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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • ryder
    Free Member

    I have an e-genius 710 for sale with less than 300 miles on the clock. Not sure if allowed to post links to ads but it is on ebay and the EMTB forum site. Would be willing to talk price on the EMTB site as no commission to pay. It is up at £3500

    Free Member

    I Have the Powerplay (electric Altitude) and had a problem with the motor. Replacement was with my LBS in 2 days so they seem pretty responsive.

    Free Member

    Afan this week.

    Free Member

    Ebikes are a product strategy to cater to the market. If you don’t like which part of the market you belong to, ditch the take aways big boy!

    Since I never eat take away and am not a big boy maybe you need to butt out hairshirt!

    Free Member

    LOL really. E-bikes are yet another symptom of our decadent society and an evil to be compared with Take Aways and ready meals.

    Must be a bit hot in your hair shirt in this weather ;)

    Free Member

    Ooh ooh! I’ve got an eBike story! Saw one today! lots of other bikes, but one eBike. Was out with my son and I got a (very rare) puncture. As I was sticking the plug in and pumping it up, a rather lovely Rocky Mountain eBike flew past us, fella riding passes not so much as a nod hello. I said to the kid, yeah I’ve never been ridden past by an actual mountain biker or ridden past one without saying at least Hi, or if they need anything. So yeah, all high and horsey. Got back to the cafe and the rather tasty Rocky Mountain ebike arrives shortly after us. Bloke was disabled, one leg, bloody brilliant that he can fly around on an assisted bike like that. So cool. And man, what a tasty bike. Sorry eBike.

    Could said hello though eh?!

    Phew, Thought you were talking about me until the bit at the end. The RM Powerplay is a rare thing and I passed a couple of guys with a mechanical at Afan on Friday. Pretty sure I said hello and asked if they were OK though!

    Free Member

    in a few years time the tech will be so good they’ll look like ‘normal’ bikes.

    Sooner than you think…Jan 2019

    Free Member

    Then there are some who use them because they don’t want to really put effort in – largely out of laziness.

    And why on earth would this be a problem for you? No one is forcing you to buy one? I hate 29ers so I just don’t buy one.

    Free Member

    The man and the company have been getting increasingly out of touch and irrelevant over the last 10 years or so and this is just another example. And I am an ex Fanboy of all things Turner

    Free Member

    I’d be amazed if Focus do not put the motor system from the raven into a trail/xc FS bike next year. Light weight and totally removable, giving you a normal bike and an ebike in one!

    Free Member

    My Levo is ace, though I think the future lies in longer travel bikes such as the kenevo, or the longer travel treks, as the extra travel and heft isn’t so much of an issue.

    I agree to a point. for me I think 140 is a minimum but go too high and it accentuates the monster truck nature of the thing and adds weight. I know it sounds silly talking about weight but you really do notice it when trying to maneuver the bike. Not that Jedi will have such issues I am sure ;)

    Free Member

    In before derailment ;)

    Depends what you want. Logic says get a relatively cheap one as the market and tech are moving so fast. heart says Pivot Shuttle!

    I have an e-genius… I really like it but the main reason I really like it is the motorized aspects of it. It is easy to take a test ride and be wowed by the motor and not consider the rest of the bike. If I was buying again (I might actually do just that) i would be looking at Pivot and Focus as I think getting as light a bike as possible makes it feel more like a regular bike.

    Oh if you want a lightly used e-genius 710 in large let me know ;)

    Free Member

    What I find strange is how everyone seems to be trying to justify the plus or minus arguments (including me I will admit!). Haters…why do you care what other people choose to do in their spare time and why do you care if the dare to call it cycling?

    Ebikers… why do you feel the need to justify what you choose to do in your spare time to people who are clearly so entrenched in their views that nothing you say will change it.

    I feel a similar irrational dislike of road bikes and CX bikes both of which in my opinion are less relevant on STW than e mountain bikes but I do not kick off on any of the many threads on here about those. Maybe I am just not as insecure as some ;)

    Free Member

    I think the jet ski analogy is very good.

    The people who use them generally aren’t the people who kayak, sail or windsurf. It’s a whole different market.

    Not sure about that, most people on e-mtb seem to be keen cyclists who are getting older or have other reasons they cannot cycle as long/far as they used to. Though I am sure the mythical Audi owning dentists will be along to dump £5k+ on an ebike but they will only be riding them around the Walking Bottom Car Park at Peaslake so that is OK.

    Free Member

    Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a **** big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of **** fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the **** you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing **** junk food into your mouth. Choose an e-Bloody mountain bike.

    Or simply spout a load of tosh on internet forums ;)

    Free Member

    I love the whole “cheat” thing. Who exactly are we cheating?

    Free Member

    I think it is all about choice and circumstance. I am time poor and tend not to cycle in the winter. Every spring it is harder and less enjoyable to get my fitness back. Also at my age (53) the steeper hills hurt and really take it out of me. So I tend to find an e-bike more fun early season and for the bigger hillier rides. Locally I will look to take my analog bike, but again sometimes in the past I would not go out if it was too windy or I felt a bit tired etc. Now I just take the ebike instead and enjoy the ride. I am also doing more tech and downhill as I can get more uphills in before my fitness limits the ride.

    What I really cannot understand is people who think they should be banned etc. They do absolutely no harm to anyone else…who cares if someone else is not geting the workout/suffering to the same extent as you? As for the erosion argument…just clutching at straws to justify a prejudice.

    Live and let live I say.

    Free Member

    s that really the kind of power they can produce? I presumed you’d get about 300w overall from an unfit rider which is what a decent xc rider can produce on their own for sustained periods.

