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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 6: Madison DTE Clothing Bundle
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Ear, Duntmatter; we need another London Pootle/flimsy excuse to go down the pub, soon…

    Free Member

    Woods behind Nationwide in Swindon?

    Free Member

    DD; no probs. Although the commentary might be just a tiny bit more ‘lively’…

    “And here, we see the leopard stalking it’s prey. It slowly circles round the unsuspecting antelope, waiting for just the right moment… And the chase is on! GO ON MY SON! ‘Ave it! Nice one, it’s got the bastard! Antelope’s fecked, it’s all over. What a poncey animal. W4nker.’Old on; what’s this? Some lary C of a hyena’s come to ‘ave a butchers; look, it’s getting all lary. Ged aht of it, you slaag! Heh! ‘E’s ‘ad it away on ‘is toes. Give it the biggun, but e’s all mahf. The leopard’s the guv’nor!’

    I think that’s what the audience wants, to be truthful.

    Free Member

    maybe you should tell them about the wider implications and where their money is ultimately going, what it is funding and how it is impacting not just their lives, but their local community, fuelling the greedy and power-hungry criminals in organised crime and enabling all sorts of horrific people to do all sorts of horrific things here and overseas

    Same could be said of all sorts of ‘legitimate’ industries, though. Sweatshops, toxic chemicals, dangerous working conditions, slave wages, dodgy regimes, etc, etc…

    Free Member

    Oh dear, Scaredypants; that’s you, is not it?

    Be honest now…

    Free Member

    one of my ancesters actually won a V.C. for bravery fighting in India in the uprising, so unsurprisingly I feel my place in England is set in concrete and I aint budging!

    Oh, you mean fighting for the British against the people of a country which Britain had invaded, occupied, raped it of it’s resources, and oppressed it’s people? Coming from the other side of the coin, I woon’t see as how any involvement in such events cold be considered ‘honourable’.

    My dad was one of waves of immigrants who were invited over, by the British government from places like the Indian Subcontinent, the Carribean and Africa, to help fix Britain up, after WW2. To do the shitty jobs that British people din’t want to do. He suffered prejudice, pathetic wages, and shitty living conditions, but perservered, so’s he could build a life in this country, and be able to provide financial support for his impoverished family back home. Having lived almost all his adult life in Britain, he has paid his taxes, and contributed to British society. Indeed, such has been the impact of people from his country on the local area, that part of it has been named Banglatown, in recognition of the important part people from Bangladesh played, in developing the local economy and culture.

    I always consider myself extremely lucky, to have grown up shoulder to shoulder with people from all corners of the Globe, and see all people as equally worthy of respect and important to society. The Britain I know, MY Britain, is a place where diversity is welcomed, where new ideas are embraced, and culture is constantly evolving.

    That’s the Britain I love. That’s the Britain I’d fight for. Against any scum who would seek to destroy what I love.

    I feel sorry for you, for being so blinkered and ignorant, that you can’t see what a wonderful thing it is, to live in a nation who’s doors have been open to all.

    My ancestors also fought for this Isle. But they din’t fight so that scum like the BNP would surface.

    So, come and have a curry. Let’s have a chat, and see if we can’t open up that narrow little mind of yours.

    Free Member

    Is that an early Whyte?

    Love the original XTR; check it out- cantilever brakes!!!!

    Free Member

    Bullying? No, more like a pack of hyenas moving in to finish off the poor little antelope, which is now exhausted, and faces the inevitable…

    It’s nature, I’m afraid. Can’t fight against it.

    Free Member

    Well, I’ve noticed that when I’m doing plenty of exercise, and am fitter, it seems to take less booze to get me sloshed. Mates of mine that are very fit can’t drink loads. ‘Crazy’ Dave could only have one rum and coke, or he’d be on the floor. It’s the fat bloaters who seem to be able to drink loads.

    Maybe the increased circulation and stronger heart have something to do with alcohol hitting the system quicker or something, I don’t know.

    nickc; it’s ok, I din’t think you were judging, me, in any particular way.

    Interesting, that alcohol use is often related to depression and negative aspects of lifestyle, but some of the biggest drinkers I know are relatively happy and sorted. I admit I sometimes drink to try and relieve stress (it does work, short term), but my main reason for drinking is that I do like beer! Spose it’s like skinning up (I smoked dope habitually for years); it’s a ritual of having a can, or pouring a glass out, or being in a pub. I’m certainly not one who seeks to get pissed asap, I like to drink more slowly, and enjoy it.

    Free Member

    At school, a mate had the ability to fart like the sound of a horror film creaking door.

    Free Member



    Ah, look, foreign, in’t it? Eh?

    Bloody foreigners. Probbly using slave labour/harmful greenhouse gasses/dodgy nuclear power or something…

    Can’t trust ’em. None of ’em.

    Free Member

    What would Jacqui Smith do?

    Far more importantly, what would RudeBoy do?

