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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    WANT IT!

    No hang on, that Mastiff looks boss! You could grow trellis plants up the outside, maybe some Ivy or something. That would look nice.

    EDIT: No, want the really big one Spongebath has posted!!!!!!!! Can put guns on it?

    Free Member

    Fantastic news, Tim! All the best to yer missus! 😀

    Free Member

    Plenty strong enough.

    Big up and nuff respect to the Tiny Rock Lobster Massive!

    Free Member

    Wrong, Spongebath!

    Go away and do your homework again please.

    Free Member

    Democracy’s overrated.

    By fascists.

    Free Member

    Well in order to stop idiots from voting for idiotic parties why dont we just restrict voting to people who are actually educated enough to make a rational well thought out choice.

    Because that would be undemocratic.

    If you’re going to think that way, then you might as well carry it to it’s conclusion, which results in enforced dictatorship, or worse…

    …a Monarchy.


    Free Member


    Erm, I cannot deny this.

    In my defence, I was removing the links I did not need.

    Free Member

    I’m not grumpy! I’ve got **** all to be grumpy about.

    Free Member

    (Hangs head in shame)

    Well, I have to say, as a Cyclist, I’m just sick and tired of all these foreign imports coming over here, flooding our markets with their multiple gear ranges and incomprehensible shifter arrangements.

    I said, many years ago, when 6, then 7-speed systems started to creep in, that this was the thin end of the wedge. I said, that if we’re not careful, that we’d soon have 8, 9, even 10-speed systems flooding our bike shops. Can no-one remember Eunuch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Chains’ speech, where he warned us that our chains would soon be ‘foaming with lube’?

    As for multi-gearism, well that just hazzunt worked, has it? Far from the claims of ‘integration’, and ‘cross-manufacturer unity’, we now have several disparate systems, which are completely incompatible with each other. 7 and 8-speed systems totally unable to work with 9 and 10-speed ones. Shifter actuation ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and God knows what else, simply causing grief, when any attempt to mix and match is made.

    The Cycling World is in chaos. It is time for us true bikers to unite, and show the World that we are no longer prepared to be trampled all over, and forced to have to use gears. Singlespeeders unite!

    A Singlespeed Britain is a Britain for the future.

    (OH, and don’t tarnish us with the extremist Fixie Front. They’re just fundamentalist nutters, who do not represent the vast majority of peace-loving Singlespeeders)

    Free Member

    Rock Lobster is more ‘XC’, and designed for a 100mmish fork (I run Rebas at 115mm on mine; no problems).

    Frame is not as ‘long’ as an On-One; my 15″ frame has an effective top tube of 22 1/4″, I think the On-one in a corresponding size is 1/2″ longer?

    I can’t comment on the On-One, but I love my Lobster. I think the geometry is spot on, for me, and it rides really well. I was very impressed actually, as I din’t expect a ‘cheapish’ frame to be this good. The details like the ring-reinforced headtube, Ritchey dropouts and forward facing seat clamp are all really nice touches. The welds seem pretty good, and it is a nicely made frame.

    I’m light, at 9 1/2stone, and find the frame very comfy. It’s made of the lighter end of the 853 tubing, as far as I am aware, so if you’re a bit of a biffer, or want something a bit more ‘hardcore’, then maybe not the ideal frame.

    At £210, it’s a no-brainer, if you think it’s the right frame for you. That’s a ridiculous bargain. I’d buy it in a flash; mine cost £400 inc a Reba Team fork; I just coon’t not have it!

    Fantastic bike, I love it:

    Free Member

    Presumably the current apathy is due to the recent expenses fiasco where as far as I know, the BNP remained blameless.

    How TF is that relevant? The BNP don’t (yet) have any MPs in Parliament, so therefore coon’t be involved in any expenses claim thingy anyway.

    PS: I’d like to apologise for my earlier comments about Northerners. Bit tired, and angry at the election results. No need for my knee-jerk narrow minded comments. Sorry.

