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  • NBD: Starling Beady Little Eye, Carbon Wasp Truffle-120, Norco Sight VLT
  • rupertpostlethwaite
    Free Member

    i now have a met parachute for superb all round dutys and safety.

    A very responsible answer and a fantastic all mountain all round helmet! I feel invincible while wearing it.
    Shame giro or any of the other big company’s haven’t followed this trend! Practical as well as a great downhill looking helmet. Thumbs up here.

    Free Member

    Oh yes, did anybody else notice those hooligans half way down the course hurling abuse at the downhill racers? I was disgusted by the language they were using at each racer! 😯

    Free Member

    To all those people saying you don’t need downhill mountain bike, I was there and I saw the size of the huge jump at the start and the enormous drop in at the end! Ok it wasn’t as technical as coed-y-brenin, but I sure as hell wouldn’t take the risk without a full body armour on! And I still wouldn’t do that jump! This has opened my eyes to what downhill really is all about! 🙂

    Free Member

    “mboy – Member
    You’re trying a little too hard now.
    If you’re not carefull people might start to cotton on.
    Hmmm, just analysed a few of his recent posts, his spelling and grammar, little things he says and implies… I’ve definitely got a very short list right now of who rupert is an alter ego of!
    Any IP address experts about for a bit of detective work to stop this troll?

    You’ve analysed me!!! For Petes sake! What kind of creature are you!

    L ache, and the rest of you bullies! Just because I’m no riding god, doesn’t mean you can bully me! At the end of the day, we’re all lovers of two wheels are we not??? If your too “gnar” for cdybrennin then perhaps you should give up your day job!

    Free Member

    Simple speedstu- I think you should stop and think sometimes…. 🙄

    Free Member

    I really can’t believe the ridiculous advise some of you are giving! Coed-y-brenin is NOT child’s play! And I’m telling the op to be cautious and some of you are telling him not to listen to me!!! Seems like there’s a few irresponsible idiots on here! 🙄
    There’s a lot of black routes, and black routes in case you don’t know mboy and northwind means SEVERE!!!
    I bet you’ve never done false teeth have you??? I fell off coming down there and could have broken my jaw if I hadn’t had my met parachute on!!!
    Be careful is all I’m saying and where plenty body armour for extra confidence.

    Free Member

    Northwind, are you calling me the troll? Surely not! Everyone is entitled to there own opinions! Where not all riding gods you know! I think it’s very disrespectful of you to make accusations like that when I’m trying my best to give advise! You should try and take it in, because you might learn something!!!

    Free Member

    What a marvelous event indeed! Fabulous to see a good mixture of cyclists come together of different sizes and ethnicity! I wanted the jelly baby man to win! 😆

    Free Member

    Fantastic place there! You’ll really enjoy it, but be careful, it’s not for the faint hearted! Certain sections just aren’t rideable unless your a professional downhill racer! So be warned! Apart from that you’ll utterly enjoy yourself!
    Oh yes, tyres!!! Well I use panaracers xc’s and they’re excellent for that type of terrain. Enjoy but be careful at the same time! 😀

    Free Member

    I feel quite disappointed at the reaction I’m getting! One is in a dilemma and seeking advise and all I get is abuse! Well I shall seek it elsewhere from now on, unless anybody has some reasonable input for me? Who is this mojo character richc? Will he do call outs?

    Free Member

    I would recommend Altura garments, absolute exceptional value for money and performance in all weathers and all riding from xc to downhill! Highly recommended! 😀

    Free Member

    This behaviour makes me want to sell my orange! Maybe they haven’t got the correct tyres and tyre pressures,:hence them falling off all the time!!! 🙄

    Free Member

    If your only riding canal towpaths then I’d say no more than 100mm, if your riding demanding technical terrain such as coed-y-brenin then I would say maybe no less than 160mm of travel front and rear, if not more! But then again I don’t think riding gets more extreme at places like that! oh yes, lee quarry too! 😀
    Fantastic place to improve ones riding ability!

    Free Member

    My panaracer xc’s are fantastic all round tyres for every condition! Very fast rolling powers too! Highly recommended.
    Greeble, I don’t think maxxis do an orange specific tyre, I’ve just been down to my lbs and he said they don’t.

    Free Member

    I’d quite happily pay into a honesty box at coed-y-brenin, and due to thugs this will never happen so my advise to them would be to put there prices up at the cafe. What’s an exta £1for a cup of tea?? I’m sure people can afford to pay these prices if they’re riding around on £5k bicycles!! 🙄

    Free Member

    I find him an utter disgrace to the British community! 😡
    How someone has got to that level, coming from nothing does nothing but frustrate and annoy me! And for that reason, and that reason alone….. I’m out.

    Free Member

    Why anyone would want bars longer than 700mm is beyond me! 🙄
    My bars are about 585mm wide, nice and light, it just causes extra weight surely? 🙄

    Free Member

    Hmm, that reminds me of a track down coed-y-brenin, and that’s only a red route! They wouldn’t have black routes for nothing! Its like a warning to all mountain bikers warning not to ride unless you are extremely skilfull bike handler! 🙂

    Free Member

    “Skywalker – Member
    1.8 Panaracer XC’s on a Five is just wrong.

    Only if you put them on the wrong way! 😆
    Seriously though, you must try them! They are so much faster and smoother than all that sticky heavy weight rubbish! You won’t look back after you’ve tried them, I promise! I was amazed.

