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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Love the trailer for the new show. Fantasic, how they got kids who looked like young Clarkson and May. Hamster of course played his young self…

    It will be the same, tired old format, with Clarkson praps trying to be even more right-wing and obnoxious, Hamster trying to look ‘cool’ and be the ladies’ favourite, and May wandering round with a ‘wtf am I doing here?’ expression on his face.

    I shall, shamefully, probbly be watching, mind… 🙄

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    D’oh Mr Smith beat me.

    Ha ha! You fail!

    Free Member

    PS, HackneyRider is from Leeds, yet supports Man U… 😉

    Free Member

    Is DrJ a bitter Leeds/Newcastle/Middlesborough/(insert whichever shit team of your choice) fan then?

    Came on, DrJ; who is it?

    Is it Everton? Hmm?


    Free Member

    It was pretty boring, tbh.

    Free Member

    Some of me mum’s family hailed from Merseyside, and Liverpool were kind of the ‘family’ team. Them and Tranmere Rovers. As there was no footbally influence from me dad, I chose Liverpool. They also play in red, which was me favourite colour.

    I once wanted to be a fire engine.

    Free Member

    Football, psychle, not ‘Soccer’. Football.

    Free Member

    Some kind of firing pin thingy?

    Free Member

    glory hunter

    A common quote from someone whose shite team never win **** all… 😉

    Nice fish.

    Free Member

    Is it a Baby Robin?

    Free Member

    How many people on here chase eggs, regularly, and how many play footie?

    Football is simply a superior game, end of. That’s why it’s the most popliar sport in’t World. Rugby is only played by countries where people tend to eat too much, and grow to be big biffers who grunt a lot, as the repeated slamming of their heads into the ground leads to brain damage. The exception is the USA, where the litigation culture means a very simliar game is played with helmets and loads of padding. Strangely, this does not in any way seem to stop it’s participants grunting a lot.

    Football is enjoyed by many, many many times more people globally, than Rugby, which can’t even decide on it’s own rules sufficiently, to have one united sport.

    Footie is all about skill, control, finesse, athleticism, tactics, passion and commitment*.

    Rugby is simply about bashing other people and trying to get an egg-shaped object over the line, using little more than sheer brute force, and a lot of grunting.

    (*These attributes may not always be apparent when I am playing..)

    Free Member


    You know, you could well be right… 😯

    Free Member

    Actually, the voice of Aleister Crowley is telling me to kill a posh bloke from Wiltshire….

    Watch out, Flashy; for you know not from where RudeBoy will strike…

    Free Member

    Where Hamilton finish today?

    Oh dear.

    Free Member

    I looked at some XTR ones in a shop recently, and a nearby lady suddenly exclaimed she wanted my babies…

    Free Member

    My mum got me one for a fiver or something, from Sainsbergs. Does the job perfectly.

    I’d never spend loads on **** poncy ‘impress-yer-dinner-party-guests’ toot like Dualit. A mate has one; does not in any way even toast evenly, ffs…

    Or just bung under grill.

    Free Member

    Great minds, mama.. 😉

    Yeah, but TJ, as a Yute, we’d drink owt in sight, but keel over. These days, I may go out, drink shit loads yet not suffer anywhere near as badly.

    I spose, as you get older, you learn to pace yerself…


    Free Member

    Yeah, I’ll be up for that! 😀

    Free Member

    Now now…

    Free Member

    Star Wars toaster….


    Free Member

    I’m already in bed!

    (I’m not really, but don’t tell her…)

    Free Member

    One of me favourite books!

    Free Member

    was not = Was not.
    Coon’t = Couldn’t = Could not. (No, not what you were thinking…)
    Din’t = Did not.
    Haddunt = had not.
    Ittud = It would.
    Bastard= quite a few things, actually. Eg; ‘This bastard thing won’t budge’; ‘That jacket is proper bastard’; ‘My old mayn’s a bastard, ‘e wears a bastard ‘at’.


    There are many more.

    Free Member


    Thanks to the Lovely Cinnamon Girl! 😀

    HackneyRider’s new car is rubbish, and can only take one bike at a time. 🙁

    DD; don’t worry; once we’ve had a beer or two, we won’t be worried about the bloody brakes!

    I’m SOOOO excited!

    I’d better go to bed very soon, as I had to be up 3 hours ago, to catch the train…

    Free Member

    Alonso was definitely hampered by McLaren, who favoured Hamilton. How else could a driver of Alonso’s calibre be half a second slower? No way- McLaren had their ‘favourite’, and were determined to get Ron Dennis’ protege onto the top seat. But, it backfired, as they’re cheating bastards.

    Alonso dragged Renault up to two wins last season, in a shite car. And he won 2 WCs in a Renault.

    It was Alonso’s/Raikkonen’s/Hakkinens experience that got the McLaren onto the front row. hamilton can’t put it back there.

    He’s a great driver, but he’s still got a lot to learn. The British press hail him as some sort of Messiah, but the truth is, there’s probbly 4 or 5 drivers in F1 right now, that are as good, if not better. Vettel, for example. Massa was a better driver last year; let’s not forget; Hamilton fluked the WC, because Glock made a mistake.

    Hamilton is up there with the best, but now is the time for him to really show how good he is. and he’s not doing so.

    Senna took a shite Lotus to race wins. That was a proper driver…

    Mind, I am pleased to see a lot less of LH’s dad’s shiny **** head this year!

    That Pussycat Doll is paid to be LH’s girlfriend, so that people don’t think he’s gay.

