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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Oh dear.

    Is it the neighbours’ kids you’re now having to sell into slavery, to raise funds? 😯

    Free Member

    What, with Human sacrifices and that, Ernie?

    Free Member

    Is she after another tiny bike? 😯

    I knew something were up, t’other day.

    People: please, don’t encourage Mama’s addiction. In her case, it’s just not healthy…

    White and tiny!

    Free Member

    There’s a nice Rasa’s in Rathbone ST, W1, which shoon’t be too far from you, actually.

    There’s got to be some nice Arab/Middle Eastern places on Edgware road, just a stone’s throw. As well as on Queensway. Further down, in Notting Hill, you’ll find places, too.

    TBH, just walk about a bit, find somewhere with a fair few people in it, which should be an indication of it’s standard, and enjoy!

    Free Member

    Don’t; I’m too upset by it all…

    Free Member

    TINAS; Mark and Lard were qualitage. I stopped listening to R1 after they left. They were followed by that useless tw4t Moyles; God I coon’t stand his show, with all his sycophantic **** ‘crew’.

    Free Member

    we only had Denise along and she’s on the skinny side

    So basically you’re saying all the other women on your rides are fayt, then?

    Marvellous. 🙄

    Free Member

    Ooh, I had a nice little Sherwood you cooduv had, for £20 or so, but I lent it to a mate, and jolly well have not seen the bastard thing since! 🙁

    Free Member

    Heh! Little bastard! What’s it got, a packet of sweets or something?

    Love the way it casually saunters in, has a look round, grabs what it wants, and then runs away! 😆

    Free Member

    I’m going to cook the mint and mango lamb burgers what I got in Waitrose t’other day. They should sort me right out.

    And I jolly well have not yet eaten any of that ‘foreign muck’, as you call it, so what’s that got to do with my illness?

    You’re just a racist. Why so nasty, when I’m so ill? Not very nice, is it?

    Free Member

    Appetite’s returning. I’m having some beef Hula Hoops now. Mind, I’m far from right; I went to put them in the freezer, instead of a Walls Solero! 😯

    Free Member

    I’m sure a whip round here would raise more than enough cash

    What, you into some sort of charidee fund-raising bondage scene? How very strange…

    Free Member

    Ah, I see the Philistine has arrived.

    Ignorant savage. Mind, no more than I expect, from a Croydonite… 🙁

    Free Member

    Oh dear. In my delirious sickened state, I read the words ‘Nut Cracker’, and see the pics of The Ralli, and I now have images of Simon, in a tutu, doing the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, in my fevered mind….

    I’m not actually very well.

    Free Member

    No, not yet, Ernie. But thanks for your sensitive, sympathetic and supportive comments all the same…

    By tomorrow I should be at the ‘cabin fever’ stage; sat at home bored and pissed off I can’t go out or do anything exciting.

    Problem is, I’ve gone and bought a load of quite rich foods, which I’m just not up to eating right now. Stuff like seafood salad, sun dried tomatoes in olive oil, squid, anchovies, chorizo, etc. Not exactly what you want, when you’re not feeling tickety boo. I could manage some scrambled egg, but alas, have none in. I fear I may have to drag my coughing, sneezing diseased carcass from my death bed, to the local shop. I’m also out of milk.

    I may try a beer or two later. Beer is nourishing and healthy.

    Free Member

    I’m onto the sneezing/runny nose bit now. Still a bit achey and feverish. My next-door neighbours have very kindly offered to cook for me, and get anything I might need in for me, which is lovely of them. Trouble is, I went shopping on Thursday, and have loads of stuffs in. I just don’t have much of an appetite. 🙁

    Only had the cough/puke thing once this morning. Think it was because of all the phlegm that had settled on me chest overnight. The cough has subsided a lot. Left me chest and throat feeling raw, though.

