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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • SamB
    Free Member

    In terms of getting hold of a GPU, the StockDrops discord server is very responsive to UK stock arriving – I used it to get hold of a 5800x and 3080 before Christmas.

    Just subscribe to the channels you’re interested in and make sure you’ve got notifications turned on – stock sells out pretty quickly!

    Link to the discord server:

    Free Member

    All he has to say is that he accepts the findings in full

    So if he did, do you everyone currently criticising would say “OK, no worries. Let’s all move on”?

    That’s naive at best. The next day’s news would be full of “Corbyn admits to being antisemite”, “Corbyn must resign”, “Starmer retains racists in party”. There is no way to appease the binners-esque haters, no apology will ever be good enough.

    Free Member

    For his troubles, Corbyn threw that back in his face and doubled down instead

    That’s simply not true. Corbyn apologised, Keir accepted, then Keir changed tack and withdrew the whip. Keir could have just left it at that, but he didn’t.

    OFC you’ll say that it wasn’t a “real apology”. But if Corbyn had made a “real apology”, you’d have said it wasn’t enough, he needed to apologise in person to all the PLP or some shit. Nothing he could have done would have been good enough – the constant misrepresentation (both from the press and the PLP lot) over the last few years is proof of that.

    Free Member

    Have you tried reading the tweet by Jenrick that he quoted? I don’t think Bastani is doing much heavy lifting in this one.

    Free Member

    The right decision would have been to decide something and stick to it. Unfortunately Starmer has failed to shut this down:

    Free Member

    say the right thing, retire into the back benches and the whole affair would soon be yesterdays news

    Lots of wishful thinking here I think! Remember that you’re talking about “journalists” who picked out photos of Corbyn walking to the cenotaph and arranged them to look like he was dancing; made a song and dance about a coat being “too scruffy”; photoshopped a red Russian background and hat into a background photo of a piece about him; etc.

    There’s no way they’d just accept an apology and move on. The next step would be binners-esque cries of “it’s not a real apology”, demands that he resign immediately for his failure, demonising Starmer for not doing more, etc. The constant hounding won’t be stopped by simply apologising – the right-wind press won’t allow it.

    EDIT: to illustrate my point:

    Free Member

    Sorry for the mixup kelvin, frank – I’m pretty sure frank was replying to my post above.

    The deleted post was a bit sneery, and that’s not helpful. Yes, “Keith” is a stupid name for Keir Starmer; after 4 years of allotments and “magic grandad” I engaged in a bit of the same tit-for-tat. That was a mistake – it doesn’t help the discussion and doesn’t help with party unity. So apologies for that.

    On frank’s fact-checking, he is quite correct – Starmer neither directly suspended Corbyn or was on the reviw panel. However it’s quite clear that this is a politicial decision, and there’s no point pretending that Starmer has no influence on what happens here. I would have thought at the least he would have had words with the general secretary to make sure that IF he took action, he needed to be sure of it. Instead, what’s happened over the last month has just turned the spotlight away from the ongoing Tory shitshow and increased the infighting in the party.

    Anyway – I’m going to stop here. I just want an end to the infighting and for Keir to be able to make some progress on his leadership pledges, and start challenging the government more. We’re going to need it in the coming months!

    Free Member

    EDIT: Actually, no, I’m not doing this. Apologies.

    Free Member

    Further evidence of KS’ astute political maneouvering today – jumping to suspend Corbyn to the delight of the columnist set, only to enrage both wings of the party when he’s reinstated.

    Centrism: pissing off everyone by giving no-one what they want. I’m sure the party unity Keith promised is just around the corner!

    Free Member

    Back to his comfort zone. Being a total PITA on the back benches, voting against the labour party and doing all in his power to ensure a Tory government

    Not really sure how voting on his personal principles is “ensuring a Tory government” – maybe just representing the vies of his constituents? Who cares though eh, best just sent him off to Keith’s re-education gulag.

    After 2017’s campaign sabotage, the chicken coup, the CUKTIG splitters, the internal party members deliberately obstructing Corbyn’s efforts to improve complpaints handling; the sheer **** gall of saying “Corbyn is ensuring a Tory government” is mind-blowing. No wonder the members who were drawn to the party with some hope for a new direction are now leaving in droves.

    Free Member

    Ahh Adam Hills, Guardian columnist in waiting.

