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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • Russell96
    Full Member

    I’ve had a OnePlus3T since it came out, apart from the v/decent hardware specs for your money, they supply an almost plain version of Android free of any crapware and unlike a lot of vendors have pushed out lots of regular updates to the point I’m on 7.1.1 now. Oh and the Dash charge is bloody amazing.

    Full Member

    Perhaps it would be more efficient to generate the hydrogen at the point of sale, that way you haven’t big tankers on the roads, big refineries, every petrol station has an electricity supply and most likely a water supply. Convert the underground tanks for Hydrogen and as they are underground it’ll help with the insulation most likely required.

    Easier for the gov too as they can continue with fuel duties, as after all cracking Hydrogen at home at scale is a tad more difficult than running an extension lead out of the kitchen window.

    Full Member

    Expect GPS tracking of all cars along with road tax charges based on journey taken or more road charging schemes esp in the cities, hmm we’ve started that way already..

    The Gov isn’t going to put up electricity charges massively to balance the shortfall in fuel duties as how could they tell what a dwelling is using for some poor granny heating the part of her home that she can afford, or someone charging their car on a cold winters night. Smart meters you say, how could said smart meter tell the difference between the drain on a car slowly charging overnight against perhaps an electric bar heater on?

    So the way its going expect all new cars to be IOT connected along with the GPS tracking to report where you are/been/going at what speed, along with a bill at the end of the month/year for road duties..

    Oh and based on the current track record the Gov will allow every single agency (and selected third parties) to have access to that data on the flimsiest of excuses.

    Ps been driving hybrids for 10 years or so now, electric motors make a fantastic difference to how a car drives, so I expect I’ll convert at some point once the range goes up a bit (along with lots more infrastructure)

    Full Member

    Gaggia Classic, get a bottomless filter Happy Donkey[/url] and a decent weighted tamper, then start off with pre-ground Illy Espresso (Red Can) then later on get a burr grinder and start experimenting with different beans and grinds. Advantage of the Classic is that it will last for years and spares are readily available so it will just keep on going.

    Full Member

    Shame the under crossbar bike pumps have gone out of fashion, instant extending big stick with the flick of a wrist.

    I’ve had lots and lots of exposure to dogs on the loose back from my BT field engineer days, infringing on their territory could bring out a whole number of responses. I soon learned for example in a farm yard open and loudly slam the van door without getting out of the van as the farm dogs wouldn’t move till they heard a car door close.

    Worst one that happened to me was walking up a driveway only for the dog of the house to spy me, come running down the hallway of the house and leap straight at me, but there was a plate glass window in the way, he went straight thru it ending up cutting up both of us. That was a lesson that taught me to leave my toe tector pole climbing boots for the whole working day rather than when I was working up a ladder/stick, as giving a mental blood covered Collie a good toeing would have been a great option at the time rather than the screaming get him off me that I did at the time.

    Yes there’s different rules for if you are infringing on their turf, but outside of that in a public place there’s a duty of the owner to keep them completely under control, for example having a trail dog is fine and dandy and I’m more than happy with that, taking said trail dog for a lap of Llandegla on a busy weekend afternoon (seen if happen more than once) off lead isn’t an example of keeping them under control.

    I may sound as if I’m a complete pet/dog hater, not the case, the missus (now ex) and I owned horses, cats and yes dogs and we made sure that they were controlled when in public/with guests (well not the cats but who can)

    Full Member

    I did one last week to the local post office, money was credited back to me later the same day, so pretty slick.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Internet connection issue/Wi-Fi problems will give the symptoms you suggest.

    Full Member

    I don’t play it as much as when it first came out, but this makes it so much easier

    Full Member

    Nikon D7100
    Nikon D750
    Fuji X-T2 – newest addition have to say Fuji do themselves proud with the kit lens head n shoulders above the usual kit lenses
    Fuji X30
    Panasonic LX100
    Sony A7 – perm wedded to the Zeiss 55mm
    Canon EOS M – dire slow autofocus but due to that a couple years back Argos were knocking them out for 200quid so a great price for an APS compact

    Full Member

    A suicide bomber/attacker has been pre-convinced they are achieving something and that they are contributing towards that.

    So remove that, for example, ex-communicate them from their faith before burial, do something so bad that they’d never get there.

    I’m gonna run into a crowd and blow myself up and be consigned to purgatory…hmm…Bury them in a paupers grave with nothing due their faith, and if that means its against the up-most tennents of your faith, tough you removed yourself from it being a sh*tbag

    Full Member

    Sheryl Crow

    Full Member

    Marin ideal for setting up your suspension.

