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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    So, truth is, you’d probbly not actually push someone off their bike, would you?

    See, the reality is, that if you did, they might be someone like me. Only much bigger. And maybe a lot more violent.

    Just out of inertest, who would you push off their bike? Someone your own size? Smaller, Female? Child?

    I know you woon’t do it to someone bigger than you…

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    TBH mate, you’ve always struck me as a bit of a loser – if you don’t mind me saying.

    (Sobs) 😥

    Well, I made it through the night! Trying to get to sleep was a little difficult, as I usually just drift off, if I’ve had a couple of beers. was not as difficult as I’d imagined not drinking, though.

    I din’t feel the craving as much as I have done in the past, when I’ve tried to have a night off beer. On other occasions, I’ve caved in, and gone down to get some in. I jolly well have not felt guilty or bad for doing so, mind.

    A few months ago, coming home from the pub, I was contemplating riding me bike several miles to an all-night offie, such was my craving. Fortunately, the blokes in the offie were still about, and let me buy a couple of cans on the sly, or I wooduv been off up to Hackney.

    Having already had a few, I was later quite angry that I’d craved beer so much. Felt like an alkie.

    I think it’s more just the habitual nature of it now. I’m so used to having a beer or two, that not to have one feels weird.

    I might try to abstain tonight as well (what, two nights in a row??). Going to a mate’s to watch footy and eat Chinese food. He’s a smoker, so depressant drugs won’t be the issue!

    I have a feeling I will have beer, mind. The association of footy and beer may be too much. I mean, if the footy’s on, it’s ok, no?

    Free Member

    Unions did the same to many large corporations e.g. Fords in Dagenham, wrecked the profitablity of the company. Manufacturers went elsewhere in the world as a result.

    They were moving anyway. To the East, where cheap labour, no unions and few workers’ rights mean they can exloit the **** out of people, in the name of Profit.

    Free Member

    One cut in military spending and we’ll all be speaking Spanish.

    Ola, Chiquita!!

    That’s not actually a bad idea…

    Free Member

    Here you go, mate:

    Free Member

    Sponge; I spose it’s because i won’t meekly back down, and give as good as I get, that may have escalated situations in the past. I’ve identified that many of them have stemmed from the fact that I’ve publicly humiliated people, to the point of violence. Yes, I am a little stirrer. But that’s just words. If it stays at words, I’ll walk away. I’ll only get violent if someone is getting violent with me.

    I accept that I do have some ‘issues’, regarding my aggressive nature, and I am taking steps to address them. Small steps. I’m nowhere near as bad as I used to be. TBH, considering what a wee feller I actually am, it’s pretty baffling how I’ve managed to avoid really serious injury so far! But there’s always that one time. Which I’d like to avoid; for the sake of my loved ones, if nothing else.

    My surroundings? Well, I agree that they play a part, yes. I am considering moving to a quieter part of London. But the actual risk of violent confrontation is everywhere, not just in the rough parts. I’m sure here are horrific things that happen in quiet little villages.

    My experience of where I live is overall positive. I’m confident and outgoing, and can get along with all sorts. I don’t feel ‘threatened’ when out and about, but am sensible enough to be able to recognise potential danger, and take steps to avoid it.

    The enjoyment of violence is something I’d like to explore, but there aren’t a lot of resources that can help with this, I’ve found. If you say to someone ‘I enjoy violence’, they often look at you like you’re a psychopath. I’m sure that many people secretly harbour at least violent urges. Take enfht, for example; he seems to have taken an intense dislike to me, and takes any opportunity to try and wind me up, to get a reaction. He must enjoy the confrontation. I’d say he has issues he may not even be aware of, just from some of the comments he makes on here. The above comments have an undercurrent of anger and resentment, which is quite irrational, I feel. I’m more concerned for his state of mind, than I am offended by anything he says.

    The thing is, to be honest with yourself. PP has been, and has expressed honest onions. The PP I know is a lovely, kind, caring person. His wife woon’t have married him if he weren’t. But he, like everyone, has violent instincts, which he is aware of, and knows can be triggered by violent behaviour from someone else. Njee, I believe, is not actually serious about pushing someone off; if they were, they wooduv probbly done that already, and have faced the consequences. Forum posturing, methinks.

    Free Member

    I don’t know who Antony Steen is.

    Maybe he sounds like RudeBoy?

