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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Admit it, you were trying to get a shag. You weren’t trying to help her for any altruistic reasons.

    Please, i’m not Hora. TBH, we actually did have quite a happy household. Which makes it all the more surprising that she’s done this.

    The bailiff’s being a C. Just rung him to inform him that I’ve now made an arrangement with the council tax recovery dept, who are saying that they will remove the bailiff’s fees as I’ve only just been notified of this debt, and therefore have been given no chance to pay it, and he’s still getting all arsey. Tosser.

    Free Member

    Yes! 😀

    Free Member

    Well, I must say, I really thought I’d be right as rain by today. I still feel groggy, mind, and still not quite up to full fighting fitness (although still way in front of most on here) yet.

    The cough has subsided a bit, although I’m still bringing up a healthy nugget or two in the mornings. It’s the sinuses that are causing me the most gip; really uncomfortable.

    I’m getting annoyed, because it’s putting paid to things I want to do. I have a presentation I really should be working on, but I don’t feel like doing, can’t go swimming, gym or footie. 🙁

    I also need to go shopping for some clothing items and a few bits, but don’t fancy trawling round the shops, speshly in this heat.

    And worst of all, I’m bored with all the same old arguments on here. Can’t even really get excited over the Moon landings one, tbh.

    Think I’ll go and organise me porn collection. Thatull take me mind off…

    Free Member

    Or do you have actual experience/knowledge of the camera design and film stock?

    Yes! 😀

    Free Member

    I’m saying that dismissing any kind of criticism of Islam as automatically xenophobic is unhelpful and counter-productive, and that there are aspects of Islam that are concerning.

    Coming from a Muslim background, I’d agree with that. I personally have several issues with aspects of Islamic faith and culture, which is why I’ve chosen not to follow it, as my Path. But I have simliar feelings about Christianity, and a host of other religions, too.

    Islam, if is to progress in the West, must be adaptable and flexible. This will lead to schisms between hard-liners and Liberals, the same as Christianity, Judaism, etc. There are anyway different sects within Islam, some more ‘liberal’ than others.

    I am not happy with the idea that many women feel compelled to wear burkas. But it should be their choice, and theirs’ alone, to wear or not.

    I don’t see why the pub should shut early on a Sunday, or that other shops shut early or are not even open. And if you pay a cheque in on Friday, it will be bloody next Thursday before it’s cleared. bung it in on a Monday, and it’s cleared by Thursday anyway.

    And have you ever tried to get a Latka, or some pickled Herring, on a Saturday in Stamford Hill?? 😯

    Christianity is in fact the religion that causes the most unnecessary restrictions in the UK, anyway. It’s just that as our Law has evolved around Christian philosophy, most people fail to notice this.

    I have no problem with the Sharia Law courts that operate here. They are not dissimliar to the Jewish ones, which preside over very simliar issues. UK Law has precedent over all other ‘Laws’, anyway.

    Inertesting fact about Islam: Women were allowed to own property and laynd, long before they were under Christian rule…

    There are many different strains of Islam but unfortunately for various reasons the most radical ones are the fastest-growing.

    Free Member

    I’m saying that dismissing any kind of criticism of Islam as automatically xenophobic is unhelpful and counter-productive, and that there are aspects of Islam that are concerning.

    Coming from a Muslim background, I’d agree with that. I personally have several issues with aspects of Islamic faith and culture, which is why I’ve chosen not to follow it, as my Path. But I have simliar feelings about Christianity, and a host of other religions, too.

    Islam, if is to progress in the West, must be adaptable and flexible. This will lead to schisms between hard-liners and Liberals, the same as Christianity, Judaism, etc. There are anyway different sects within Islam, some more ‘liberal’ than others. Islam must allow itself to be open to criticism of the way it operates, and look to ways of reconciling difficulties in it’s practice, and within the society it exists.

    I am not happy with the idea that many women feel compelled to wear burkas. But it should be their choice, and theirs’ alone, to wear or not.