    My immune system seems to be fighting back well. I tend to recover quicker than most people, from things like this, anyway. I’m just fed up and pissed off, that I’m housebound. Had lots planned for this weekend, but all ruined now. 🙁 And I fear I may miss Monday night’s footie. Boo!

    There’s just been an awesome storm here in London. Thunder, lightning, torrential rain, the lot. I welcome it, as it’s cleared the air up dramatically. Should be a lot fresher and cooler this evening, thankfully.

    Free Member

    Cor, bit of culture on the box tonight!

    Lee Miller used to work with Man Ray, who was one of my inspirations while studying tography. I’d spend hours in the darkroom, trying to suss out how to solarise prints.

    She was a cracking looking lass. I’m sure she and Man Ray ‘worked on a few projects together’, if you know what I mean! 😉

    Tim; 2001 is one of the bestest fillums of all time, no question. Best watched on yer own though, I always think.

    Free Member

    Shooduv chinned it, mate!

    Had a **** great big gull bowl into a chippy on Brighton seafront once. Proper hard looking bastard it was, too. We cowered inside ’til it got bored and wandered off. Chip shop bloke sad ‘don’t go out there, with an open bag of chips. They’re right vicious buggers’.

    Free Member

    What’s it about?

    I do like a bit of the old Ludwig Van, meself…

    Free Member

    Bastards! All because they’re filming another shitty Harry Potter film? How long are they going to be there for?

    CG; want me to come down and sort them out? They want pyrotechnics? I’ll burn their **** vayns out*, the bastards!

    *I won’t really. But I shall be having a very cross word with them, and no mistake.

    Free Member

    I’d have them straight away, for that price!

    I’ve got the Teams from the same range; fantastic forks. Easy to set up, strip and maintain. None of this send it off to someone nonsense.

    Free Member

    Bet I’ve got more degrees than you in any case

    Oooh! Get her!

    Sunday is for biking, reading the papers and having a nice bottle of Shiraz with the lamb. We need to follow Sarkozys example and ban all religions.

    Some religions have days other than Sunday, for religious observance…

    The internet is used to spread all sorts of filthy porn, and fraudulent scams. Ban the internet?

    Please just stop and have a think, next time your knee jerks.

    Free Member

    Is it a Baby Robin?

    Free Member

    I’m too ill for this one, an’ all. 🙁

    Suffice to say, your argument is naive, ignorant, weak and far too simplistic.

    I bid you Good Day.

    Free Member

    Had one come at me with her high-heel, ‘cos I bust her male friend’s nose. He started it, mind; he launched at me, ‘cos my mate was a bit drunk, and trying to chat up one of their other friends. I woon’t tell my mate to ‘leave it ahyt’ (he weren’t causing that much of a nuisance, tbh; the lass weren’t complaining. This bloke just got a bit over-protective), so he tried lamping me! Done the bastard though. Bosh bosh bosh; Goodnight Vienna, my old son.

    She was a nutter; I ended up with concussion and a scratched cornea, from her attack on me.

    I am not a violent man.

    Most of the time.

    Free Member

    I can’t tell what sort of fitting, without seeing the thing itself, but Araldite Rapid Steel is a pretty bloody good (and surprisingly unknown) metal adhesive. But what is your frame?

    Need more info really.

    Free Member

    Bugger. Being at Death’s Door, I missed this. Gutted. 🙁

    Is it on iPlayer at all?

    Free Member

    I am feeling slightly better today. Slept most of yesterday, tbh. Trouble was, my body’s cooling system weren’t working propply; I was getting very overheated. I’ve been drinking plenty, of course, but din’t seem to sweat. About 5am this morning, woke up all sweaty and hot/cold, so that’s better. Going for a wee quite a bit, which means I’m having enough fluids. My urine is a fair bit darker than usual, mind. 😯

    Had the coughing/puking thing a bit earlier. Nasty.

    I only rang the GP to be on the safe side. Can’t be too careful, with all these nasties floating around.

