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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • rusty90
    Free Member

    I suspect that squaddies fell firmly into the category of people who don’t know what they’re doing, which is why we were warned off them. :-)

    Free Member

    combat tourniquets

    Went out with the Boer War. I did a combat first-aid course back in the late 70’s and tourniquets were severely frowned upon even then. Correct procedure is to apply a field dressing to a bleeding wound and press like **** until a grown-up arrives.
    Don’t move the casualty unless their life is threatened, keep them warm and dry, don’t give them any food or drink whatsoever and keep blood loss to a minimum.

    Free Member

    Tiger, you do realise you’ve just killed STW don’t you ?
    We’ll have to ride our bikes now.
    Or discuss tyres.

    Free Member

    Can you please explain?

    You seem overly keen to suggest that mountain biking is some fantastically dangerous activity and that CYB is equivalent to the north face of the Eiger. It’s just messing around in the woods on a bike.

    Free Member

    I’m surprised by the number of people mentioning ‘strong pain relief’. I thought this was an absolute no-no when dealing with injured people ?
    Or do we all go around like something out of Apocalypse Now with ampoules of morphine stuck in our helmets ?

    Free Member

    Searches rupertpostlethwaite’s post for traces of irony and fails to find any.

    Free Member

    There may be 500m of climb but it’s spread out evenly over 9k. It’s gently undulating and regularly ridden by kids of all ages. Should be no problem, even for a 6 year old, and there are plenty of opportunities to bail out and take the fireroad back to the car park.

    Free Member

    First off 4×4 covers a wide range of cars – You have lumped them all together into one prejudiced, ill informed lump

    Anti-social 4×4

    Socially responsible 2 wheel drive

    Free Member

    Top pro riders commonly have resting heart rates in the low 30s. Miguel Indurain’s was 28!

    Free Member

    i thought what i envy the most about the pros is the ability to have time out and recover then get back down to riding again

    I’m not sure I’d like to be in the position Wiggins was in last year – Broken your collar bone? You’re riding the Vuelta next month. Be careful what you wish for.

    P.S Hope it gets better quickly. Did it myself many years ago and it was a real pain, in many senses of the word.

    Free Member

    He needs a decent haircut – damned beatniks :-)

    Free Member

    Just back from a ride on my own after my riding partner cried off. Pretty grim; cold, windy, wet and muddy. Didn’t see a single other person for some reason. Mrs Rusty has a log fire and a shepherd’s pie waiting for me. Bless her.

    Free Member

    I’ll take Gerald Davies please Chris.
    Final answer?
    Final answer.

    Free Member
    Poor quality and no sound I’m afraid

    Free Member

    And it gets even weirder.
    Sprint finish just won by the last person you’d expect.
    Are Sky taking the mickey or something ?

    Free Member

    You can improve your French by following live text updates at
    Surprised that no-one mentioned yesterday the surprise of Cavendish beating Wiggins in a TT! (rain affected though)

    Free Member

    Is that Cav’s new lead-out train ?

    Free Member

    The take off seemed to depend more on the bloke pushing it than the guy pedalling.
    Stick Graeme Obree in it and you might have a winner.

    Free Member

    Will you stop irritating with your games


    Free Member

    Fixed gear road bikes are suitable for 3 kinds of people

    Skinny latte drinking urban hipsters.
    You will need flat bars cut down to 400mm. Grips, saddle and tyres MUST be colour coordinated,

    Hard core roadies doing winter training.
    You will need full mudguards, front and rear brakes and a spare tyre wrapped in a tool roll fixed behind your saddle with an old toe strap.

    Graeme Obree
    You will need weird handlebars, a 137″ gear and the ability to ride at 50mph. Brakes ? You’re kidding right ?

    Free Member

    Best way I’ve found to germinate them is a clear plastic container (like tupperware), few layers of tissue on the bottom and moisten with water and place the seeds individually laying on the tissue. Put lid on, place on sunny window sill then plant them on into individual pots when they’ve sprouted (when a bit of green is showing).