    I don’t see why the pub should shut early on a Sunday, or that other shops shut early or are not even open. And if you pay a cheque in on Friday, it will be bloody next Thursday before it’s cleared. Bung it in on a Monday, and it’s cleared by Thursday anyway. Stupid bloody outdated Sunday trading laws…

    And have you ever tried to get a Latka, or some pickled Herring, on a Saturday in Stamford Hill?? 😯

    Christianity is in fact the religion that causes the most unnecessary restrictions in the UK, anyway. It’s just that as our Law has evolved around Christian philosophy, most people fail to notice this.

    I have no problem with the Sharia Law courts that operate here. They are not dissimliar to the Jewish ones, which preside over very simliar issues. UK Law has precedent over all other ‘Laws’, anyway.

    Inertesting fact about Islam: Women were allowed to own property and laynd, long before they were under Christian rule…

    There are many different strains of Islam but unfortunately for various reasons the most radical ones are the fastest-growing.

    Free Member

    LOL @ Stoner…

    Free Member

    Dock Leaf for nettle stings, and Aloe Vera or Germolene for small cuts.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ok then; too hot for film.

    Standard Blad with the leather peeled off. I don’t see any extreme heat or cold insulation, do you?

    Those cams never took any pics on the Moon.

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You’ve obviously not been paying attention, have you?

    Free Member

    But a rational mind can see that the balance of evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of the landings occurring.

    Ha ha!

    Nice one!

    Truth is; you want to believe in them , because you need to believe in them.

    But you don’t know, any more than I do, whether they did land on the Moon. You’ve just chosen to believe what you’ve been told.

    Ah, whassamatter, you can’t possibly accept your dreams might not be true?


    Free Member

    RB… what actual evidence do you have that ‘quite a few of the images we’ve been allowed to see, are fake’?

    Read my previous bit on film.

    Free Member

    Paint it Black by Rolling Stones
    Hallelujah by Happy Mondays

    Free Member

    Blimey, someone with thier own mind at last! Nice one Grumm; I’m glad someone gets it.. 🙄

    Free Member

    The reason it doesn’t flop down is that the flag wasn’t just loose cloth- it’s stiffened along the top edge

    i’ll give you that. But it still flaps about pretty freely, and ythere’s other footage that shows it moving, although I can’t be arsed looking for it.

    I KNEW this would get some of you going! 😀 Seems there are plenty of people all to eager to debunk the ‘conspiracy theories’; if you’re sooo convinced yourselves, why are you going to such lengths arguing the case?

    Thing is; we would all like to believe that Man landed on the Moon. What a fantastic adventure!

    But the truth is; none of youse can prove Man did land on the moon, and that these vids we see are genuine. Get them into some video editing software, and speed them up slightly. Then notice how everything looks like it does in real life, down on Earth. And one of the first things you’d do, in 1/6th gravity, is jump about a lot! And you’d film it! Ripping their suits? There’s other stuff of astronauts falling over, so I don’t think that was as big a concern as you might think. They were multi-layered anyway. Of course, jumping cooduv also been faked, with wires and that…

    What’s inertesting, is that any suggestion that the landings may have been faked, is met with loud shouts of ‘conspiracy theorist!’ Why are you shouting so loud, if you have nowt to fear/hide?

    I’ll reiterate; I never said that Mankind has never set foot on the Moon. Just that there is the possibility of the footage of the landings being fake. To protect American pride. The Soviets had chalked up all the other Space firsts; the Yanks needed a big score, to stay in the game.

    As for ‘hundreds of thousands of people’ needing to be complicit in any ‘conspiracy’; bollocks. Only a few people would really have needed to know. It’s relatively easy to dupe large numbers of people. It wooduv been pretty easy to get the astronauts out of any rocket, prior to lunch, as only a handful of people had access to anywhere near the rocket itself. So, maybe something was fired into Space, maybe something did land on’t Moon. But quite a few of the images we’ve been allowed to see, are fake. Part of a publicity stunt. If they did actually land there, which is not completely iplausible, then we probbly din’t actually see it.

