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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Fred the swearing was a match for any mans on here.

    Are you sure? You jolly well have not hear me, wrestle a bastard tyre off, fix a puncture, wrestle the bastard back on, pump it back up, only to hear ‘tsssss….’.

    Not pleasant. Several passing dockers lodged a formal complaint…

    Free Member

    Did you swear at it enough? Very important, to swear a lot, with difficult mechanical tasks that aren’t going smoothly.

    Free Member

    Oh, and if a group of 4 people, regardless of gender or sexuality, can’t get a bloody tyre of a rim, then you’re all rubbish! 😉

    Free Member

    Strange, I haddunt accused anyone of being homophobic. Just curious as to why being Gay had and bearing on the ability to help someone change a tyre.

    [edit] Kramer has offered an attempt at an explanation for their comment, so no worries. Although wooduv been clearer had they suggested a Straight bloke might be more likely to help out a group of wimmin.

    Don’t think stopping to offer help has owt to do with wether you’re Gay, Straight or anything, mind…

    Free Member

    And the point was…?

    Free Member

    Are they all gay round your way?

    What’s that got to do with getting a tyre off a wheel? 😯

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Gold, man; gold.

    Titanium? where’s the romance in that? Dull, unattractive industrial metal.

    Do it propply.

    Platinum with inlaid gold would look nice, if you’re concerned with wear and tear. But simple, plain gold is timeless, unlike **** titanium, which is just faddy. What next, carbon fibre, ffs? 🙄

    Tip; maybe ask your intended as to what she would prefer…

    Free Member


    Fantastic stuff, M_F! 😀

    Your missus looks great, considering she had twins only a few days ago!

    Dunno what your excuse is, though! 😆

    Free Member

    If you fancy her, then do something about it! Nothing ventured…

    Praps try to show a little more respect to her, as a woman, than some individuals on here… 🙄

    Free Member

    Hora; take the infantile tags down, mate. A fairly mature post, for you, but the tags let you down… 🙄

    Lyons; you’re roughly the same age, so I can’t see owt wrong. You’re asking her out, not her dad.

    As mentioned, might be an idea to get paid for the job first…

    Free Member

    The undies were wearing me RB

    Chafing? Ooh, nasty. I’m not surprised. Have you learnt your lesson?

    Free Member

    I woon’t worry about Sharki. He wears a pink bra and thong.

    Disgusting. The milk in me tea curdled. 😯

    Free Member

    When I say innocent, I mean, if you walk around with a face I don’t like, well, you’re just asking for it.

    Perfectly justifiable defence, in Law. My solicitor will confirm this.

    Free Member

    **** me; If you’re concerned about Poddy’s mental health, you ‘d have me locked up in Broadmoor!

    I don’t get why you think Poddy is in any way threatening towards other people? Have you ever met him?

    I suspect you have, possibly, and are just on a wind up, but Poddy is just like most people; goes about his business withut bothering others, but if you piss him off, then he’ll give it some back.

    Me, I attack innocent passers-by, without any provocation, if I don’t like their face.

    Bit like Frank Gallagher in ‘Shameless’; irrational urge to attack anyone who looks like Mick Hucknall…

    Understandable, considering…

    Free Member

    full xt and save some cash for some sexy lightweight wheels <- practical decision

    And the best one. I’ve always found that decent, well-built lightweight wheels makes far more difference than something like XTR over XT. I’d go the extra for XTR shifters, mind.

    Wheels; hand-built Hope on Mavic/DT/Stans rims will be very light and fast. I’d have those over XTR wheels, any day. Easily replaceable spokes, cartridge bearings and a lot cheaper. Like, less than half the price. In fact, you could go to Tune Hubs, or simliar, for still less than XTR, or King, for around the same sort of money.

    Free Member

    Mine has a blue LED on it. Well chuffed.

    Now we’re talking!

    What is it, pray tell?

    Free Member

    and at least two young women have slept with me purely because I owned it.


    This may, of course, not be entirely true.

    In fact, it may indeed be an outrageous lie!

    Dualits do seem to last for ages. If you are a serial toast eater, then over time, it may be a worthwhile investment. However, many people do buy them simply for their ponce factor. Like those Stark juicers, Gaggia coffee machines they use twice a year, or SMEG fridges.

    You’ve got all of those, jolly well have not you, BD? 😆

    Free Member

    How’s the family, M-F?

    Free Member

    I preferred swimming

    Surely one of the best forms of excercise all round. My local pool has an expectant mums class. I’ve heard of others that pipe soothing music underwater!

    sharki – Member
    Perhaps i should get pregnant then

    Well, you could utilise the bloating power of beer, to develop an ’empathy pouch’!

    SFB- a mate of mine had Psoriasis (I think), and after becoming exasperated with several quite ineffectual treatments, he would apply some concoction that contained his own urine. His skin cleared up within a few weeks!

    Free Member

    Rudeboy, Your mate knows sod all.

    His job is to test compatibility of web pages, cross-platform and with different browsers/versions. He tests pages/sites for several very large companies, including the BBC…

    Free Member


    Oh, and to try and be more helpful; the main problem is not with the threads, more with the advertising content. I don’t have issues with Firefox, because of certain ‘features’ of that browser, but Safari, IE, and another one on me mate’s computer what I can’t remember, all have similar problems.

