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  • russ295
    Free Member

    Kitchen fitter here also. It looks like it’s sitting on the gable of the unit. I personally wouldn’t fill it with silicone, it will look poor after a while. I usual bed ceramic sinks on just enough silicone to seal but not bulge out.
    Having said that the ceramics are never perfectly flat so a little gap has to be lived with.
    As blazin said. 3/4 days at most unless there is other stuff going on.

    Free Member

    Why not dpc, insulation and a screed on top?
    Prob cheaper than wood and would make wet ufh a possibility?

    Free Member

    An interesting article by a very good coach (I’ve had tuition with Chris) about the use of high backs or more the dependence on them and using your toes to make a heelside turn.

    Free Member

    Must be devastating to find out after 20 + years you’ve been doing it all wrong then?

    Whatever each to his/her own it’s not the issue here.

    But I still think duck riders are cocks.

    Au contraire, I realised I’d being doing it wrong for about 10 years 10 years ago, then ducked out after buying mcnabs dvd in which promotes foot peddaling and started a chain of courses which has improved my riding no end.

    And if im a cock, I’m a cock that can snowboard well 😉

    To the op.

    1. Boots, make sure they fit (possibly footbeds as well).
    2. Bindings, do they fit the boots and don’t over tighten (heel lift is mainly bad technique also)
    3. Angles and stance width, play around, strap in when in the house and crouch, jump, press and see how it feels, if your stance is too narrow you could be rolling your feet over.
    4. High backs, dont rely on them, if you lean on them too long it will push your feet into the tounge of your boots, bend your knees more and pull up on your toes and drive your heel down.
    5. Don’t stay on one edge for ages, keep moving/turning.
    6. Get some lessons, better still go on a full week course with a school, it will be worth it.
    7. Take up skiing if 1-6 didnt work.

    Free Member

    Bluehelmet, I’ve been riding for 21 years. The last 5/6 years I’ve spent about 60 hours in tuition, very good tuition, probably the same standard that mcnab would teach at.
    I ride 21/18 duck and don’t sideslip around the Alps.

    Free Member

    I wax as I’m riding. I’ve a little tow along generator to power my iron and a scraper attached to a piece of string that acts like a skipping rope.
    It makes jumps and 360’s a bit tricky tho.

    Free Member

    Data wax. Cheap as chips and last for at least a week prob two.

    Free Member

    I hope not! I’m half way through a self build and mine are coming on Monday.
    5mtr 3 pane sliding doors, French doors, front door and various windows. All in grey 7016

    Free Member

    We currently live in an old property and the heating upstairs if off all year apart from the bathroom.
    She won’t budge on it, so it’s got to go in.

    Free Member

    Cheers. I’ve been investigating the evo stuff, also the heatmiser neo stuff.

    Free Member

    That’s the one.
    Mucho thanks

    Free Member

    Yes but only to give me a clue.

    Free Member

    Diversity applied, your hob and oven could be 32a each and the total rating would be 26a or 31a if there is a socket at the switch.

    Free Member

    Used to be have something in my knee but now it’s out. It’s about an inch long and feels like a worm.
    Hurt like hell when it was in but doesn’t bother me now unless I kneel on it.

    Free Member

    Dont take this the wrong way but how is your snowboarding?
    Reason i ask is, if your riding shoulders forward and using your trailing leg to kick the board around to turn, your knees are going to get tired and stressed pretty quickly.

    Free Member

    I met Harry Leary as a kid. Along with Bob Haro and a few others at a Kellogg’s bmx show.

    Free Member

    Yes that would be acceptable 😉
    Without the brackets of course.

    Free Member

    You don’t fully understand Geordie dialect yet. 😆
    Haway means come, as in “haway owa ere”

    Free Member

    Check out “midaircrisis” they ride every Thursday (local) and Sunday (away)

    Free Member

    Last time I went it cost me £49 for the flight and car hire for a fortnight.
    £98 for me and the other half! Just found hotels etc when I got there.
    Was about 20 years ago tho. Thank god for teletext holidays.

