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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    You’ve got one egg left……….


    Keep egg, for eating later, and throw brick at Maggie.

    Free Member

    (RudeBoy in admitting error shocker)

    Anyway, so what? So they get paid £40k. Lorry petrol tanker drivers get paid something like that. Being a Tube driver is a highly stressful and demanding job, and thanks to decades of underinvestment in the Tube network, their jobs are harder than they need to be.

    The other jobs are reasonably paid. How much do some on here earn? For sitting on their arses going on STW all day! I love the irony of some well paid people moaning about how much others, that they consider ‘beneath’ them, get paid. As though those who work in ‘lowlier’ jobs don’t ‘deserve’ what they get.

    And as far as I can see, one of the main points of the union is to fight against future redundancies. Which are in the pipeline, as TFL plans to cut jobs/save money, which would lead to lowering of safety for workers and passengers.

    Anyone who thinks they earn too much; go and apply for, and get the job. Then tell everyone that you don’t deserve that much, or shoon’t strike.

    Free Member

    Funny how Wiki answers entry for that was blank, only a couple of hours ago… 🙄

    EDIT: I admit my own searches have thrown up useless out of date articles, even if they do have today’s date on them…

    Free Member

    Why din’t you buy a Mac, you fool?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Plus, why are all you lot moaning

    Because it’s their raison d’etre…

    Can you imagine, if they had nowt to moan about/no-one else to blame for stuff? They’d implode!

    Free Member

    Well, I hope it is BS. Considering the ‘issues’ involved, I think it’s **** low, if any of it is true.

    Lots of immature little boys on here…

    Free Member

    How would you like it if your private life was being discussed on a forum? Along with pics?

    Mind, your life probbly won’t have owt inertesting in it anyway, so no-one would be bothered.

    Free Member

    Do you not think you’re being bang out of order, posting pictures of those involved? Are they not entitled to their privacy? Have you not thought about the possible implications of this? 😯

    Free Member

    18:59…Strike! One out, all out!

    Free Member

    No they’re not! It’s the Tories who’ve instilled selfish, greedy right-wing views in people in this country in the first place, EL!

    Well, of course it’s her fault. Who else’s would it be? 🙄

    EDIT: I’d better not say that. Might upset someone, who’ll grass me up to t’mods, and I’ll get banned.


    Free Member

    andywhit – Member

    Tube driver salary £40K
    Bus driver salary £18K

    Try not being so lazy, with yer googling, please.

    £32,000p.a. London Tube Driver

    £43,656p.a. Waste Disposal Manager

    £125,253p.a. Vice Chancellor, Oxford

    £29,336p.a. University Lecturer

    Mr Mason said the three per cent would take the average Tube driver’s salary to more than £31,000 a year.

    So, I’d imagine that while some Tube drivers, with long service are on £35k+, there will also be quite a few on less than £30k.

    Ooh, tell you what; I’ve just stuffed meself with 4 sausage butties. Think I might have to have a little lie down for a bit…

    Free Member


    And you’d be known as a ‘shit-stirrer’, DD! 😉

    Free Member

    Do you know what?

    I don’t give **** what they are on strike about. I am however going to the smoke for the day to visit my son, a chance that I don’t often get, and frankly I’m hardpressed to see what is so important that it justifies bringing the capital to a standstill, let alone inconveniencing me.

    Do you know what?

    I don’t give a **** about your transport woes.

    Easy, this selfishness, is not it?

    Free Member

    1) im not a Tory
    2) im not a thatcherite
    and 3) im in the pub so you can frot away on your own

    Tory Thatcherite Bottler!

    FWIW the pay of a tube driver is crazy

    What, £35000 a year? Care to explain why?

    Come on then

    ‘Come on then’ what, mate?

    Free Member

    And for this reason the rights and legal system of this country therefore don’t apply to them?

    Have you any idea what they’re really about?

    They don’t believe in ‘rights’ for many British people, ffs.

    Free Member

    Can I point out that Unite Against Facism, along with the Labour Party, the Anti Nazi League and others were actually involved in escorting people to the polls, in Millwall in 1994, to ensure that voters felt safe, and free from intimidation from the gangs of BNP thugs who were roaming around trying to scare people into staying in their homes and not voting? This resulted in the BNP being ousted from their seat on the local council. A victory for freedom and equality.

    I’ve done a little bit of work for UAF, and other anti-racist organisations, and whilst there are a few militant individuals, the majority are simply people who care passionately that such abhorrent and divisive views as those held by the British Nazi Party are met with resistance at every opportunity, so that the voice of Fascism is drowned out.

    UAF don’t believe in free speech if your views are contrary to theirs

    Really? Can you prove this?

    So, they’re worse than the BNP, in your onion, then? Or what? 🙄

    Egg-throwing is childish and stupid. Stopping the BNP from speaking out is commendable.

    Don’t be fooled by the ‘Democracy’ argument; they’re nasty vicious racist thugs. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Free Member

    Where’ve the little Thatcherites gone? Come on, I was well up for a pagga! 😀

    Free Member

    I’ll build you one!

    You tell me what you need, I’ll see what I can do. I can get computer components cheap.

    Free Member

    I woon’t waste good eggs on Griffin. Would be disrespectful to the hens that laid them.

    I’d say the same about dogshit, even.

    I can understand the frustration and anger felt by many people over this, but it has at least got people discussing the issues, which can be turned into a positive thing. It is, as many people are saying, a ‘wake-up call’.

    Let’s hope people don’t doze off again…

    Free Member

    Stoner’s too scared I’d give him a Chinese Burn, and he’d be so frightened he’d wet his pants in front of everyone, and they’d all laugh and point cruelly and unkindly!

