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  • RustyMac
    Free Member

    This is one of them troll things isn’t it???

    Do you really think we all look super cool / hip / trendy / rad core to the max in the various bike clothing we wear?

    Free Member

    Bloody good effort that man, apologies for misleading you with what I thought was possible.

    Free Member

    Not too long, I’ve ordered at the weekend and had delivery by the middle of the week. If everything was in stock I’d think you will have your stuff by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.

    Free Member

    Looks like a bit of a bargain that does, good find.

    Free Member

    Going back a few years with the Recons (up to about 08-09) Recons were a slightly longer travel version of reba’s 130 over 80-100mm and generally the Recons were in solo air rather than dual air.

    Since about 2009 the roles of the two forks were redefined Recons moved more to the budget end and a heap of different models came out, Reba’s were redefined as a xc fork, the mainstream xc fork one step below the race fork of the Sid.

    In general you will get better spec in the reba’s they really are a quality fork but if you get some recon 351 solo air forks you will have a very good set of forks that in my opinion will give you greater options if you change your frame later.

    Free Member

    Motion control is far supirior to turn key damping, if you can find a fork in your budget with motion control go for that.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to use the gromit things. I have run many a wheel with presta valves in a schrader holes.

    Quick fix is to put a few wraps of plumbers or sparky tape round the top of the valve if you are particularly worried about it.

    Free Member

    Fsa Orbit XL II on chain reaction cycles £32. Should see you right for a couple of years no problem. Duno if this is bargin basement enough for you ? But personally I wouldn’t spend much less on a headset.

    Free Member

    Your best bet will be ask at your local trek dealer and see if you can get new end caps for that hub to convert it to 15 or 20 mm.

    If you can see the seal on the bearing that is in the hub at the moment you should be able to get the code for the bearing and from there the spec of it to determine if you will be able to get a bearing with a significantly large ID to accept a larger axle.

    Free Member

    You could have a look at this site and see if anything takes your fancy

    Free Member

    You don’t have a 400mm seat post right now

    nope i do not 350mm i think at present.

    [edit] cheers for your input brant, didn’t expect a frame designer to comment on something like this [/edit]

    Free Member


    between my current bike and the new frame or the two sizes?

    Top tube lengths on the Kinesis are
    16″ = 54.8
    18″ = 56.2

    Can’t find data for my current frame but will measure in the morning.

    Free Member

    When you take in to consideration that the can will not have been designed for heat dissipation and that that will force you to reduce the levels at which the LED’s can be run at and then the cost in comparison to a cheap head unit it soon becomes very costly to keep it going.

    What are the specs of the Lupine battery you have?

    This light on eBay looks promising and could make a nice donor for the passubio if the battery spec are similar.

    Free Member


    looking at the dimensions it would appear you should be able to get some kind of LED package and driver into the can, however having a look at some Google pics of the light it may end up being a one shot deal with fitting them as i can see no way of getting them back out.

    Currently the bulb is held in with a cir-clip and the power switch is external to the lamp housing? Correct me if i’m wrong, what I’ve written next won’t make any sense if i am.

    If you press a module into the housing past the ridge to secure it with the cir-clip you would have no way of getting it back out again and you have no switch or power connector to remove at the back of the lamp to push the LED package out.

    The other aspect to all of this is that it is so cheap for Chinese head units it may make more financial sense to buy a new head unit and wire it to the lupine battery.

    Free Member

    what is the length of the light?

    Free Member

    pretty sure this has been done before wwaswas sent in his to trout to see about a conversion but i can not remember the outcome.

    Free Member

    Don’t know how many times i have heard that sketch and never put 2 and 2 together.

    Cheers for brightening up my afternoon.

    Free Member

    Dunno what kind of budget you can stretch to but Rose have the new XT chainset for £103 + postage Seems like better VFM to me but it all depends on how deep your pockets are?

    Also worth a look are second hand Race Face Atlas cranks. I absolutely love mine, so much so i now have a set on both my bikes. The last ones i bought second hand were about £80-90 with chain rings in a very good condition.

    You get a shock yet?

    Free Member

    Binners can you not go down the route of, you told all my friends you were going to win me on for christmas last year and that never happened so i thought i’d give myself a better chance of getting one for christmas this year??? 😉 👿

    * Is acutely aware that i have just used the C word twice before December! Wanders off to the corner of the room to have a stern word with myself.

    Free Member

    Not too sure on the parking in Edinburgh just now, however on my way back up from Liverpool today I stopped at a little cafe which is I between the zoo and the stadium called the cocobean cafe. If you and the kids need food before the game I can highly recommend it.