    As for the ridiculous comment about ‘WMDS/Iraq- proof no conspiracy’; what you wibbling on about? The Yanks were showing off footage of loads of ‘suspected’ WMD sites long before the invasion, even though Hans Blixt had said there was nowt there! Come on, get yer head out of the sand!

    US: ‘There are WMDS in Iraq’
    HB: ‘Erm, well, actually…’
    HB: ‘No, hang on…’

    Anyway; creates a good debate, this one, eh? 😉

    Free Member

    Night night!

    (Feel free to argue amongst yourself)

    Free Member

    Anyway, my work here is done. Good Night all! XXX

    Free Member

    You don’t muck about, do you!

    A girl once said to me ‘Ooh, Rudeboy; you’re such an animal! Kiss me somewhere dirty!’

    So I took her to Birmingham!

    One week only, folks. Quality never goes out of fashion.

    Free Member

    I just do not see how and why it would be a problem when you are in a happy and secure relationship!

    But he’s not! He’s only ‘dating’… and possibly still feeling a bit insecure about things.

    The waiter shoon’t be trying to chat customers up, speshly if they’re with someone who they appear to be in some kind of relationship with. It’s unprofessional and rude. I would expect a waiter to be polite and courteous, and get me bloody dinner, not try to chat up my date!! There’s flirting, and then this bloke’s out of order. Sounds like it’s gone ok,though, but the OP obviously has a slight issue with it, or he woon’t have raised it on here!

    I can’t believe mens attitude is in anyway confrontational.

    That’s because you’re not a man…. 😉

    Free Member

    Answer question please Eldridge.

    Can find please for me; bit in French Constitution, where it says individuals aren’t allowed to wear any religious or cultural items at all? Thank you kindly.

    Free Member

    Ah, I’d almost forgotten about this! Nice one aP.

    I think the 19th is good, as it’s aP organising, so it should lie with him, as to exactly when the ride takes place. I think that’s fair.

    Free Member

    So, actually, it is THE FRENCH, through their constitution, who are proposing this. Sarkosy is merely, as is his duty, promoting the French constitution.

    Can find please for me; bit in French Constipation, where it says individuals aren’t allowed to wear any religious or cultural items at all? Thank you kindly.

    Free Member

    Vamos, do one, scarper, gehdahdavit, etc… 😉

    Free Member

    He’s a nasty little shit-stirrer anyway. Ask Juan…

    God I wish we had the same freedoms

    What, to take away other people’s freedoms? Yeah, cos that makes a load of sense… 🙄

    Sarkozy is neither Muslim, nor female, therefore does not in any way have the right to demand Muslim women lose the veil. That should be their choice, and their choice alone. He’s entitled to his onion, but that’s it.

    Free Member

    The Moon’s gravity is 1/6th of Earth’s, allegedly.

    So why does not in any way the flag gradually flop down? Eh? Eh?

    Plus, the astronauts are only jumping a foot or two off the ground. In 1/6th gravity, they’d be able to jump a lot higher, and further, surely? Even with those heavy suits on.

    Nah, sorry, FAKE.

    does not in any way necessarily mean they jolly well have not been to the Moon, just that that footage ain’t shot on the Moon…

    Had millions fooled, though.

    Anyway, my work here is done. Good Night all! XXX

    Free Member

    Postierich; you cooduv bought a Ferrari for that! 😉

    And a Porsche, and still had money left over…

    Free Member

    Shit video, ernie. Here’s a better one.

    Gotta LOL at the pathetic attempts to defend it, mind.

    People are free to believe what they want, don’t change it though.

    Indeed. And I will chose to believe , based on the actual incontrovertible proof that the American Regime has repeatedly lied about all manner of things, that not everything that comes out of America is in fact the Truth. WMDs, anyone?

