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  • Am I Being Unreasonable? MTB Court now in session! #Case002
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Have to say, I wanted the Scum to win last year, as Cheatski have merely bought their way to success, no question. Manure may have had plenty money dat, but instead of just getting a load of mercenaries in, they’ve built a dynasty, and kept the momentum going for the last 2 decades. I respect Man U, but I can’t stand them. Last year was just about being able to laugh at Cheatski.

    Tonight, I shall be rooting for Barca, as I can’t bear the thought of another year of Scummers gloating about their success.

    I do have the beautiful memory of 4-1 at Old Trafford to savour, as consolation.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    As a bitter, jealous Liverpool fan, it’s a no brainer…

    Free Member

    Qualitage! Lemond, ’89, 8 seconds….

    I had the little mitts. My mates laughed at them. 🙁

    Free Member

    “We’re ‘avin’ a gang-bang, we’re ‘avin’ a ball
    We’d like to get you, against the wall”

    Free Member

    So, he’s already inconvenienced you, and could cause you further inconvenience?

    Tell him to clear your new property on or before the contractually agreed moving date, or you will be charging him rent. At £500 a day, or something silly.

    Sorry, there’s being understanding, and there’s being a doormat. This bloke’s taking the piss, by the sounds of it. A couple of days, fair enough, but a ‘few weeks’? No, he’ll just have to put his belongings into storage, and rent somewhere, while his place is sorted. Tough. Business is business.

    TBH, were I in your shoes, I’d laugh at him.

    Free Member

    Hold on, hold on; we don’t know the circumstances of mrmo’s ancestor’s death, do we? Cooduv been tormenting the horse, or just walked out in front of it, or anything.

    Jeeze, condemn an entire species, why don’t you?

    Free Member

    Time to send in the ‘cheese eating surrender monkeys’?

    Who are they?

    Free Member

    And no, you don’t get one as you have spent way too much time on STW and havent been doing your homework have you?

    What? No, that’s not fair! Waaaahhh! 😥

    Free Member

    I’m with Kimbers. Ban all cars and lorries.

    Could bring back horses and carts and that. Much more fun.

    Free Member

    Is that the new Spain kit? Nice. You remembered to get a top for me an’ all, I trust?

    Free Member

    Hmmm, that lug lining is shocking

    I’m sorry; I can’t ignore it either. I’d be a tad disappointed with that. 🙁

    Shame, because the overall effect is lovely. Very stylish.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest and soft light yellow

    Hmm, problem with soft yellow, is that it woon’t be distinct enough, with brown and cream.

    something like Turquoise would have ha advantage, that it could be accessorized with elegant yet inexpensive actual Turquoise jewellery:

    Free Member

    that the old gosport slag bag friday night / solent touring boat.

    LOL! Sounds fantastic!

    Rudeboy?? what are you on about, its a challenge. I’ll bet you just go for a bus ride round town rather than get on your bike and go for a ride!!

    No, I’m too frightened. 🙁

    Free Member

    No, I weren’t suggesting those particular shoes. Just to give an idea of the colours.

    You want advice on colours, you come to me. I’m good with colours.

    Oh, er…

    Free Member

    Heh! I think SFB has it to a tee! It’s on a testing server, so strings of numbers, rather than easy to remember names. Silly Billy here forgot to make a note of the addy… 🙄

    As for ‘can of worms’, well, my two can’t agree, so I woon’t expect people on here to!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The driver was a black lesbian disabled asylum-seeker, eh ?

    No, Ernie. The driver was quite clearly, as is evident in that footage, a racist paedophile.

    How d’it end up in a fight, last time? I missed that! 🙁 Thread been pulled?

    Free Member

    why not just go commando, and flash a bit of pink now and again?

    What a rude thing to say to a lady… 😯

    Free Member

    Maybe a warm, bricky/rusty red might, though…

    Definitely not pinky reds though. No no, Jojo….

    Free Member

    Now orange might work, actually, in a cool retro seventies way.

    Somehow, reds aren’t working for me. Just too ‘puddingy’.

    Free Member

    Scrap dark red. You’ll look like a dessert. And as delicious as I’m sure you are, you want to look cool, elegant, sophisticated; not remind people of a black-forest gateau…

    Free Member

    Dark bottle green? Turquoise? Dark red?

    What colour are your eyes?

    Free Member

    They don’t give a hoot about their passengers and treat them like cattle.

    Since when did any airline give a hoot about it’s passengers?

    Blimey. Last I Looked, airlines were just companies trying to make as much profit as possible, whilst delivering the least possible, and looking after their own interests at every turn of the way…. 🙄

    Free Member

    Knowing that street as well as I do, the driver was going too fast anyway, as it’s a residential area, and just outside a park, where there wooduv been loads of people with kiddies playing and that. Plus, it’s a very popular route with cyclists.

