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  • Stolen! Frameworks Racing’s Van Full of Gear and Bikes
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Yep. My full-facer arrived yesterday with my elbow pads and huge wide handlebars. So I’ll look like a gnarly downhiller, but ride like an XC jeyboy. I just don’t wanna crash and make myself look even uglier, TBH….

    Could that actually be possible?? 😯 😉

    You found a full-facer to fit, then?

    I think you left it here:

    Free Member

    Another final the scousers cheated in to win

    Get over it. You lost, fair and square. I take it you are referring to the Henchoz ‘handball’- ball to hand, no attempt made to control the ball with the hand, therefore not handball. Ball deflected off his elbow.

    Henry then fluffed a chance after Westerveld had blocked his shot. Owen won the game with two fantastic goals, showing what a class striker he actually was.

    He should never have left Liverpool. Cooduv been a Champions’ League winner…

    Free Member

    Simple. Hamilton is not as great as the British press make him out to be, and does not in any way yet have the experience to turn that car into a winner, as Alonso did at Renault, Schumacher at Ferrari, and Senna at Lotus. Those drivers know what makes a car win; Hamilton took an already successful car, and won with that. Now McLaren aren’t winning, he does not in any way know how to make it faster.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Just bung your aerial on the other side of the mountain, and get a long bit of cable. Sorted!

    I won’t charge you for this advice, but some greedy fecker might!

    Free Member

    Slight hi-jack, but short of taking the bastard thing off it’s hinges, and using a plane, how can I take a couple of mm off the bottom of a door? The dozy bastards who done the tiling of the bathroom floor din’t take into account the need for clearance…

    And does a kitchen in a rented place need a door on it, for fire regs? I think so, but can’t find any info.

    And Ernie; have you done my coffee table yet? S’been a couple of weeks now mate; you’ve had ample time to get it done.

    Free Member

    Jordan and Peter split, Susan Boyle collapses, Obama swats fly, and Kosher ISP is launched.

    Free Member

    Sigh…. 🙁

    Ableton is a full-on pro sound creation app. It costs hundreds of pounds. Garagebaynd is part of OSX, when you buy a new Mac or iLife, which also contains Video and DVD creation programs. It is £69, if bought separately.

    Garagebaynd would suit the OP a lot better than Ableton, as it’s a lot simpler to use. And cheaper. Unless they’d have to buy a whole new Mac, in which case my suggestion is pretty pointless.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ah, if you had a Mac, you’d have Garagebaynd[/url] in with the built-in software suite, which you could use to create choons, and burn to CD/DVD etc….

    Free Member

    Both are about to ride into a pane of glass with some website printed on it?

    Same rider, riding in a series event, for two different teams?

    Free Member

    ‘Cause you’re going.

    And I hate children.

    ……… the snotty-nosed irritating little brats.

    You don’t really hate children, you’re just being all gruff and grizzly.

    Why can’t you be nice, like me?

    Free Member

    LOL at mamadirt’s tiny bikes issues! 😀

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    kimbers, I’m 27 and very definitely not “old fashioned”.

    Blimey; I hope you mellow out a bit by the time you get to my age, mate (37 and still childish and irresponsible)!

    To my mind expanses of concrete, blank rendered walls and corporate colour schemes and logos detract from the environment.

    I agree. A blank wall is a blank space, like a blank canvass is. It is not natural, or within our Humanity, to be surrounded by blank spaces. It is praps almost instinctive, to want to fill in a blank space.

    Of course, this needs to be done with sensitivity and consideration. Unfortunately, this is virtually impossible to achieve, as it would need someone to oversee operations; this would undoubtedly introduce individual agendae, and therefore be constrictive. And you can’t just say ‘oh, it’s ok to graffiti a boring motorway support, or a warehouse wall’. Because not all motorway supports/walls would be in locations where graffiti is appropriate.

    I do object to the amount of public space that is festooned with advertising hoardings. I don’t believe the vast majority of adverts add anything to the aesthetic appeal of places. In fact, many are just downright offensive; ‘Buy, Consume, Spend’. Obscene. But I have little say over this. Because it is allowed by Law, public spaces are fair game.

    Why not have billboards that artists can fill with material of their choice? I know there’s an element of ‘control’, with this, and not all would want to participate, but it would act as a showcase for individual talent and expression.

    Question: What is socially more damaging; a bit of graffiti on a railway siding, or an advert objectifying female sexuality, reinforcing ideals and stereotypes?

    Free Member

    Well they don’t **** work now, do they?

    Pull yer finger out, you ponce!

    Free Member

    PJ266 – Member
    Your opinion is wrong. More tits.

    No, you are wrong. A+A should be about athletes you admire for their athletic prowess first, and who you think are ‘well buff’. Their buffness should be merely coincidental to thier athletic prowess, mind, or you end up with stuff like this:

    Which has as much to do with sport, as I do with the House of Lords.

    Free Member

    Much like the lady herself

    S’a bit harsh, innit? Speshly coming form a bloke who’s a decade or two past his best himself! 😯

    You’re mean and nasty, Flashy. 🙁

    Free Member

    Djamolidine Abdoujaparov?!?!? The Tashkent Terror? A man so mental they named a band after him?!?!

    Fantastic sprinter; a monster. One of the greatest sprinters in Tour history.

    I’ll never forget this crash. It made me cry, it was so bad. 40+mph; touched the foot of a metal barrier. All over. 🙁

    One of me favourite TDF riders of all time! Nice one, Crikey! 😀

    Free Member

    I think that’s the point, though. It’s ‘let’s have a perv at fit babes/blokes without breaking forum rules’, really, let’s face it.