    This year I’m growing :
    Joe’s Long
    Feugo Ibrido

    You can pick them from the plant when ready then put them in the freezer for curries etc, or take the whole plant and hang upside down to dry and then save whole or grind into powder.

    Still time enough to get started, chilli lovers.

    Free Member

    I’ve had cheap glasses lenses shatter on me from stones flicking up. Bought some Oakleys ‘cos my eyes are worth more than £4.99. Safety glasses certifed to European EN166 industrial safety standards from £1.49, if you’re really concerned about safety and not appearance (although some of the Bolle ones look pretty cool as well)

    Free Member

    Lots of work for Danny DeVito then :-)

    Free Member

    Lance was a wimp compared to Merckx.

    You can say that again. Merckx won everything – all the classics, all the grand tours, 4 world champs, plus everything else, from 6 day track races to the hour record.

    Free Member

    Buy the groupset and brakes separately from Actionsports, still very cheap.

    Free Member

    fans grew tired of Merckx winning everything and began jeering during races

    I was at the infamous World Championships in Zolder in 1969 where everyone, including his own Belgian team mates, made sure that whoever was going to win, it wasn’t going to be Merckx. He retired before the last lap to ensure he didn’t feature on the results sheet, to the boos of 150,000 fans. He was the highest paid sportsman in the world at the time, and didn’t exactly go to any trouble to come across as ‘nice’.

    Free Member

    Cruise is a joke in the role.

    Presumably Ronnie Corbett wasn’t available.
    It’s stressed enough in the books that he’s BIG!
    But Hollywood is a world unto itself – when they think ‘big’ they think of a big name.

    Free Member

    When asked how to become a champion, Fausto Coppi replied “ride your bike, ride your bike, ride your bike”.
    But wearing white gloves helps as well.

    Free Member

    Oops, getting me Contadors and Cancellaras mixed up!
    I’ll stick to doing some work instead.

    Free Member

    WCA – that pic would make a great caption competition!

    “The local cricket club felt that WCA was taking the idea of cheeky trails a bit too far”

    Free Member

    Fabian Cancellara FT(olympic)W

    Unlikely, given that he won’t be riding as he’s banned till August 5th

    Free Member

    track bikes had to come from somewhere

    Sure did

    Free Member

    I take it that by ‘track bike’ they mean something different to us, i.e. not a racing bike with single fixed, no brakes and drop bars, for riding on a track ?
    (Brings back happy memories of the evening league at Welwyn)

    Free Member

    This is a classic Volvo

    As is this

    But this ?

    Free Member

    are you suggesting I’m somehow shallow and stupid for having an opinion about the appearance of an object?

    No, just genuinely bemused about the idea. Each to their own.

    Free Member

    Yes, LambJacs or some such name, keeps them dry and warm. More trouble than they’re worth IME (put them on one lamb and the ewe bolted in horror).

    Free Member

    the replacement was done for aesthetic reasons not for vision

    The aesthetics of sidelight bulbs? (Shakes head in bewilderment)

    Free Member

    I think its fantastic to have the games in the UK

    Why ?
    Olympic games in Paris, watch all events on telly for free.
    Olympic games in London, watch all events on telly for £11,000,000,000

    Free Member

    The skill of a good mechanic lies in being able to do it quickly and accurately. Anybody can fiddle about and get it right eventually, a good mechanic gets it right immediately with no messing around and no wastage.
    I used to have a Kiwi mechanic who could build a dozen bikes a day whilst also dealing with all the walk-in repairs without even breaking sweat. We ended up offering him silly money to stay with us rather than return to NZ.

    Free Member

    Millions of people around the UK get ready to welcome the world to London in 100 days’ time

    London 2012 celebrates 100 days to go to the Olympic Games today by confirming that millions of people around the UK are getting ready to welcome the world to London.

    Why do I get the feeling I’m living in North Korea ?

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