    I expect I’ll be feeling a lot better by tomorrow. Possibly even back up to arguing strength. As for ‘M’ingTFU’, I’ll recover a lot quicker than most of you pansies. I’ll probbly be right as rain by Monday.

    And then you’d better watch out…

    Free Member

    I am still too ill to get involved in this.

    Youse wait ’til I’m back and fighting fit. I’m going to unleash unimaginable Hell upon Hora. 👿

    Free Member

    Sorry. I would get involved, but I’m too ill. 🙁

    Free Member

    MAN FLU!

    Surely not? 😯

    OMG; now I’m really worried… 🙁

    Free Member

    I was feeling guilty for admiring the lovely Ms Dokic’s exquisite bottom, until I read MrsFlash’s shallow and vulgar comments about Mr Haas. Sheer objectification of a man; totally out of order and uncalled for. I mean, no inertest in the sort whatsoever, just letching over the poor bloke.

    You know, there’s a real person inside, not just an object for your lust. You should be ashamed of yourself, MrsFlash.

    I’ve forgotten what sport it is that Ms Dokic plays.

    Free Member

    Panic over!

    Just spoken to me doctor (she’s lovely, she really is), and we think it’s more likely to be a cold, rather than owt more serious. I was just a bit alarmed at how quickly it took hold, and how rough I felt early this morning. I do feel a little better now, but I’m going to rest up; still not fit enough to argue with anyone on STW. I’ve been told to stay indoors, out of contact with others, but that may just be a general recommendation, rather than one related to this particular ailment.

    I know you’re all very concerned, what with the Recession and everything, but I’ll keep youse all informed with any updates, as and when necessary.

    Free Member

    I’ve rung me GP’s surgery. Me doctor will be ringing me back in a bit.

    I’ve had a read through the Swine Flu symptoms on the NHS website. I may just have a cough. I **** hope it’s nowt serious; I was with me mum yesterday, and she’s 72, so far more at risk from ill effects than me. Mind, she has a ‘flu jab every year; will that protect her a bit?

    Free Member

    Might have a look at this in the morning.

    Is there actually anything of any intelligence, or is it just the usual Little Englander bullshit you usually get on here (can’t be bothered to trawl through all the posts)?

    Is Hora spouting his usual Tesco’s own brand bollocks?

    Ban everything, I say. And let people do whatever they please.

    I only got up for a piss…

    Free Member

    Have to agree with CFH on this, i think if you work in a professional environment then you have to look the part.

    Er, ‘scuse me; the Posh Boy is only repeating what I said! More or less.

    Clothes maketh not the mayn; but can be a reference to his character/profession.

    I woon’t want a tatty Lawyer.

    Free Member

    Pends though, dunnit?

    If I needed the services of a Lawyer, I’d expect them to look ‘porfessional’, according to the environment they are working in. This would mnean I’d expect them to be dressed ‘smartly’, in smart shirt, trousers, shoes etc. not too bothered about ties, but I spose they give a better image in court.

    My Little Friend is a solicitor; she works in ‘smart causual’ clothes in the office, but has smart stuff for in court. Mind, it’s more flexible for women, I spose.

    Free Member

    Haile Sellasie I.


    Ozymandius, King of Kings.


    Or, if it’s an all black dog, what abut Ni… no, on second thoughts….

    Free Member

    Well, the cortege has no legal right to restrict other traffic from moving freely, so it’s ok to overtake, as long as it’s safe. As for ‘respect’, that’s not something that you can worry yerself about too much. Everyone has the right to go about their business as unimpeded as possible, so if those in the cortege want you to keep behind, and not overtake, then they aren’t respecting you. The living deserve more respect than a dead husk.

    Free Member

    wouldn’t see all those artists over a long weekend in Ye Olde Londonne Towynne.

    Not those ones, particularly, but an equivalent number, for sure. And more varied.

    Point is, it’s a huuuge festival that’s praps a victim of it’s own success, and too big. And not to everyone’s tastes.

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