    Penmachno, marmite love it or hate it. Loop 1 is v/different to Loop 2. The trail designers love to **** with you, an example is lull you into with a predictable set then just when you expect the next in the series, its something different.

    You have to remember the Marin trail was built well early in the trait of purpose built MTB trails so a big chunk of it is more classic stuff.

    Marin you’ll have lots more energy left than Penmachno 1&2

    Easy enough to extend the Marin

    The Marin Cowlyd Killer

    Full Member


    Blakes Seven

    Space 1999

    Golden formative years indeed

    Full Member

    Just checked 978GB in the last 30 days here

    Full Member

    Problem is WiFi at 2.4Ghz is a ISM band, roughly its unlicensed and any fecker can put together some gear and pollute the airwaves in that band. As well as WiFi you have bluetooth and all the internet of things crap.

    Right in the middle of the 2.4Gig band is the microwave oven, yup the optimal freq to excite a pile of water molecules is in the same band you want to stream Youtube and browse STW (Noting that the human body is mostly water) then throw in various Plasma lamps and such that again use a 2.4Gig magnetron to do their thing.

    Its a crappy part of the spectrum made worse by the shite thats being thrown out there nowadays.

    So step 1: What are your clients capable of using WiFi wise? Your clients are all the devices that you want to use the WiFi

    They will state 802.11(something)

    So your WiFi should cope with the lowest out of the lot.

    Ideally you want them all to be 802.11n or 802.11ac as then you could use a wireless access point that use the 5Ghz bands.

    Said 5Ghz bands haven’t got the crap shite devices on them, lamps, ovens etc.. and the coverage is less so less chance of other peoples WiFi AP’s interfering with them.

    As people have already said you can do a scan of your area using an app on your phone and tweak the channel or location of your hub for optimal results, or you can escalate the arms race by installing a repeater WiFi unit to improve the signal in marginal areas.

    Always happy to have a chat with someone out of forum (email in profile) sad to say I do networking for a living including Wifi designs and have been a radio amateur for over 30 years so used to dealing with lots of radio challenges.

    Full Member

    Smash em up the hill, let them see you get to the top, turn round come back down and ride up with them again using option 5

    Full Member

    Did an audit on a prospective customer network last year, had uptimes on core switches and firewalls over 10 years and sounded shocked when we told them we wouldn’t cover the targets they wanted us to meet for an outsource on their availability, change and security chapters buried within 1800 pages of contract docs.

    Full Member

    Right security appliance installed, AMP and Snort running, Windows now running again, just hope I don’t get drowned in too many alerts now.

    Full Member

    I work for a global outfit of about 130K users I suspect that one of our countries has had a hit (rumour only at present) totally agree patching is a nightmare. If you think PC’s are bad welcome to the world of networks, I’ve seen switches and routers with 10+ years uptime aka no updates at all!

    Thing is the lack of patching is usually not down to the IT/Comms teams, its usually the business either refusing downtime to update or more likely not giving any budget for it.

    Some PHBs will get the bullet for this but they are fall guys, I’m now getting increasingly bolshy when in meetings with our and theirs (customer) lawyers when it comes to system updates to defend my position on it all.

    Usual outcome 12-18 months down the line the customer eventually awakens and becomes aware they need to do something and sends in a change request that results in an 7-8 figure number to sort out the crap they have let build up for the last 5-10+ years. If they are awash with money they can defer against taxes they’ll spend it, if they have a national regulator breathing down their necks they’ll spend it or they will quibble over every single nut bolt and washer never mind the large bits and we will just reduce or more likely exclude items/sites from SLA’s and then when it hits the fan they will bluster we will do our best and then they will mutter and dip their hands in the pocket for a limited tactical fix, said tactical fixes over time will add up to lots more than doing it properly in the first place.

    Full Member

    Patient Admin System – there’s this new fangled thing called “the Web”

    You can even emulate operating systems in web browsers, so input some text and get some output text could be done. So being lazy on your existing estate no need for file shares, printers all you need is a locked down PC even to the point of epoxy in the USB ports with just a browser.

    Full Member

    Advice & Guidance hmm unless someones job is on the line it wont be taken seriously, private industry the board will perhaps loose something on their share options, Gov depts nothing. Look at the ICO with fines for loosing data one Gov dept fining another whats the point.

    This will no doubt be spun out to be a “sophisticated attack from a nation state” only for two years down the line to be found to be a single spotted faced teenage youth pulling out the standard defense tactic. Hopefully a few successful extraditions to Gitmo Bay will add a bit of risk for them.

    Winds me up something silly on the toerags who get their kicks on SWAT calls, if there is anyone worth having at the minimum a good Thomas A Smith Electric Rifle experience from the wrong side of the crosshairs.

