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  • NBD: Airdrop Edit MX/27.5, Intense M1, Whyte E-Lyte
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Nice one WCA!

    Which job did you go for then?

    Free Member

    Lock ’em up and throw away the key!

    Free Member

    So at a couple of units a pint, on a heavy week that 40 units, and you think you’re fit and healthy? You may not have a gut now…

    I don’t think, I know. I swim 3 times a week, usually at least a mile, and have started going to the gym again (shoulder injury put me out for a couple of months). I’ve just come back from a mile swim. I cycle everywhere I can, and often do a couple of longish rides during the week. I play footy every two weeks. I eat decent food. So yeah, pretty fit and healthy, for a 37 year old, I’d say.

    I smoke a little bit, but can still out-climb most people up hills.

    I do have the remnants of a little ‘winter belly’, and have put on a bit of weight over the last couple of years, as my metabolism has slowed down a bit. No worries. The winter belly is in recession.

    If I din’t do any exercise, I imagine I’d be in trouble. My doctor considers my general physical health to be ‘very good’. She considers my drink habits to be ‘less than ideal’, but not too worrying, as I’m pretty healthy.

    I could do with reducing my alcohol intake, and ought to quit smoking entirely.

    I’m not going to worry myself unnecessarily. Life is there to be enjoyed.

    Beer is part of life.

    Free Member

    He’s a mechanic. Therefore, he has to smoke; it’s a requirement of the job.

    The ability to have a cig in yer gob, whilst upside down underneath a car, is a skill that takes years to perfect.

    Think yourself fortunate that you’ve got a proper mechanic, not some fly-be-night charlatan.

    Free Member

    I HATE people who have bbq’s in their garden in residential areas.

    You sound like a lovely neighbour!

    If I lived next door to you, I’d have BBQs every single day. Even if it was raining.

    Free Member

    the court of STW

    Judge RudeBoy presiding…

    Free Member

    ‘Pervalot’ glass?? 😯

    Free Member

    It’s still the best country in the world, yes!

    Pretty much. The grass always seems greener, but I’d rather live here than anywhere else.

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws


    Free Member

    I don’t see how reducing the ban and imposing a heavier fine really helps solve owt. You break the law, your driving privileges (note; ‘privilege’, not ‘right’. No-one has the ‘right’ to drive, it is a privilege which must be earned) are taken away. Or, is it ok for someone rich to drive like a complete C, and just get a 2 week ban because they ‘need’ their car, and can afford a big fine? A lengthy ban might at least give someone time to think about their actions, and hopefully encourage them to behave more responsibly in future.

    As for his family; there are other jobs, and Benefits that they would be entitled to. They won’t starve or go homeless.

    I feel no sympathy. I’d rather see reckless speeders off the road.

    Free Member

    Ooh, I like the railing-mounted one! That would work well on my little balcony. Where it is from, I buy it?

    How on earth does food taste ‘better’,then? You using special wood or something?

    Free Member

    45 minutes of three people I didn’t recognise arguing about cashew nuts.

    Sure that was not one of your dinner parties? 😉

    Free Member

    It’s ‘football’, Ton… 🙄

    Free Member

    I am thinking about writing to my MP about what seems to me to be an injustice

    What injustice?

    Free Member

    If you want to learn how to do a BRAAI, ask a South African.

    What if you can’t/dont want to bung up a bloody great brick structure in yer back yard (provided you’ve even got a back yard)?

    So, does everything tast much better cooked in one of those things, then? I can’t see where you actually bung the food, tbh. And is not it a tad tricky getting stiff in and out? Looks a right palaver, to me.

    As for the BBQ willy-waving; the whole point is to cook stuff. does not in any way matter how flash the BBQ is.The poncy ones only end up loooking shit after a few goes anyway. And you’ve got to clean them etc. The simple brick ones, you can just leave, and get a few new bricks whenever necessary.