    Thing is, there’s times where a problem occurs, then disappears after a while. STW was crashing Safari for a while; I jolly well have not updated Safari at all, and now it works fine. I can only assume there was some content in the page, that was causing the problem. IE was struggling lots too. In fact, there was a time when only a ‘tweaked’ FF was capable of handling the site.

    Now, this was on different computers, with Mac OSX, and Windoze. At different places, too. Emptying caches din’t always do anything, and is annoying, if you have other sites you want to access regularly.

    Free Member

    Meehaja; I may be inertested in yer braze-on front mech.

    Free Member

    S’probbly just STW’s crappy server, tbh. The pages are taking ages to load all the content, and not even managing that, sometimes. All other websites are working fine. Got to say, STW is one of the worst websites for speed and loading content, that I’ve encountered. Asked a webby techy IT mate why this is; he reckons ‘bad code/bugs’ or something.

    Free Member

    Well, that’s only half as thick as you, Hora! 😉

    Free Member

    Anyway, bored now.

    Argument’s over.

    It’s Thatcher’s fault.

    Free Member

    Not sure how you can be sure Ohuruogu didnt test positive if she didnt appear for testing, bit self fullfilling that one!

    Because apparently, she tested negative for other tests performed around the same time. I’ve already mentioned this, but you’ve obviously failed to notice this point.

    Christie; I’m not defending him. I’m merely pointing out that he made a mistake (as did Gred Rusedski), and suffered the consequences. With the Nandralone thing, many athletes were perhaps naive and careless, not deliberate cheats, like Chambers.

    Anyway, bored now.

    Free Member

    floating in their own pee

    Whereas you seem quite content to wallow in yours, but lack the excuse that you are enwombed…

    Free Member

    My point is, that Christie, and loads of other athletes at the time, were being caught out because Nandralone was present in what they thought were ‘clean’ supplements. All professional athletes use such things, and some sail very close to the wind, to get an ‘edge’ on their rival competitors. Medical bods have shown that athletes often coon’t have been aware of taking Nandralone, as it was not listed in the ingredients of the supplements (naughty supplement manufacturers?). As for Pseudoephedrine; it has actually been removed from many athletics authorities’ banned lists.

    Ohuruogu missed 3 tests, and served her ban. She never tested positive before, during the time in which she missed those tests, or since. Rio Ferdinand served a simliar ban for the same thing. He has also never tested positive.

    Free Member

    Christie claimed that the banned substance Nandralone was in some supplement he took, and that he was not aware of it’s presence. Loads of athletes were caught out like this. Christie was cleared of deliberately or knowingly taking a banned substance by the UK athletics board. As for the Psuedephedrine; loads of athletes took this, as it was present in dozens of hayfever medicines and other over the counter stuff.

    The issue is, wether or not an athlete has deliberately and knowingly taken a performance enhancing substance. Christie was never found guilty of this. Neither was Lance…

    Chambers knew full well what he was doing. And therefore should be hung by the neck until he be dead banned for life.

    His presence in athletics tarnishes the sport’s image, and devalues it’s participants.

    Free Member

    Thing is, cheats like Chambers etc jolly well have not just harmed their own careers, they’ve potentially prevented other, clean, athletes from realising their goals. What about the guys Chambers just beat to gain success on the track? Where are they now? Did they ever get their shot at glory?

    Here’s a very inertesting, and sad article about American sprinter Tyree Washington, denied his rightful glory, by dirty cheating bastards.

    See, the damage is not just to themselves, it can filter way down through the sport. With crimes, the victims can often get compensation. Will those cheated by Chambers ever get what they deserved?

    It’s not as simple as ‘done the time, now let him carry on’. The consequences of Chambers’ cheating has had a far greater negative impact on the sport, than people realise.

    Chambers is a disgrace. He should just scuttle off and keep quiet. He’s even earning money through his biography, the dirty cheating bastard.

    And he’s ugly. even more reason to keep him out of sport.

    Ban for life. Because two-year bans just aren’t working.

    Christine Ohuruogu tested negative in other tests, at the same time as the ones she missed. She served a one year ban, but was never tested positive for drugs. Bit like Lance…

    Linford Christie tested positive right at the end of his career, when he’d given up international athletics. And Nandralone has been found to be present in other stuff, like food supplements used by athletes. Loads were testing positive, whilst not having deliberately or knowingly taken a banned substance. Same as the pseudoephedrine Linford tested positive for earlier in his career; that’s found in many hayfever remedies, for example. Linford Christie was never found to have deliberately taken performance enhancing drugs.

    Dwayne Chambers did. He knew what he was doing, and deliberately cheated. Should be banned for life.

    Free Member

    I blame Thatcher…


    Free Member

    I woon’t know. I don’t follow Rugby.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Have a noodles and fish pizza.

    Had fish noodles last night, pizza in oven for tonight.

    Free Member

    Yeah bloody sterling job he’s doing at the moment.

    Well, better than Hamilton, so far…

    Free Member


    I have nothing of any use to add.

    Free Member

    Ah well.

    Free Member

    Cheap Nokia. Bombproof and you won’t cry if it gets nicked/lost/destroyed by aliens.

    Free Member

    PS; I said, a good while ago on here, that the Stig is in fact different people. They’ve had several different racing drivers do the job. To try and preserve some sort of continuity, they’ve hidden the person’s identity, and created an enigma. Clever. Also avoided the individual drivers getting too uppity, and made it easy to replace them, should they be crushed/maimed/killed/have other commitments.

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