    Full Member

    Oh FFS C2 is via TOR what legitimate use would the NHS have for allowing outbound to that. I know what the answer will be thou.

    Full Member

    Agree but there’s a difference between a PC running a critical system which no doubt will be licensed to hell to only run on one or a handful of machines and the run of the mill PC’s with email and file and printer shares. Critical system devices segregate them and leave them on their current OS, all the rest bloody well update.

    I’ve worked in a customer with sites that are still running Ferranti mainframes for core systems along with lots of younger systems and as the customer treats security appropriately along with targeted investment they don’t have issues, saying that I was there one day when their onsite security ejected someone from the site as the email data leakage system caught the person emailing a document that they shouldn’t (onsite security carry H&K so not to be messed with) So there’s a powerful stick for when people ignore all the mandatory training they have to complete on a regular basis.

    Full Member

    Someone bought or rented an off the shelf ransomware package, modded it to take advantage of a recent vuln that has been patched on modern machines but that in itself gives you a massive clue that it hasn’t on older OS’s.

    Fired it off almost on a scatter gun approach via email to various orgs, with say 800K-1M users in the NHS based on the email system with some of Matty’s colleagues peers how many does it take?

    The email system is across the NHS but each local HA has their own network, admin, IT etc so whilst the infection vector is common across the lot, the spread of it gives a good idea on where Matty’s Colleagues Peers are and who’s running un-patched or XP systems.

    Full Member

    The upper class English from the 1930’s/40’s, didn’t affect me from any movies but we had an upper crust young lady from Kenya come work for us early 2000’s, didn’t help that I’d seen White Mischief.

    Full Member

    Load of people crowding you distracting you, have you got anything left in your pockets?

    Full Member

    I got a Meraki security appliance a while back and never got round to fitting it, today has scared me enough that its getting installed on the home network tomorrow and there’s going to be a fair bit of locking down on stuff.

    Need to luck at what I can blag/get at a reasonable price for a decent DNS provider that provides some filtering on the malware, C2 etc type stuff.

    Full Member

    How much of the estate is still on XP and if so a choice was made to bin extended support on it, so MS wouldn’t even have created a custom patch(es) for the Vuln(S) never mind getting round to deploying it.

    I was sat in a session with Cisco today where we were looking at Stealthwatch along with Umbrella, Trustsec and ISE which would have seen the change in network traffic and you could have most likely spotted and isolated the affected machines pretty dammed quickly at a network level.

    As we were playing with the Demo VM’s of it all, one of the guys (different company to me) shouts out “my client (one of the authorities) has an worm outbreak and not to open any mail from them”

    I’m in the process of looking at a network refresh of a large manufacturer and things like this will make my job a hell of a lot easier in recommending splitting the enterprise/production networks and putting some serious controls in place.

    Full Member

    RTS wise take a look at Ashes of the Singularity

    Full Member

    I use the Plantronics Voyager Focus UC, active noise cancelling along with some amazing filtering on the microphone to drown out the sound of a busy office, comes with its own Bluetooth dongle for quality/range, has mute complete with a mute on reminder if you try and speak with mute still on. Also will change your status to on a call in Skype if you receive a call on your mobile phone.

    Full Member

    Lie about your medical history that would preclude you from driving, get a job involving driving, kill 6 people, get away with it apart from having your driving licence taken away and continue driving anyway.

    Full Member

    Worrying bit is when he did the episode on the Telephone my immediate thought was I could do that in sub 30 secs (not 40 mins) complete with customised mods depending on Plan required (1a, 4 etc) and the typical engineers bodges.

    Full Member

    Kawasaki H2R

    Full Member

    Rolls Royce Griffon

    Full Member

    Also the Baofeng are not weather sealed and you’ll have to program them for the PMR channels (and power output) so you’ll need the special USB cable (approx £2) and CHIRP

    Saying that I use a Baofeng for a cheap I’m not worried if I trash it 2m/70cm handheld for amateur radio and it works pretty good.

    PMR & PMR-446 handies here

    Full Member

    Gary Moore

    Full Member

    A holiday is usually to relax/unwind so why spend time arguing , there’s something wrong guess we the collective can’t say why, other than alarm bells should be ringing sorry.

    Full Member

    Got the NyA to Dogellau section spot on, you’ll get wet!

    He’s slimmed down a lot since his last series, gone a long way from his original rugby player physique.

    Full Member

    Assumes iperf 2 installed already in 16.04

    $sudo snap install lcavassa-iperf

    Logout, log back in

    $lcavassa-iperf.iperf runs iperf v3.1.3

    $iperf runs the original

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