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  • Red Bull Rampage: Semenuk Out, Atherton In!
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Why not say to her “Get yourself tested or we’ll tell Peter”?

    Not a bad idea. My concern would be with the possibility of Peter contracting any infection, and passing that on to someone else, etc, etc…

    The ultimately responsible thing to do, is tell Katie to get herself tested. Start it there. If she comes back clear, then they can carry on their lives, as if nowt happened. As someone above said; don’t judge.

    Free Member

    Why? It’s full of Eastern Europeans

    And why would that be a problem? 🙄

    ‘Tis a truly beautiful country, no argument.

    I was out in That London’s famous London, yesterday. Went over to Greenwich. Nothing like the view from the top of the hill, there. Wandered over for a lovely pint in the Union pub, then over to Whitechapel for a curry. Such simple pleasures, but sometimes, there’s just no place like home…

    Free Member

    Nice one mate!

    Fortunately, she don’t seem owt like her Bulb-End of a dad! 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Over 40degC on my balcony today. 30+ in the shade. Nice.

    Free Member

    Ladies; choose your weapon:

    Free Member

    Good post, Roper. Do it for the sake of loving it, not to become something. Your sperience sounds very much like mine, at Uni. Too many people focussed on wanting to ‘be somebody’, than wanting to have a life where they could enjoy being themselves.

    A mate of mine, his gelf did a fine art degree. She was crap, tbh. I saw very little that revealed her actual artistic talents. Her work was to gain a reaction, rather than stand out for it’s own value.

    She was getting rid of a load of paints and stuff, and a large canvas, so me mate decided t have some fun, and just chucked a load of paint onto the canvas. He bunged bits of rubbish like wrappers and travelcards onto it, and some glue stuff, all sorts. He had to rotate the canvas several times, as it was drying, to stop all the stuff running off onto the floor.

    The result was a crazy abstract surreal nightmare world. Looked really good. It hung in their flat, until she got pissed off with guests admiring it, thinking it was hers, and ignoring her own stuff!

    I nabbed it; is it art? I dunno. But it’s got a darn sight more about it, than a **** unmade bed…

    Free Member

    Alpin’s got some good points to make, that the evil spectre of fascism still lingers, in too many places; and unchecked, it can and will gain power once more. History will be forgotten, as people’s memories will fade.

    Makes me feel glad I live in the UK, in spite of all it’s negative points.

    Free Member

    You can nearly see her minge…

    Whose, Supergran’s?? 😯

    But who else has the righteousness, the skills, the charisma, the virtue and the experience to clean out the augean stables of Westminster and lead Britain into the sunlit uplands of our nation’s glorious future?

    There can of course be but one choice:

    Although I must say, Melinda M would quite possibly find a role for herself in my Cabinet…

    Free Member


    Oh, and Smack.

    Gone off glue, although I still like me daily pint of Meths.

    Free Member

    Emin is no more an ‘artist’, than Posh Spice is a ‘singer’.

    I don’t pay much attention to Emin, as there are plenty of real artists out there, producing proper art. People who don’t need to sleep with gallery owners, get their ‘norks’ out for cheap publicity, or try in vain to shock us with their ‘controversial’ work. They just quietly get on with producing art.

    ‘Has an MA in Art from the RCA’ – So **** what? I know people with similar; I’ve produced more creative works glossing a skirting board. And watching them dry would b infinitely more fascinating than some stupid crack media-whore who can seldom keep it together enough to string a coherent sentence together. Artist? Fartist, more like. **** piss-artist.

    ‘Oh look’, said the little boy. ‘The Emperor has no clothes on’…

    Free Member

    England win!

    Un-dex-trois cat sank….

    Free Member

    Tim; that was the infamous AdamG!

    Who was it, BigDummy I think; whenever that nasty character turned up, BD would ask ‘how’s the photocopying business?’. LOL!