    Free Member

    Self cert mortgages were all the rage for s/e workers, but the credit crunch wiped the whole lot out in a matter of weeks, I know as I was half way though an application and the product got pulled.
    Good luck if you wanting more than your official income would allow.

    Free Member

    Sore feet is generally technique and ill fitting boots/over tightening the binding straps.

    Free Member

    A school with BASI instructors, preferably dedicated snowboard will provide continuity with the lessons in the dome. I’ve taught/coached snowboarding for years and don’t know what an uphill swing is.

    Best bit of advice given. Bad technique at the start is hard to remove at a later stage. I know, I learnt in the early 90’s when it was forward stance and kicking the rear foot around to turn.

    Free Member

    but pretty much all electrics these days need to be done by a sparks and if your having a new kitchen fitted and your changing the electrics….then it needs to be signed off also

    Not quite. The building reg “part p” was relaxed a couple of years ago. You don’t need to register additions in a kitchen any more, only new circuits, so unless he’s fitting a dedicated circuit for the lights he’s fine. But……. It still should be to current regs and be tested and a minor works very issued ( which doesn’t need to have NICEIC or the like on it)
    IMO plinth lights are awful things, the strip led under/up lights are nice when fitted.
    Easiest way is to spur from a s/o to a switched fcu then run a radial circuit to each point that the transformer needs plugged in.
    Best option is to run them from the light circuit but usually causes a lot of damage.

    Free Member

    D5 se auto on a 60 plate. Had it from new. Oodles of grunt on the motorway and nice in traffic due to the automatic gearbox.
    Had a sensor fault at 3 years but apart from that it’s been good.

    Free Member

    Not cheap but they do work. Bit fiddly to fit tho.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    They’ve got on in for £24. Out of stock tho:-(

    Free Member

    He’ll struggle to get a bowl and half in. The bit that’s on the right (bowl) should be on the left (half). That’s why they’ve bodged it as it will foil on the cabinet side.

    Free Member

    Yip they’ve cut the horizontal bit. Nothing apart from the female end it should go into will fit.
    A temporary bodge would be to wrap it in self amalgamating tape, might stop for a while but I’d leave the bowl there.

    Free Member

    It’s a bodge. It looks like a bowl and half kit has been butchered as the vertical bit usually attaches to the half bowl. Probably because of the gable of the cabinet being in the way.
    As stated the black pipe is pushfit (awful stuff ) which is smaller than solvent ( good stuff )

    Rip the lot out and fit 2 mcalpine p traps

    You might have to remove a bit more of the gable to get it to fit.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a amr7500 for a few years. Absolutely love it and not a thing has gone wrong. Changed the bars/stem/seat and cassette and a set it up 1×10.

    Free Member

    Nothing booked but prob a week in Andorra with the wife/daughter and her friend then sending them home and flying to Geneva for a week somewhere with the lads.

    Free Member

    I’ve been doing freestyle karate for about 7 years. More of a mix of boxing/kickboxing/karate. Most of the people that compete are either wako (mat kickboxing) or k1 (ring) and there is a few very high end fighters in the club, (5 times world champ!)
    The last few years we’ve been doing a groundwork class on a sat morn, it’s very physical and leaves you aching and bruised the following day, where as the stand up stuff is more fast paced and although when you first start your aching, I never really feel it unless I’ve missed a few weeks or do lots of specific kicks.
    The sparring is officially semi contact but its its more you hit as hard as you’d expect to be hit back as you can spar with a 6ft monster one second then a 8st women the next (some of the women hit harder than the fellas tbh)

    Free Member

    The stretch from St. Peter’s basin to wallsend is an eye opener to say the least, I live nearby and I wouldn’t pedal it alone in the dark! Best to bypass!

    Free Member

    Festool midi in the background I see?

    I’ve got 2. An old one in the garage and a shiny new one (£50 off voucher a few weeks ago) that I couldn’t resist at £250 less vat!

    Free Member

    Festool midi in the background I see?

    Free Member

    Got one of eBay for £40.
    If you get a knock on the door by a man in black it might be me.

    Free Member

    yeah but without the hair!

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