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  • Newsdesk 5: YT Decoy, RockShox 35, Gee Atherton, SICK and more!
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Just chill out. Getting all worked up over something so trivial is just stupid. And try not to be so judgmental of others.

    From my perspective, based on what you’ve told me:

    Woman tries to sneak things out of your trolley. Rude, and ill-mannered. You let fly with a torrent of abuse. She gets scared, then tries to claim she doesn’t understand English, so you might relent a bit, and not be so threatening.

    You see?

    Gotta try and see it from a different perspective.

    And don’t go to any more sales!

    Free Member

    Peace not profitable?

    Maybe, but war is an extremely lucrative market.

    And Israel seems to do quite well, out of it:

    Free Member

    I think this is more your cup of tea:

    Free Member

    I am an engineer – hit the f..kers with a lump hammer

    Heh! Like it! But you forgot to add, you have to swear at them, too. Lots. Or it doesn’t work.

    And if that fails, just drive through the showroom window, and say ‘look, told you the brakes were dodgy’.

    Free Member

    druid; you disagree with the fact that Israel’s actions are indefensible? As I’ve pointed out several times, so are those of Hamas. In fact, any organisation that actively seeks to kill and harm innocent people is surely indefensible. Would you not agree with that?

    Free Member

    Halifax building society, for inflicting that **** Howard on us.

    Oh, hang on, hasn’t someone already tried to destroy them? Understandable, really.

    Some good calls, here. Sky, Starbucks, Bernard Matthews..

    Free Member

    Yeah, ‘cos Israel are completely innocent victims themselves, right?

    ‘Hamas are agents of Iran’- what, like Israel aren’t agents of the West? Oh no, of course not.

    I must confess, I am ignorant of the ‘large amounts of money the EU and others have been throwing at them for years’. I would be grateful if you could enlighten me. And of course, Israel hasn’t taken a penny from outside, to fund their war machine…

    And how does Israel think that bombarding densely populated areas will affect only Hamas? And not sir up yet more anger and hatred toward their nation?

    Come on, get real. I haven’t, for a moment, claimed that Hamas are in any way innocent, or their actions are in any way justified, but there can be no justification for what the military are doing to the Palestinian people.

    I would hardly think the reports we are seeing are particularly biased towards the Palestinian cause. I think the utterly disproportionate ratio of casualties speaks for itself.

    Israel’s government and military are indefensible. Any decent, open-minded person can see that. Only those with their own issues against the ‘enemies’ of Israel would disagree.

    Free Member

    Actually, it’s a problem on some of the later races, near the end of the game. If you’re in front, no problems, but if you’re behind, it goes all ‘jerky’, like the frame rate is really really low.

    Mac Pro 4x3GHz; 512Mb graphics card. Should be perfect.

    Probably just a bug. Shame.

    Free Member

    Is NFS UC any good? I got right to the last bit of Carbon, where you have to race the bloke in the R8, but the game went all funny, really slow to respond, and I just couldn’t control the car well enough to win. Almost as though the computer didn’t want me to win. I just got fed up with it. Up til then, it had been fine.

    No, not computer or graphics card; they’re both top-spec. No other games have been affected like this. A known bug?

    Free Member

    The ladies’ tights suggestion is not completely silly, though. You can get them in different thicknesses, and they fit well under other garments. And, they’re pretty cheap, if you nick your better half’s ones.

    I’m all for doing the warm clothing thing on the cheap, as it’s only really cold enough to warrant proper winter gear, for a short while, in England.

    Basically, anything that insulates well, doesn’t restrict the circulation, and is breathable, really.

    Snakebite; you just want an excuse to wear sussies, don’t you? Come on, admit it…

    Free Member

    Surely you’re not suggesting that Glupton put the site on it’s arse?

    EdRicketts; those two pics suggest you ‘serve’ yourself with a tub of marge. I do hope this isn’t the case.

    Free Member

    Oh my God, no, Ernie, I didn’t mean the Nation of Iceland!

    Who could have anything against a country that gave the world the wonderful wailing songstress Bj¯rk?

    I don’t know if it’s just a myth, but apparently, Bj¯rk’s music was one of Iceland’s biggest exports!

    No, the shop, I’d be happy to see disappear. Feeding the obese with shit processed junk for far too long.