    The EHRC report calls out the fact that, after the issue was first raised, Corbyn put in place a more robust complaints-handling process and “interfered” with a number of cases to accelerate the process of suspending members. Which sounds a lot like “listening to your Jewish members” to me. But as always, he’s Schrodinger’s Corbyn – simultaneously not doing enough to tackle antisemitism while at the same time doing TOO MUCH and interfering accelerating the process where necessary.

    Free Member

    Aside from there is repeated evidence of procedures being improved whilst he was in office.

    Indeed – and this was actually cited in the EHRC report! It’s interesting that things only improved when Matthews got the boot – only when Corbyn kicked out a minor right-winger did improvements on dealing with antisemitism start happening.

    Again many of the “political intervention” examples were his office actually forcing more aggressive action against antisemites.

    But of course in this very thread this has been cited repeatedly as “Corbyn interference” with zero context oh how he “interfered” to accelerate dealing with antisemitism. You’ll note the wording in the EHRC is similarly woolly, giving the impression that his “interference” was a bad thing.
    OFC if Corbyn had not interfered, he would have been criticised for “not acting fast enough”. Unfortunately a number of people are stuck in the hate circle-jerk and are only willing to engage in disingenuous point-scoring.

    Free Member

    Another delusion the left likes to comfort itself with. More tinfoil-helmetted conspiracy theories. Winning the argument? Yeah, right. They lost because they were unelectable.

    So you’re saying the left do want to get into power? In direct contradiction of your earlier position?

    Free Member

    To be fair Daz, permanent Tory rule does seem to be the default position that those on the left feel happiest with.

    More nonsense. A left-leaning Labour party would have won in 2017 if it weren’t for the internal efforts of the PLP and the right – who would rather have the Tories in power than the left. As a result, you now have Boris & Brexit. Good job!

    Free Member

    Also: lol at jumping to the defence of the EHRC, known bastions of neutrality (who don’t think there’s any reason to investigate the Conservative party). AFAICS your barometer for good/bad is “hates Corybn”/”literally anyone else”.

    More/better words here:

    Free Member

    Last time I checked the EHRC aren’t the “right wing of the party”.

    They aren’t, but they’re not the ones who suspended Corbyn.

    The report points out failings, all of which were improved under the previous labour leadership – more effective handling of complaints (thanks to firing Sam Matthews who was sitting on complaints to score points against the party), accelerating investigations into antisemitism (which is a bad thing apparently), etc. OFC this has all been spun as any/all failings being directly caused by Corbyn and the left.

    Free Member

    More utter bullshit from the right-wing of the party, but it’s hardly surprising given their history and their sneering supporters like binners and the centrist commentariat.

    I particularly liked the “Political interference in anti-Semitism complaints”, such as the time EVIL JEREMY CROBYN “interfered” to accelerate investigations against Ken Livingstone… which is a bad thing, apparently??

    OFC the irony of wailing about Corbyn’s “purges” of the party will be lost as they gleefully remove any left-leaning member and melt back into Blair Pt 2. Just as long as the Red Team win, who cares what they stand for, right?

    Free Member

    I’ve had two sets of wheels from JRA and they’ve been maintenance-free – great build quality.

    Having said that, if I get a new set I’m torn between JRA Mahi Mahi / Hunt / Parcours – all 40mm carbon wheels around the same price point. Has anybody tried some/all of those yet?

    Free Member

    ^^^ +1 to fatmountain’s post.

    I kind of hoped that Sir Haircut might actually unite the party as well as be “more electable”, but as far as I can see he’s just given a pay day to the 2017 wreckers :-\

    Free Member

    I think it’s sad that there was a chance of having a possible slightly-left leaning party which has been scuppered by the labour-right deliberately wrecking things, both in the 2017 election and in continually blocking any moves to combat AS. Now we’re back to having two shades of blue to vote for rather than a party which might make things better for people.

    Comments like this really illustrate the level of deviousness at play by the labour right:

    RLB was a Corbyn crony, and desperate to keep the party hard.

    Words like “crony”, and “keep the party hard” – Corbynism was never Communism, it was some very mild social democracy. Unfortunately “floating voters” swallowed the bullshit whole and will keep voting for their lives to be worse.

    Meanwhile Forensic Keir can apparently only show leadership when purging his competition. Otherwise it’s just “we support the government” repeated ad nauseam.

    Free Member

    Ah it all makes sense now! The prescient labour right knew that nefarious Corbyn and friends would trouser huge pay-offs [citation needed] in 2019, so it is only right that they undermined the party at every turn and fed antisemitism “stories” to the press. Good job!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the PSA! Just as a heads up, this is still working – just ordered a Venu at the discounted rate.

