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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • rwc03
    Free Member

    Cheers, good to know you can slowly transition rather than have to upgrade everything at same time.

    Free Member

    Hmm, best try them for myself, thanks all

    Free Member

    Leave the bike upside down for a while and then try squeezing the lever, if it goes back to the bars then you still have air in the system/has come back into the system.

    I think the piston seals on the calliper are the main culprit if there is a leak.

    Free Member

    Latest media message service

    Free Member

    As above, great normal sized phone, would definitely recommend.

    Free Member

    Is it a brand new tyre? I always have to remove any fold creases out with a tube first. Xc717 rim with tape and a valve from an old inner tube.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    You can get a passport in half a day:

    £138 though

    Free Member

    Currently trying to learn more about Israel/Palestine conflict. Definitely worth a read.

    Just purchased Bad Pharma, looking forward to being depressed by it.

    Free Member

    Greatest city on earth, of course you had a good time

    Free Member

    International market, can’t blame the country. This planet is going to the dogs

    Free Member

    Wish I had DPD for this package I’m waiting for, stuck with YODEL, delayed by 24hrs, sent to wrong depot.

    Free Member

    Its the most utterly soulless, characterless, depressing place I’ve ever had the misfortune to visit. Its like a vacuum, that sucks the life out of you. Its living embodiment of how easily satisfied and devoid of spirit some people in this country actually are.

    Glad it’s not just me! Sums up my experience perfectly.

    Free Member

    Had a job near Andover 4 years ago, I lived in Basingstoke for 3 months before I moved out. Soulless place, couldn’t recommend to anyone – called Boringstoke for a very good reason.

    Moved to Winchester, which is very nice with lots of nice villages around if you want to live out of town. Winchester is not a going out destination city – generally quiet and one of the UK’s smallest cities

    Edit: Winchester is closer to the New Forest where there is a bit of biking

    Free Member

    Only just checked back, thanks for the replies, very helpful. Definitely not restricted to Rwanda but would like to add to the trip at some point

    Free Member

    That was horrible, worst rain and wind I’ve been in for a while in London. Wimped out and got the train.

    Free Member

    Yemen sounds a tad dangerous at the moment, PNG a bit far

    Free Member

    Free Member

    One last punt

    Free Member

    Try Again…

    Free Member

    Invaginated penis

    I know what both these words mean but I still had to look it up – funny how the mind works

    Free Member

    Thread here, makes a lot of sense and takes up less space.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Max torque, agree needs cutting there. Great line in Freeman’s speech “Crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side”

    Free Member

    Was going to pick Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds but too many scenes to chose from such a brilliant actor.

    Opening Interrogation is such a great scene. Au Revoir Shoshanna!

    Free Member

    I know that when our TT went in for some warranty work recently, they also did a “recommendation” list of stuff to be done. Came to around £1500 + VAT and lots of it was crazy, e.g. £79 to change wiper blades, but fair play if some people will pay it, let them charge it. I saw a guy pay £2k+ when he collected his S4 at the same time as I got our car back, he obviously had the wedge to afford it so it’s all good IMO.

    Or not good at all. Dealer’s do try and take advantage of people, I’ve been quoted £800 for new gearbox, when it all needed was just a lubrication of the mechanism – £30 job for a garage.

    I think it’s pretty despicable to be honest, not everyone wants or should have to know about cars. Some pensioner will end up paying £79 for wiper blades as they don’t know how much it should be – it’s just morally wrong.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Just following it online, anyone watching/listening – Redmond off, Wolfswinkel on – good decision?

    Free Member

    To be fair we played pretty well against Man United

    Not sure about Wolfswinkel, doesn’t seem to be fitting in – Hopefully now I’ve said that he’ll prove me wrong.

    Free Member

    Too much Mycroft in this one – as has been mentioned before.

    Agree, I think Mycroft is a fantastic character but there needs to be greater mystery around him.

    Mark Gatiss likes writing himself in but I don’t think he quite has the authority to play Mycroft. Appreciate his and Moffat’s writing though.

    Free Member

    Lovely stuff, thanks a lot

    Free Member

    Mild Spoiler

    I’m a bit disappointed that we’re seeing the culprits already. I liked that in season 1 it didn’t really become clear until quite far through the season.

    On episode 6 and we’re no closer really, plots are thickening nicely

    Free Member

    Not as bad as pigface, but I’ve had arm bruising a couple of times. Worrying at first but it does go down

    Free Member


    Free Member

    May I nominate Quentin Tarantino for worst actor in some very good films

    Edit: This is hard, even Mads Mikkelsen has been in some dross

    Edit x 2: Paul Newman has a good career, better than most of his contemporaries.

    Free Member

    I really like them, not that wide so you can generally pick up a set for a decent price 2nd hand. Careful though as there’s a few Chinese copies on ebay.

    Free Member

    Well, if we’re allowed more:

    Free Member

    Good song but the video is one of this year’s best

    Free Member

    I’m so sorry, this is so childish but it is the future

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