    As for Carphone Whorehouse; an industry reliant on the ‘ooh look at me with my posh new phone, aren’t I special?’ mentality. That can go too.

    Actually, time for a new thread…

    Free Member

    850 lbs

    Free Member

    Thirded… 😀

    Free Member

    Brilliant! Good to see at least this little gem or forum history has survived!

    It wasn’t actually funny the first time. . . .

    Eh? Are you a Woolworths shareholder?

    Free Member

    Hitler’s Nazi part won two elections in 1932. I didn’t mention Hitler.
    Saddam was elected by 100% of iraqi people, apparently.

    Notice how I put quotation marks around ‘democratically elected’…

    “What happened 2000 years ago should be totally ignored”

    Bugger. Wish you’d told the Christians that a few weeks ago; would have saved the expense of all that fuss on December 25th…

    I’m not actually ‘conveniently forgetting’ anything. And I have checked my history, thanks. but, as you’ve said, history is irrelevant, right?

    Free Member

    WTF have her tits got to do with anything???

    So, you’d prefer to go walking/biking with Jawdun, instead?

    Free Member

    Nutters! And you do that for fun???

    Costume looked good! How did you stick on the cotton wool, in the end?

    Free Member

    I know there are a few unridable bits, but it’s the constant slog my knees don’t like, rather than the short sharp tricky bits.

    Thanks, Clarey! I shall certainly keep that in mind. I know someone in Alston, so should hopefully have a base to ride from.

    I can appreciate why people enjoy walking, but can’t help thinking that biking is sooo much more fun!

    Free Member

    No there isn’t. WTF should there be “thousands of years of history” to consider ???

    Because you can’t simply ignore the history of a land! Zionists believe that, as their ancestors were forced from their homes, that Jews should have their ‘promised land’, as they see it, to return to. Whether you agree with that or not, that’s what they believe in. Personally, I don’t think the enforced expulsion of people from the land in which they live, where they have lived for some time, and that they have made their home, is right, but hey ho; that’s in the past, so should be ignored, right? You can’t just pick and choose from history, unfortunately. People get upset.

    Interestingly, many Orthodox Jews are opposed to the ‘modern’ concept of Zion. But it remains a belief within Jewish faith and culture, that ‘This year in Exile; Next Year in Jerusalem’.

    I am aware that Hamas were ‘democratically elected’. As were the Nazis, Saddam, Joerg Heider, Mugabe, Bush and indeed, Blair…

    I am sympathetic to the plight of ordinary Palestinians, to have the right to peace without restrictions, and to be able to govern their own lands. As are, as I’ve said, many Israelis, and probably the majority of people on Earth.

    Israel continues to act with impunity, while the ‘Global Community’ stands by and does nothing. I can’t really see a positive way forward, whilst Israel, and Hamas, continue with the policy of violence.

    And I notice there have been no reports of people demonstrating outside the Palestinian Embassy here.

    Free Member

    Sorry, but I have to disagree, BnD.

    Hamas is indeed an ‘extremist’ organisation, born of fanaticism and desperation. Granted, there are many corrupt and evil people within that organisation, who exploit the fear and anger of other Palestinians, mainly frustrated young men.

    But in this case, it is Israel that is the aggressor; ‘responding’ to rocket attacks (the Grad medium-range missile is more an anti-personnel weapon, than a big building destroyer), with F-16s capable of deploying extremely destructive weapons, is grossly disproportionate.

    The rocket attacks by Hamas, are in retaliation to the (illegal) blockade of Palestine, by the Israeli military. Wrong, but understandable, considering the circumstances.

    This situation is almost certainly perpetuated by the West; to display a show of force to other potential adversaries, a showcase for their military might, and to maintain a state of fear, thus justifying pumping in billions of dollars into the military effort.

    Israel is merely the front line, in the West’s attempts at imperialism, in the Middle East.

    And places like Zimbabwe, the Congo etc, go ignored.

    Meanwhile, innocents are still dying…

    Free Member

    I’ve used LaCie drives a fair bit. They are very solid and reliable, I’ve found. A friend broke a Western Digital one, which was really plasticky and flimsy.

    I’m a bit wary of USB Flash memory sticks, as I’ve had a few fail on me. Ok for transporting files that are backed up, but I wouldn’t trust them entirely, for permanent storage. I had one get so hot, it melted the plastic enclosure.

