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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • russyh
    Free Member

    Moving production and plants abroad is not really something that happens overnight. This will have been planned for years and likely long before brexit was even a thing. As mentioned earlier the biggest issue will be the dramatic drop in China registrations and the demonisation of diesels in the U.K.,which in itself is complete tosh, given most new diesels are more effieicent and cleaner than their petrol counterparts.

    As for the high street, I did 50/50 online and highstreet. Wife probably 70/30 in favour of online for Christmas. But for me the local highstreet is just not worth the ROI from a shoppers perspective. Stock choice is shocking, service abismal and the added headache of parking! I took the family shopping this weekend and had to pay £10 to park my car for 4 hours in Cheltenham, wouldn’t be so bad but it was hardly int he thick of the action. If I shop in the highstreet now I like to be in and out quickly. But it’s likely a whole day affair and more expensive a privilege. Nah

    Free Member

    Me and my mate both have the lurgy and went out today was a woeful ride ended early with tea and cake. Nice to get out again but feel awful again now. Had this cold for about a week. Hate moaning about something so trivial, but this really is a stinker!

    Free Member

    We can count the ads posted on the new, but the old forum doesn’t give us the ability to compare dates. It just says ‘a year ago’. Also you are counting wanted ads, which was a separate forum. Plus we don’t have viewer click through stats like you! So as a result we have to take your world for it and given the disdain the readership have been shown lately I’m not likely to believe.

    Finally the reason I mention several times about ad caps is the multi listings under 1 ad doesn’t work! You can’t list a title long enough on a mobile and it shows only the first image on mobile devices. This is the point! All these small issues we were told were being reviewed and considered….but they haven’t! It’s been left half arsed and half working like the other forum issues and when paying customers (I repeat this again as I am one) complain they get sneered at and have sarcastic responses.

    Free Member

    Drac, is that aimed at me? Because yes I used the new system, in fact I was all for it when mark launches it (check my post history) but that was on the basis of promises to change and development in the system. Also before asking customers who had already paid to be a member online to have a limited number of ads. Plus I never sold anything on the system. It always sold by other means first. But there is no point having a conversation with you bout it as it’s not your call, plus we get bamboozled with stats we can’t verify either way.

    It isn’t going to bring the old classifieds back and given the amount of crap that’s been flying about I cannot ever see any humble pie being eaten.

    Free Member

    I have been using Pibkbike, but I have a load of stuff to shift, likelyhood being I just won’t bother until it becomes enough of a problem then do a Facebook/pinkbike/eBay clear out.

    Free Member

    apparently it’s the fashion to freeload & then moan about the thing you’re not paying for

    Yeah, I mean who would complain about being refused a free cup of water 😉😂

    Free Member

    Ha I got an moderator warning for a word I made up! Apparently it’s offensive to make up words.

    Free Member

    Nowhere has the same quality of wanted/FS as the old site here especially for smaller more obscure items. But pinkbike seems better now especially for larger items. Just have to deal with the occasional 13year old . Facebook and eBay for smaller stuff but Facebook classifieds brings in a whole new level of [edited]. I suspect the little bits I previously stuck up for sale here will be left in the spares box from now on.

    Free Member

    Can’t blame STW for trying to earn some revenue from what was probably the most seccesful part of their website. Just the way is been handled is woeful and in my opinion the shortsightedness will ultimately cost them more than the minuscule income from paid ads, shame but final nail in the coffin for me as a ‘P’

    Free Member

    I got the same issue, need new helmet, shorts and fancy a new Hans dampf none in my size for any really

    Free Member

    Old Alpine 26” which from the description needs a group set and a rear wheel (shit Mavic with expensive spokes all of which will be seized solid) I think by the time you fix it you would’ve been better buying a straight one in the first place! Oh and no dropper! I actually think it’s strong money

    Free Member

    My Remedy RSL runs Descendant Xsrbon cranks, standard width with an offset chainring. Chaiine is bang on 51mm If I remember correctly think which is correct.

    Free Member

    Goddamnit, no new Nomad then!

    Not sure I understand? The current model is still relatively new in SC world. It was launched 2017 as a 2018 bike. If you fancy a new nomad it will be ‘current’ for a bit yet!

    Free Member

    Didn’t the current version only come out end of 17? And has just had a colour update for 2019…? Be at least another year yet won’t it? If not more.

    Free Member

    Contacted them and they said the frame needed reaming, bought a nukeproof headset and it worked fine.

    Never criticise superstars, or even question them online! They are always right and their products are superior to everyone else’s! Probably the single most narcissistic business I have ever seen and outwardly critical of everyone else via their social media.

    Free Member

    It’s eye-wateringly ugly

    That’s very subjective, I think it looks good! Looking forward to final production shots, albeit wrong wheelseiE for me to get excited

    Free Member

    I couldn’t have a more masculine Christmas evening if I tried to be fair! Chuncky cigar would probably increase testosterone a smidge…but completely wasted on me I’m afraid! From now on I am going to make sure I say ‘stength and honor’ to my rising buddies before dropping in on a trail

    Free Member

    Single Malt poured and Gladiator just started…kids in bed finally I’m
    Stuffed and knackered.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Is it just me that wishes russyh would learn a new tune for his tiny violin!

