 35,831,808 voters and household proxy holders.

    Anyone can drop in at any level as long as they are supported by a commensurate pyramid of voters.

    Whole lot on a database, Elections once a month, (no vote is taken as same as last vote) instant democracy.

    Free Member

    I was waiting on Hydraulic Shifting, seemed a perfect idea.
    Established tech (Same fluid,tubes n tools)

    Dont wan’t batteries on me MTB

    Free Member

    Looks like he is in Germany though, so probably lost on the receipiant

    Free Member


    Listened to “Ugly Boy” & Hmmm okay

    but “Fatty Boom Boom” really made me WTF and take notice

    So thanks for that

    Free Member

    Just to the east of Osmington there is a WWII fort. Inland from there is a terraced wood which is quite good fun (2008 info though) . Worth a quick diversion if you are doing the cost path in that direction…

    Looks like a good chance to set a KOM going up

    Free Member

    It’s kinda weird that MTB riders who I would have thought are “in-it” for the freedom to fly along trails anywhere in the great wideopen, can also be happy spending hours crawling along dark tiny crawls where you often cannot even breathe using your ribcage (my most vivid memory – Urrgh).

    Its like putting Football & MotoGP supporters in the same room, the universe shouldn’t allow it !!!

    Free Member

    Get a Prince Albert !!

    Free Member


    exactly that–deals-go-to-firms-that-use-tax-havens

    The NHS’s biggest problem in this area,
    is that it was forced to give away its logistics arm to DHL under last Labour government and is now unable to engage with its downstream supply chain any meaningful (lean) manner.
    Factory gate prices have tumbled as the multinationals (Covidien & Johnson&Johnson) have moved manufacturing to China yet prices paid by NHS have remained static…..Hence Milliband’s concerns and ham-fisted thrashing around for a sound bite

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