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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    on the bill there are about 50 artists who’d be booking 10k plus size live music venues

    A list of these, please. And popularity does not in any way necessarily mean quality. Bruce Springsteen? Status Quo? Tony Christie???? LOL!

    If you can only find one or two bands aout of 1000+ that you like, then you aren’t a music fan. Madness and the Specials, you’d like to see them wouldn’t you Rudeboy

    Seen them both. Saw the Specials in the 70s, when they actually were the Specials, not AKA..

    As for the headliners; I repeat: only one or two baynds I’d want to see. The rest is just commercial pap, imo. And i’ve said there probbly are other baynds I’d enjoy, I’m not denying that. But I’d probbly get to see them in town, at some point, if I really wanted to.

    does not in any way mean I’m not a music fayn. That’s such an ignorant thing to suggest. I just have differing tastes to many of those who’ll be attending Glastonbury. Personally, I’d much prefer going to a Prom at the RAH, with a Camelback of red wine sneaked in, and a couple of plastic cups. I don’t see the Berlin Philharmonic, or the London Symphony Orchestra on the list of baynds at this year’s Glasto…

    And seriously, how many baynds/acts are you likely to actually get to enjoy, at Glastonbury, over the 4 days? Taking into account time for sleeping, eating, chilling out, bailing your tent out, going to report theft of your stuff, queuing for toilets, shitting, queuing for food, queing for beer, schlepping from arena to arena?

    Just not my cup of tea, I’m afraid. And that I don’t fancy it, and am not jumping up and down with (media generated) excitement, does not in any way make me ‘miserable’, or mean that I’m not a ‘music fayn’.

    Keep digging, though. This is getting amusing… 😀

    Free Member

    I know a couple of bods who were at the very first Glastonbury Festicval, 6,000 years ago, or whenever it was.

    They stopped going a few years ago, as it was not the festival they knew any more. 🙁

    Free Member

    Yes, you are!

    Free Member


    Talk shit. London has praps more music and art venues per square mile, of any place on the planet. Several world-class concert halls, and a plethora of other music venues, ranging from the O2, to little pub back rooms.

    I’ve had a look at the Glastonbury line up. Hmm, Lily Allen and East 17? I really am missing out. Although I’m sure there are loads of baynds I’d enjoy, I can just wait until they play in London… 😀

    180,000 people at Glasto last year. I’d hazard a guess that more people will be out enjoying music in London this weekend.

    Miserable bastard? No, I’ve never been to the Joy that is Glastonbury! 😉

    Just someone who sees through all the commercial bullshit, that’s all…

    Free Member

    Dylan; you’ve had a right result mate! Bit of British mountain biking history, that!

    It’s those lary yellow Muddy Foxes that first got me into mountain bikes, actually.

    Pics! Come on!

    CFH; I missed out on a bike with early Cook Bros cranks, Bullseye hubs, Grafton brakes, etc, a few years ago. It was a mates, but he got knocked off, and the frame was mangled. He offered it to me, for salvage, but then we found out his mum had thrown it out, and the council had come and taken it away. 🙁

    Free Member

    Mate, if you can only find one or two bands you like at Glastonbury, I’d suggest you don’t actually like music.

    I could probbly find far more in London, on an average weekend, tbh. Or, I could stay in, and listen to music in the privacy and comfort of my own home.

    And if it’s so great, why aren’t you there?

    Free Member

    As is anyone who whinges about the bogs – they’re fine, cleaned every two hours.

    Yeah, right. Course they are! Can you imagine what they’re like after 1 hour 55 minutes, though???

    As for the music, most of the smaller acts play at smaller crustivals, which are often free. I go to all sorts of free/cheap events in That London’s famous London, and can come home after, to my nice warm comfy bed. Comedy, poetry, philosophy, talks? Yup, got all that too, if I want it. Also often free. Saw John Hegley last year at Butterfields; t’was free. Most of the smaller acts are playing Glastonbury for **** all, certainly compared with what the Barely Rolling Stones or whatever past-their-best baynd are getting.

    My point is, I can enjoy all of what Glastonbury has to offer, much cloeser to home, much cheaper overall, and in a way that I’m much more comfortable with.

    It’s a Swindle!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Ooh, I heard this on the radio t’other night; was something like 87p a litre or thereabouts. Deffo cheaper than the UK.

    I may be wrong, though. Cooduv been Germany.