    Free Member

    You bottle-job. More like, you’d be too afraid to actually discuss issues without being behind the safety of yer keyboard! 😀


    Free Member

    of which union are you a member, Rudeboy?

    What’s that got to do with the price of fish?

    Can I come to the pub too, then? 😀

    Free Member

    If they think it’s such a terrible job with such terrible benefits, why aren’t they all applying for jobs elsewhere rather than getting in the way of other people.

    Who’s saying they think it’s a ‘terrible’ job? They’re just asking for it to be a little bit better, that’s all.

    I agree that is is in fact the lower paid people who will suffer the most; the likes of Stoner and BigDummy won’t be worried about a few quid lost, if in fact they’ll lose anything at all, if they ‘can’t get to work’.

    But like youse lot give a **** about the ‘little people’ anyway; the same people that you like to look down your poncy selfish noses at, and tell yourself you’re ‘better’ than them. Please. Don’t pretend you ‘care’. You’re more concerned with what posh wine to have with your dinner, than you are about others.

    I think the threat of strike is meant to make the employers relent, and accept the demands from the unions. Seems like there’s ‘negotiation’ still in progress. We’ll see. Nice to see that some of youse lot are condemning Tube workers already.

    Free Member

    Median Private sector / hour: £14.54
    Median Public sector / hour: £20.75
    Tube drivers / hour : £35.46

    That’s right; quote the pay of the drivers (one of the best paid jobs on the Underground, which recruits from staff who have plenty of experience working in other areas of the service), why don’t you? We could all find statistics to support whatever argument we have…

    Got figures for ticket hall staff, cleaners, maintenance workers, etc?

    Whilst I’m sure there are a few spurious reasons for striking, I’m glad there’s at least one powerful union, that seeks to protect it’s workers from getting shafted by greedy bosses.

    I bet most of you lot get paid a darn sight more than yer average underground worker. Tell you what, if you think it’s such a wonderful job, with fantastic benefits, why aren’t you all applying for jobs on the Tube?

    FFS; a couple of days of disruption to your routines, and you’re up in arms.

    We’ll overlook the fact that it’s unions that have fought for rights of ALL workers in this country (such as 40 hour weeks, better health and safety conditions, equal pay for women, rights for those with disabilities, the right to appeal dismissal, blah blah blah). And that it;’s often been the unions who’ve been instrumental in many social rights campaigns, such as fighting racial/sexual discrimination, minimum wages, etc etc.

    Many of the rights that we all enjoy in this country have been fought for, and won, by unions.

    Long live the unions!

    But feel free to carry on with your pathetic, selfish ‘me me me’ moaning. I find it very amusing. Just shows what selfish greedy self-centered hypocrits some of you really are.

    Get back to yer curtain twitching…

    Free Member

    I’d go to the tatty place round the corner, where they all smoke, but don’t charge you extortionate prices to pay for the flat-screen TV, coffees, etc… 😉

    Free Member

    What does it do?

    Free Member

    pay and conditions for tube workers is hardly that bad

    Eh? I woon’t fancy doing their job! Stuck for hours underground, in stale air, having to deal with all sorts of pissed-up **** in suits of an evening, getting abused, having to deal with emergency situations, fatalities, and a public that moans any time you want to exercise your right to withdraw your labout, if you feel your working conditions/pay aren’t good enough.

    Would you do it??

    Free Member

    So basically, because you’re inconvenienced, you want all Tube workers sacked?

    Why not get another job closer to home, use another form of transport, move to another city where the transport system is perfect?

    i’m out of work due to these difficult times.

    So, that’s the fault of the Tube workers, is it?

    Basically, your argument just seems to come down to your own anger and bitterness at how you feel you’ve been let down, and you want to las out at someone.

    Ironic, considering the very people you’ve taken umbrage with are concerned with trying to secure their livelihoods and future employment…

    Just out of inertest; how many of you Tory Boys have actually sat down with any Tube workers, and discussed the issues at stake?

    Free Member


    Bored now.

    Free Member

    What exactly are they striking about this time?

    Why not try to find out? There’s plenty of information out there… 🙄

    Free Member

    I’m with the striking Tube workers.

    Anything that pisses people like Stoner off can only be a good thing. 😀

    I’d be up for a beer, Stoner, but a nice beer, not that warm, muddy, flat insipid stuff you like…

    Free Member

    Maybe there’s bits of undigested peanut, that are causing him problems.

    Free Member

    Get WCA to have a look at it for you.

    Free Member

    What is Facebook?

    Free Member

    If you could have power generating keyboards, that generated leccy every time a key was pressed, STWers would probbly generate enough energy to power Birmingham (or a simliar sized city).

    Free Member

    Alternatively, some baking powder in an envelope with some made up arabic-style writing should be good for a laugh.

    As far as I’m aware, the vast majority of Anthrax ‘attacks’ have been by Catholics/Pro-Life supporters, on abortion clinics.

    Not a lot of Arab involvement in those ones.

    Free Member

    Anything that gets Yummy Mummies out of their Chelsea Tractors, and onto bikes, is a winner, imo…. 😉

    Free Member

    rob warner – legend

    Rob Warner – bell-end. 😉

    Free Member

    Yes, earplugs. Proper industrial ones.

    I made the mistake of going to the 2001 Australian GP, where you can get pretty bloody close to the track, without earplugs. Sweet Mother of God; the noise is like nothing you can ever imagine. On the first few laps, the sound of 20 F1 cars going past is so loud, you could go deaf, I’m not joking. I spent much of the race with my fingers in my ears, until a nice Aussie copper gave me a spare pair.

    The noise, the smell; it’s something else. Really exciting.

    I woon’t pay £650 or whatever to watch it in this country though. Absolute rip-off.

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