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  • Singletrack MegaSack Countdown Day 15 – SKS Bundle
  • RustyMac
    Free Member

    That looks very tidy that does. I have to bow down to your far superior wisdom on the choice of bar clamp after me spouting off about it earlier in this tread 😉

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Have a look here

    About as close as i can think. Above my skill and fitness level at present but other guys at the club seem to rave about it.

    Free Member

    Don’t show Philconsequence, well do he will be so jealous but never ever tell him where you live 😉

    Free Member


    You are right in what you say, the glazed unit is held in a rebate. However what seems to be happening is the rain runs down the window into the rebate then migrates through the join in the wooden frame (lower left corner). I have given this area a good sand down on the outside and for the time being the wood seems sound.

    There does not seem to be any paint or wood stain within the rebate so I don’t think it will be good for the windows to have water held within the rebate for prolonged periods.

    I will Google the Arboseal 1090 stuff but ultimately after finding out more about what is involved I think this is a job too far for me and the girlfriend, especially with the windows being on the first floor. I think it is going to be a case of biting the bullet and living off pasta and beans next month and getting some experts in to sort it out. At least now I know what needs to be done so I should be able to see through the BS some of these companies are bound to spurt.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies guys, it is sounding more complicated than i first expected (windows are all on the first floor which doesn’t help matters). I think this morning when my boss goes out to a meeting i will be calling round the local glazing firms to see what they quote to do the job.

    Free Member

    Yeah that is the stuff, it sits imediately either side of the glass. Windows are definately not the newest and it looks like they have been ignored up till now.

    Window construction is as follows (from inside out)

    1 – Main wooden frame of window with recess for glazed unit to sit in

    2 – Spongy foamy stuff

    3 – Double glazed unit (centred in frame with rubber packers)

    4 – Spongy foamy stuff

    5 – Retaining bead of wood (10 – 15mm squared) nailed into Main wooden frame on outside.

    4 and 5 may be stuck together but are not firm up aginst the glass. This combined with the small gap round the glased unit in the window frame seems to be allowing water to pass through.

    Free Member

    No one knows anything about windows?

    Where is Stoner when you need him.

    Free Member

    You know if you postponed your trip for 1 day to the Saturday this is going on

    Free Member

    Don’t lie about it if asked especially if you are thinking you may return to the company at a later date. Keep working for pretty much the same reason, IMO the people that leave a company working productively up to there last day are always look at in a better light than those that simply give up once the letter has been handed in.

    I have known people tell there bosses they should expect a resignation letter in the not to distant future and for the open honesty to be accepted and thanked, it helps them plan for the future as well.

    At the end of the day it is your call but I’d keep working and if asked tell them your plans.

    Free Member

    Spoke to someone from Lumicycle 2 weeks ago.

    Free Member

    All the best ton, hope all goes well.

    Free Member

    I’d think twice about putting your helmet in your bike bag, i’d hate to think how much it may get bashed about in the hold of a plane. I have seen people get on Ryan Air flights wearing full face helmets to get round the one piece of hand luggage thing if Easy Jet have the same policy.

    Free Member

    Mulletus Maximus

    Was it Labyrinthitis?

    I don’t remember what it was called, I do remember my mum getting annoyed at me for saying i can’t get up to get ready for school though, then making triple sure I wasn’t winding her up that I couldn’t balance properly before taking me to the local doctors.

    Free Member

    That sounds propper rough, hope you are feeling better and it all clears up quickly.

    I had an inner ear infection when i was 12-13, fortunately that cleard up with antibiotics as i think microsuction or syringing would have scared the crap out of me at that age. My infection totally threw my blance off, i couldn’t walk as i kept falling over, i can still remembr my dad joking it was good practice for when i turned 18 😉

    Free Member

    21 Grams
    Old Boy

    Free Member

    Spirited Away
    The Shawshank Redemption
    Donnie Darko

    Free Member

    As TurnerGuy suggests, you should concider a 5 Spot if you can test one. I have an Iron Horse Mk 3 which is very similar to the 5 Spot :-similar angles and design and the same DW link suspension platform. I really like the way the DW link suspension works and feel it is pretty efficient up hill and a load of fun down, although i have read reviews where some others don’t seem to get on with it.

    If my Iron Horse ever snaps the 5 spot is top of my list to repace it.

    Free Member

    Good game – so tense, but why oh why did they take Jackson off. Parks was piss poor for the time he played.

    anagallis_arvensis +1

    Free Member

    It happens by the seal holding the piston in place becomming dry, then the piston being pushed out and moving ever so slightly out of alignment. It is a common problem with avid brakes and i don’t know why it is so much of problem.

    Avid brakes use dot 5.1 fluid but if you have a little dot 4 fluid kicking about it will do exactly the the same thing. On a previous thread someone had had good results with castrol red rubber grease (small amounts redily available on eBay) instead of dot fluid.

    Free Member

    Is the bike new? or under any gaurantee with the shop you bought it from? If so take it back and tell them you have a sticy piston in your front brake and ask if they could sort it for you. If it is not under warantee and you have a friendly local bike shop turn up with some biscuits and they may just sort it for you.

    If you want to do it your self, idealy you will need a little brake fluid to wipe on pistons of the brakes and a small spaner

    Remove the wheel from the bike, then remove the pads from the caliper, next thing you want to do is slide the spanner inbetween the pistons and press it against one pistons and pump the brake lever, this will push the opposite piston out BE CAREFULL NOT TO PUSH IT TOO FAR OUT. Smear a little of the brake flid on the piston and press it back in with the spanner. Repeate this process for both pistons a couple of times, push both pistons back ,clean everything with lots of water and put everything back together and it should sort the problem.