    Free Member

    Oh, and when James May was driving the Lunar Rover thing, it had a petrol engine, rather than the leccy one the ‘real’ ones wooduv had to use. ‘Cos of course, a petrol engine woodun’t work on’t Moon…

    Nickc; you sound like you’re trying to convince yourself, tbh… 😉

    Free Member

    I’m not saying it’s all lies, get a grip. I’m merely hypothesising that considering the globally significance and importance of the Moon landings, I doubt the Yanks wooduv relied entirely on the possibility that footage from the Moon would in fact be viewable. Do you really think, during that Cold War period, the Yanks wooduv risked losing face, and being the object of ridicule for the World’s press? Would they bollocks. That fluttering flag is proof of such ‘contingency plans’.

    Oh, and the film in the cameras, used to take such wonderful images, would not have been sufficient temperature for the chemical reaction to take place, in order to have silver halide crystals react to light. The surface of the moon, being devoid of an atmosphere, would be proper bastard cold, well below the effective range in which film can work. The material itself wooduv been extremely brittle, and prone to cracking. Those cameras had no heating systems. They conveniently left the cameras on the Moon, and only brought back the film…

    Nice studio shots, though! 😀

    Free Member

    Of course, there is the possibility that NASA failed to get any real footage off the Moon, and had a ‘contingency plan’.

    I’m not going to deny categorically, that Mankind has ever stepped on the Moon or not, as I was not there myself to witness it, but that flag, fluttering in the ‘breeze’? Come on…

    Anyone who unquestionably believes everything the Americans claim, is a bigger fool than anyone who has a penchant for metal foil headgear. The Yanks had too much at stake, for the Moon missions to fail. And for a country who’s government has lied on numerous occasions, I woon’t put it past them at all.

    Free Member

    Too many orange-coloured pop drinks.

    Free Member

    Just buy a fan?

    Free Member

    Well, I tell you; having ‘tried’ to sleep in a VW camper in I think it was November or something, down on the South Coast, a freezer might be preferable.

    I’ve had more comfy nights in police cells….

    Free Member

    AB; it’s not funny, really. Not when you’re stuck at the side of the A23 in the freezing cold, waiting for the breakdown service, with everyone pissed off, and the owner almost in tears because he’s only just last week spent £800 on a new engine, as well as the thousands spent on various other bits. Then, to cap it all off, rain starts seeping in though a rotting rubber seal in the roof… 🙁

    *note to self…do NOT get one with an expanding roof section*

    (Feels unwanted and unloved. Cries. 😥 )

    Free Member

    What a tragic tale. Poor Ludwig… 😥

    But what Genius.

    Enjoyed the photie docus. Found the Lee Miller one very inertesting. Never thought her work was exceptional, compared to others, but such dedication and drive. As for Leibowitz; never been a fan of her work. Far too drivative, and nothing really outstanding about it. Contrived to the point of boredom, some of it. Got nowt against such stylised work, per say, but hers just is not worthy of the rave reviews people give it. She’s a celebrity tographer, who is part of the World she portrays. But her work is as shallow and superficial as the subjects she photographs, imo. And to hear some of the comments people were making was just cringe-making.

    Nice one Tim! Good PSA! I enjoy!

    Free Member

    Don’t, whatever you do, get on eof those ‘money-pit-slow-as-****-need-fixing-all-the-time-heating-don’t-work-freezing-bastard-cold-can’t-we-go-any-faster-I’m-doing-nearly-30-get-overtaken-by-some-old-granny-in-a-mobility-cart-rattle-the-fillings-out-of-your-teeth-nothing-works-propply-why-the-****-are-these-bastard-things-so-popular’ old-school VW campers, no matter how romantic the idea. The reality is just a World Of Pain (Like World of Leather, but with Pain instead of Leather).

    I know there are some stupid masochists brave souls who think they’re great, but they are very spensive to run, require a LOT of work, and are nowhere near as economical as modern vayns.

    Stoner’s looks nice, though.

    If you get one with an expanding roof section, then there could be a little pod area for RudeBoy to curl up in! Bonus! What more could you want?? 😀

    Free Member

    buy a rice cooker every asian oriental person i know owns a rice cooker

    Yes, but that’s no good to me…

    …I’m from Hackney. 😯

    It don’t matter what type of rice it is, I always bloody ruin it. If I’m doing a meal with rice, I just get someone else round to cook it. I’ve given up.

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