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  • rusty90
    Free Member

    Start a ‘What tyres for the apocalypse’ thread

    Free Member

    Good contribution from kja78

    Second that. Completely disagree with him, but a polite and thoughtful contribution (well, it is his job and all :-) )

    Free Member

    Rusty, are you a Jew living in the wilderness having just escaped from slavery in Egypt?

    No, which is why the Bible is completely irrelevant to my morality and my behaviour.
    It seems that those who advocate the Bible as a source of moral guidance are remarkably selective in which bits to follow and which bits to ignore.

    Free Member

    the Bible itself says we are to keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. If Christians truly did that then we wouldn’t have those sorts of things.

    My problem with any suggestion that we should ‘do what it says in the Bible’ is that the Bible says an awful lot of things, some of them not very nice.

    If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
    Deuteronomy 13

    So if my wife suggests we become Buddhists, I’ve got to kill her?

    Free Member

    Damn. Just about my favourite modern author.

    Free Member

    No snow, nice and dry. Just about perfect.

    Free Member

    St Arnold’s Mussel Bar Lovely little bar with huge range of amazing Belgian beer, great atmosphere and surprisingly cheap.

    Free Member

    Glad to see you’ve got the essentials that all bike workshops need – Till & Big Hammer :D

    Free Member

    Ah, Bicycling Science; a fascinating book, remember reading that years ago.

    Interesting that though Moultons may have been ‘scientifically’ faster they were never taken up by those really interested in going fast.

    They were legal for time trials in Britain in the days when their popularity was at its height, but weren’t commonly used, and certainly not by the fastest guys. And you couldn’t accuse people like Alf Engers of being hidebound by convention :D

    One reason could be that testers at that time were obsessed with weight (with Engers setting the trend for ‘drillium’) rather than aerodynamics, and I don’t recall Moultons as being notably light.

    Free Member

    He was constrianed by the UCI’s daft rules – on a Moulton, he’d have been faster

    Moultons were raced, back in the day, but never caught on for some reason

    Free Member

    there comes a point where you just can’t package a larger wheel under the rider without compromising geometry and other aspects of the machine.

    Free Member

    Cancellara fancies his chances, and has been dissing Sagan for not playing fair, i.e. deliberately winning stuff :-)

    Free Member

    Me too, just put on TRP CX 8.4s. The Tektro cantis were fine for pure CX but not up to ‘off-road lite’ – a mile-long fireroad descent in the rain was a real battle of strength. Not cheap, nor easy to find, but work well with Ultegra levers, very nicely made and more bling than a rapper’s wedding.

    Free Member

    We had a young lad, around 12 or so, who spent ages looking round all the bikes then pointed at a top-end road bike and shyly announced he’d like to buy it.
    As alarm bells were tinkling we asked how he’d like to pay for it before taking it off the stand.
    He produced a bank paying-in book (in the name of Mrs E Smith) and told us he’d pay by cheque.
    After some gentle instruction in the art of cheque fraud (like, you need a cheque book for a start) we sent him on his way.

    Free Member

    I reckon it’s a Aussie thing (she is a Kelpie).

    Ah, Kelpies. I used to have one, a seriously tough dog. They don’t quite have the work ethic of a Border Collie though.

    Farmer – “Quick, the sheep have escaped, we need to fetch them back in”
    Border Collie – “Please boss, I’ll do it, let me do it, please boss”
    Kelpie – “Don’t look at me mate, I didn’t leave the ‘kin gate open”

    Free Member

    My understanding was that the turbines at Brechfa East where the Gorlech trail is haven’t been approved yet, only the turbines in Brechfa West where there are no official MTB trails

    Yes. Brechfa Forest West was approved by the IPC yesterday. Brechfa Forest East, which includes the Gorlech trail, is under 50MW so is being considered by Carmarthenshire Council, no date for the decision known yet.

    The site area for Brechfa Forest East covers a large part of the Gorlech trail, and construction work is stated as being “likely to be completed over 19 months”, so including the felling that will take place prior to construction the Gorlech trail will be considerably foreshortened for a period of about 2 years.
    A map of the site area is included at the end of the summary document from RWE

    Free Member

    Kim Jong-Un trying his very best to look like a Bond villain..

    “They not piranhas. I wanted piranhas! Someone in much big trouble!”

