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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • rusty90
    Free Member

    Interesting to note the lower position at the recent 10 than that pic from the worlds

    The aero bars are significantly lower. Hurts my back just looking at it!

    Free Member

    Similar, if not identical, to the one he rode in the Worlds, so presumably UCI legal

    Free Member

    No appeal permitted. According to race director Mauro Vegni

    Rules are rules, and I think rules have to be respected for the credibility of this sport and, in this case, the credibility of the Giro d’Italia

    Yeah, right. :evil:

    Free Member

    You mean Sir Bradley Wiggins?

    How did they know it was him? Was there anything distinctive about his appearance? :-)

    Free Member

    I still do not understand why folks do this.

    I’m sure testers would find it difficult to understand why MTBers will drive for hours in order to bounce round a badly made cycle path :-)

    Running a TT on a dual carriageway makes sense; good visibility, no parked cars, two lanes makes it easier to overtake so you don’t get a queue of traffic stuck behind. Plus the drag of overtaking vehicles makes for faster times.

    Free Member

    Has he scored a point yet!?

    No. Best so far is 15th in a 3rd cat crit. Maybe he needs a more expensive bike?

    Free Member

    I paid in cash and they accepted

    As you expected.

    Free Member

    Pretty unusual to have a road race on a Friday morning. With time and location you could check against the BC race calendar and see if it was a RR. Did the rider have a number on? (Guess you might not have been able to see under the circumstances)

    Edit: Nothing on the BC calendar for today, so not an official road race

    Free Member

    Very nicely setup tlr. Record groupset? Slightly shorter brake cables and front cable routed behind the bars and it would be perfect IMO.

    Free Member

    Unlikely that Aru or Porte will directly attack him today, but Astana will probably make sure it’s a long hard day. Then try and break him tomorrow.

    Free Member

    TT is next Saturday in Treviso. A long one at 60Km.

    Free Member

    A bit naughty of Contador, as it seems it was a pre-planned bike change, rather than a mechanical. I don’t think Astana and Sky would have been happy to politely ease off the pace to let him back if they’d known.

    Free Member

    The bike’s just the transport.

    Yep, that’s the key to mincing. Take a camera, or a wild flower identification book, or an old map showing the area 100 years ago. Look at the wildlife, the trees, the buildings, the geology, just LOOK!
    If you went to a museum or art gallery you wouldn’t be trying to get round it as fast as possible to beat your PB. The great outdoors is just as interesting as any museum or gallery.

    Free Member

    Mr Hyon was killed on 30 April by anti-aircraft fire in front of an audience of hundreds

    Not taking any chances then

    Free Member

    Post-election bloodlust from the victors?

    No, just Lulu’s husband spouting rubbish as per usual.

    Free Member

    Today’s stage appears to have been won by a 15 year old :-)

    Free Member

    Well done sir, you are now a tester! Have a totally gratuitous picture of King Alf as your reward.

    Free Member

    Interesting comment he made about his Dad’s doping customers…

    Yes, a bit contentious. He gave the impression that he opens his mouth and whatever happens to be in his head at the time just comes straight out. Definitely warmed to the bloke as a result though. Nice selection of tunes as well.
    Edit: I mean Sympathy for the Devil, wasn’t expecting that!

    Free Member

    On the end of the TdF

    Chirac and Hollande were there … but I wanted to thank the British cycling fans … not Pinky and Perky


    Free Member

    I got some Vittoria Open Paves to do Flanders on in 27 flavour.

    Challenge Paris-Roubaix 27 Open here, for similar reasons.

    Free Member

    You’re imagining a clear rain jacket designed so you can still see team kit and race numbers yes?

    No imagination some people

    Free Member

    “And this one’s for my mate Chris, Get Back by the Beatles”

    Free Member

    I stand corrected. I will listen to 200 Motels all the way through as punishment.

    Free Member

    Hmmm not sure about that. Reference?

    Fair enough, slight mis-quote on my part.

    There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.

    Free Member

    Is this the beginning of the slide towards a second english civil war?

    As Frank also said “Ignorance is more abundant than hydrogen”

    Free Member

    Anyone who thinks roadies lack “skillz” hasn’t tried to hop sideways onto a traffic island at 50mph in a bunch sprint.

    Free Member

    Kazakh mafia holding a gun to the UCI’s head?

    Or UCI lawyers advising that Astana will take them to CAS and win, just like what happened with Katusha?

    Free Member

    If you buy your lottery ticket on Monday you are more likely to die before the draw than win it

    Don’t buy it on a Monday then

    4 out of 5 land rovers ever made are still on the road

    1 in 5 have successfully made it back home

    Free Member

    I thought that the guy at Nant Llywd was being ‘difficult’ about people using the bridleway through the farm? Has that been resolved now?

    Free Member

    We’re fed off spring tanks which then goes through a particle filter, rectifier and UV filter, which is effective for removing bacteria and some chemicals like nitrates. Rectifier and particle filter need refilling/replacing on a regular basis. It might be worth having the water tested to see what’s in there, just in case there’s stuff like heavy metals or nasty chemicals like PCBs and VOCs.
    And as pointed out above, the water purity will only be as good as what’s in the system after the purification system.

    Free Member

    I know that there’s a biker down course aimed at motorcyclists, is there anything similar for cyclists?

    REC (Rescue Emergency Care) courses are aimed specifically for outdoors activities, and are pre-requisites for ML/MBLA qualifications.
    I did the REC2 two-day course at Plas y Brenin and found it very good.
    They also do a three-day mountain bike specific course (see

    Free Member

    Should you be involved in an accident on your biggish purchase, will you also be looking to borrow someones British Cycling membership for free legal advice?

    Free Member

    Pick up the pieces – Average White Band

    Free Member

    Sex of virgins not specified though

    Free Member

    From the forthcoming Iraqi edition of Top Gear
    Some people claim the Toyota pickup truck is indestructible. We decided to put it to the test…

    Free Member

    the heroic chaps at Mountain Rescue obviously enjoy it or they wouldn’t do it surely

    Yeh, just like those paramedics and firefighters who love driving fast with blues and twos on. You wouldn’t want to spoil their fun by not having an accident or setting fire to your house would you?

    Free Member

    Jamaican mini-cab driver in Hackney, after me protesting about nearly being run over by him on a zebra crossing
    I’m going to go home and get my gun and come back and shoot you dead
    Er, OK, I’ll just wait here shall I? Try not to be too long.

    Free Member

    Who are these disabled people who will be ‘allowed’ to benefit from an ebike?

    There’s a well known local rider at Brechfa who due to age and health issues now uses an e-bike. Gives him enough help on the ups that he can still come out and enjoy himself instead of sitting at home reminiscing.

    Free Member

    he doesn’t really have the “riding style” for these kind of races

    Which make him declaring he wanted to win it a bit pointless. Two token attacks and that was it.

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