    I’m going to have a scout about for some bricks this weekend. Plenty of building work going on round here! 😀

    Shh! Don’t tell GrizzlyGus though…

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    so how much rubbish do you acctually produce in a week

    LOL not as much as RudeBoy !

    You will die for this.

    Free Member

    That’s not a BBQ though? It’s a fireplace…

    Free Member

    Actually, where’s all the poncy lot; Flashy, Stoner and them? I bet they stick it away!

    Free Member

    2-3 cans a night usually, but mainly 4% stuff. If in pub, then 3-4 pints. So probbly around 15-20 pints a week, or thereabouts. Too much really. But I’m still pretty fit and healthy, so I’m not too worried.

    What I don’t do these days is binge drink. That’s what **** you up more.

    If at home, I won’t drink until the evening. If with others, then maybe earlier, but I’ve learned to pace meself, and eat plenty of food to soak it up. It’s frightening, how much you can stick away, over a long day, and not feel too bad on it.

    Ton’s 20 pint sessions is something I’ll never experience. I’d be in A+E, if I drank half of that! 😯

    Free Member

    Mine went a bit wrong:

    All those of you with flashy fancy poncy BBQs; chvck has pwned you all. That is proper class. And Stoner’s is pretty good too, although I suspect it is not actually his. Being a ponce, I’m sure Stoner will have the latest state of the art BBQ, probbly with automatic burger turning, and electronic heat control.

    Few bricks and old oven grills are where it’s at.

    Free Member

    Jesus H Christ.

    Sorry, but where did I say that smoking dope was not bad at all? Eh? Please…

    I think you’ll all agree, at least those with some real knowledge of cannabis and it’s affects, that yer average cannabis user is probbly going to be more ‘in control’ than someone who’s had 3 or 4 pints or more. This is all I’m trying to say. As for my mate; he accepts his addiction is less than ideal, and is looking at ways to cut down, or hopefully stop all together, as he concedes it has a detrimental affect on his life. He simply feels that he can be more ‘in control’, if he’s stoned, than if he’s pissed. He is as aware as anyone, of the long term impact of habitual cannabis use, hence our discussion.

    I’ve ridden me bike home, stoned, on many an occasion. Never had a crash. Ridden at CYB, stoned, and not crashed. I used to ride, skin up, have a spliff, and carry on riding, with no mishaps. I’ve ridden stone cold sober, and crashed. Nowt conclusive there, then. However, on the few occasions I’ve foolishly ridden a bike after even just a couple of pints, I’ve not felt sufficiently in control, and have had a few crashes, which were undoubtedly a result of my intoxicated state.

    Cannabis, if abused, is a dangerous drug. I’ve not denied that. But I, and many others I know, have managed to perform tasks, whilst very stoned, that we would be incapable of, if pissed.

    Some experts claim that smoking a cannabis joint has roughly a similar level of impairment on driving ability as drinking four pints of beer.

    I would love to see the facts to back up such claims.

    So, you can quote ‘scientific claims’ all you like. I’m not actually disputing them, as long as they can provide ‘proof’.

    IME, alcohol renders you more fecked, than dope, if abused.

    Free Member


    Not quite… 😉

    Free Member

    Aw, poor Ton… 🙁

    Free Member

    Well, I was thinking about aestheticism, in art. How the wonder that is the Human Body has been represented in art, and the relationship between representation and reality. Does art present an ideal to which we aspire, or can art reflect the truth?

    Free Member

    Can I do it?

    But I’ll turn it into an Art Appreciation thread, and discuss art and stuff instead.

    There’s no reason why pretty ladies/men could not be involved…

    Free Member

    Rudeboy pwned, I think.

    Don’t be stupid. I’m unpwnable.

    Now pay attention: Weed may ‘slow’ you down, but nowhere near to the extent that it will seriously impair your ability to carry out a task, in the way that alcohol will.

    Got it? Lots of Alcohol will make you fall over, and be incapable of doing anything too demanding, like walking. Smoking even a fair bit of dope will still leave you capable of most tasks.

