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  • Leaked document reveals MTB World Cup plans for 2025
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Lazy copying and pasting, Flashy. Soz. 🙁

    Not well, am I?

    Free Member

    Would those be the same de-regulated and de-centralised Banks and Local Authorities, Project?

    Free Member

    Poor Maggie, all the hard work she did to demonise and undermine the unions and turn Britain into a nation whose workforce were unlikely and unwilling to strike, and therefore appear a more attractive prospect to overseas global investors looking to make a quick buck, and its not appreciated

    Yeah, poor Maggie….

    Free Member

    Well done the French

    It’s not ‘The French’ who are proposing this; it’s a jumped up little Right-Winger who fancies himself as the next Putin or Berlsconi.

    Like I said no useful comment from me

    Well, you got that bit right! 😀

    Free Member

    EDIT: Don’t know why I bothered…

    Free Member

    Where is PallyAlly? I mean, I was proper ill and everything, at me most vulnerable, yet still he coon’t come back with owt intelligent, provocative or even anything vaguely resembling a proper go.

    Probbly too busy doing another Degree or something…

    Free Member

    Well, physically, maybe, mogrim…

    Free Member

    Am I getting old or just realised what Ive been missing before?!!

    No, you’re just a bit dim, and it’s taken a very long time for things to sink in…

    I Fart In your general direction!
    Your mother is a hampster, and your father smells of old elderberries!
    Now go away, before I taunt you a second time!

    Free Member

    Congrats on producing such a consistently cute bunch of girls

    Er, I don’t think they’re all girls…

    Mogrim; look closely; there’s 3 LFC kits there…


    Free Member

    Project; it’s ok. Ernie just hazzunt had his Lithium yet. He should be fine in a little while.

    Free Member

    I’m not a parent, but that seems not too bad, from other people’s kids I’ve seen.

    Is she very lively, or more of a quiet sit-and-thinker? As long as her energy levels seem ok, then don’t worry too much. That’s quite a few calories she’s having. If anything, cut out the sweets, and definitely the crisps, and get her onto dried and fresh fruit. Pieces of peach and strawberries go down well, this time of year! and a lot of sausages have a fairly high fat content, so again, full of calories. I hope you’re grilling them!

    And are you feeding her fruity sweet yoghurts? Maybe try natural yoghurt, with honey or jam mixed in. Try and keep her away from processed foods, and steer her towards more natural stuff. More easily digestible and broken down into essential nutrients.

    She sounds ok, though, really!

    Free Member

    Now, I’m not a gambling man, and have never gambled (apart from that Stag-do at Walthamstow Dogs, but it seemed quite pointless not to), but even I am considering a tenner it will be in the next 12 months…

    Right. Roll up, to Honest RudeBoy’s. I’ll give you Evens within the year, 3-1 within the next 6 months, 8-1 within the next 3, and 11-5 on in the next 2 years.

    Free Member

    No, there are indeed many, many aspects of life that I am more than happy to give advice on.

    Not cooking rice, though. For some inexplicable reason, I’m rubbish at cooking rice.

    People stop and stare, in the street. Children laugh, and shout ‘there’s that bloke what can’t cook rice propply, what a failure!’.

    I feel my expertise in all other aspects of life are in some way a small consolation for my inadequacy in this one particular area…

    Free Member

    The Time Is Near….

    I can feel it. It will be soon.

    Free Member

    Like it, MrNutt; like it.

    Although it does hint at an underlying evil so dark Vlad the Impaler wooduv been a bit perturbed by it… 😯

    Free Member

    You wanna stick those pics on the ‘Mugshots’ thread, Crispy!

    Don’t worry though; those injuries jolly well have not damaged yer looks noticably! 😉

    Free Member

    RB if my bloke reacted over something like that, I would NOT be impressed.

    I’m not advocating angry or aggressive action, not necessary. Just show the disrespectful turd of a waiter who’s boss. IE; ‘I am accompanying this lovely young lady this evening, not you, sunshine so vamos…’. By getting him to have to do his job, and carry out a task for you, you are showing your assertiveness and dominance.