    Free Member

    Patiently looking forward to pics.

    Free Member

    Excellent stuff will you be able to show me the golden rivet? 😉

    Free Member

    Nope no bike, this was always going to be a flying visit and didn’t know if it would fit or fancy leaving it in the boot of the work car.

    Free Member

    Just back from the office. Surprisingly a much better day than I thought it would be. Someone mentioned the Cunard building earlier in the thread, that was where I was and it and some of the surrounding buildings looked lovely. Like what they have done with the water front too.

    Car still has all windows, wheels and tyres and is as badly parked as I left it last night.

    Tomorrow is set aside for returning to Aberdeen but that can be done any time.

    Who is local and up for a beer?

    Free Member

    I’m down here for work so will be in the office till 4.30 so should be back at the hotel for 5.

    Not much of a football fan I’m afraid however if there is beer and a good atmosphere then I’m not too fussed what is on the tv.

    [edit] I draw the line at x-factor or dancing programms [/edit]

    Free Member

    Happy to meet anyone off here for a pint if they are available and can give me foolproof directions to the pub from the hotel.

    Free Member

    Some one really needs to learn him how to wear a cycling helmet properly.

    I do mean learn him in the sence of with a pair of bommers and a full bladder learn him.

    How could anyone take a man seriously when they clearly have no grasp on the most basic of bits of safety equipment.

    Free Member

    Right then, just arrived. 7hrs drive from Aberdeen so pretty shattered now. In the crowne plaza getting food and a beer here tonight as I simply CBA going fuehrer afield.

    Will be here tomorrow then heading back up on Friday at some point.

    Cheers for all the advice so far. Once I’ve got some food in me I’ll re read it and try and figure out what I can squeeze in in my flying visit.

    Free Member

    I got frame bearings from Keasae of the forum for my Iron Horse MkIII, a year and a half down the line and they are still good.

    Here is a link to his ebay shop for bearings for your bike at worst you can compare prices with his.

    Free Member

    another option for you could be older RS Reba or Recon Air forks these can generally be converted between 100 and 120 or 130(Recon) with internal spacers. Would be suprised if you couldn’t pick something up from 06-08 era for £100 ish.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I would suggest it would be a very sensible approach to crack a couple od widows to ensure the CO level in the van is not going to reach a dangerous level.

    Free Member

    If external is your current crown race a large plate like piece?
    If so then all you should need to is replace the crown race with a 1.5 race. Contact CRC and see if you can buy the correct crown race.

    Can you post a pic of your current setup? it’ll make life alot easier!

    Free Member

    Are your current cups internal or external to your head tube?

    you will need the lower cup to look like the one in the link below or it will not work.

    Free Member


    or this

    Oh me, 😳

    Free Member

    Yes we had a little boy on Saturday, Mum and Baby are doing well.

    Congratulations to you all.

    My girlfriend and i are expecting our first at the beginning of March next year.

    Free Member

    To the best of my knowledge this id the lowest stack traditional 1 1/8 headset. Claimed 21mm.

    Free Member

    Stoner it looks loke you may be able to get a motor and blade from here. No idea on price but it could be worth a call.

    Free Member

    I am suprised the boiler is on a circuit with other stuff, normally they are wired to an individual RCD on their own loop.

    The Fridge freezer could be an issue depending on how much stuff you have in it, however, if you put some ice bocks in it you could probably switch it of for long enogh to move the sockets without ruining your food.

    A quick fix if you do believe it is the sockets would be to re-mount the sockets in surface mount boxes close to where they are curently. This would bring them into the room and hopefully away from the damp.

    Have a really good think about what you were doing when the circuit tripped.

    There is a good chance of it being a faulty applience, was there anything plugged in when teh circuit tripped? did it happen when the fridge clicke on to cool or the boiler fired upt o heat?

    It could also be something like a short in a cable somewhere that only shorts if stood on for example a cable in the loft under a board.

    Were you doing any sparky work yourself else where at the time, could there be something else tied into the circuit you don’t realise?

    Free Member

    loco i believe has just become a daddy so is most likely busy with changing nappies and getting no sleep just now.

    Unfortunately i don’t know anything about rear shocks. Apart from when manufacturers spec shocks for bikes they generally consider it for Mr Joe Average, this inevitably is not everyone so there could be some area for improvement my customising your current shock or replacing it.

    If you email loco he should be able to advise if it will be possible to improve your current shock.

    Hope this isn’t trying to teach you to suck eggs but as i said i have limited understanding of rear shocks.

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