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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • s
    Free Member

    Been using the Tranz-X for a month or so, mostly because my rear wheel was pulling out of the frame with qr’s.

    Think there might be 2 versions, the one I use has a screw in lock for the key, which stops it popping out when you nip them up, neat idea.

    You need to keep some tension on the the other nut, when nipping them up otherwise they can spin & slip, but apart from that they work fine.

    Free Member

    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange arrested in London


    Free Member

    RichPenny – Member

    I agree with the ops position. It’s better to treat people decently, even if they’ve acted wrongly.

    Sorry, if they mess you about for two weeks & then expect you to be nice, they have got no chance!

    Keep the money, send hime a pic of you doing the Harry Enfield loadsamoney 😉

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    Always wanted 3 cars from my childhood.

    Pretty much every kid I new had a Lambo poster on the wall, plus that tennis/arse poster 😉

    James May review on TG showed what a monster it was to drive mind, one of those things, better to keep as a dream, than acually drive I guess.

    Free Member

    LOL, yea right 😉

    Free Member

    mudshark – Member

    Well he might change his mind if he thinks he’s not going to get his deposit back – kinda depends on how much he owes I suppose. Need a time limit but that should have been formally agreed at the beginning – not that most of us think about these eventualities.

    Stuff that, just say your not having your deposit back, end of.

    Free Member

    Mounty_73 – Member

    Refund once goods have been sold, minus any other costs involved seems fair.

    Yea the cost come to £100 😉

    Free Member

    Pook – Member

    Surely the point of a deposit is that if he then doesn’t go on to buy it you’ve every right to tell him to clear off?


    If he had not messed you about and had a real reason for backing out, then maybe, but no communication for two weeks & then wants his money back , no chance, teach the twunt a lesson!

    Free Member

    17 & two weeks after passing my test! at a party, guy turns up in a brand new 911SC, banker, all flash.

    I comment, nice car mate, he smiles and throws me the keys!

    Beat the metro I learnt to drive in I can tell you 😉

    Free Member

    Its done like this to put you off buying a phone cash and using a card so that they can trace the person who bought the phone by their bank details anti fraud / terrorism init.

    So terrorist have to pay an extra £10, hardly a massive tax is it? Times must be hard for them 😉

    Free Member

    box breakers

    Sorry, can someone explain?

    Free Member

    epicsteve – that’s a stunning shot!

    Theres me saving like mad to buy a Nikon 70-200vr lens, to get some neat Bokeh shots.

    I might just go and have a look at that Sigma now 😉

    Out of intrest, how close were you focusing & how far away was the blurred background?

    Free Member

    Some flash equipment used to be reversed polarity too, which could aparently cause problems with modern kit.

    You could always use a flash slave to use the flash off camera?

    Free Member

    Agree with PP post, just like to add, one of my favorite flashes from the past was a Vivitar 283

    A manual flash, no dedication or zoom like PP 285.

    But gave a even exposure and warm tone, well for a flah anyway 😉

    Used to have one as a backup to the Metz units we used to use, years back, guessing you might pick one up for £30ish off ebay?

    Free Member

    Might help

    Free Member

    Air in your tires?

    Free Member

    Glad to hear your little ones are on the mend MF

    Do you always make sure you see the same GP with your kids MF?

    I know its not always possible, but I think it makes for a better service for both sides in the long run.

    Free Member

    Is Tamworth snow dome the closest indoor snow slope to you?

    Free Member

    iDave – Member

    That cheese rolling hill should be suitable

    Now that I would like to see 😉

    Free Member

    He is probably still reading the email 😉

    Free Member


    Its been 5 days since I built my feeding post, still no sign of any fluttering friends.

    It may be well to early to see some action yet, but with this cold snap I did wonder if I have made a big mistake with something?

    I have put out some..

    fat balls (from a local shop)

    Bird peanuts

    Mixed bird seed

    The feeder is nearly smack in the centre of our garden, there are no trees nearby (its a newish garden) & is a good 20 feet away form the house, no cats, well well they are locked in at the moment & the garden is quiet away from any busy roads.

    To the left of the feeder is a wooden garden arch, you can just see the 6′ stake to the left of the pic, which a foot or so higher than the feeder.

    TBH, very few of our neighbours have bird feeders out, so I guess that cannot help, plus the lack of natural vegatation to make them feel safe.

    Is there anything else I can do to help them feed?


    p.s. will take some more pics over the weekend so you can get a better idea of where the feeder is placed in my garden.

    Free Member

    DaveyBoyWonder – Member

    No s, this is wrong:


    So very wrong…

    Too true 😉

    Free Member

    Thanks Drac, thats the sort of thing I was looking for, is that info online?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the comments, tbh, did not want to get into a smoking – none smoking debate, but I know what STW can be like 😉

    Just wondered if there were figures on how much tax was raised from direct tax on smoking here in the UK.

    The cost of treating smoking related illness might be a harder one to work out 😉

    Free Member

    Half the fun of xmas is watching our cats destroy the Christmas tree every year.

    Lasy year, they even managed to topple it over 😉

    Thinking of putting a live squirrel in the tree this year, to spice things up a bit for them.

    Free Member

    Sorry Dave it is an opinion & you are wrong 😉

    Free Member

    works ok here too…

    Free Member

    2:50! 😯

    & for a sec. I thought he was going to back off 😉

    Great video though…

    Free Member

    Just seen the suggestion for a Passat. Get a LOT more for your money elsewhere and heard some slightly scary stories about reliability when we looked at them. They’re flippin huge too

    Got to agree with nickf on that one, think you are rowing against the tide a bit with a comment like that.

    But you are entitled to say what you like 😉

    Free Member

    Leyland Cypress?

    Free Member

    Can you get points on your licence for speeding in that?

    Free Member

    Boring Golf/Estate, or even a passat estate, or any spin off that build?

    As DBW mentioned, once you have a buggy in the boot, it does not leave much space for shopping or luggage for trips.

    Your boot soon fills up with kids tat, trust me 😉

    Free Member

    mypicture stores NEF files, but the costs vary depending on how much space you use (200gb is $30)

    Free Member

    Graham, the pro account is $25 a year apx., for that you get unlimited uploads and storage.

    Should have mentioned that my camera has the option to takes raw(nef) files and JPG’s at the same time, so the NEF files stay on my HD & the jpg’s go flickr.

    [edit] flickr does not let you upload raw files, not checked recently, but think its still the case..

    Free Member

    In year folders on a external HD, & also backed on Flickr.

    Then each year I get a book printed (Blurb last year) for each year & it gets filed on my bookshelf 😉

    I lost half a years photographs in 1999 because of a HD failure, this was before I used to print hard copies to a book!

    Free Member

    Our Postlady is first class, she runs her round, fit is not the word, a fell runner, which shows 😉

    My post was delivered today, through the snow, with a nice wave and smile, could not ask for more.

    postierich – how long is it going to be before they phaze out all the bikes & do you know what is happing to them all?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    try hitting a off side curb a few times, that always fixes it for me.


    Free Member

    feel fitter now at 40 than I did at 30.

    Spent too much time in my 20’s having bozzy fun tbh 😉

    Free Member

    cheers BH, I had heard from another parent that Derby had had 14′? 😯

    Hence the post..

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