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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • rusty90
    Free Member

    I was thinking that the risk of falling on your head is higher when skiing, yet less skiers wear helmets than bikers.
    (Boarders are different – anybody going down a mountain standing on an ironing board needs to protect their remaining brain cells :D)

    Free Member

    Anyone here ski?
    Anyone wear a helmet whilst doing so?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Bennati pips Swift at the line

    Free Member

    Incredible stuff. Contador just riding off the front and leaving everyone for dead, Merckx style.
    Must have had one hell of a steak last night :D

    Free Member

    the ludicrous **** tabletops at the bottom of the raven … I wouldn’t hit those without a dj or dh bike.

    The local kids like to session them on their Argos specials and I’ve done them several times on a rigid. Pretty tame compared with some of the other bits IMO.

    Free Member

    What a heap o junk.

    Just crying out for a kickstand to make it complete.

    Free Member

    Tasty forks. What are they?

    It had IRD ti forks

    Sorry, should have read it in the first place :-)
    Still v. tasty.

    Free Member

    If I could only get them to ignore me

    Free Member

    That’s a well known mis-sign footflaps. It’s currently marked with a cross of stones to try and put people off, but it’s still an easy mistake to make. The tyre tracks mostly come from locals doing a popular off-piste cheeky bit, but in the other direction.
    I might do a bit of guerilla signage at the weekend.

    Free Member

    It’s hard.

    But fun

    Free Member

    Here’s the cyclist/pedestrian only bridge in Carmarthen.

    Pont King Morgan, lovely bridge that is.
    But going as it does from the station car park to the side of the A4242, it’s much more useful for pedestrians than cyclists. But it’s still probably the nicest thing built in Carmarthen since the Romans left.

    Free Member

    I think they should take back his Gold medal and the Tour de France title

    Arise, Sir Chris Froome :D

    Free Member

    Looks like he’s having a guilty drag on a roll up. If you’re gonna smoke, do it old skool style
    Damn image won’t show –

    Free Member

    Try a homeopathic Gin and Tonic :
    Mix 1 drop of gin with 50,000 litres of tonic water
    Decant into a glass that once had a piece of lemon in it

    (Please drink responsibly – don’t dilute it too much)

    Free Member

    I like to ride a hard tail in the woods, hammering the big ring

    I spent Sunday bouncing around on a couple of big fat rubber queens.

    Free Member

    Cleats ? Ghastly Americanism. Shoe plates if you don’t mind, nailed to the bottom of proper cycling shoes, with leather soles.
    How do riders secure a spare tub (or cape) behind their saddle now that toe straps are no more ?

    Free Member

    Oh and here’s some snaps from last year’s National 10.

    Great stuff. They should have run the Olympic TT like that – start would be somewhere near South Mimms at 7.00 am, course details in an old copy of the RTTC handbook, get changed in the village hall, free cup of tea in exchange for your number afterwards.

    Free Member

    Bangladesh Biman, where a woman tried to light a kerosene stove in the aisle to cook lunch for her family.
    Sudan Air, where the Norwegian pilot was visibly drunk.
    Aeroflot, where I genuinely thought I was going to die as bits fell off the plane.

    On the up side, I once got upgraded to 1st class on Lufthansa. That was a taste of luxury never to be forgotten.

    Free Member

    Robert Forsterman does (for 5 minutes)

    I imagine his coach is working on it now …
    “Pay attention Robert, now this is a mountain bike”
    “Was ist das?”
    “They’re the brakes Robert, and these are the gears, you’ll need them for going uphill”
    “Was ist ein hill?”

    Free Member

    Naaa, he’s not exactly got form for one day races

    I think we’re talking about the Worlds TT, not the road race.

    Free Member

    You’re only there to indicate the route to the riders, nothing else. Don’t attempt direct traffic or obstruct the highway. If you see anything wrong report it to the organiser/timekeepers at the end of the event, don’t try and intervene.

    Free Member

    would Wiggo would let me past in my car on a country road?

    No. There was some car stuck behind him for the entire race.

    Free Member

    I decided to take a drink every time Hugh Porter got a name wrong

    “And there’s Wiggins now” (being followed by a car with FROOME written on the front)

    Free Member

    Chris Boardman still doing sterling work correcting Hugh Porter’s many mistakes :-)

    Free Member

    Actually I think, for the most part, that road cyclists tend to be quite modest. … There are notable exceptions obviously

    Free Member

    Cav leaves them for dead !

    Free Member

    Mark Cavendish on Twitter :
    “Today’s stage can be put into perspective by the fact that by the end I didn’t care that I was just puking over myself.”

    Free Member

    Nibali now in a Sky sandwich, Froome in front, Wiggins behind.

    Free Member

    Frank Schleck won’t be joining them today as he’s been ‘poisoned’ with a diuretic. Oh dear :cry:

    Free Member

    What a day.

    Froome taking off like a man possesed then stopping short as his radio ear-piece explodes.
    Rolland crossing the line with a bloody thigh showing through the big tear in his shorts, proper hard man style.
    Nibali and Wiggins getting engaged.
    Evans looking like he’s just swallowed a lemon.

    More dull boring racing like this please.

    Free Member

    Looks like Sean Yates has blown Froome’s left ear drum :D

    Free Member

    Bloody hell – Froome’s dropped Wiggins !

    Free Member

    And Froome reels him back in.

    Free Member

    A Brit in the process of winning the Tour for the first time ever is boring ? There’s no pleasing some people.

    Free Member

    If Sean Kelly says “push on” one more time I’m going to scream.

    Free Member

    No, Sky are just going to ride tempo until the other GC contenders crack (or die from sheer boredom).

    Free Member

    I vaguely remember reading somewhere that in a TT Wiggins pegs his output at about 450W and in a sprint Chris Hoy peaks at about 2700W.

    Free Member

    only an idiot wants to be defending yellow in the first half of the tour

    Merckx 1969, 1970, 1971
    Hinault 1979, 1980
    Indurain 1993, 1994, 1995
    Armstrong 1999, 2003, 2005
    Idiots all :-)

    Free Member

    Isn’t there a famous rest day story from the Hinault/Lemond tour ?
    Hinault is in the team hotel, layed up on the massage bed and busy conserving energy whilst giving interviews.
    At which point he looks up at the TV to see pictures of a smiling Lemond playing a nice restful round of golf.

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