    Free Member


    What, again? What for this time??? 😯

    Free Member

    Did they Dez? That’s bloody out of order, that is! 😯

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Pass me a bucket please, I think I’m going to puke… 😯

    Free Member

    Does it have personal stuff on it? If so, maybe return to the network, who may be able to return it to its original owner. Spose the ‘legal’ thing to do, is return it, or hand it in to police.

    However, doing this may simply cause unwanted hassle for the police, and the network may just scrap it anyway.

    If it’s got nowt personal on it, I’d get it unlocked, and use it. Maybe better that it gets used and appreciated, than scrapped, or left forgotten in a storage box for ever more.

    Free Member

    Yeah. I keep fish in them. Koi.

    Imagine that; if you could have a little fishtank integrated into yer belly. You could show it to people in the pub!

    I’d only have enough room for some krill… 🙁

    Free Member

    I find very little on here offensive in a general sense but sometimes I am offended about stuff directed at me personally

    See, why do people do that? I accept I may get a bit of light-hearted stick, as I am aware that I occasionally (what???) post stuff that may twist people’s melons a bit. But when people get personal, and start with the abusive names, threats etc, or just post negative responses to even the most innocuous of your posts, I just think ‘you sad berk’. That AdamG was one such berk; his whole raison d’etre seemed to be to offend people; the right-wing narrow minded bigot persona was deliberately constructed to make others angry. I would quite enjoy challenging him on numerous occasions, and it really got under his skin, to the point where he even named himself ‘Avocado‘, following one of his numerous bans. That made me laugh! How can you allow a faceless forum persona to get to you that much? Sad ****.

    I’ve had a few nasty comments directed my way; some quite recently. Someone threatening to ‘smash my face in’, personal insults, and revealing my real name via the anonymity of tags. Very immature. The reason I don’t have my email in my profile, is because people can’t control themselves, and send really vile, hateful abuse. Cowardly bastards.

    Personally, I take little or no notice of my ‘fan club’, or people who often post stupid ignorant shite. I find it quite funny, that they take so much notice of me, tbh. Fulfills my attention seeking needs!

    I can chose to be offended or not. Why get worked up over what some sad, lonely inadequate berk on tinternet thinks? 😀

    Free Member

    Smee; just leave it alone. Where you gonna get, goading people who are feeling raw? Just make’em angrier. No point.

    Free Member

    I do find it a bit tribal to celebrate other teams failures though

    Do you not ‘get’ football, then? 🙄 FFS; What’s it about if it’s not tribal??

    Personally, I can’t be bothered gloating or revelling in Man U’s failure. I’m more pleased about Barça’s win, as I like the club, and always like to see them do well. I fell in love with the city, on a trip there years ago, and think it’s a fantastic place. I was lucky enough to see a match at Camp Nou, and the atmosphere was incredible. So, last night, I was a Barça fan. and they won. I’ve enjoyed that, but now I’m looking forward to the couple of World Cup qualifiers, and next season.

    Unlucky, Man U. Can’t win ’em all.

    Free Member

    Well, you could certainly learn a thing or two about style and colour co-ordination; state of those shoes and socks you had on that time!

    Free Member

    Funnily enough, I have also enjoyed the Mercury/Caballe collaberation… 😉

    Free Member

    Dunno if things have changed, but if you’re a Mac user, Canon cams could be finnicky, iirc. I remember my flatmate having issues wih hers; 350D/Intel iMac. something to do with how Canon format the memory cards. Nikons seem to work without issue, with Macs. Both companies make fantastic cams though.

    Free Member

    The people who hate united are the same people who hate steve peat and the athertons.


    Free Member

    Ah, come on, Scummers! it’s only a bit of footie banter! Earlier, we had people talking about how Manure could go on and dominate Yerp, like Liverpool did, how they are one of the ‘best teams in the World’, and Fergie banging on about being the first club to retain the CL.