    Free Member

    I would stay away from the sticky compound rubbish! All this does is slow you down! 😕 As does the black chilli garbage! Tried them both as people highly recommend them, but felt my riding wasnt improving so i sold them as i wasn’t impressed at all! Then I bought some panaracers xc’s and the difference this made was vast! Great at climbing, made the bike feel lighter aswell! Sooo much easier to pedal on the road too! Just make sure you put them on the right way and stick to 1.8’s. You’ll be amazed at how much faster you go! 😆

    Free Member

    Nice video. Obviously the tuition isn’t working too well! But don’t give up pook! I think you haven’t found the right tutor just yet! You look very “stiff” on a bike, but with the right tuition you can overcome this. Please stick with it and dont ever give up! We were all beginners once! I’ve only been seriously riding 6 months and I’ve come a long way on my own, may I add! Some of us need that extra help though, which is fine and nothing to be ashamed of. Good luck and I hope you find the right tutor. Biking will change your life! 🙂

    Free Member

    Hmm… I would say definitely coed-y-brenin! to me all mountain has to be rough enough to have to use a full suss. Coed-y-brenin fits that bill nicely. I took a close friend there last week and he was gob smacked at how technical it was! In the end he ended up just riding the blue route. I am working my way up to the black, slowly but surely 😀
    I’m sure the pros will be able to ride the blacks, but I’m more than happy to be able ride all mountain, i’ll let you all know how scotland goes.

    Free Member

    Absolute disgrace! I was only there two week ago! Such a shame. A fabulous place to ride. Are you sure it wasn’t the wind though? Anyway, it’s very christian of you to let people know. The world needs more people like you!

    Free Member

    I broke mine when I fell off my horse about 7 years ago.
    I would recommend you get a good physiotherapist once your on the mend, and don’t be riding the bike untill the therapist says! Infact give an extra couple of months just to be on the safe side! I’d say you’ll be back riding at your usual standard within 18 months. Stick with it old fella and keep your chin up, there’s a lot of people out there worse off!
    good luck and I hope this brings some relief. 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes I definitely think you need lessons! And the positive thing about it is you can admit it. That’s the first step, the second step would be to get some serious lessons! Stick with it and don’t ever give up hope! It’s a great sport that can change your life! 🙂

    Free Member

    “The “Pure-O” is manifested by a two-part process: the originating unwanted thought (spike) and the mental activity which attempts to escape, solve, or undo the spike, called rumination. The following are examples of varieties of spikes:
    A man is involved in sexual relations with his female lover. Just prior to orgasm, the thought of his friend Bob pops into his head. This is the fourth time in a month that this has happened. In response to this, he becomes very upset and wonders whether he is gay. He terminates sexual activity in order to avoid having to deal with this concern.
    A mother is changing the diapers of her infant. As she lovingly looks down at the helpless child, the thought occurs to her to take a pillow and smother the child. In response to this thought, the mother panics and runs to another room to diminish the possibility of acting on this thought, assuming that the capacity to think such thoughts may be similar to acting on them.”

    This is just an example of some of the ways the mind “argues” with itself through this torturers disorder.
    A sufferer feels like a prisoner in his own mind and struggles through life in silence through it all, and should certainly NOT be confused with what a lot of you small minded people think it is. 🙄

    Free Member

    I feel rather shocked and quite frankly offended by people’s attitude to this disorder! This illness is far more than washing hands all the time and checking doors are locked! For crying out loud people! This mental illness comes in different forms and too many people are ignorant to it. 👿 It is not a joke to the sufferer! I for one cannot go out riding my bike if I haven’t got the correct pressure in my tyres, but I wouldnt say I’m an OCD sufferer, this condition can be self torture for the sufferer with an over active mind.

    Free Member

    If you rode at places like coed-y-brenin then you wouldn’t last two minutes on a hardtail! I’ve started riding the black routes and tbh I don’t think you’d get around it on a hardtail without pushing sections. My five is a fabulous bike which gives me the confidence to ride such aggressive terrain. 8)

    Free Member

    Get back under your bridge troll!! We can do without this nonsense!

    Free Member

    Absolutely splendid riding! I think I went to university with these jolly fellows, very nice chaps indeed.

    Free Member

    The correct amount of air pressure in my tyres buzz.
    I suppose wearing body armour is your choice but I would recommend it for lee quarry, there were also a few downhillers there and they were all armoured up too, so it must be relevant.

    Free Member

    Absolutely recommend lee quarry! Fantastic riding although not for the faint hearted! I think the downhill course is way too rocky, had to push down a lot of it. 😕

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps, and thanks kiwifiz but I don’t really want to spend so much on them as Im wanting to buy some wrist protection aswell. Not wanting to spend more than £10 if I can help it, hence the “looking for any deals” thanks anyway. Any more ideas much appreciated.

    Free Member

    The recommendation for replacement is 3 years I think. I would probably change it after 2 though to be on the safe side.

    Free Member

    Welcome to a beautiful forum, hope they don’t accuse you of trolling! 🙄

    Free Member

    You WILL need body armour!

    Free Member

    We are one big happy family! 🙂

    Free Member

    Mega steep fun too technical

    Free Member

    Hmmm, yes your right! I must try harder. 🙄

    Free Member

    cruzheckler – Member
    rupertpostlethwaite – Member
    Hmm… Most of them paths In the peaks are illegal to cycle on
    I don’t think they know what the law is up north!
    facetious or real nobber?

    Thanks for the kind words, Im merely trying to put my point across hence the attack on the northern attitude towards riding on public footpaths! 🙄

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