    Free Member

    Have you ever been to London? There are a surprisingly large number of open spaces, where you won’t encounter vast hoards of other people…

    It’s the ‘loads of people crushed into a small space’ thing I don’t like. I can handle it for short periods of time, like on the bus or tube, but for several days? No thanks.

    Free Member

    Forgetting all the silly bollocks for a minute…

    I built up a simple SS for zipping around town (London). Just used a resurrected old frame, and Bits Box bits. Pair of Nimbus tyres, for good puncture resistance.

    It’s light, fast, and very maintenance free. I oil the chain occasionally, and check the brakes from time to time. It’s got quite tatty, so does not in any way attract thieves. It does the job for what it’s intended, perfectly. I prefer it to a geared bike for the same purpose.

    However, my enjoyment of being freed from the demands of geared riding led me to trying SS off-road. Another bike was built. Again, the simplicity of it all was great. And not having to clean your entire gear system after muddy rides is a huge bonus. It is a bit more tiring on longer rides, mind.

    As for the SS ‘look’, well, that’s already been done…

    Free Member

    Ooh! Can I come to ‘Not Glastonbury’ please??

    A mate of mine was forever trying to persuade us to go, as he does every year. Just coon’t understand why we woon’t want to go, and enjoy the wonderful festival of music that it truly is..

    Erm, maybe it’s because we don’t want to have to schlep about in knee-deep mud, have to worry about our tents and stuff getting nicked, catch some nasty bug from the evil toilets, spend extortionate amounts of money on food and booze, in the hope that one or two baynds we might actually enjoy listening to were playing. Having to jostle your way through thousands of others, just to get to a point where you can actually hear something, and be able to see that the acts were actually present, not being beamed live from a studio somewhere.

    Oh, and get robbed of charged hundreds of pounds or whatever it is, for the ‘privilege’.

    I can’t stand huge crowds, and can’t imagine a much worse experience, tbh.

    What a rip-off it’s become. Nice little earner for the Eavis family, but just not worth it, imo, unless you’re being helcoptered in, from a nice hotel several miles away, and have your own private portaloo.

    But to all those going, have a great time! 😀

    Free Member

    What’s she up to now? More tiny bike madness? 😯

    It’s not normal, it’s really not….

    Free Member

    It’s not been that long, has it????

    Problem is, that you need to be able to check things every hour or so, which is just not possible. I spose that’s why some people spent money on the ‘Pro Options’. Autopilot and stuff. I still find those with enough time needed to be able to seriously compete, disturbing. Do they never sleep??

    Leave it for a day or so, come back, and you’ve crashed into something, and lost tens of thousands of places!

    Bit of fun, though. Too many errors, and forgetting about it for days on end, meant I’m 17,000 and something.

    What a complete and utter waste of time. I admit I got quite bored with it after 2 or 3 legs. As for the Virtual Vendee thing; my boat is probbly lodged in the South pole or somewhere. I gave up on that after about 3 days.

    Free Member

    Oh dear.

    Somebody ought to tell her, for her own good…

    Free Member

    Who, Cliff???

    Erm, I think there’s something you need to know about Mr Richards, love…

    Free Member

    cycle gear told me that they add £10 onto the price of a bike if it’s an asian so that when they knock it off again they think they’re getting a good deal.

    So they operate a policy of Racial Discrimination??? 😯

    Hmm…. (Fingers hover over speed-dial number for the CRE…)

    My LBS is Evans Canary Wharf! They’re hardly suffering, tbh. Likewise most central London bike shops; sales are booming, apparently. They’re loving it! Ittud have to be a particularly badly run place, to not be doing well in London, atm.

    Free Member

    No need, Kimbers. 🙁

    No need at all.

    Now, go and stand in the corner, and have a think about what you’ve just done.

    Free Member

    Where’s Cliff, when you need him?

    Free Member

    Opposite Swan Lane is the, what’s it called, I can never remember…

    Got a copy of the Golden Hinde outside. Nice seating area along the front, right on the River. Space to stash bikes.

    Or the Anchor, a little bit further up towards the Globe. That can be heaving on a Friday, though. As can that place by the Tat Modern, but I’ve never fancied that, for some reason.

    Not a plethora of good places with nice outside seating, in the Square Mile. Most simply have ‘spillage’ onto the street, and I hate that. You can never relax, as there’s always someone trying to get past, no seats, etc.