    I think a public disembowelling is well in order.

    Free Member

    The dotted box indicates focus. It’s very important for many users, such as those who can’t use a mouse. Don’t be tempted to get rid of it.

    Oh right, I see. Like if you’re using a touch-screen or something? Or navigating using arrow keys? I woon’t know how to get rid of it anyway, tbh.

    Rollovers are working beautifully. Had a bit of mild panic, as I’d forgotten the address of the site, so coon’t access it, but all calmed down now. Just got to work out why one of the pages won’t align to centre, only in IE Windoze…

    Free Member

    S’OK, it’s all passed over now. I’ve just seen the front page

    What’s she after now? 😯

    Speaking of mahoosive rocker arms:

    I can’t help thinking the pivot is in the wrong place…

    Free Member

    Has this turned into an argument? Excellent! Without me even instigating it for once! 😀

    Thanks for all yer input. interesting, some of it, but other stuff goes over my head. I just do the pretty pictures, others make them work!

    Now tested in IE6, Safari and Firefox on Windoze, and Safari and FF on Mac. Working fine. Only annoying thing, is that FF likes to leave a little dotted line box round an image you’ve just clicked on. Dunno why. Mind, the rollovers aren’t linked yet, so maybe that’s why.

    I’m assuming other browsers, like Opera and Google Chrome will be up to date re file types?

    As for file size; the entire site will only be a few megs really, most images are only a few hundred k max. If there are some people still on dial up, **** ’em. Luddites1 (found out t’other day, a mate still has dial up, and is paying nearly as much as a BB package! Nutter)

    My PS has enough tweakery for my liking, without needing to involve other tools. It’s done the job, anyway.

    Free Member

    Looks like I’ll go with PNGs, for the buttons/rollovers, and JPEGs for the larger images. The button/rollover images are photos, but are so small, that it does not in any way matter what they are, to be honest.

    JPEG better for bigger pics, because smaller file size than PNG, or so Photoshop reckons…

    Free Member

    Ok so: I’ve been playing around in PS, and it seems that a PNG-8 file is the smallest in size. There is no discernible difference in image quality, as the buttons are only small.

    As for browser compatibility; one codey bod is saying ‘always ensure compatibility with older browsers’, whilst the other is claiming that anyone seriously interested in the site (creative/arty types) will have more up to date spec on their machines anyway. Both good arguments.

    Free Member

    Been doing a bit of reading up; seems that GIF makes for smaller files, but PNG is the one for the future, and better for photos etc. GIF maybe better with older browsers, but PNG the new standard.

    So a small button image could be a GIF, but a larger image a PNG? Or best not to mix file types?

    [Edit] just read Bez’ post. Now even more confuddled. So I shoon’t use PNG for larger images then? Are PNG files bigger than JPEGs?

    I’ve mainly used JPEGs for most image things, up until now.

    Free Member

    I’m with Peter on this one. Many people, some on here quite often, have questioned how I can want to live in a place like London. I was pootling around the City yesterday, just looking at stuff, and enjoying the Bank Holiday peace and quiet, and it was one more time when I remember what an incredible place it is; it’s my home. I’m sure many others feel comfortable in other places, but I love it here. I know, if I went anywhere else, I’d just pine for London.

    Best of luck for making the move, though. I can easily see why you’re going. Were I in your position, I’d probbly do the same thing, tbh.

    Free Member

    Religious harmony, in East London:

    Free Member

    Whats an ‘in-depth onion’ ????????

    It’s like an opinion, but multi-layered….

    Free Member

    Why do you want to do something stupid like that?

    There’s a ferry, no?


    Free Member

    I woon’t fancy trying to tackle those stairs, after a few too many…

    I’d go for the one with the roof terrace. Nice, to have your own little bit of outdoor space. You could put plants and stuff up there, grow food, have BBQs, etc.

    Free Member

    I had to paint a room that had been painted very badly, with red paint. I had to get it back to white. Took 6 coats. First 2 were cheapo paint, which was a bit thin, but in order to completely eradicate any trace of the red, I had to apply several thin coats; using one-coat stuff would not have worked. Took 5 days to do that room, including glossing of the wood. Did look good after, though.

    Free Member

    Hairybreasted; NUMBER, not member. You thought of ‘member’, as you are twisted and warped, by media brainwashing, government propaganda, and valium in the water supply*.

    *This is all true. Not Paranoid conspiracy theorists.

    I’d like new curtains. Maybe something like these:

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