    I think this woman is amazing, and utterly gorgeous. A true inspiration.

    Chantal Petitclerc.

    Free Member

    Yeah, why ain’t you bought your tikkit yet, Ernesto? Banging on about stuff, yet you don’t want to support a charity for the kiddies?

    What hope for today’s Yute Dem, with people like you around, eh? They may as well just start on the glue at 5ive years old.

    Free Member

    something’s gone seriously wrong, when Archie Gemmil makes the A+A thread…

    What next; Mel Sterland? 😯

    Free Member

    Had on; weren’t you slagging off A+A, and claiming it was out of order, only last week, BWD?? 😀

    Wet T-shirt must work for ladies as well.

    Knobbly Knees contest would be all-inclusive.

    As for Club 18-30; BBB is a family event. No smut.

    Free Member

    Sounds good to me, aP!

    Brentwood or Southend?

    Where??? S’like **** Holland or sumfink!!!

    London Pootles must be within the Greater London area. Nowt against a ride in Essex, mind. I’ve been promised a go on a combine harvester in Frinton, so a Sarfend ride might be fun!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Spent a few weeks last winter walking round the streets shouting “go’way” at everyone I saw. Knew I was doing it, couldn’t stop

    See, I don’t think that’s actually all that ‘mad’. In fact, I feel a fair amount of empathy with ‘nutters’. Breakneckspeed has a very serious and valid point to make, yet seems to be being ignored, largely.

    There are some very damaged people out there. Most are harmless, at least to the general public. But they are Human Beings, and deserving of respect. Many simply want to enjoy themselves, and be happy, but can encounter a lot of fear and mistrust from others.

    Understanding what’s going on inside someone else’s head, is damn near impossible. But making the effort to try and understand who you, yourself, are is one way of being able to develop an understanding of others, which can be a very useful tool in life.

    It takes but a moment, and a tiny bit of effort, to have compassion for another.

    Boriselbrus; all the best to you, feller. Hope life’s twists and turns can bring you more happiness.

    Free Member

    Kid comes home, all excited and proud of their latest painting, parent looks at it, screws it up and throws it in bin. Kid is traumatised, and never succeeds at anything… 🙁

    Some inertesting onions, and I think Bez has posted some of the most insightful and intelligent comments of anyone.

    Free Member

    Hang on- horn not working?

    You’re virtually a murderer, and should be locked up for everyone’s safety.

    Sorry, sounds harsh, but it’s the only way, I’m afraid.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member
    RB, not that i condone such a thing, but if your interested i can do you a parts list and ciruit diagrams for soemthing a bit more effective than Hi-fi speekers which struggle at high/low rfrequencies anyway, regardless of what it says on the box

    Yes please!!!!

    TINAS; YHM!!!


    Free Member

    11/12th is Brechfa, PP. so i’m probbly not going to be about. I might be, though. But I might not.

    Free Member

    What about Musical Youth?

    Free Member

    Peter is a righteous man, and lives in a world of unrighteous women. He cannot stand to see unrighteousness flourish, and always challenges it wherever he finds it.

    **** right an’ all! Harlots and Jezebels, the lot of ’em!!!!

    Well, actually, not all of them. Only some of them really.

    To be honest, possibly just a very tiny minority. But Harlots and Jezebels, nontheless!!!

    When I say ‘Harlots’ and ‘Jezebels’, I do not of course mean that any particular women behave in a Harlotty or Jezebelly manner. It may be possible that one or two might, but then they might not.

    In fairness, I shoon’t really say things like that. It’s not nice.

    Free Member

    I vote for Yutte Stensgaard:

    Free Member

    It will always be on a weekend, PP. Put dates you can make down, then. The Pootle Leader has ultimate say on when it will be, though.

    So, how it works: Suggestions of possible routes, bit of arguing, possible dates, route + leader nominated, consensus reached- BOSH!

    Don’t ride; Pootle.

    Free Member

    Ooh! Juicy!

    Cuppa, anyone? Fraid there’s only Bourbons and Digestives left.

    Free Member

    Sounds good, aP.

    Free Member

    Of course, Clubber! 😀

    Fixies aren’t allowed, btw. Work of Satan.

    Free Member

    another biking outing breaking the law by riding on pavements and down steps would do!

    And so it shall come to pass…

    Free Member

    There’s a bloke round here, with the sensitive nickname of ‘Nutty Patrick’. Big, red-haired feller. Has a love of directing traffic. He’s been given a hi-vis jacket, after one or two accidents/near misses.

    Harmless, and seems to enjoy life.

    Bloke I’ve met, from Bradford, once stabbed a copper in the head with a pair of scissors. When asked what was going through his mind, at the time of the vicious assault, he replied ‘All I could think of, were that Bounty is the Taste of Paradise…’.


    Free Member

    alwyn; my block is mostly older bods, and it’s all 1 bed flats, so no families. I woon’t use such a thing for prolonged periods of time, just when there’s a group congregating round the shops. it’s been designated a ‘dispersal zone’, whatever that means, but like they give a **** about that. Most of them aren’t that bad, just noisy.

    I don’t really have conclusive results yet. I need a kid to help me test the range of such a device, as I can’t hear it.

    I am also looking into a simliar system for use with a mobile ‘phone. You know, like if you’re on a bus or something, and there’s a crowd of rowdy kids get on. something that you can discretely switch on, and play via the ‘phone’s speaker. Kids use high-frequency ringtones that their parents or teachers can’t hear, so a variation on that.

    Unobtrusive, subtle and does no lasting damage. And if they do complain about it, no adult will be able to corroborate their story…

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