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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    So Olly; you’re claiming that it’s certain types of alcohol, that cause the problems? Even particular brands?

    I have a feeling that ‘chavs’ may be mentioned at some stage…

    Free Member

    No, just too stoned instead. Presumably he thinks another advantage is that he can still drive after taking cannabis, but not after drinking?

    What a completely rubbish statement… 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    This is about alcohol, it’s benefits/evils, not about Muslims.

    Why not start up a thread about that?

    Free Member

    Tosh. That works on the principle that all Muslims abstain from drink. As a resident of Birminham for 25 years, I can assure you that this is not the case.

    Ok. How many Muslim people do you see down the pub? Or with a glass of wine in their hand, at a gallery opening?

    I’ve worked with Muslims, who woon’t come down the pub after finishing work on a Friday. So, what do we do, which would include them in the group?

    Free Member

    So let me see, he (and you) assume weed has no effect on his control (either emotional or physical)?

    I din’t say that. He just feels that using cannabis is preferable to using alcohol, for him. He feels he ‘needs’ something, and is aware of his dependency on a drug. Certainly with cannabis, he won’t be too inebriated to deal with any little crisis that may crop up. Quite responsible, I think.

    I think this is one of the main reasons why we have problems of Muslim’s integrating in our society. almost all socialising is based around booze.

    That’s a very inertesting idea. I went to a Muslim wedding a while ago. Of course, no booze. Felt kind of weird. There certainly was not the ‘lack of inhibition’ I’ve seen at other weddings. A few of us infidels were definitely thinking about the lack of social lubricant.

    Free Member

    RB I dont think any laws/rules have anything to do with religion

    Au contraire. We live in a ‘Christian’ country. The foundations of much of our institutions of Law and Order are based on Christian doctrine. The Queen is our ‘Divine’ Head of State, with the power to pass laws, and yo go and see how much religion plays a part in Parliamentary and Legal proceedings. Judges etc are ‘sworn in’, and required to recite an oath of allegienace to God and the Queen, and all sorts.

    And there are the Lords Spiritual…

    Free Member

    Put brain into gear before opening gob.

    How does that work, then??? 😀

    In defence of PP; he’s very fit, and a bloody good bike rider. I dread to think what decreasing his pieload would do; he’d be even bloody quicker. I’d encourage him to eat more, just so’s I can keep up with him.

    Guns don’t kill people, Rappers do…

    Most drugs, if used in moderation, can be a lot of fun. It’s just that some people don’t know how to moderate their usage. Those same people would be addicts to any drug; it’s not the drug, as much as the addictive nature of some people. The scale of addiction ranges from mild psychological ‘needing a spliff/beer/glass of wine to relax of an evening’, to being compelled to commit even violent crime, in order to feed a habit; the real desperate total physical and psychological dependence on a substance.

    Economics often has a bearing on the nature of the effects of the addiction, to the individual, and society as a whole. Middle-class coke addicts may be able to afford the bi-annual rehab, or monthly detox, whilst sink estate crack heads descend into a spiral of self-destruction, which is damn near impossible to escape from, without help.

    Of course, there’s the ‘if you don’t touch drugs in the first place, you won’t have any trouble with drugs’ type philosophy, which works for many people. But people, espeshly young impressionable ones, have a desire to seek out new pleasures, and will experiment, regardless of rules and regulations. Half the thrill is in the illicitness, certainly to begin with.

    And many of the rules and laws surrounding drugs are based on religious morality; it is sinful to give your mind over to intoxication, as this detracts from your ability to worship God. and of course, someone using ‘mind-expanding’ drugs might not be as amenable to religious indoctrination. I can see how LSD might be particularly reviled by certain religions…

    I do think PP is being somewhat naive about this issue, although I can understand the need to be in control. Too many drugs can fry your brain. I’ve seen the proof.

    Free Member

    Nice one, Dave! 😀

    Free Member

    Ah, look how sweet and peaceful…

    Congrats to you and MrsMuggo, mate! 😀

    Free Member

    don’t you people insure kids? Is it not mandatory?