    Bed time for RudeBoy.

    Free Member

    Sweet Jesus of Nazareth!

    Contender for ‘The wrongest bike ever made’? 😯

    Free Member

    I apologise.

    On reflection, I think I’m out of order, to blame ‘Northerners’, for returning the first fascist MEP in Britain. It is a minority of ignorant, bigotted individuals, who’ve voted BNP. As I’m sure there are in all areas of Britain. I do find it disturbing, that the BNP seems to enjoy more support in certain areas of the country, though.

    TM; my point was, in response to your reference to Oswald Mosely’s Blackshirts, is that London is also the place where Racism and Fascism have met with great resistance, and it’s this that should be recognised, over the activities of a tiny minority of people over 70 years ago.

    Free Member

    Ah, trailmonkey; ever heard of the Cable Street Riots?

    Rock against Racism?

    (See that middle tower block? That’s where I grew up!)

    Free Member

    Soz, Ernie; but you hear so much of this ‘Northerners are so friendly etc etc’, and Southerners are ‘orrible and nasty, yet where did the BNP get elected?

    **** disgraceful. I won’t go as far as saying that many people in the Yorkshire/Humberside area are thick ignorant Cs, but maybe more education is needed in those communities.

    No intelligent free-thinking person would vote Nazi.

    Free Member

    Not looking likely that the BNP will get another seat from London’s results.

    So, just Northerners electing a BNP fascist Nazi dirty racist scum bastard to the EP, then. Nice, friendly, welcoming Northerners…

    Free Member

    Like bikes aren’t stolen in any other city? 🙄

    Anyway; Sunday bump, just in case.

    Free Member

    Utter, utter chunts.

    S’like the kid I saw lat night, on a brand new Trek; probbly nicked. No **** respect for other people.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Go to bed, Hora.

    It’s all been too much for you, hazzunt it?

    Free Member

    And relax…..

    Free Member

    is it 1970 again?

    New forum coming for January 2006…

    (Puts TV dinner in microwave, gets beer from fridge, makes self comfy…)

    Free Member

    LOL! No, not tonight! He’s with his kids.

    After dancing, I would then scuttle, crab-like, from right to left, whilst reciting my twelve-times-table, in the style of the lovely Ruth Madoc from ‘Hi-de-hi’.

    Smothered in Pataks Lime Pickle (hot), with pieces of newspaper stuck to my buttocks.

    Free Member

    No, I swear it’s true!

    I was quite shocked, I can tell you!

    Free Member

    I’m an aggressive little bastard, and I wooduv danced around naked save for a balaclava, a balalaika, a baklava, Michael Ballack; the Chelsea and Germany midfielder, and pink Wellington boots. Singing ‘Din’t we have a luvverly toim, the day we went to Bangor’.

    Ha! That wooduv foxed him! I’d like to see him try issue a fixed penalty notice then!

    Free Member

    aleigh – Member

    Rudeboy – did you want a guided tour of the woods behind Nationwide?

    Yes please!

    Free Member

    death to Greys!

    No way. Greys rule. Reds are too weak and poncy to survive, and must therefore die out.

    Ok, ok, we could have a sanctuary on the Isle of Man for them then, stop getting so upset… 🙄

    Free Member

    RudeBoy = clue: very nearly

    Oh yeah!

    Heh! I’m just not with it, today! 😆

    Free Member

    Heh! 😉

    No, seriously, it might actually be easier for you to park up nearby, and just pop on the DLR/tube to North Greenwich. Where I am, is just the other side of the Blackwall Tunnel. I probbly only live a mile from the O2.

    That way, you could avoid the chaos trying to get away from the Dome, and be straight onto the A12, up to the M11, M25, M4, Bosh! Home. 2 1/2 hours?

    I often hear of proper jams on the Blackwall Tunnel southern approach, following concerts. You might be lucky, though, but check things out first, re parking etc.

