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  • Women’s DH World Champs Race Report and Results
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    they eat dogs, and in western society the dog is sacred

    And many people eat cows, yet in Hindu culture, the cow is sacred.

    I don’t know enough about the North Korean regime to offer an in-depth onion on the subject (although I’m sure there’s some supercillious geeky STW tosser that is an ‘expert’), but the way I see it is:

    NK thinks the USA might invade them, as they have after all been supporting SK for years, so arms itself with nukes to act as a deterrent.

    The USA, UK and other countries have a nukeleer deterrent, ‘cos they are scared other countries might try and attack them.

    Iran is developing nukeleer weapons, because it fears US invasion.

    The USA are the only nation to ever use nukes against innocent civilians, in a war situation.


    Free Member

    All Hail the Nutt!

    For it is a Human number….

    Free Member

    Well, at least you can sleep soundly, knowing that BA wil spend your money on making lovely TV ads…

    Why not go by bus?

    Free Member

    But the official current longest escalator in the World is at the Park Pobedy station on the Moscow Metro.

    Takes 3 minutes to travel on it, apparently.

    Free Member

    For many years, the World’s longest escalator was the one at Angel Station. Several stations on the Piccadilly Line in particular, had very long escalators, as the line was built so deep underground.

    Free Member

    The tyne + Wear tunels escalator was once the longest in the World, and is the longest wooden-stepped escalator.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What it is, ‘Twitter’?

    Is it just like ‘texting tennis’, but with people you don’t know?

    Remember these?:

    Free Member

    Did I say I want equality? I ride bikes but still like to be treated as a woman hence my question of “ladies first surely”

    I’d let you go first, love…

    I’m back in the kitchen now though

    I hope you’ve got small feet….

    Free Member


    Strato; you cruel, cruel man….

    Free Member

    Ok, so I can see that he might feel he’s entitled to the return flight at least. Trouble is, as he’s not taken the outbound flight, they’ll assume he won’t be needing the return flight, and have cancelled that too.


    I can see he has half a point.

    But I’m sure it’s in their terms and conditions; you need to have taken the outbound flight, in order for the return flight to be confirmed/valid.

    I made a mistake over my council Tax bill for my last address. Assumed the outstanding balance would be transferred over to my new account. It was not. I had letters sent, but ignored them, as I thought it would be sorted with my new bill.

    Ended up with having to pay costs etc of nearly £300.

    For an initial bill of £26…..


    Oh, and Sheldona; maybe steer clear of ordering custom bikes for a while, lest you end up with something like a superfluous extra tube or something…. 😉

    Free Member

    So, you’ve paid for a seat/s on a flight. You’ve fecked up the booking, but the seat/s have already been allocated. You say the flight was this morning. You jolly well have not rung in advance of the flight departing, to let them know. So, they assume you are wanting to travel, and therefore don’t sell your cancelled seat on, as it hazzunt been cancelled.

    Imagine you’re in a restaurant. You order a dish. The dish is prepared, cooked, and brough to you. You then realise that it’s not what you wanted, and that you’ve made a mistake.

    Is that the restaurant’s fault? They’ve still spent on ingredients, chef’s/waiters’ time, etc.

    Remind me why you think you’re hard done by…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve been pedalling around the City of London, with my little friend. It was virtually deserted. Nice fry up in a cabbies’ cafe in Smithfield, and a exploratory pootle through some hidden back alleys and back passages. Fantastic.

    Free Member

    Sorry folks; that took months of careful planning, an’ all. Don’t worry, we’ll get him yet…

    That lorry driver was driving like a cock. I know that area well; it’s a residential area, and I think there are 20mph limits along there. Anyway, the driver is going too fast, and overtakes where it is dangerous. Too many people use Narrow St as a rat-run, about time it was closed off as a through route. WTF is a lorry doing tooling along, at that speed, along there? I hope the driver is banned for a long time.

    Forget whatever the speed limit s; no-one should be driving like that, along a street like that. Of a weekend, you’d find families out with kids and that, cycling along there. You do not want lorries doing 30mph or whatever, bombing along down there.

    Ban all cars and lorries now.

    Free Member

    She was wrong on some issues, but was generally right for Britain.

    Sweet Jesus of Nazareth… 😯

    Free Member

    ‘Powned’? Don’t you mean ‘pwned’?