    And don’t try telling me women never want blokes to be just a teensy bit ‘manly’. Because you’d be lying.

    All part of Nature’s Game, in’t it? Males will compete for the attention of females. Like the vast majority of blokes on here, I’d be a tad pissed off this waiter was trying it on with a lass I had intentions toward. Would you want a bloke to supress all his male instincts?

    There are of course ways and means of dealing with it. You could turn round and say something like ‘Oh, she’s got your number? Good! Now we’ll know who to call when our drains are blocked!’. Laugh it off, but in a way that other feller feels humiliated, yet cannot react in any way. You gain the upper hand, he knows he’s lost, your manhood is preserved intact, winner!

    I wooduv returned at a later stage, or ‘phoned, and spoken to the manager/owner, about their staffs’ inappropriate behaviour. You don’t chat up a customer who is out with someone ffs.

    Clarey; how would you feel, if a waitress did all the flirting bit with your fella, then gave him her number?

    Would you actually, even secretly, not feel a little better if he resisted her advances, and declined to accept it?

    Free Member

    I’ve just seen how much iPod Touch’s are going for on ebay. 😮

    I may well be about to buy a new Mac Book and iPod Touch. The iPod will be going straight onto the Bay. Meaning I’ll be getting the Mac Book even cheaper! 😀

    Free Member

    Aren’t a lot of these product little more than snake oil,though? Like those silly spensive ‘Pro-biotic’ yoghurty drink things?

    IE; you could probbly find something far cheaper, and just as good, but not all fancily wrapped up as ‘dynamic sports recovery energy system’ or whatever bullshit the manufacturers use to get gullible mugs to buy it…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I have actually cleaned it for these pictures

    Not particularly thoroughly, mind. Which may make any potential purchaser think you jolly well have not maintained the bike quite as well as they would feel is adequate. I would personally be put off by the apparent dirt in the nooks and crannies. But maybe I’m fussy.

    I’m not having a pop at you, btw. Just trying to point out how you could make your items a tad more desirable.

    Free Member

    No, you can; I know someone who took her student ID into Apple’s Regent St shop, and they gave her the full HiEd discount.

    Think she may have had to have something confirming the course she was on and that, mind.

    TBH; Apple are more inertested in shifting units; the more, the better. It’s actually pretty easy to get Educational discounts from them. We did ours by ‘phone, and at not time were we asked to provide any proof. And we bought 3 computers within one year, too.

    All the sales staff need, is to have seen something confirming the person is a student/teacher blah blah. You could probbly just be a cleaner at a local college, and get a discount!

    My mate at the uni is a technician, yet can access the Apple Hi Ed store through his work system, thus appearing as a ‘student or teacher’… 😉

    Last year, I was offered a lower rate ed discount, simply because I’d bought a computer from them in the past. No proof of anything was spoken about at all.

    Free Member


    Looks like it’s been clouted with something, hard. Like, someone’s being doing some maintenance that has gone a bit wrong, got frustrated and angry, and clobbered it in a fit of rage.

    Free Member

    In all fairness, the fact that you jolly well have not bothered to make it look it’s best, suggests praps that you don’t care much about it, and want rid asap, rather than the usually more successful approach of making it seem like you really don’t want to part with it, and loved it to bits.

    Your ‘advert’ is saying ‘look, I’m bored with this bike now, don’t want it any more, and want rid so’s I can buy a nice shiny new one’.

    Not exactly great marketing skills, there…

    Good prices though. good luck with the sale.

    Free Member

    You do look a bit curious, orange.

    Either that, or constipated. Definitely not settled, though.

    DrDeath; I hope that clears up soon, looks nasty.


    Free Member

    Why do you want your bars at the same height as your saddle?

    Maybe they feel more comfortable with their saddle and bars the same height?

    Not everyone likes their bike set up the same way as others…

    Free Member

    A Walrus?

    Did they find your porn stash?

    Free Member

    Don’t be horrible.

    That child is not hers anyway. Look at it; too dark. Not a mixed-race kiddie. Probbly adopted. Which means those people are really lovely, to adopt a tiny baby.

