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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • samunkim
    Free Member

    Let everyone know, lets get it so bright on the Heatmap that you can see it from spaaace


    Free Member

    50+ years old , and spent last Sunday-a.m. digging ramps ( & most winter week-ends) and p.m. riding.

    Shoulders hurt like hell now, but summer should mean more riding as ground hardens up, so not giving up any time soon

    Free Member

    Thread Hijack

    Seeking similar but tacky as possible for urban carparks n cobbles race

    Free Member

    Its kinda my field

    You don’t want to abandon the familiar whole phrase “Ball Valve” as google is more specific when a search phrase is enclosed in quotes

    Valve – Ball Valve
    then the products attributes with the most important first. lastly part number and supplier.. a EAN code is always nice as well
    size in mm is useful without a space ( 185mm )

    The NHS have a 340,000 catalogue as do this fairly well

    Catalogue Here

    but ebay do it better with full bolean search engine

    Ebay advanced search

    So for example
    wheel, disc -(disc cover) -front -(disc wheel stickers) -(valve covers) -bmx -24″

    Will find Rear Wheels which are disc specific and not 24″


    Free Member

    Sorry, feel horrible for you

    Was a almost daily occurrence in 80’s Hertfordshire, when they closed all the big Victorian psychiatric hospitals.


    Still wary of of anything hanging from trees to this day !!

    Free Member

    Retched designers, always chasing some silly USP.
    Looks like a Sinclair C5 stuck in a hamster wheel

    Let’s see it work in the rain or over a pothole

    Free Member

    Got a couple myself. A skeg (keel) makes them track much much better and at around £10.00 are a worthy addition

    Free Member

    Free entry to MTB races. I guess since they aint gonna be claiming any trophies

    Free Member

    Not quite article related, but Strava is causing many of my “naughty” trails (built over years) to get discovered by “anyone with a PC” and many of the nice flowey corners shortcutted for faster times.

    Prowling Amazon for cheap solar powered GPS signal blockers !!

    Free Member

    That musty smell from cutting rotten logs
    scaleletrix motors overheating
    damp tents

    P.S. GT85 tries to hard to smell nice.

    Free Member

    Pretty gutted. spent last three weekends clearing and repairing the winters damage and most of our trails are still un-rideable

    Free Member

    Must confess to having one on my tourer.

    It’s tightened up quite tight and only “bounces” when I hit pot holes etc..

    Free Member

    Rear Shock !!

    Even the most inexperienced spanner wielder can drop one of the bolts out and slide some kind of cover over it, to keep the muck out..

    Free Member

    Feel your pain.

    In the end, wheeled it into local LBS and just bought the size, which fitted best.

    Free Member

    Spending all last sunday building a bigger & bigger table top jump. Still ache across the shoulders now

    Free Member

    a four axis inclinometer would be ace as well. Bloke at college (Boksenburg you still around !!) built one for motorcycles which was great fun.

    Free Member

    You do realise that kind of petty theft is “dominance issues”. He may as well be shitting in your slippers !!

    Free Member

    Please don’t go curved. It’s a stopgap gimmick whilst they are getting 4kHD market ready.

    Free Member

    Worth a listen perhaps

    Free Member

    This one still shocks me..

    From Prison

    Free Member

    We always laugh how “helpful” the staff are, when you pull in, with something decent to dump

    At the sites most reluctant to allow anyone to take anything, you will usually find a couple of flatbed or white luton transits pulling in empty just before gates close on a sunday.

    & going away full.

    Not a criticism btw, crap job – crap pay, a bit of beer money probably helps

    Free Member


    Exactly that, I was catching my heels on the pannier bags when they were on the back.

    Free Member

    Old 1986 Rockhopper

    This is actually a back-rack bolted into the front mudguard holes. It worked for two weeks in West Sardinia

    Free Member

    Buy a PS4 and GTAV, Minecraft, Witcher.

    Play GTAv as a crime sim and concentrate on Heists & Team events, freemode Minecraft & learn to use circuits & Witcher for the story.

    Should kill a few hours

    Free Member

    Should have used Doug Richard’s lawyer, or perhaps even a footballer cant afford that level of “privilege”

    Free Member

    Does that include Type 1 Diabetes, cause that’s about the amount of money I am wasting on a F**king pension, I am probably never get to claim

    So I am in

    Free Member

    Hot bath and the use the loop of a paper clip to scoop that Sh*t right out.

    Re privatisation though.

    All contracts now have to be offered by Tender to the private sector, so the battle (skirmish,debate) is pretty much lost & the NHS will be privatised piece by piece as the present contracts come up for renewal.

    All ready gone
    Cleaning, Training, I.T., Finance, Procurement, Radiology, Renal Units, Security, Car Parking, Catering, Sexual Health, Pathology, Physiotherapy, Estates & Maintenance.
    Next for the chop is the Agency which controls Agency Staffing “NHS Professionals


    Ooohh and most CSSD’s are now sending theater instruments off-site to be cleaned as well

    Free Member

    No and don’t get an Aygo either – Eastern Europe built leaky tin shit can

    Free Member

    Don’t overlook the Previa.
    Fit 3 mtbs with wheels on or two across in the boot if you want main space for sleeping.
    You have the speed and comfort over van.
    All the glass makes it a bit cold at night though.

    Even get a MX bike in the bike with the handlebars rotated flat

    Free Member

    Sorry but Fukushima is relevant, since its an example of engineers & accountants not designing out risk.

    They knew there was a damn good chance of an Tatsumi yet choose not to fully protect the reactors with a full height sea wall.

    How many similar risks have UK reactors chosen to ignore to save a few bob.

    Chaos will find a way people … Did no-one see Jurassic park

    Free Member

    re: insouciance.

    Was trying to catch their lack of wanting to do any kind of analysis, of why we are working, in the way we do.

    Them “Your doing it wrong”…

    Me ” Errm okay why”

    Them “because we say you are”

    Me “okay, how are we doing it wrong”

    Them “You are doing wrong it – in the way your doing it at moment”

    Me. ” You have no idea at all what we do, or how we do it – have you”

    Them “Nope and we CBA’rsd to find out, since we know, what ever it is, the private sector can do it better – so it’s really not worth finding out is it”

    Me. “Fair point”

    Free Member

    Would we still be able to evacuate England, if a reactor gets stroppy, post Brexit ?

    and why not re-use the old gasometer sites for huge Prussian Blue liquid batteries

    Free Member

    “Judging by what a balls up it was” Huh ??

    Proper job, physical theft of this scale is virtually impossible these days and they nearly got away with it.

    All the young criminals are in financial fraud, drugs, on-line gambling, prostitution, smuggling or protection rackets.

    Free Member

    Member of parliament – very close. In fact next door

    Free Member

    & the Singletwaterist, Ignorant, Inept report author author was called
    Patrick Coles which gives me a chance to drop maccruiskeen’s suggestion in as a Latin pun (iocus).

    Best working late day ever !!

    Free Member

    Random Drugs Testing for MPs

    Free Member

    Spoiler Alert
    Trouble with Teleports, they are going be like fax machines.
    Leaving the scanned original at the point of origin – TO BE EUTHANISED

    Free Member

    Joking apart, if you had trained all year for a Kona qualifier Iron-man, this would be money well spent, even if just for the placebo

    Free Member

    Try this

    Portugal Events[/url]

    Free Member

    Many Thanks maccruiskeen


    got me to “Ne ultra crepidam judicaret” which is perfect for my rebuttal of some management consultant bo??ocks report

    Have a bit of this as thanks

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