    If you can’t get it to work from the direct link, follow the workaround from HUKD:

    1.) Visit
    3.) You then need to enter an email address (note – it won’t be validated). You will be asked to repeat it and accept T&C etc.
    4.) Once in search for Garmin and click through. You should get the lower prices.

    I did that and everything worked a treat 🙂

    Free Member

    Does anyone have any good tips on where and when is the best time to get some good deals on last season’s clothing and equipment? I need to pick up a new jacket and snowboard pants/bibs since the ones I have are falling apart.

    There’s a load of Spyder kit discounted on Sportpursuit atm. Still a bit on the pricey side but I’ve been using a jacket + salopette combo from there for years and they’re still in good nick.

    Speaking of using kit, I am extremely excite for this season. Last year I managed 2.5 weeks, this year it’s looking like just over 3 – couple of days in October in New Zealand, then pre-season in Tignes, a week with friends in 3 Valleys in Feb and hopefully a week with work people in March. Having said that, I am actually on the hook to organize all of those myself. I worry the work one will be like herding cats (30 of us trying to sort self-catering!)

    Free Member

    I think the worst thing is the disappointment. Usually this forum is full of actual debate, people willing to listen to each other’s point of view. But all the politics threads recently have descended into willful misrepresentation and a complete inability to admit even the slightest sense that a poster might have been wrong.

    Did you also know that 198% of people on internet forums can pluck figures out of the air to help back their position?

    0.06 was the figure from a Labour spokesperson, quoted in an article in the JC
    60% – and here, you’re right, I got the detail wrong – of conservative members think Islam is a threat. It was only just under half who would not accept a Muslim PM.

    Anyway, I’m oot. I don’t know what Corbyn has done to binners – maybe he nicked your chips at school – but your crusade against him is getting really boring.

    *posts Monty Python memes, complains about other posters being sixth formers*

    Free Member

    Ah wicked, another “centrist” echo chamber filled with misrepresentation!

    Because from where i’m Looking, you’re now both has bad as each other.

    0.06% of Labour members (less than population average) have antisemitic views
    60% of Conservative members do not want a Muslim PM

    Galaxy brain thinking: Hmm, yes, this is exactly the same

    Free Member

    Aaaaanyway, back onto Watson: Formby has replied to his letter. Robust stuff, and I’m glad of it too.

    Free Member

    In the event of a Labour GE win and a negotiation of a Labour deal, the offer of a referendum is there but will only include No deal or the Labour deal as ballot options. This is how it is written.

    That isn’t what is meant. Check the briefing being sent to Labour MPs:

    Specifically (emphasis mine):

    What would Labour’s Brexit policy be in its GE manifesto?
    … we need a credible deal to stop from crashing out with No Deal – and that deal should be put to a public vote along with the option to remain.

    That quite clearly says to me “Labour deal vs remain” as the two options on any referendum if Labour are in power.

    Free Member

    On this specific issue, it’s not just any GE at any time. It’s a GE called within the next 3 months, and a GE takes ~2 months to run.

    Agree that Labour should be planning how they’d respond to whoever is PM calling a GE, and Brexit would be a key part of that before October. But after October it’s a non-issue (assuming Boris actually follows through with his plan).

    Regardless of that, the point is that we’re arguing over speculative futures, rather than discussing the actual current position of “Tories are Brexiting, how would a remain-voter actually stop this”. Labour coming out in favour of 100% guaranteed referendum vs a referendum only on the current Tory deal doesn’t materially affect the situation right now.

    Free Member

    Yeah citing a D’Ancona article really isn’t doing yourself any favours Binners. He can take his opinion and **** off back to the Tory party.

    I do sometimes wonder what the point of all the arguing in this thread is, as it’s all speculative. Corbyn could come out and explicitly say that Labour will aim for a referendum with Remain as an explicit choice in any circumstance – hell, they could come out as full “Revoke A50” – and it wouldn’t matter, because Boris is not going to offer a referendum and there isn’t going to be a GE before October 31st. It’s all entirely academic, and we’re busy shouting at each other and furthering divides on the left of the political spectrum.

    [ Granted: if a GE is called, Labour need to sort out their position sharpish. That’s a big if and something to consider if/when it happens IMO. ]


    I’d rather just vote for a straight Remain party than a party that would still support Brexit and just draw out the whole mess for potentially years more.

    Strongly agree. If we somehow get a GE in (say) early October, I’d be more likely to vote for “Revoke and remain” over “Referendum”.