    Indeed, far more important…

    I can’t be bothered to read some of the long posts above, because quite frankly, my memory is not capable of concentrating long enough for the period of time it would take to read them. That, and they’re probbly boring reconstiututed waffle that’s been spouted countless times before, about this kind of subject.

    Q: Would you let yer kids drink? Not illicitly, with a bottle of blue booze in the local park, I mean a little glass of something at family do’s, weddings, parties, etc.

    If the answer is yes, then I can’t see as you can have a real moral objection to them smoking dope, as alcohol is actually a far more destructive drug socially, and by allowing them to drink, you’re condoning the consumption of such.

    My mum found an eighth me and me mates had chipped in for, once. I’d just scored it. Down the bog it went; oh, what joy, explaining that one to me mates. She also threw away my best porno mag (well, it was a spesh edition of German Playboy, belonging to me mate, actually).

    I ended up going round me next door neighbour’s place, and smoke there. My mum weren’t happy at first, but me neighbour explained ‘he’ll be out smoking on the street, so maybe it’s better he’s indoors at mine, where he won’t get nicked’. That, she saw the logic in. She never condoned my behaviour, but din’t get all hysterical over it.

    Having smoked for many years, I appreciate the dangers of dope; the long term psychological effects aren’t to be ignored, for sure. But people will experiment. If I had kids, I doubt I could be a hypocrit and stop them from smoking dope, considering I did it as a yute. I spose if they were under 16, I’d do me utmost to prevent them, but what you gonna do, when they’re outside where you can’t see them?

    I’d endeavour at least to educate them propply, on the dangers of abusing drugs, but be honest and open with them. Fore warned is fore armed.

    Having been there myself, there’s no way any kids of mine could ever hide it from me. I’d find there little stash plots!

    Free Member

    Chill out.

    It could be worse….

    Free Member

    Ah, leave Oxboy alone.

    It’s wrong, to mock the afflicted…

    Mods: Please don’t ban Oxboy. We need a diversity of onion, to make the forum the lively, exciting place it is. And he has the rare quality of being able to unite almost all STWers; that’s something you don’t see very often!

    Free Member

    Flashy; you’ve been at the Cricket all day? 😯

    You skiving bastard! Neglecting your A+A duties!

    Free Member

    Oxboy; fancy coming for a curry, in London, sometime?

    Or maybe a Chinese meal? Thai? Carribean? Japanese? Moroccan? Turkish?

    Or maybe some good old fashioned traditional Fish and Chips?

    Pity the BNP is not…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Don’t worry about what their small print says. You are protected under consumer law. They have a duty to provide an acceptable standard of service. Don’t fall for the usual ‘oh, it’s because lots of people are using the internet’ line. That’s bullshit. There’s companies in Canary Wharf, getting proper fast speeds, going through the same exchange as I’m on. Now I’m with Virgin, the speed is much faster.

    I got them under their promise to provide a service where I could enjoy ‘streaming video, music and fast download speeds’. A case of Misleading Advertising. Forget the minimum contract; if you get another ISP, there’s bugger all BT can really do.

    Use Speedtest, to make a record of the actual speeds you’re getting. Compile a list of your results. Get results from different times of day and night. Then, email the results to them, and ask why their speeds are so bloody slow.

    They had baliffs ready to kick my door in. until I told them I’d screw them into the ground, if they din’t desist, and threatened legal action of my own.

    Bastards. Utter, utter bastards.

    Free Member

    Berlusconi is virtually a dictator. He controls most of the main media corporations in Italy, and if Italy were a Middle Eastern country, with lots of oil, the USA wooduv invaded by now, in the name of Freedom and Democracy.

    Nasty, nasty ‘orrible bastard.

    Free Member

    CG; what have I told you about BT?

    FWIW; I was able to sack them off, claiming they failed to deliver a sufficiently acceptable standard of service. They agreed to waive all charges, so I actually had free (albeit piss-poor) internets for about 3 months. But that followed a year of grief, so fair enough.

    Don’t get me started on BT…

    Free Member

    CG; have you been drinking? 😯

    Berlusconi is a grade A scumbag. Makes our shower of shit look like paragons of virtue.

    Actually, we’d do well to consider how lucky we are, compared to Italians…

    Free Member

    Incredible. Even apparent nonsense, such as ‘Woolbooloo’, brings results:

    Free Member

    I coon’t think of anything more intelligent than entering rude words into it.

    I’m impressed, though!

    Free Member

    All rubbish, tanky. 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve had cheapo ones last years. It’s a very simple thing, really. I woon’t have thought spending any more than a Hope would cost would be worth it, unless you really have to have a bling-bling one. FSA headsets are fantastic vfm, ime. I’ve had a few, and they’ve never given me any gip. I’ve got a nice Cane Creek one one one of me bikes atm; not touched it in nearly a year. Working fine.

    More money = less weight, praps. A few grams or so, mind, not loads. Finer tolerances, although this is not that important on something as simple as a headset, unless you are a real neurotic obsessive.