    Oh dear..

    Free Member

    followed by a Jalfrezi in the Gaylord

    The Gaylord is still there! Never eaten there myself, but I’ve heard good stuff about it.

    I went to school at that horrible concrete monstrosity opposite; George Green School. What a dump. I play footy there on Monday nights, now.

    I live on the Teviot now. Proper shitehole. I’d rather the journey back from the Kidd, than drink in any of the ‘pubs’ round here…

    Free Member

    Ares fans don’t actually know what it feels like, for your team to win Club Football’s biggest prize…Bless.

    Free Member

    Kick Rude Boy in the Thames!
    Nobody will notice!

    Do you know how much time, effort and money has been spent on cleaning up That London’s famous River Thames? And how it’s now one of the cleanest urban rivers on Earth (True dat, y’now)? Houns speaks sense.

    mogrim – Member

    Surely you could have gone to the Prospect of Whitby if you’re really stuck on the slummy side of the river?

    You shall also go in ze book….

    Baron; do tell! Please! I love tales of pub bannings!

    I was myself once banned from the Kidd. The layndlord caught me smoking a spliff outside in the ‘beer garden’ area. Since then, I have been forgiven, and have fixed his bike up for him. Top bloke, actually.

    Top pub, an’ all. Highly recommended. The Prospect is a nice pub, as they all are, down there, really, but the Kidd is more ‘comfortable’. And serves nicer beer, imo.

    Free Member

    You can get the Pro 2s with a steel freehub. Trust me; they’d piss over XT. Hope are proper quality.

    Free Member

    it’s just that I won’t have access to many niche/boutique/brand other than a big brand model over in Perth.

    Oh, right- sorry mate!

    I’m sure Merlin could sort you out, re Oz currency, no?

    I don’t think Merlin’s Rock Lobsters are that ‘niche’! 😀

    You can’t go wrong with Spesh/Trek/Giant/Marin etc, imo. All make right nice bikes. Maybe not that exciting, in terms of image, but you don’t give a stuff about ‘image’, when yer out enjoying yerself!

    Keva; you have impeccable taste, sir.

    Although mine is better, by sheer fact of the location of the background…. 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve worked alongside some top mechanics, and they’ve all said that hand-built wheels are better than factory bling jobbies. IE, Hope hubs on Mavic rims, with DB spokes, are better value than yer Cross-whatever, or the poncy low-spoked factory ones. Good old 32 spoke 3-cross wheels are just more reliable, and easier to sort out, than yer exotic fancy-spoked money pits.

    Free Member

    Funny, I just posted about my Rock Lobster 853. I bought the frame with a Reba Team fork for £400, last summer. Bargainacious!

    I spose proper decent bikes are ‘spensive’, compared with other things, but what about ‘value for money’? I’d say spending £2k on a nice bike is a hell of a lot better investment, and value for money, than buying an iPhone, or whatever.

    When I worked in bike shops, I wanted all the top of the range stuff, and could get it a lot cheaper than most people. Now, I have the bikes I need, and don’t really want another one. Ittud be nice to have a full susser, but I can live without it. Had I some disposable right now, I’d actually buy some nice clothes, as I jolly well have not done that in a while. Sod bikes.

    Free Member

    something nice I mean.

    What you on about? Do you not recognise quality when you see it???

    That’s a top frame, that. Considering I paid £400 for the frame and fork, it’s bloody brilliant.

    See those rims? They’s Camapgnolo K2s. Proper rare. The Cranks? Cannondale Coda Tarrantula 2×9 version. Also rare. That’s sh1t hot, that bike.

    Pisses over owt off the peg, I can tell you.

    Free Member

    Forget the Manure numpties; the greatest end to The Greatest Final was undoubtedly Dudek’s save from Sheva, in 2005.

    Mind, the whole match was a thriller, really. So many moments.

    Spose it depends on what team you support. Arse fans conveniently forget the 2001 FA Cup Final…

    Non footie, it must be Greg Lemond, winning the Tour by 8 seconds from Laurent Figroll, in ’89. With shotgun pellets still lodged in his body. That was a proper close finish! And what an achievement. Miles better than anything that boring Texan has done.

    Free Member

    The only way you can solve this problem is with a new bike, I’m afraid.