    Shall I have Pizza, or noodles and fish, for supper?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I think it’s because Lanresa suffered a tragic family loss at the Heysel Stadium disaster, and feels very angry and emotional. Suffice to say, Liverpool FC are a figure of hate, for him.

    I think he should avoid footy threads if they upset him so much.

    There’s no justification for some of his comments, no matter how emotional he he may be, over the matter.

    Best that people are mindful of this, though, and are understanding.

    As a Liverpool fan, I feel no ill towards him, and sadness and sympathy for his family.


    Free Member

    No, DD, I’m making the effort, and so must you.

    You won’t need brakes, anyway. It’s a gentle pootle, not Rad and Gnarly, Dude…

    Free Member

    Knew it would descend into this. 🙁

    Free Member

    Well, would Bracknell not be easier?

    Actually, Getting to Waterloo is a lot quicker for me than Paddington, and simpler.

    09.09 arr. 10.11?

    Free Member

    I woon’t even think about chancing that. Would I not have to change at Reading or somewhere?

    No, you’ll have to pick me up from home. I’m too scared to travel on my own.

    Free Member

    I’d have been in the SS, according to a mate of mine. Not a very nice thing to say.

    CG; I don’t even know where the nearest station is, and I’d surely have to leave home around 6am, to be in the Chilterns for 10.30…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Why would expect the decorators to ease doors ?

    Because their job was to renovate the flat! They were paid to do a job, and left several bits unfinished. **** useless amateurs. There’s bits where the wallpaper is peeling, ‘cos they din’t hang it right. Straight onto plaster; no lining paper, nothing. Complete cowboys.

    They weren’t professionals; just cheap bods hired to do the job. False economy. And the layndlord wanted the work done as cheap as poss; silly billy’snow having to shell out, to rectify the shit jobs.

    Undred quid is about right, I reckon.

    He’s used this stuff. Water gets under the edge, and runs down the wall. Any solutions other than just running some sealant along the edge where it meets the bath?

    Recommend me a sealant!

    Free Member

    I’m too upset. I’m going to stay at home and cry into my pillow. 😥

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Not coming now. HackneyRider does not in any way want me soiling his new motor, and does not in any way love me any more… 😥

    Free Member

    I’ve just had a look at it. alarmingly, the door is held on by only 2 screws; on top, one bottom. Proper shoddy. I tell you, some of the standards of work in this place are appalling. I suspect the layndlord did some himself, to save money, and is blaming the workmen, but even so, it’s terrible!

    Packing out the hinge won’t work, as there’s not enough clearance in the frame. So, it’s door off, and wood rasp, it looks like.

    The leak around the edge of the bath is more tricky. The layndlord had this plastic strip put on, which has a flange that sits under the tiles above. This is very stiiff, and is designed to allow water to run off the wall, and into the bath. But when you’re in the bath, the extra weight makes the bath (plastic) ‘sink’ by just a fraction, and water runs under the strip, and down onto the floor below, where it forms a puddle. I mop up the water that seeps under the bath, but a load of it just sits underneath, where it is not tiled…

    The layndlord tried squirting some sealant under the strip, which was a tricky enough job, and one which has solved bugger all. The sealant hazzunt filled in the gap sufficiently, and water still runs down the wall.

    What I’m going to do, is get some more, and run it along the edge of the strip and the bath. It won’t look fantastic, but I’m not staying here forever, so I’m not too bothered. Ittul stop the flooding, anyway.

    I’m not going to the Chilterns tomorrow, as Hackney Rider does not in any way want me soiling his new motor. 🙁 It’s too far to come by train and a schlep from any station, anyway.

    Free Member

    Yep. The club thought ‘may as well take a few mil for him now, rather than get **** all when his contract expires at the end of the season’.

    Had he stayed at Liverpool, he may well have become a Champions’ League winner.

    Silly fool. Sadly, he would no longer be welcome back at Anfield; No longer good enough.

    Free Member

    Oh well that’s charming, is not it? Ask a couple of polite questions, and get this.. 😯

    What did you expect the tiler to do – use thinner tiles ?

    I wooduv expected the dozy bastard decorators to finish the job propply; that would include ensuring the bathroom door opened and closed propply.

    I’ve told the layndlord numerous times. He paid peanuts, and got cowboys. Loads of examples of corner cutting, many of which I’ve had to rectify. I don’t see why, seeing as how I’m paying rent, that I should spend any of my time fixing problems that aren’t of my making. S’why I **** pay rent…

    They also neglected to use silicone sealant between bath and wall. Miniature flood, every time I shower. I’m not bothered; takes but a moment to mop up, but I’ve warned him that it’s onlya matter of time before downstairs are affected, and he’s landed with a bill to sort out the damage. Hey ho.

    How much should I charge, for sorting out the door and bath edge? I’m definitely taking it out of the rent, that’s for sure, if I do anything. I don’t mind doing little jobs, like screwing a loose cupboard door back up, but I don’t see why I should have to do free maintenance.

    He’s a pretty decent layndlord, but he’s neglected the bathroom door and leakage. Because those are the fiddly jobs. I think he thinks I’m going to sort them out myself. Yeah, right.

    £200 reasonable? Bit of work, in’t it, sorting a door and doing the sealant thing, no? Including time and tools/supplies?

    Wood rasp, sandpaper, sealant, sealant gun.

    Ok, £100, then.

    And anyway, wtf do you want a coffee table for ?

    Ok, a ‘cans of beer and packets of crisps table’, then… 🙄

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