    Free Member

    You’ll get a **** jab from me, if you’re not careful, sunshine…

    Free Member

    Yeah, but Flashy always sez things like this, but never actually shows up…

    Could have an East Side Swift Half evening soon. Stoner won’t come over this way; he’s too scared.

    Cheesy; what about The Cheshire Cheese? Or, actually, with this glorious weather, do youse know somewhere that’s got outside drinking, but off the road? A conundrum in the City, I know.

    The Dickens Inn at St Katherine’s is a good spot for people watching, but will be a bit busy if it’s hot. As will anywhere, I spose.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Mind, I’d want something more like this, if she came into view:

    Free Member

    Oh, I am sorry, Flashy. My mistake…

    You did, of course, mean this one! 😉

    (Does little dance)

    Free Member

    Open wide!

    Free Member

    And environmentally friendly, too, as I prefer to use organic free-range tools…

    Free Member

    Stoner; I’ll sort your teeth out. I’ve got a Dremel and some Araldite.

    And ittul save you money; I won’t charge, as I’ll take pleasure from doing the work…

    Relax, Mr Stoner; this won’t hurt a bit…

    Free Member

    Trouble is i know 12 year old girls in my club that do 1500 in less than 20 minutes

    I may as well give up now… 🙁

    Some kids are amazing swimmers. They are much more efficient, having a much higher power to weight ratio than adults, and are more aquadynamic. Tall, skinny kids make fantastic swimmers.

    I’m more of a plodder, just swim easy, rather than go mental. I don’t do the tumble turn, which saves several seconds a length, or the dolphiny underwater thing when you push off. My next target is sub-25 mins, but I doubt I’ll ever get anywhere near 20 mins. No way!

    The figures for junior swimming are terrifying. I’m one of the faster regulars down at my local pool (not the club swimmers though), although the fastest I see are women. Most of the blokes are too busy wanting to ‘bulk up’, to be able to swim well.

    Bloke in tonight; quick, but crap technique. Loads of splash. Just annoying.

    Free Member

    I can run a 10k in about 40 mins and then drink about six pints of cider.

    is that good for a 40yr old 9 stone midget ?

    That is **** awesome!!

    What is less than awesome, is your ability to use your legs, afterwards! 😉

    Free Member

    I always stop and allow ladies on horseback to pass.

    This gives me the opportunity to observe their posteriors posture.

    Ooh.. jodhpurs….

    Free Member

    Come on, worth bunging up!

    Free Member

    Blond, you say, Flashy?

    Eeew; don’t fancy yours much! 😯

    Free Member

    Yay! 😀

    Is the poor little thing ok, now?

    Free Member

    Macs dont go wrong, ask Rudeboy

    S’not the Mac, that’s gone wrong, but a component made by a third party manufacturer. 😉

    Does sound like a graphics card problem/dodgy connection/fecked LCD Display display.

    You can try running a separate monitor from it, and use the Mirrored Displays option in System preferences. If the problem is in the graphics card, it will manifest itself on the second monitor. if not, then probbly a dodgy connection/faulty LCD Display display.

    Could possibly be a firmware issue, which might be solved with a Firmware update, but that would probbly show up straight after a Software Update*. I took an old G3 iMac from OS9 to OSX, without doing this, and had an almost black screen. A second monitor attached proved the update was successful, but the Firmware needed updating. Was perfect, after this had been done.

    Macs are suprisingly fixable, provided you’re prepared to hunt around for the info. I’ve ‘fixed’ several Macs, simply by digging around on tinternet for information.

    *The Mac would probbly tell you if a Firmware Update was needed.

    Free Member

    Is it a Baby Robin?

    Woods behind Nationwide in Swindon?


    Free Member

    I knew this was about perving at pretty young things, before I even opened the thread! 😀

    Youse lot need to hide behind dark sunglasses, because if you got caught blatantly eyeing the lasses up, you’d get called dirty old men (and rightly so), and probbly spat on. Which would be more than you deserve.

    if you’re to stand any chance of actually getting anywhere, you’d need to make eye contact. All the lasses know you’re letching, and some even welcome it, but don’t think you’re being all sly and clever, because you’re not.

    Now, where are those Emerald Iridiums of mine…..

    Free Member

    Baby Robin?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    WCA’s got the Safety Car, and just lobs his bike in the back seats.

    I don’t think Mrs WCA was too pleased with the nice gouge he put in the upholstery… 😯

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