    Free Member

    Right! I’m off for a fag. Reading threads like this always makes me want to smoke. Preferably indoors. Possibly in a gym. And blow smoke in everyones faces

    Nice one Binners! Can I join you?

    Then we could go down the organic health food shop, eating kebabs, then smoke cigs in there!

    Walk into a Yoga class, with a ghetto blaster pumping out Motorhead…

    Free Member

    I know there’s probbly one he over indulges in…. 😉

    Free Member

    you need to stand up for yourself if you’re just a wee fellow

    You certainly do! Most of the do’s I’ve had, have been with blokes a fair bit bigger than myself. I spose they think, ‘oh, he’s only a little C, I’ll be able to have him’. Sad, really. I think it’s got very little to do with someone’s size, how violent they can be. Aggression is a trait inherent to all of us. In some, it’s more apparent than in others, and maybe requires less provocation. I admit, I need less provocation than most.

    something that I hesitate to admit to, but is relevant to this discussion, is that I actually enjoy violence. A proper adrenaline rush, that I doubt I’d get through any ‘extreme’ sport. There’s nothing quite like that moment, when faced with some C coming at you with a weapon, and you’ve got to sort it out. Knowing all the time, that serious injury or even Death is in fact a possibility.

    I accept this is not ‘normal’, and am looking at ways to address this ‘fault’. But I’ve accepted that it’s part of who I am. Probbly a good thing that I’m only a ‘wee man’; if I were a big bastard, I’ve no doubt some incidents wooduv turned out a lot worse.

    Free Member

    Can’t be bothered reading that, so you’ve wasted your time.

    Russia? No, worse than here by a long, long way.

    I think one of the main reasons why there’s so much resentment here is that there’s people like Hora, angry that ‘lowly’ Tube drivers get paid more than them, and others who see Tube workers as being ‘beneath’ them, in the social scale. Most of it seems to be about jealousy, and how people want to be seen. Seems to me, to be mainly about personal status. Reveals a fair bit about peoples’ insecurities.

    Would there be so much anger, if this were a more financially stable period? Would there indeed even be industrial action at all?

    Get used to it folks, as you’re going to see a lot more of this, as things become ever more uncertain.

    If it all gets too bad, why not consider careers on the Underground, or in Nursing?

    Great pay, conditions and hours, apparently…

    Bored now.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but look at the bloke’s face. Poor sod; I’d be permanently miserable, if I looked like that.

    Feel pity, not hate.

    Free Member

    I don’t know; what are you asking me for? Ask one of the economists like BigDummy or Stoner or whoever. They can tell you.

    BD; I’m sure it’s not that simple, and i’m being idealistic. But I’m sure a system could be developed, whereby people can still have nice cars and houses and bottles of wine, just that more people copuld have that.

    Would mean that some might have to sell their luxury apartments in Monaco, a couple of Ferraris, the private jets, etc…

    Free Member

    ‘Let me talk to you about Yerp..’

    Really ?

    Yep. Got a scholarship thingy. I was expelled after two years, you’ll be pleased to hear.

    Free Member

    I only ask because I foresee a budget problem developing when everyone being paid by the state is being paid more than anyone in the “greed sector”

    Did I say ‘everyone’? Did I?

    No, I din’t.

    There is a place for the greed sector. I’m not denying that. But there should be more recognition and reward for those who do socially valuable jobs such as nursing, woon’t you agree?

    Free Member

    BTW; I was JOKING, people…. 🙄

    Free Member


    Rubber sheets for RudeBoy…

    Free Member

    Farmer Giles: spout figures all you want. The reality is that Nurses do a darn sight more than most people, and get paid relatively poorly.

    Why don’t they deserve £40 or 50k?

    ‘Nurses earn 50% more than the median private sector worker’

    And they’re doing a 500% more valuable job…

    Oh, and your figures seem to conflict with the NHS’

    Free Member

    Northern Line – good service
    District Line – Trains from Wimbledon to High Street Kensington
    Jubilee Line – Trains from Stanmore to Neasden; Waterloo to Stratford
    Metropolitan Line – Trains from Wembley Park to Baker Street
    Piccadilly Line – Trains from Arnos Grove to Cockfosters
    Victoria Line – Trains from Seven sisters to Victoria
    Bakerloo Line – Trains from Queen’s Park to Paddington
    Central Line – Liverpool Street to Epping and Hainault; White City to Ruislip and Ealing Broadway
    Circle Line – suspended
    Hammersmith and City Line – Trains from Baker Street to Hammersmith
    Waterloo and City – suspended

    Free Member

    If you send your kids to private school, they will be bullied and mugged by the kids from the rough comprehensive. This will lead to bedwetting and emotional problems. They will probably end up as serial sex killers, as a result.