    If sprinted up a hill at 600w I’d expect a lot of wheelspin and scrabble. The thought of an increasing number of people regularly doing this on heavy bikes and chunky tires is pretty alarming.

    I’d ban them from off road personally. Fantastic vehicle for road journeys sure but our woodlands are in a precarious state as it is without adding to the erosion. Don’t forget all that mass coming back down the hill will tear up the descents too, especially if the rider likes to skid.

    Please actually ride one before spouting such twaddle. They do not “rip trails up” or output that kind of power continuously. Also most come with plus tyres which are probably less erosive than most on the trails.

    Free Member

    Have you tried it with plus wheels?

    Free Member

    Oh yeah forgot to say only in the dry ;)

    Free Member

    I would say so. I ran then for a couple of years. Just make sure the are snakeskin or whatever they call it now as the big danger on the SDW is sidewall slashes from flints.

    Free Member

    Hey! It’s my home and I like it ;)

    Free Member

    Not sure if this will work and not the most exciting ride apart from the Lion Trail which is fun

    It was on my ebike (just because it is new but would be OK on a non e-bike, just one nasty hill!

    Free Member

    If you are fit you can ride everywhere in Eco and get decent range. I did 30 miles yesterday with 3100ft elevation gain and used 60% of my 500w battery, so 45 miles and about 4000ft climbing is doable. On flatter terrain 50 miles would easily be achievable.

    Free Member

    5010 is a great bike, I have had 2 (one of each version) As an only bike I can’t think of a better option. Having said that am selling mine so Have PM’d you ;)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Damn…thought I was missing an extra 10% off code :)

    Free Member

    Half price? I can only see 40% off…am I missing something?

    Free Member

    I have a Scott 710 (the original limited run one from 2013 full HMX frame) in mint condition. Upgraded with some XTR bits. Based in Worthing if you fancy a look. Could be persuaded to let it go for £1000. Don’t think STW does PM so here is my email

    johnburton*insetonline*co*uk (*=@)

    Hope I am not breaking any rules with this post! I am same height btw and it is a Large

    Oh link to a review:

    Free Member


    Do you find the 150 makes it a little light on the front up steep hills. I find my 140 a bit light, can’t imagine 150!

    Free Member

    Just and FYI, my recently purchased 5010 came with a 140 PIKE (IN THE UK)

    Free Member

    My wife has had MS for over 10 years now and is sadly WC Bound (don’t panic MS affects everyone differently and she has been unlucky.) Best advice though is to stay as fit as possible and cycling is ideal for that. Balance can be an issue though.

    Also if you are an outdoors type person please investigate Lyme desease as it can mimic MS and if caught early enough is more treatable. When I say investigate I mean on the net, do not visit your GP as the NHS testing is laughable.

    My wife was diagnosed with Lyme and we tried antibiotics but to no avail.

    Free Member

    Are they pinhole sized leaks? If so my Rocket Rons (non snakeskin) were the same. Just kept shaking them and flipping them over as per the videos on the stans site and they sealed eventually. No probs since

    Free Member

    Hi have the splines on my Scale 710. Nice wheels, (but noisy freehub). Only ridden 100 miles or so on it so far but they are still round!

    Free Member

    Excellent, thanks for the info.

    Free Member

    Slightly off topic, but I am thinking of heading over there soon to check it out. Are the trails clearly marked at QECP? Or is it a case of find them yourself?

    Free Member

    OK More details,

    Purchased from Quest Adventure Worthing on June 2007.

    Size 17″ Front 16″ Rear (to give you an idea of fit I am 5’11” wife is 5’7-8″)

    Spec Highlights:

    Marzocci bomber 66 front fork
    Float rp23 rear
    DT Swiss EX 5.10 UST wheels on Hope pro 2 hubs
    SRAM X9 REar
    Shimano XT Front
    Race face evolve bars posts chainrings
    Synergy tandem cranks
    WTB Saddles
    Hope headset
    Hope brakes

    Looking at new ones JD Tandems are asking 6.5k for similar spec.

    I am thinking £3-3.5k. I will reply to those who asked for more info via email but if anyone else is interested/wants to make an offer you can email me at johnburtonXinsetonlineXcoXuk just replace the Xs with the obvious bits!

    Would much rather the buyer collects as I would be terrified shipping it. I am based in Worthing West Sussex

    Thanks everyone for the help. If there are no takers I will look to ebay etc. Will donate some of the proceeds to STW and the MS society if it sells as you have all been so helpful and nice :)


    Free Member

    OK Guys,

    Thanks for all the interest. I am going to go into my LBS and see if they still have the specs and price on hand. Be warned though I am thinking 50% of the price when new is reasonable for what is essentially still a new tandem (closet classic as they are called in the guitar world :))

    Will post spec tomorrow.

    @Davaosaurusrex, yes it was Quest! I also think I saw you out on the downs a month or so back on your Turner. We stopped and had a chat (I was on the Solo)

    Sorry about the lack of contact details; here you go

    johnburtonXinsetonlineXcoXuk just replace the Xs with the usual

    Thanks again all

    Free Member


    Thanks everyone for the replies.

    @40mpg: I am in Worthing so will look at Avon thanks.

    Really surprised at the level of interest: maybe MTB tandems are not as niche as I thought! Going to have a chat with the LBS that supplied it and see what I paid for it (Somewhere in the region of £5k I think) and then decide on price.

    Do STW charge for Classified ads? If so I would like to do it that way to support the site.

    Free Member

    @ TiRed. Thanks for the sympathies and ideas. We did try her on a KMX kart with motor but she is wheelchair bound now so past that. There are some offroad wheelchair options I am looking into but they make MTBs look cheap!

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