    LaCie do a rubber-armoured mini drive, that looks ideal for lugging around.

    Free Member

    Ooh, thanks! I’m hoping to get up to the Lakes this summer, and would love to go up Helvellyn, following a friend’s denial that I could ride all the way up.I have a point to prove!

    Nice to hear that you can ride a bike up such a beautiful hill. The program made the area look stunning.

    Striding Edge looked a bit tricky,though. Is that where the Romans threw Christians off?

    Free Member


    Come on, I’ve even used Julia as bait! Would be interested to find out, actually.

    Free Member

    I agree. £10, to cover ‘phone calls, was pretty decent, I thought.

    ‘Stress’, my arse. I bet he’s going to have loads of fun, telling his friends about how he was £100 Billion in debt!

    Free Member

    I’d say almost certainly, unless it needs some sort of PC-only software to operate. I can’t imagine it would have that, though. If it’s USB, it should just plug straight in, like any other device, and appear on the Desktop.

    Free Member

    Well, it appears the Evilzone site has gone, so maybe Good has Triumphed over Evil?

    The STW website, earlier:

    If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine…

    Free Member

    Good to see some more intelligent responses coming through.

    Sadly, the whole situation is not very simple. As pointed out, there are thousands of years of history to consider, and a whole mess of political, economic and social factors to consider.

    The unalienable truth, is that innocent people continue to die, on both sides.

    I have several Jewish friends, all of whom a vehemently opposed to the actions of the Israeli government, and military. They are very sympathetic towards the Palestinian people, and find the suffering caused, utterly abhorrent. Some of them have relatives in Israel, who also oppose the government and military, as do millions of Israelis.

    It does seem somewhat, that the Zionist cause has been hijacked by right-wing Western influences, to agitate things, and to impose a launch-pad for military action. Hence, other Arab states, such as Iran, and Iraq, arming themselves with weapons to deter such action. But we’ve already seen what happened in Iraq..

    As for terrorism, do some research on Mossad. Some of their actions make Hamas look like amateurs.

    It would seem, that if Hamas backed down, that Israel would start behaving more peacefully. But I really don’t think the Palestinians are willing to take that risk, based on previous events. As for Hamas’ ‘terrorist’ activities, well, without condoning their actions, it’s understandable that within a nation of frightened, brutalised people, there will be elements that will respond with aggression.

    Yes, there have been evil, merciless attacks on innocent people, by Palestinians.

    But the death toll ratio between the two nations is something like 100:1. And on both sides, too many innocent people are dying needlessly.

    And to satisfy what? Western greed, it seems.

    As for disproportionate response; Israel has used chemical and biological weapons during this conflict, flouted the Geneva convention countless times, and totally ignored international calls to stop the attacks.

    And has an extremely advanced nuclear weapons program.

    I’m glad I don’t live in Palestine.

    Free Member

    Heh! Does seem like bad manners on her part, and pretty bloody rude, tbh.

    But I wonder if HC’s real reaction was as he tells us, or it’s just on here where he’s really letting off steam?

    Maybe he should have put her on her arse?

    Free Member

    ‘Poltroon’- LOL!

    I aspire to be Middle-Class. I just wish I could afford it.

    They eat nicer sandwiches. Ham and cheese? Pah! Chorizo and Mozzarella, for me, thank you very much!

    Free Member

    Hmm, so you genuinely acted very aggressively, towards a woman, over a pile of stuff which was not legally yours, then? How very gentlemanly.

    Her claim to ‘not speak English’ was possibly a defensive reaction, to feeling quite threatened. And your tone suggests you are not particularly well disposed towards ‘typical Muslim Women’. How do you feel about ‘typical Christian women’, or typical Jewish women’, etc?

    I think somebody’s had a bit of a ‘Glupton Moment’…

    Free Member

    So, actually just politely informing her that it was your trolley, and that you intended to actually buy the items within, wasn’t sufficient?

    BTW She looked a typical Muslim woman loads of whom live in West London

    Please explain. I’m not sure I know what a ‘typical Muslim woman’ looks like. I mean, Muslims come from the Far East, the Subcontinent, the Middle East, many parts of Africa, Europe and even Britain, believe it or not, so I’d imagine there is quite a diversity of culture, and indeed, race, within the ‘Islamic community’.