    Coming in on the A2 would avoid the BW Tunnel entirely. It takes me and Ollie about 1 1/2 hours to get from mine to Swinley, so about the same to the M4 junction, I’d imagine.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Aleigh; you’re best off coming in as early as poss. That area will be heaving, within an hour of the concert starting. Do you really need to drive?

    You could come in on the A2, or M11/A12. I have no idea what parking will be like, at the O2.

    Alternatively, why not come early, and come for dinner at Chez RudeBoy? I live quite near the O2, and 100m from the A12! I’d advise parking up, then travelling in by tube, tbh. That way, you’d avoid the madness trying to escape, once the concert is finished.

    Free Member

    I once found what I can only describe as a piece of real meat, in a Ginsters, once.

    Imagine my outrage.

    Contact the company. They will probbly be really nice to you, so you don’t talk bad about them, to others…

    Free Member

    Crawl back under yer stone.

    Free Member

    I hate to judge, but sometimes, you just have to accept the probable truth about a situation.

    The bad thing is, these yutes know the value of such things, and will be looking for £2-300 at least for it. Worse, sometimes, it’s their parents who fence stuff their kids have nicked.

    Scum like this let all the other decent people down.

    But if there was no market, then nice bikes probbly woon’t be such a target. Somewhere, there are keen mtbers, who will willingly and knowingly buy stolen bikes.

    Free Member


    Stop it, the lot of you, before I get involved…

    Free Member

    So, did she get done, then?

    Free Member

    Yup, good analysis there, RealMan.

    Free Member

    I know; I thought the ‘phone throwing was mad. Crushed to bits. Insane. What a dozy berk!

    Cars are indeed status symbols; we’ve got Yummy Mummies in Porsche Cayennes and the like, too. and they’re shit drivers an’ all. Too busy on the ‘phone, or texting, or turning round to deal with little Tarquin or Jemima in the back seat.

    Strangely, people with really nice motors, yer Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Rollers, Ford Capri 2.8 Injections, they give you time and space. Spose they’re too scared of getting them scratched by some cyclist bouncing across the bonnet.

    Free Member

    IdleJon; that is terrible. My sympathies are with your mate; he’s obviously the victim of a terrible Miscarriage of Justice. The Jury are obviously racist.

    Free Member

    Where I live, there are loads of young Asian lads, in hot hatches and BMs. Bikes are seen as ‘poor man’s transport’, by many of them. There is certainly an attitude of ‘if you ride a bike, you can’t afford a car’. Ironic, when half their cars are on HP, and will be a pile of junk long before they are paid off.

    Time and time again, I’ve had to deal with the arrogance of little pricks in their cars, trying to impress their mates and girls. The problem is quite acute round here, as many young Asian lads actually feel quite unempowered, and work in shitty jobs for shitty pay, so their cars are a way of showing others how ‘successful’ they are. Quite often, some of them will spend their wedding dowry on a flash motor (I know one lad who wrote off a brand new £20k Volvo, 2 days after he bought it, and it was not insured….).

    I’ve had abuse, and many objects thrown at me from cars, often for **** all reason. There have been occasions where I’ve had to get the **** out of there, after being threatened and nearly run down, all for simply being ‘in their way’. Recently, after having to swerve to avoid a Golf driving at me on the wrong side of the road, the driver swung an arm at me out of his window. So I booted his rear door, putting a dent in it. Not the best move. Fortunately, I was able to sprint off, with him and his mate chasing me down the road. His mate threw his mobile at me, it hit my fat arse, bounced off, and was crushed beneath the wheels of another car. Madness. I almost fell off, laughing.

    It’s a shame, that getting in a car can exacerbate someone’s small willy issues. In my area, it’s young Asian lads. I’m sure the same is true in all other ethnic groups, but the young lads round here really do see the car as King. I spose, coming from very poor backgrounds, a nice car is seen as a status symbol, and compensates for lack of confidence and assuredness in other areas of life.

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