    1/10 – I may have a small violin, but I’m gonna suggest you’re the one with a small ‘instrument’

    FWIW I hadn’t commented for a week, so the violin has been put away…given we are now upto 12 pages it would seem I’m not the only one a little disappointed. Which BTw as a paying customer I’m allowed to be.

    Free Member

    Didn’t bother mate ha, sat and ate quality street. I may venture out tomorrow once hangover has gone!

    Free Member

    I saw them, liked the idea but can’t get my head around the price.

    Free Member

    Jeez Merak, what an immaculate garden! Do you iron and fold your pants too? 😉

    Nice looking bike ruined by two rubber dildos stuck on the end of your bars!

    Free Member

    I may be there Monday PM as well!

    I don’t mind riding on my own, just thought given as it’s a rare occasion I would chuck it out there and see if anyone else was on their own and fancied a ride

    Free Member

    Dr Johns has been nailed for a couple of months now! Can’t see it getting better this side of winter.

    Like I say I’m there tomorrow probably from mid morning, anyone fancy a pedal out I can show you some off piste stuff. Drop me a reply on here or PM me

    Free Member

    Normally do Sunday but can’t this week
    Hence the Saturday job and all My local buddies riding tomorrow!

    Free Member

    Coloured grips are second only to coloured pedals in the land of bellenddrum. Stick with black, stay classy 😉

    Free Member

    Nothing’s changing or going to change, chips dialled in replies to some comments but also disappeared and nothing changed. There is no way that STW will back track now, especially with messages telling people to F off over Facebook. All this to try and generate a couple of quid in listing fees. But we get told traffic is up on the website…as users we would never know, but having had messages now from 4 subscribers plus myself saying they are not bothering to renew subscriptions they have lost more revenue then the new classifieds has generated in the last month. I am genuinely devastated at the demise of the forum, to the point the only reason I subscribe is to support it. The U.K. MTB scene will be poorer without it, sadly the classified issue is the cherry on top of a multitude of issues. None of which seem to change

    Just reminded me to check…issue 122 still hasn’t landed on my door mat!

    Free Member

    Mike, that was kind of my point. The silence speaks volumes. I’m gutted the moderator are left to carry the can.

    This whole dabacle is just such a shame. It’s like STW have just given up, desperate to scratch around for £9 a week revenue from paid ads at the sacrifice of long term subscribers.

    Free Member

    And more traffic

    Not at all, thing is with stats they are only as good as the information you give or what’s in front of you…and in the words of the late great Jim Bowen…look at what you could have won.

    One thing I know for sure, I have now had 4 people not including myself, whom subscribe and have for a long time, who as a result will not renew. But like has been said, STW are listening!

    Free Member

    That’s right I said a couple of paid ads…I was wrong! It’s one!

    Free Member

    18 Ads in 24 hours is pretty good going add to that the traffic has increased I reckon you’re talking rubbish.

    Of which only 1 ad has been paid for in 7 days! And another post about not being able to work of find the classifieds! Working a treat, yeah. But you can prove what you want with ‘blind stats’ you will never be able to measure what is lost or how many ads could have been listed on the old system.

    Free Member

    Iolo, you are missing nothing not being able to access it. Sadly it’s not going to improve as it’s all a bit of a closed shop in terms of feedback STW would rather a couple of paid ads and less traffic to the website.

    Free Member

    Nearly another week on, sad when the onlybthread on this place to get people excited is one of a bike shop closing and commuting fraud! Even then the new owner of the business had replied more than the STW team have over this complete debacle! It’s fairly obvious with the slow rate of traffic on the new classifieds that no one is using the system really and paid adverts are so few and far between it’s created no real revenue that I can see! But well done for bringing down the rest of the website!

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, how long have you been the new owner? It appears you were promoting and sharing posts on your Facebook timeline in Nov

    Plot thickens? Or just a coincidence?

    Ps. I didn’t buy anything thank god!

    Free Member

    Guessing PC89 is the same Peter Currey who was born in 1989 that owns Peak cycles….

    Free Member

    Fox 36’s look cheap, still expensive mind but cheap expensive

    Free Member

    Interestingly my wife, who is an estate agent. Had a valuation survivor call he for price guidance a week or so ago. (She gets lots of calls for local area price guidance) the new house she was asked for guidance by the survivors for was, in her view way, way over priced! In fact the builder had been really struggling to shift them. She provided comparables both new and used. In my and her view it’s worth either reordering or walking.

    Free Member

    I ran them, didn’t have a problem, to be honest with stupid Rockshox torque cap drop outs the axle is supporting the hub rather than the drop outs anyway so can’t see any real issues

    Free Member

    really don’t understand why people keep raising this up as an issue. You could only have two adverts on the front page of the old classifieds, you can actually have more now than before. Did no-one ever read the old rules?

    Because the new classifieds is shocking for clear out listing, where you list multiple items. Like it or not the old classifieds was much, much better for this. If It’s really not an issue lift it to 10 ads per person! Quite the noise down that way.

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