    Harsh, yet true.

    Free Member

    There you go:

    Nice, is that.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Bolox. Run out of beer. Offie here I come!

    Anyone want owt?

    Free Member

    They were pretty decent frames, to be fair. Double butted cro-mo. Not Reynolds 853/Tange Prestige sort of territory, but still fairly decent. My mate Welsh Kev had one; it were a nice frame.

    The sort of frame you might bung Deroe/SLX on. Probbly not exotic enough to warrant XT/XTR, but would make a nice little bike, for sure. Much better than a cheap alu frame. Probbly a little bit nicer than the cheapo ‘DN6’ cro-mo tubing On-One use, for example.

    Free Member

    is not it a brand name given to a blend of steel tubing, by Ritchey?

    I think some Spesh steel frames circa late 90s were made of ‘Ritchey Nitanium’ tubing.

    Nickel may well be a constituent part, but I’m sure Titanium is not, as I’m pretty sure Titanium can’t be alloyed with steel.

    A catchy name that sounds like Titanium, but is not, to get prospective buyers’ interest.

    EDT: A quick Google of ‘Ritchey Nitanium reveals this:

    “Nitanium is a special hybrid non-heat-treated form of Chromoly steel that contains trace elements of Titanium and Niobium (element number 41 in the periodic table)”.

    So, praps a tiny bit of Titanium, but not in sufficient quantity to be worthy of much notice.

    They were steel frames; quite nice, but nowt really that exotic.

    Free Member

    I daren’t mention the name of a Northern town whose footy team are playing Millwall in the League One promotion play-off final at Wembley on Sunday… 😯

    Why has the word sh1t been filtered? I thought that was ok?

    Interesting, that it hazzunt been filtered out of any of the posts on this thread by brant.

    S’a conspiracy, Ernie. They don’t like us Southerners, clearly.

    Come on mods; bit of parity please. If you’re gonna have rules, at least impose them fairly and equally. 🙄

    Can’t see what’s wrong with the S word. Perfectly good bit of Anglo Saxo, that’s been in use for millions of years. As has the C word, but it’s use is associated with extreme abuse, and can be nasty, so fair enough.

    I can appreciate the need to ‘keep it clean’, but using the S word is hardly a crime these days. Or do we have to say ‘poo’, instead?

    I left school a good few years ago, as did 99.99% of STWers. Come on, it’s a bit draconian, blocking words that are in common parlance.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    If you was on a PAYG swearometer, you’d end up spending a fortune, you berk.

    Is ernie Rudeboy too?

    Talk ****, ffs. Ernie is a Sarf London slaag.

    Free Member

    No, go on; give it a go. You’d be surprised at just how understanding I can be…

    I’m off down the pub to meet WCA, I’ll catch up with you later. 😉

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member

    a lengthy and patronising lecture from Rudeboy, who’d have thought it?

    How’s it patronising?

    You’re just sore, because your professional legal judgment has been contradicted, and your ego has taken a dent.

    Don’t worry, I won’t be asking you to join my legal team any time soon. 😉

    Free Member

    Avoiding all the obvious “pole vaulting gags!”:

    Phwooar! She can come and help me fix the blind in the kitchen, any time!

    No, seriously; she’s a tall lass, and could hold it up while I screw it in…

    Free Member

    sheldona – Member

    If you used it on my dog it would be the last time you ride your bike!

    I take it, from that statement, that you would contemplate permanently disabling a human being, because they sprayed your dog with a substance that does not in any way usually have any permanent effects, fearing attack?

    And risk long incarceration at Hey Majesty’s Pleasure?

    I like dogs, and am totally against any cruelty to animals. But I place human beings above dogs. I can appreciate that a family pet can be incredibly important, but people need to get the right sense of proportion here: A dog is not a human being.

    Also, if someone used pepper spray on your dog, and you reacted angrily and aggressively toward them, it’s quite likely they’d spray you, too. And with you and your dog now incapacitated, possibly seek to harm you further.

    I can understand your sentiments; no-one wants to see animals harmed unnecessarily. But by saying you’d ‘make sure they never rode a bike again’ just belittles you, and makes you appear an irresponsible thug. I suspect, however, that you made this statement without thinking it through, and I’m sure you woon’t actually act in such a manner.

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