    Right. Have we cleared that up now?

    Anyone with any real experience of using Cannabis care to offer their thoughts? i’m not inertested in what your mother’s brother’s uncle’s daughter’s next door neighbour’s budgie’s imaginary friend’s experience is…

    Free Member

    I’ll send you a DVD of me sleeping, as you obviously need some excitement in your life… 🙄

    Free Member

    I always back meself up with facts, aracer; which you’d know, if you ever bothered to read owt I post. And i’f I’m wrong( unlikely, I know), I admit it.

    You’re just making a mountain out of a molehill, for the sake of argument, and looking foolish. Go and have a spliff, and chill out! 😀

    Free Member

    Right, seeing as how some people are ignorant of the facts…

    No, actually, I can’t be bothered. I’ll just report me mate to Social Services, and be done with it. 🙄 and get the both of us checked in to rehab.

    Free Member

    Jeeze, the bloke likes to relax with a spliff or two, once his kids have gone to bed. Hardly irresponsible parenting… 🙄

    I love the way people who have **** all idea of using cannabis feel qualified to comment.

    Free Member

    Rene Zellweger in that girls’ film weren’t too bad.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    No, not anywhere near the levels alcohol will, Juan.

    As before, Trust in RudeBoy.

    I have much experience in these matters.

    Free Member

    Nice one. Always trust in RudeBoy.

    It is the Only True Way.

    Free Member

    Ello Ello

    FFS, I can’t even get that right… 🙄

    Juan; I’ll always defend you, if someone was being genuinely nasty, but that’s not the case here. Granted, there are a few idiots who make xenophobic/discriminatory/prejudicial comments, and they deserve to be challenged.

    Bruneep hazzunt done this. Therefore, I feel you ought to apologise to him. Your actions were unfair.

    Free Member

    Dunno, never tried cannabis so maybe I don’t have the experience to comment

    No, you obviously don’t. Not that it stopped you…

    By ‘keel over’, I merely meant ‘fall asleep’. You can’t exactly OD on weed. And ime, you reach a level of stonedness, which you can’t really go beyond, because you’ll probbly just stop smoking, or fall asleep/keel over.

    As for smoking and driving; my mate does not in any way drive, but regardless, cannabis does not in any way have the effect of impairing judgement/reaction time etc, that alcohol does. I’ve got stoned at CYB, then blasted down the tracks faster and more smoother than when ‘sober’. Probbly ‘cos I’m more physically relaxed. But my mind has been sufficiently sharp enough to avoid accident.

    My point was, that as a parent, my mate feels in sufficient control while stoned, to be able to deal with any issues with his kids. Which woon’t be the case, were he to be inebriated through alcohol.

    Free Member

    Yep. CHF is right.

    Case Dismissed.

    Free Member

    might be worth speaking to someone who actually knows what they are talking about, rather than the internet experts on here

    is not TJ a pschiatric nurse?

    I’m an expert on psychology, come and talk to me:

    ‘You know what your problem is? Yer mad! Stark, staring mad!’

    Free Member


    Deep Fried Chewit Extravaganza

    CFH; class, as always! 😆

    Free Member

    Nope I am just bored about the anti french going on this forum that’s it.

    Juan; lighten up. There’s a massive difference between ‘xenophobia’ and light-hearted banter, which is what ‘Ello Ello’ was all about. You’re well out of line calling Brunnep xenophobic.

    Xenophobia; irrational fear or dislike of people from other countries/places.

    Ello Ello was about celebrating the bravery and honour of the French Resistance and people. Have you ever watched an episode? Yes, it used stereotypes, but they were positive, not negative. It was just a comedy. I really don’t think it inflamed hatred and fear of France and it’s people. Quite the opposite, in fact, as it actually inspired people to want to visit Normandy and northern France.

    I think you owe Bruneep an apology.

    You’ve taken the P out of mine and Peter’s accents enough in the past, and made disparaging comments about British people. Strangely, we don’t think you’re a xenophobe…

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