    Or Tory MPs…

    Free Member

    They get 40k? Why the hell did i bother going to uni?

    Just an idea, but was it so’s you could get an education, mix with other like-minded people, share ideas, get drunk, meet members of the opposite/same sex for naughtiness?

    Free Member

    Who was that, and where??

    Have I missed a good fight? Boo!

    Violence is acceptable when no other course of action is available or appropriate.

    I jolly well have not had a good pagga in ages, but I’ve had me fair share of scraps.

    Acceptable? Depends on the circumstances. If someone is about to attack you, or has already done so, then it’s perfectly acceptable to lay them out, if possible. I’ve been attacked with an iron bar, baseball bat, lumps of wood, bricks, and knives. Fortunately, because I can be a bit of a mentalist when confronted by the threat of extreme violence, I’ve always managed to get straight in there, and have avoided serious injury.

    Good question, actually. I have been involved in some pretty nasty incidents, in me time. So violence has been a part of my life. As a more mature adult, I now seek to avoid violent confrontation, and can usually use me big gob to talk me way out of trouble. But I’m still prepared for the eventuality. Recently, some berk was having a pop from his car at me, and I’m looking around for something to hit him with, if necessary. Me or them? Them, every time. Self preservation rules.

    I must say, there have been moments when I’ve become quite detached from what is ‘acceptable’ behaviour, but only after extreme provocation. At the time, I don’t think of the damage I may be causing someone else, I’m only inertested in rendering my adversary incapable of hurting me. Normal emotions don’t apply here; if I have to smash them round the head with something, to stop them, then I will, and I won’t hesitate. I’m not about to spare them injury, because violence is ‘unacceptable’. Fortunately, I’ve not killed anyone, or caused permanent disability.

    Regrets/remorse? I’ve put one or two people in hospital, because that’s what it’s taken to get them to stop attacking me. I feel no remorse towards them, as they fully intended to harm me.

    Life is overwhelmingly pretty peaceful though. Violence is only necessary and acceptable on extreme occasions.

    Free Member

    True dat. I’ve had this Samsung for only about a year or so, and it’s already looking a bit iffy. The light does not in any way seem to spread evenly across the screen. Ok for basic use, but I need to replace it soon, as it’s getting difficult to get colours to display accurately, which is quite important to me.

    Nowt’s built to last any more.

    I blame her….

    Free Member

    You mean you don’t even qualify as a platform idiot? ****… You really must be very stoopipd hora

    LOL! Post of the month! 😆

    Brilliant, Juan.

    The “Greed Sector” as you call it, is responsible for earning the country enough money to pay for the public services we all rely on

    Ah, would that be the same sector that earns so much money for the benefit of everyone, that it has to have large chunks of it bailed out by the taxpayer? Or the same sector where there have been, and will continue to be, massive redundancies? Great.

    Let’s get back to the real world.

    Nurses do one of the most valuable jobs in our society, yet are rewarded relatively very badly. They do longer hours than most, and often have to work well beyond the end of their shifts, as there aren’t enough nurses. Why not? Because it’s an extremely hard job, for shite money.

    Would you not agree, that such jobs should be rewarded better?

    I’m not

    Free Member

    Nightie night.


    Free Member

    Oh, and regardless of what any of us think; the majority of RMT members who voted, voted in favour of strike action. Democracy, no? Arsenal; weren’t you banging on about just that, on the BNP thread? 🙄

    Free Member

    Arsenal; calm yerself down mate, and stop getting in such a tiz.

    As for vulnerable people: carers who need to use transport to get to them can claim additional expenses if they require taxis. Many people who need medical treatment can also claim if necessary. There will also be provision for ambulances to take people to hospital, for appointments, if needed.

    So much outrage, which is actually being whipped up by the media, surprise surprise. Apparently, there may be some limited Tube services still operating tomorrow and up til 7pm on Thursday. It’s not the end of the World!

    So, watch those knees jerking; you might kick yerselves in the face!