    Christ on a bike; what’s this genius going to come up with next? Insure a lampshade, in case a visitor is offended by it’s style, or something? Insure yer letterbox, in case a postman hurts a finger in it? 🙄

    Can’t stop; I’ve got to find out about insurance for my wallpaper…

    Free Member

    juan – Member

    well get it respray and have the parent insurance pay for it simple…

    FFS, have a bit of perspective. What if the parents deny it? Then, you’re looking at a possible lengthy and costly court case, which you might not win. WCA has no ‘evidence’ that the kids did it, so bugger all to base any claim on. And the probability of hostility from the parents, and possibly others, to follow. Just not worth it. Try seeing this in the ‘real world’, Juan. It’s just a scratch.

    samuri – Member

    shitting hell.

    That is a proper quality exclamation, and one which I use on a regular basis.

    Free Member

    I’d like to see Murray Walker come along and touch his bump!

    LOL! Remember that? Proper funny! I’m sure Murray did that on purpose, ‘cos Mansell was such a droning boring bastard.

    However, anyone who believes in a supernatural “divine being” is fair game for a bit of fun.

    Not as much as someone with a bike called ‘Onion’…

    Just out of inertest; why is it ‘fun’ to attempt to ridicule, humilate and discredit those who chose to follow a religion? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Why not just live and let live, as long as they’re not doing you any harm.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Near a window? Then a small leaf money plant will be perfect. does not in any way need much water, and will grow quite slowly.

    Free Member

    Hmm, sorry to disappoint, Sancho, but I’d say you’re on a loser, there. If the kid is under the age of criminal responsibility, then you coon’t even do owt about deliberate damage, let alone accidental. Shit happens. Just claim of yer insurance. That’s what it’s there for.

    WCA; where’s my compo?

    Free Member

    Find another rust bubble…

    Anyway, you’ve got a drive you could park it on.

    So basically, it’s your own fault. In fact, I want compensation from you.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the speak like that in Docklands these days. Certainly not in Waitrose…

    Free Member


    No, sorry.

    I’ll be a good boy today…

    Free Member

    Yes, but maybe more people with kids could manage to park a little further from the main entrance, whereas it could be more difficult for someone with disabilities to have to travel the extra distance.

    Free Member

    Yay! Good news, WCA!

    What Terpischore says…

    Free Member

    Gaffer tape a bit of carboard, over some bubble wrap, onto the door.

    Not pretty, but will prevent further damage.

    Free Member

    Jan Svanmeyer’s ‘Alice’
    Watership Down
    The Secret Life Of Plants
    Wallace and Grommit

    Free Member

    A bastard!

    Free Member

    That’s bloody nice, that. I’ve always dreamed of building my own frame. You coon’t get more ‘custom’ than that!

    Free Member

    Does this mean I won’t get me coffee table made? 🙁

    Free Member

    That SF top looks like a very large thong, turned into a top. Proper gopping. 😯

    Did you win the bet?

    Free Member

    Ridden in my Reebok Liverpool shirt plenty of times.

    Good man!

    Champs League spesh edition, ca. 2002/3, I think:

    I’ve found the new adidas tops to be even better quality, actually.

    Perfect for riding. In fact, I’ve found my footie tops to be of better quality than most ‘cycling’ tops, for example Endura, which are way overpriced cheapo stuff. Same type of material; polyester is a fast wicking, quick drying fabric, which is flexible and comfy. The ‘Climacool’ etc gumph makes very little difference indeed. Most of the ‘technical features’ are down to how the fibres are woven, to create a different type of mesh, to allow greater insultion, or faster moisture transfer or whatever.

    If you can get one of the player’s versions (made of completely different stuff to the replicas) they will be much more useful but are also much more expensive.

    You can’t. They are available to players only. The main differences being, that there are different tops, to cope with different weather and climatic conditions, I understand, whereas the ‘replica’ kits are just one type of fabric. And the logos and badges are applied differently; on ‘genuine’ tops, the badges are often proper embroidered on, rather than appliqued. And we’re talking about top teams, not yer average Div One strugglers. And if you were lucky enough to own a genuine top, you woon’t be ragging it around on a bloody bike ride!

    As base layers, footie tops aren’t really ideal, ime. To loose fitting. You’re better off with close fitting stuff, like the M+S underwear mentioned.

    Most ‘cycling specific’ stuff is a rip off, I reckon. Try Decathlon, for the same thing, but a lot cheaper, and just as good.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I remember London being 95% full of rude utter ******/idiots,

    Erm, that’s just you, Hora….

    Free Member


    Myself, I’m moving out of London as I can’t stand what it’s become


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