    So, pride cometh before a fall…

    Suck it up. You know there are millions of footie fans throughout the land, who love to see such a big club fail. I remember the stick Liverpool got, after the 2007 final, mainly from Manure and Cheatski fans.

    Man U won the league ‘cos Liverpool failed to win games they only drew, rather than being utterly dominant throughout the entire season (as they have been in the past). S’been a good, close fought campaign. Man U have been the best team in England, over the last two decades. So, stop yer whinging, dry yer eyes, and thank God yer not Newcastle fans… 😉

    Free Member

    30%. I’m actually a bit disappointed I din’t score more highly. I have a well tuned sense of style and aesthetics, and am good with colours. And my best friend is female.

    I think it’s cos I like fighting, don’t pluck my eyebrows, and only get a haircut when people are laughing at me. 🙁

    Free Member

    Of course a real afficianado of the game

    I’ve heard that, at Camp Nou… 😀

    Free Member

    I had this perfect dream
    Un sueno me envolvio
    This dream was me and you
    Tal vez estas aqui
    I want all the world to see
    Un instinto me guiaba
    A miracle sensation
    My guide and inspiration
    Now my dream is slowly coming true
    The wind is a gentle breeze
    El me hablo de ti
    The bells are ringing out
    El canto vuela
    Thery’re calling us together
    Guiding us forever
    Wish my dream would never go away


    It was the first time that we met


    How can I forget
    The moment that you stepped into the room
    You took my breath away


    La musica vibro


    Y ella nos unio
    And if God is willing
    We will meet again
    Let the songs begin
    Dejalo nacer
    Let the music play

    Make the voices sing
    Nace un gran amor
    Start the celebration
    Ven a mi
    And Cry!
    Come alive!
    And shake the foundations from the skies
    Shaking all our lives


    Such a beautiful horizon


    Like a jewel in the sun
    Por ti sere gaviota de tu bella mar


    Suenan las campanas


    Abre tus puertas al mundo
    If God is willing
    If God is willing
    If God is willing
    Friends until the end



    Free Member

    Not yet love, not yet….

    Oh go on then! 😀

    Free Member

    Bugger. Beaten to it! 😀

    Barca are bossing this. Can’t see them losing it now, unless they **** up really badly.

    Free Member

    You tell ’em, Onion…

    Free Member

    Barca were completely dominating, at the end of the first half.

    Spawney Manure about to be found out? Even their Aquatic expert is not getting away with his usual cheating…

    Free Member

    X7 = Catalogue ‘mtb’
    X9 = Tourney
    X0 = Acera

    Free Member

    Actually, I might get a dirty doner kebab in..

    Free Member

    See? Trust in RudeBoy…

    CFH; I’ve always been good with colours, since I was a small child.

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop; were it this one:

    I see your point; if my mum went out dressed like that, I’d disown her!

    Free Member

    # Duration of copyright

    The 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act states the duration as;

    1. For literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works

    70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the last remaining author of the work dies.

    If the author is unknown, copyright will last for 70 years from end of the calendar year in which the work was created, although if it is made available to the public during that time, (by publication, authorised performance, broadcast, exhibition, etc.), then the duration will be 70 years from the end of the year that the work was first made available.
    2. Sound Recordings and broadcasts

    50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was created, or,

    if the work is released within that time: 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was first released.
    3. Films

    70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the last principal director, author or composer dies.

    If the work is of unknown authorship: 70 years from end of the calendar year of creation, or if made available to the public in that time, 70 years from the end of the year the film was first made available.
    4. Typographical arrangement of published editions

    25 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published.
    5. Broadcasts and cable programmes

    50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the broadcast was made.

    Free Member

    Ah, Cycle Scurgery…

    It’s got proper shit now. Both the back street original one, and the posh Spitz concourse one. The posh one is managed by a big ugly Neanderthal Saffa; how tf he got a job in a bike shop, I’ll never know. Not a good advert for healthy outdoors activity, that one.. 😯

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