    Free Member

    Ah, the usual shite from backwards arsenal… 🙄

    This strike is actually about securing pay rises in line with the level of inflation, and no redundancies. Tube workers claim they are already understaffed, so any job cuts would lead to them being spread even thinner, which would undoubtedly lead to compromises in the safety of workers and passengers, as I’ve already said (pity no-one was listening..). Get it right. As for the reinstatement of the two workers, I think that’s a separate issue that is being confused with this dispute.

    Free Member

    Doubt I could, cynic-al! I woon’t want to!

    DD; Get thee behind me, Satan!

    I’ve got through most of a carton of apple juice, but it’s not the same… 🙁

    The hard bit is over; the offie has closed, and there’s nowhere for miles, that does sneaky after-hours cans. So I can’t actually get any, now.

    Free Member

    The wheels on the bus go
    round and round
    round and round
    round and round
    The wheels on the bus go
    round and round
    All day long
    The horn on the bus goes
    beep, beep, beep
    beep, beep, beep
    beep, beep, beep
    The horn on the bus goes
    beep, beep, beep
    All day long
    The wipers on the bus go
    swish, swish, swish
    swish, swish, swish
    swish, swish, swish
    The wipers on the bus go
    swish, swish, swish
    All day long
    The people on the bus go
    chatter, chatter, chatter
    chatter, chatter, chatter
    chatter, chatter, chatter
    The people on the bus go
    chatter, chatter, chatter
    All day long
    The baby on the bus goes
    wah, wah, wah
    wah, wah, wah
    wah, wah, wah
    The baby on the bus goes
    wah, wah, wah
    All day long
    The bell on the bus goes
    ding, ding, ding
    ding, ding, ding
    ding, ding, ding
    The bell on the bus goes
    ding, ding, ding
    All day long
    The wheels on the bus go
    round and round
    round and round
    round and round
    The wheels on the bus go
    round and round
    All day long
    All day long

    Free Member

    Well said, TM.

    Mind, some of this lot would moan if they had the wrong kind of cup for their tea, or something.

    Oh, and Hora;

    Shut up.

    Thanks. 😀

    Free Member

    Good point, DJ. I admit, I was a tad surprised, on reading that drivers do in fact get over £40k, but if you consider rents/mortgages in London and the South East, and the increased cost of living, then salaries like that, for such a job, are understandable. I don’t think they are particularly ‘overpaid’, compared to a lot of other jobs. After tax etc you’re taking home what, a bit under £600 a week? There’s people on here that earn that a day, I’m sure. Say you’ve got 2-3 kids. Taking out rent/mortgage of £250-£300 a week, once you’ve paid bills etc, there’s not a lot to play with. You’d be wanting your partner to work as well, certainly, if you wanted to enjoy a ‘comfortable’ lifestyle. Considering some of the luxuries one or two people on this thread have boasted about, I find it a bit ‘rich’ for them to complain about others’ wages…

    Free Member

    My old O2 one does. Had it for years now. I found this out, when I visited Barçelona a couple of years ago; it switched to the Spainish network Telefonica, who own O2.

    I’d imagine most networks do this these days.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hairy; that’s pointless. As mentioned; Clapham Junk- Willesden Junk – Wembley Central. Stonebridge is a bit of a walk from the stadium. And the OP does not in any way want to be walking around That London late at night….

    Free Member

    Hello, catfood- have you not been paying attention?

    Free Member

    Personally, I would prefer the images in silence. I find the music a distration, tbh.

    Free Member

    Ernie you complete ponce. What you doing listening to such lah-di-dah flowery effete rubbish for?

    You turning soft or something?

    Pull yerself together, ffs.

    Free Member

    I believe they do, actually.

    Or maybe they don’t.

    To be honest, probbly not.

    Although I could be wrong.

    Free Member

    Hora- be’ave yerself.

    Personally, I’d like to see people in jobs like Transport, Health, Fire, Police, Social/Public Services etc get paid higher, as they are of more value to all of society, and people who work for banks etc get paid less. Just redistribute the wealth, to those whose jobs are of greater value for all people, not those who work to line the pockets of the already wealthy. I think that some of the problems in the socially valuable professions are because people aren’t ‘rewarded’ according to their social value. Increase the rewards, then maybe people might be better motivated. Which might increase their efficiency. No wonder people prefer to go for jobs in the greed sector, if they can; the rewards are greater. This leaves the vital jobs with insufficient numbers of people, with insufficient skills/abilities, to do them effectively. If being a nurse carried a greater economic reward, then maybe people would be encouraged to become nurses, rather than work for Bank of Greed and Greedier.

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