    While yer there, DrP; painful, aching feet arches, sometimes cramping up. Speshly after footy, or long walks. Bike related? Stiffer soles needed? Should I do more walking (I don’t do an awful lot, as I ride everywhere I can)?

    Free Member

    I was offered a 42″ plasma screen thingy the other day, for £250.

    I declined, but I thought it was very enterprising, for the nice gentlemen in the vayn who were just driving around and asking random strangers if they would like to buy a telly at a significantly reduced price. What with the recession and everything, I imagine they’re onto a winner! 😀

    I can’t say when they’ll be around again. But I’ll try to get a business card off them, if I do see them again…

    Free Member


    One out; all out.

    Free Member

    No he isn’t hes a very hard working family guy who has been a bit unlucky

    What, that he got caught breaking the Law? Repeatedly?

    Be’ave yerself, G.

    Free Member

    Nice, strato, nice!

    *I cannot condone the blatantly sexist objectification of women, btw…

    Free Member

    BTW; this is gratuitous and sexist, and has no place whatsoever on a family forum.


    I may report this thread…

    Free Member

    Imagine getting a stinger on yer arse cheek though… 😯

    Free Member

    what do they call it, is it per… pernium… something like that?

    A mate of mine said that that particular region, on a lady, is called a ‘Biffon’.

    I’m not going to explain why…

    Free Member

    Is it because there’s no explosions, hekelopter gunships and baps out, Hora?

    Free Member

    What’s the difference between a Nerd and a Geek?

    Free Member

    I play with lasers in a lab

    Wicked! Can I come and have a go?

    Free Member

    aleigh – Member

    fanks rudeboy – so are you

    Free Member

    Personally, I feel that using the tragic deaths of those 4 riders in Rhyl, to try and garner some sort of sympathy for your mate, is out of order. Totally separate and unrelated cases. As mentioned earlier; you are bordering on being disrespectful to those who died, and their families and friends. I’m sure you don’t intend to, but that’s how this is starting to feel.

    Cold hard reality is; your mate has transgressed, and is fully deserving of his punishment. Do his family ‘deserve’ to suffer? It’s not the courts, or the Law, that is causing this, it’s him, with his lack of respect for the Law. No point in trying to blame someone else for this; it’s his own fault, entirely. Sorry if that sounds harsh, and I don’t mean the poor bugger any malice, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

    On a positive note; hopefully, this episode will make him think more carefully in future, and become a more considerate driver. As for his ensuing employment difficulties; it’s an opportunity for him to use his intelligence, knowledge and ingenuity, to overcome this obstacle. Maybe, he’ll come out of it all a stronger person.

    Case dismissed.

    Free Member

    She is!

    Free Member

    How come I’m 19 years older and it’s not affected me ?

    Because you have worms.

    Free Member

    My liver’s fine.

    There’s all sorts of factors involved; how much exercise you do, what kind of alcoholic drinks you consume, whether you eat food with your drink, your age, weight, etc.

    I’ve no doubt I drink ‘too much’, considering I’m only little and weigh 9 1/2 stone. I accept my drinking is excessive, and that I would be healthier if I cut down. I have been considering this for some time, and the worrying emergence of the winter belly has made me take my drinking seriously, and act in a positive and productive manner.

    I set myself a rule of no beer before 7pm, if at home alone. This has now become 8pm. The impact of this is that I do currently drink a little less (it was 3-4 cans a night). So I have reduced my intake by a significant amount (approx. 14 units a week), and can actually feel the benefit. the next step is to reduce that amount further, to bring my intake closer to the recommended guidelines. I will try to have a couple of beer-free nights, but little steps are easier to cope with than large ones. Previous ‘dry’ spells of 2-3 days have just meant I drink 6-8 cans when I’m ‘allowed’ to have a beer again. It’s not simply a matter of willpower; I just like beer!

    Then there’s identifying whether or not you have a ‘problem’. I haddunt considered that I did. Recent lack of exercise, due to illness and injury have left me feeling a bit run-down, and not at my best, so that’s been a good motivating factor in wanting to cut down. The bonus of increased exercise, is that booze has a more intoxicating effect, and as I lose fat, my tolerance will lower, so it will require less booze to give me the same ‘buzz’.

    I’m completely honest to myself about my drinking; something I reckon too many people aren’t. Several of my mates drink more than me, and don’t understand why I claim I need to address my drinking habits.

    What I don’t find helpful, is people judging me. Which is why I feel my GP has the right attitude; she does not in any way judge me. She simply states facts, and leaves any decision to cut down, entirely to me. That’s how I like things. Were I to have a more serious ‘problem’, I’m sure she would be more insistent on my need to cut down.

    I am slowly returning to Full Buffness, and I’m seing booze as an obstacle in the way of Rude Health. I really think I’ve got the right approach and attitude, for me. Everyone has to find a system that works for themselves.

    25 mins to beer o’clock…

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