    Free Member

    Thanks loddrik that has just made my afternoon 😆

    Free Member

    Most golf clubs sell presentation cases of pitch mark repairs with magnetic ball markers as well as hat clips with magnetic ball markers. You could look at getting one of these presentation cases then taking it to a jeweller or engraver and getting a personalised message inscribed to him.

    Depending on your location, look into getting vouchers for a round of golf at one of your nearest or his favourite British Open championship courses for him and a friend.

    Free Member

    My girlfriend flat and my sisters house have both been affected by damp recently, in both cases this was caused by bridging between the outer wall and the lathe and plaster inside the flat/house.

    Basically as the properties have been modernised over the years (double glazing fitted, central heating installed and the likes) bits of plaster and rubble had fallen down and built up in places between the outer wall in inner plaster.

    After seeing how little material was required to generate damp patches i wouldn’t be considering anything that was going to fill that air gap.

    If the insulation of a specific area was causing a problem then the only thing i have seen that I would consider would be the foil, plastic bubble wrap type stuff but to install that properly you would essential need to rip out all the current plaster then install it across the uprights and plasterboard over the top. The combined thickness would be about the same as lathe and plaster and it also acts as a barrier between the outside wall and plaster to prevent future bridging. The obvious problem with this is the expense and whether you are likely to recoup the outlay in reduced heating or feel a major benefit within the property.

    Free Member

    Stick up a wanted add and see what people offer. There are plenty of frames that would suit, you also have the likes of a Trek EX to concider or i’ll whisper this one maybe one of the newer marins

    Free Member

    As far as i am aware the seller wants you to send money by paypal gift so they avoid paying the fees. I go into paypal and select gift so it does the calculation of how much the fees would be then as PePPeR says if it is more than i feel comfortable loosing i pay the larger amount by paypal purchase of goods.

    In my mind i see payment by paypal gift as to mean payment + paypal fees and if that is the case then i am as well to pay by payment for goods and add the fees ontop of the agreed purchase price so i am covered for the purchase.

    Free Member

    I got 2 winter tyres about this time last year as i picked up a puncture and figured i might as well, got laughed at by guys at work but a month later they were all asking me where i got them.

    Ideally i would have got 4 but budget maxed out at 2, i drove sensibly and was fine, the back end did have a tendancy to get a bit loose and did so a couple of times however never at high speed.

    If i can afford it this year i’ll get another 2. If anything it is less important for me to have them this year as i now walk to work.

    One of the things you could do is buy the tyres now and run the car for another month and get them fitted then if your current tyres will hold out that long.

    have a look at, they had a really big selection when i looked yesterday.

    Free Member

    Surly you should have been sending her kisses before asking her to get her pants off 😉

    Stay safe

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I had the same thing the other week, was too slow in getting a mount and can’t seem to find any on the interweb. Temporary fix implamented of a couple of free elastic bands courtisy of my postman.

    The only alternative i have come up with so far is the lumucycle one
    but at £10 i have not taken a punt on it yet as it seems quite a bit if it doesn’t fit.

    My last thought was to wait untill trout had returned from his holiday and see if he was able to point me in a better direction as i have seen him use similar mounts on some of his development stuff

    Free Member

    My guess for changing them would be that in my experiance when you open up an XC hub the Pawls and springs go flying, presumably trying to find the nearest fridge to hide under where as the revised design on the Pro 2 they changed the design of the spring to help prevent this.

    Free Member

    Ok can do that no problem, thanks for your patience and answering my question after question after question

    [edit]got a electric heat gun so will be using that[/edit]

    Free Member

    Strip the sills? I presume you mean using paint stripper on them?

    How long does that take? Obviously painting it on will only take minutes but for it to do its thing and clean it off to paint over the top.

    Knowing Aberdeen weather I could end up with only a short window (pardon the pun) of opportunity to get the job done.

    Free Member

    FIGHT 😉

    My plan for preparing the windows was to use a wire brush to scrape off any loose paint/stain then go over the frame with some medium grade sand paper then use a damp cloth to remove any sanding dust and get stuck in with the painting 🙂 .

    Does this seem fair or is there other things i need to concider?

    Free Member

    Ta muchly, will have a good look when i get home. I think from the little bit that flaked off the other day it was brown on both sides but will check before i buy anything.

    Do you get thinner wood stains/pre wood stain stuff that soak in further? The one i linked to said it is medium build or am i over thinking this now?

    Free Member

    No offence taken, didn’t realise sticking like for like was so important and i definately want to do it properly.

    Is there any sure fire way to tell what is there? I have recently painted my shed with cuprinol wood stain, and after the third coat it looks like a dull gloss finnish. Is the dull bit the key to figuring out if it has been painted with wood stain or gloss previously?

    Free Member


    Don’t think there are many paint shops open at 9 – 10 at night, but I have found there is a Dulux Decorator Centre in Aberdeen so I am going to stop in on my way home tonight.

    In the past I have asked some really random questions on here and got great replies, STW is always worth a question 😉

    Free Member

    From Sikkens site it loos like THIS stuff would be good for the top coat but i can’t figure out what will be best as the base coat?

    Don’t have anything as fancy as oak frames, think they are pine but i need them to last as i can’t afford to replace them for a few years yet. £50 or £60 of paint would seem like a good investment.

    Free Member

    Never heard of them mastiles_fanylion, off to google i go

    [edit]oooo they have a fancy web site [/edit]

    Free Member


    where were you last week when i asked this 🙁

    They are 2.5mm DC power sockets 5.5mm OD and are widely avalable from the likes of maplin as i found on Sunday morning 😉

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