    But I’ve no doubt that a man like yourself (I’m assuming you are male, from your previous descriptions of yourself, unless you are in fact an unfortunate female with an unsightly hair problem) needed to get so agressive with a woman. She surely deserved it, the thieving bitch.

    Was she dressed as a Ninja, or Dalek? She was probably trying to blow you and your family, and all the other decent, God-Fearing people in the shop up. Maybe you should have actually restrained her, lest she commit some terrorist atrocity.

    Ah, good old STW; defying open-mindedness, intelligence and social progress, since the Dark Ages…

    Free Member

    per‚ãÖvert‚ÄÇ ‚ÄÇ[v. per-vurt; n. pur-vert] Show IPA Pronunciation
    –verb (used with object)
    1. to affect with perversion.
    2. to lead astray morally.
    3. to turn away from the right course.
    4. to lead into mental error or false judgment.
    5. to turn to an improper use; misapply.
    6. to misconstrue or misinterpret, esp. deliberately; distort: to pervert someone’s statement.
    7. to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase.
    8. Pathology. to change to what is unnatural or abnormal.
    9. to convert or persuade to a religious belief regarded as false or wrong.
    10. a person who practices sexual perversion.
    11. Pathology. a person affected with perversion.
    12. a person who has been perverted, esp. to a religious belief regarded as erroneous.
    1300–50; (v.) ME perverten < L pervertere to overturn, subvert, equiv. to per- per- + vertere to turn; (n.) n. use of obs. pervert perverted

    Hmm. Borgias, anyone?

    Free Member

    Iceland, hopefully. Nowt but crap in there.

    Followed closely by NikeTown and Carphone Whorehouse, I hope.

    Free Member

    whereas I don’t much like going in pubs and I loath footie :o)

    That’s ok, because you wouldn’t be invited. Meaning her and I could have more fun with balls.

    indeed not, just more woman-shaped!

    It gets worse. He’s now saying all women are fat.

    Is there no end to this man’s outrageous attitudes?

    Free Member

    Hmm. Some thoughtful comments, as well as the usual ignorant stupidity. I shall leave this for tonight, and maybe come back in the morning.

    Night, all!


    Free Member

    I doubt mine would fit the shapely aleigh :o) 30″ waist ?

    He’s basically saying you’re fat, aleigh.

    i’d glass him, for that.

    Free Member

    aleigh – Member
    so are you saying i’m ugly then rudeboy?

    Well, having never met or seen you, I haven’t a clue what you look like. You might be incredibly beautiful. I don’t know, do I?

    I’m pretty sure SFB is not quite as lovely as this young lady:

    And to think, I could take her to the pub to watch footy, and she wouldn’t mind…

    Free Member

    The trick is to use thin layers, in decent insulating materials. And not to have things too tight, as this cuts off the circulation, and causes even more problems.

    I use a pair of thin silk gloves under normal mid-weight gloves, and double-layer army socks if it’s dry, or Sealskins if there’s a chance of getting wet feet.

    Layers mean you can add or remove them as necessary.

    You may have low blood pressure, like me, so extremities will get cold quite quickly. this is exacerbated by the fact that your fingers and toes aren’t doing much, so the blood isn’t flowing around enough to generate enough heat.

    In really cold weather, I find that a pair of stout leather ‘boot’ trainers, with good socks on underneath, and flat pedals, better than using SPD shoes. With SPDs, your feet stay fixed to the same point, and your toes just aren’t getting the blood flow they need. And SPD shoes tend to be a bit too ‘breathable’ to keep out the cold. Maybe ‘winter’ SPD boots are the answer for some, but I’ve never tried any. You could try those little neoprene bootie things I suppose. I have no experience of them.

    Other than that, you’ll have to keep wiggling!

    Free Member

    we haven’t reached 0C yet

    I’d say, if the ground is frozen, you have reached well below 0ºC!

    Yes, it is a bit chilly. Went out for a little tow-path spin to meet a friend, sat and had a cup of tea and a pice of cake with a little friend, and watched the ducks. Very nice.

    But when I got back on the bike, bloody hell, it was sooooo cold! Me toes and fingertips were really stinging. Had to proper peg it, back, to get warm again. Just about warmed up, by the time I got home. Remind me to take a hip-flask out with me, next time…

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