    Come on; positive vibes…

    Free Member

    She gets 15% off if she buys it off the university network

    Tomzo; is this proper bona-fide info? I’m not doubting you, but I can’t access the Apple Store for Higher Ed, so have no way of seeing the prices.

    Couple of years ago, myself and two flatmates all got kitted out with new Macs (Mac Pro for me, one iMac and a MacBook), at the HE discount, all because one of them was at uni! All they were fussed about, was that at least one person in the household was in full time HE.

    A mate of mine works in a London Uniservity, so I’m assuming he’s entitled to a discount, too. I’m considering buying a new Mac lappy soon, so would be inertested to know the cheapest way of getting one, obviously!

    Sorry for the Hi-jack, btw…

    Free Member

    I think it’s probbly ‘cos some celeb was photied wearing a pair, and then ‘fashion editors’ pick up on this, and before you know it, they’re the latest ‘must-have’.

    Nowt wrong with them; they’re fairly decent quality flip-flops, but £20 a pair? You must be on Crack.

    Free Member

    It’s a West Indian thing, no?

    Perhaps a rethink of UK market packaging would be advisable…

    Free Member

    DD; you’re such a slut… 🙄

    Free Member

    Then that’s perfectly ok, then, tomzo! 😀

    I first saw a pair a few years ago; a flatmate had a pair she got from a trip to South America. Then I noticed them becoming more popular, here. And when I saw a pair in a shop, for £20, I just thought ‘that’s utterly ridiculous’.

    Some people are just stupid fashion whores, mind, and will pay owt for what they perceive to be ‘cool’.

    Free Member

    What beautiful children. And from the way they are attired, I’d have to say the parents must be wonderful, too!

    Free Member

    Smoke ’em…

    Free Member

    ..But on a more constructive note:

    Women, all women, even the most intelligent, sophisticated women, still like a bloke to be a little bit protective of them. Tricky situation, for you, as you don’t want to frighten her off, yet still want her to feel ‘fought over’, a tiny bit.

    In this sort of situation, praps a good course of action would be to say to the bloke ‘yes, she’s stunning, is not she? Now, be a good chap, and go and get us 2 coffees please’. In this way, you are asserting your dominance and power, without any caveman aggression or violence. She’d admire the way you handled the situation, and be secretly very impressed. This will stand you in good stead, in future…

    He may have been physically bigger than you, but your power comes in the fact that he’s ‘only’ the waiter. You cooduv used the psychology well to your advantage on this one. ‘Yes, I’m only a small bloke, but look, I’m in here with a stunning woman, and you’re just the waiter serving us’.

    No disrespect to waiters of course…

    The next time (if there indeed is a next time) you have a date, be prepared to be more assertive if such an occasion arises. No, she won’t want you to be a violent aggressive ****, but she’ll be more impressed with someone who plays it cool, yet still gains the upper hand, than someone who laughs nervously at a situation he has little control over.

    The fact that you’re posting about this on here, shows you are just a little bit miffed; this has been an afront to your manhood, albeit in quite a small way.

    Don’t let it happen again. As they say on STW all too often, but perhaps more valid in this case than most; MTFU!

    Free Member

    I wooduv stuck a fork in his neck…

    Free Member

    How much are they??? £20 or something? When they’re only about 3 quid, in Brazil? What a proper rip-off. And before they became trendy, they cost a lot less.

    I can’t believe people are paying £20 for a pair of basic mass-produced flip-flops. You do realise they are nothing better than most other rubber flip-flops, don’t you? £2 a pair down my local market.

    The whole point, if you really want to appear ‘cool’ and trendy’, is to have been to Brasil, and picked up a pair at local prices. Or at least had a pair bought for you there.

    Ebay have some at £8-9 a pair, which is a lot more reasonable.

    £20 for a pair of **** flip flops; the World’s gone mayd!

    Free Member

    Is it the Fabled Woods Behind Nationwide in Swindon?? 😮

    Free Member

    Why not just get your current one sprayed white?

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