    Free Member

    Right the following Articles NEED writing and planting on various News sites:

    Wait till the Daily Mail gets on the case
    “Will Strava lower the value of your house?”
    “Jimmy Savile was Strava user claims secret report”
    “Romanian immigrants use Strava to flood into Britain”

    Free Member

    the backup reputation from Smudge is superb

    Second that. Had a replacement battery pack from him in less than 18 hours from email to delivery. If Carlsberg made bicycle lights …

    Free Member

    Don’t worry, Smudge is one of the good guys. He’s not CRC but your stuff will turn up soon.

    Free Member

    I’ve got some ideas – we weren’t angels in khaki. Hey, maybe a crab will come along, then we can both take the piss out of him. Or, even better, the RAF Regiment.

    Free Member

    It’s amazing what can be accommodated in a hanger

    Yes, I’ve heard what you matelots get up to :-)

    Free Member

    Gentlemen tend to eschew the naval forces, mainly due to the difficulty in accommodating one’s polo string. If you really can’t get into a decent cavalry regiment then there’s always the Guards, although I’m told standards are slipping these days – some chaps don’t even have private income I hear.

    Free Member

    I’m afraid you’re revealing your plebeian origins here, Beefy old boy. Gentlemen do NOT wear shorts, even when on one’s yacht.

    Nor do they ride bicycles, unless they are an undergraduate at Cambridge (at a decent college like Peterhouse obviously, not some ghastly scholar-infested place like Queen’s).

    Do hope this helps.
    Toodle pip!

    The Hon. Rupert Ferrous-Oxide.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 2.4 Rubber Queen on a DT Swiss 445D rim, which is only 17mm internal. Nothing bad has happened (so far).

    Free Member

    Excellent TTT formation from the Swiss there!

    Free Member

    Most stoves have fire bricks up the sides, and up the back if there isn’t a backboiler fitted. The purpose is to protect the stove from the heat of the fire and the bricks will need to be replaced eventually as they degrade with the heat over time.

    Free Member

    Rectangular ones at top of seat tube, smaller triangular ones at top of fork blades.
    The stickers should preferably match the tubing the frame’s actually made of :-)

    Free Member

    IIRC the Viet Cong used bikes to carry equipment, and pushed them, rather than rode them.

    Bikes were used in WWII. The Harlow Cycle Museum has a nice example of a folding bike used by British paratroopers, and here’s the German team in the 1940 Tour de France

    Free Member

    pretending you’re Fabian Cancellara leaping off the front on the Col d’Aubisque

    Or Sean Kelly, gritting his teeth as he drops the field in the Paris-Roubaix (when I’m actually plodding along a muddy Welsh minor road :D )

    Free Member

    only had to purchase the frame as all other parts found in boxes in the attic

    Damn, I wish I had an attic like that!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Ridley X Bow Disc? € 569 from Shop4Cross (who will ship to UK)

    Free Member

    I used to have a Super Record equipped Merckx pretty much identical to this one. Sadly marriage, work and children meant it was sold. (Sobs nostalgically)

    Free Member

    Unless the WAG also make funding available it will just result in more useless cycle lanes consisting solely of lines painted on tarmac.

    Free Member

    On the correct person it is the greatest form of clothing known to man.

    And another obvious one for brooess (one of Mario’s more restrained outfits)

    Free Member

    Lycra makes you look well cool, thats a fact

    Free Member

    Sir Ranulph Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, 3rd Baronet, OBE

    Over 60? Had a double heart bypass operation? Amputated your own fingertips due to frostbite?
    Why not run seven marathons in seven days on seven continents? Then climb the north face of the Eiger and Everest?

    Free Member

    As far as I can tell from the films, the method’s quite simple.
    You will need :
    An ageing ex-con with a heart of gold
    A bespectacled geek who can hack into any computer system simply by typing ‘Access Override’
    A large tough-looking black guy who’s actually very gentle and abhors violence
    A glamorous girl in a tight fitting black cat suit

    The girl then dangles from the ceiling on a rope with a complicated looking drill whilst the ex-con tells her that there’s only 5 minutes left but she can do it if she stays calm.

    Note that this may only work if the safe is owned by an evil baddie who framed the ex-con in the first place and left the only evidence that can prove his innocence in the safe.

    Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    Shoot them with an airgun, it wont kill them right away but they’ll die eventually

    Spectacularly bad advice even by STW standards.

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