    Free Member

    Tuition fees weren’t great but I’m concerned about “enabling Tory austerity” when I think about the Lib Dems. Of all the policies (except maybe Brexit!) of the past decade, that’s had one of the biggest impact on people’s lives, including the death of > 100,000 people. An open statement from the two LD candidates that they would do that again is really depressing, and I think you’d struggle to come up with a justifiable reason for going along with it.

    Agree the Iraq War was A Bad Thing too, and I wouldn’t vote for a neoilberal Labour party either.

    Free Member

    Makes sense. I have a hard time trusting Germany because of the war.

    That’s not as good a burn as you’re hoping. The coalition only ended 4 years ago, but you’re trying to compare it to something which is in the living memory of very few people. And the current LibDem candidates for party leadership stated (yesterday, in their Sky News interview) that they don’t regret the coalition and would do it again. So perhaps a bit more relevant than you think?

    Free Member

    I was (still am?) a believer in Corbyn-shaped labour, but I do agree that the “constructive ambiguity” has perhaps reached the end of its usefulness. IMO the country is now firmly split into 3 camps: “must have Brexit”, “no Brexit ever”, “bored of Brexit, don’t care, can we make the country less shit please”. And very few people going to be persuaded out of those camps.

    However I still trust that Corbyn will do what he commits to; that’s the reason for any ambiguity, he doesn’t want to commit to a position and row back on it. And that means there isn’t really any other option other than maybe the Greens (I have a very hard time trusting the Lib Dems given their track record)…

    Free Member

    It’s like a ritual chant from some weird cult. You’ll all be burning effigies soon and speaking in tongues.

    Well this is the #FBPE thread

    Free Member

    “I can’t make sense of it.”

    I reckon the angle JC is going for is “happy to meet you in a business role (two politicians discussing potential policy), not happy to meet you in a social role designed to honour you as a visitor to the country (because you’re a ****ty human being)”. Same scenario as if you had to meet with a ****ty client – you’d be polite and businesslike at work, but you wouldn’t socialise with them because they’re a ****.

    Free Member

    Corbyn, are you prepared to pay for brexit with the NHS?

    Shame on you.

    JFC. Maybe you could consider posting “shame on May / the Conservatives” before you jump to finger-pointing at someone who doesn’t have legislative power to affect the impact of Brexit on the NHS?!?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies so far – keep ’em coming 😀

    Have you got mudguard mounting points on the frame at all?

    Yes. It’s a disc-specific bike but has hardware to mount points at the dropouts and where the seatstay bridge would be, so I can use full-length fixed guards 👍

    Free Member


    What isn’t “quite true” @SamB?

    That the Cherry amendment was the “best case” amendment. However – I think I misread you! I thought you meant “Had the best chance of passing”…

    Reading it back though I think you meant “narrow pass” is the best case for anything? If you did, then I agree with you 👍

    Free Member

    The Cherry “Parliamentary Supremacy” indicative vote was lost by less than the number of Labour MPs following the whip and abstaining. While a different whip may well have resulted in a narrow loss rather than a win… that is the best case for any/all options at the moment…

    Minor point, but that isn’t quite true. If the TIGgers / CUKs had voted for either the CU or CM2 motion, they would have passed. I know TIGgers are pro-Remain (it’s their only policy AFAIK) but if your stated goal is “avoid no-deal at all costs” then maybe there should be some compromise here to avoid disaster?

    Free Member

    It was NOT an amendment that stops Brexit

    Entirely true, but that’s not how the Mail etc would report it. Just look at how they’ve tried to make an example of Bercow for “blocking Brexit” when he’s just exercising standard parliamentary process.

    That is simply wrong.

    Argh – you are entirely correct. I misread the infographic for voting numbers – apologies 🙁

    EDIT: this infographic –

    Free Member

    Why did Labour whip to abstain on this?

    Because of optics, as has been the case for a long time. Labour cannot whip to revoke Brexit for now (might be a possibility at the very last minute) because they will immediately by branded Traitors, Betrayers Of The Will Of The People, etc. If labour do whip to revoke A50 it’ll be at the very last minute, under the guise of “the Conservatives ruined your Brexit, sorry”.

    Just FTR – even if Labour had whipped to support and managed to get all their MPs to vote in favour (including Hoey etc) the motion still would have failed – it was the most heavily defeated of the four. Have you considered that parties other than labour should move their position (e.g if SNP supported the CU option that would have passed easily)…

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