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  • Review | Pivot Cycles Mach 4 SL Team XTR
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Can’t believe no-one’s used this one yet:

    Are singlespeeds the new nazis?

    Well, the abbreviation is ‘SS’…

    I like mine. Simple, much easier to clean when it’s muddy, less to go wrong, cheap to fix, keeps me fit. I have one for commuting, which is great, because it just runs and runs with minimal maintenance, and is lighter than with gears.

    Off road, I find my SS MTB great for flattish places, although it gets a little tiring after more than a couple of hours.

    I’d use my geared bike for long days out, and very hilly places.

    Horses for courses.

    Free Member

    Sofatester- if you have no interest in this thread, or no desire to add anything interesting, then there are plenty of other threads to read.

    Why not start an interesting thread of your own? Now there’s a mad concept.

    Free Member

    I’d volunteer to drop-kick Bliar and Bush into Palestine.

    ‘Oh, sorry, didn’t get very far with that kick, better try again’ (and repeat). All the way into Gaza City.

    Free Member

    Happy Birthday!

    Why not spend some of the money on something nice for your lady?

    Think of the Brownie Points…

    Plus it would be a nice, selfless gesture which I’m sure she would appreciate.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Plus, Israel have bombed their TV, radio and communication centres, so I’d say dialogue might be a bit difficult right now…

    Free Member

    Yay! Good to see TJ back!

    I thought it was a mean trick, for someone to masquerade as another, especially seeing as how some people have spent time and effort building up their personae.

    Free Member

    Additionally, comments like Genocide are, frankly, ridiculous – ten days of high intensity military action in one of the most population dense areas of the planet have resulted in approximately 100 civilian casualties

    Erm, more like getting on for 500, and rising every day.

    Military action resulting in deaths of large numbers of civilians, with no justifiable reason, with race or religion being one of the motivating factors= GENOCIDE.

    Why should the ‘displaced’ Palestinians be forced to move elsewhere? Why should neighbouring states be forced to take them in?

    I make no claim to be an expert in this, but I would have thought one way that the Israelis could be dealing with this, is by withdrawing it’s citizens that live within the range of Hamas’ rockets, to a safe distance, placing it’s troops on the Palestinian border, and be ready to defend it’s own borders, nothing more. That way, Hamas’ rockets would not be killing any innocent Israeli civilians, and the Israeli troops would be far better protected. most of the munitions Hamas is flinging over are relatively weak; more anti-personnel weapons than heavy duty building destroyers.

    This way, Israel would gain a hell of a lot more sympathy, and the onus would be on Hamas, to engage in further peace talks.

    Israel may be a modern, progressive Westernised nation, but that doesn’t exempt it from being run by evil tyrants, democratically elected or not. They can’t hide behind the veneer of respectability, just because they are ‘friends’ with the West.

    And it’s these ties with the USA and Britain especially, that hinder any peaceful progress. As Long as thses two nations continue to support Israel, economicallly and militarily, this situation will only get worse.

    We can start, by boycotting Israeli goods. Personally, I think imposing sanctions against israel, and forbidding the trade of everything, especially weapons, would have an immediate impact.

    Israel is just acting like a bully with big brothers, knows it can act with impunity. Time for all of us that do not like what is going on, to put pressure on our government, to act. Personally, I think the UN should steam into Israel, and prevent them from carrying out any more military action.

    Iraq invaded Kuwait, and the West steamed in. So why aren’t they, this time?

    Free Member

    Wow. I thought you’d actually typed extra zeros. What a colossal amount of money. So, doesn’t insurance cover this, then? how on Earth do they expect ‘normal’ people to be able to afford this kind of money? Shocking.

    Hope things work out ok for you.

    Free Member

    I think it’s caused by air getting into the system, and expanding with heat, or something like that, but I’m not an expert at all!

    Probably a job for a heating engineer. I dunno.

    Free Member

    £150000 for repairs??!!?!?

    Does your flat need a new roof, walls, plumbing, electricity, etc?? Christ, that’s a sh1tload of money.

    I hope those in a dark place right now, find some light as soon as possible.

    Me? I’m skint, but really quite happy, tbh. Which is an improvement on recent years.

    Free Member

    Yes, I believe it is.

    Free Member

    Seems that most of the victims of the recent Israeli attacks are civilians.

    Which makes this genocide, not ‘war’.

    Time the UN stepped in. WTF is it for, if not to try and prevent this kind of thing?

    If Iran, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Syria, Somalia etc were ding this, it would be denounced as senseless slaughter. Israel is quite literaly, getting away with murder.

    I wonder where the Whargrider is, tonight? I wonder if he’s now relfecting on his ill-chosen and ill-judged comments, yesterday?

    Sick. Utterly sick.

    How can anyone claim this is justified, no matter what the act against them?

    Free Member


    Free Member


    People are having a to do, on this thread??? Chill out! and as CG says, come along and enjoy yerselves!

    ‘Bluetit’ LOL! Pretty sure that wasn’t really meant as a proper insult!

    Free Member

    ‘WCA’ + ‘alcoholic beverage’.


    What could possibly go wrong?

    Free Member

    Aw, come on! Proper teenagers at a party style; holding each other up because they are so drunk.

    Ooh, I can almost taste the MD20/20…

    Free Member

    I thought he was away busy promoting his new film; ‘Glupton Of Solace’.*



    *©Mr Nutt 2008

    Free Member

    I’m actually quite polite.

    Look, to make it up to you, I’ll stick that Glen Medeiros tune on me phone, and we can have a little dance, eh?

    Can’t say fairer than that, love…

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Aleigh’s trip to Tenerife

    Ah’ve still got it! It never went away!

    Free Member

    Is Psychle is out there lurking, i think you said you live in Islington? And that you are coming on Saturday? If soo….

    Me and my carer are coming in a van. 3 seats in the front. Bung bike in back. Share costs (not expensive). Would you like a lift?

    Only thing is, we need to know where abouts you are, see if you need picking up, what colour hair you have (some form of strange condition that the driver has applied), and what bike you ride?

    Free Member

    fingerbike- I’ve got to get a bb out of a borked frame, hang on, I’ll see what size it is… I think it’s a 73, as it’s got a spacer. Oh, forgot to measure it’s length, hang on… 113mm axle.

    What tooth chainring? Got a 42 somewhere, I’m sure. Might have a 44t.

    BTW, sorry about the rude word earlier, mods! Didn’t think that one was too bad. Soz.

    Free Member

    Ooh yeah, she’s lovely! Is she coming on saturday? Please let it be so.

    Why is she not my wife? Can’t understand that…

    Free Member

    Maybe someone could lend you some bits? What d’you need?

    Free Member

    No Poddy? Nooooo!

    Who’s going to take pics, then?

    Not going now. 😥

    Free Member

    HOT not available for download here. Might try it again tonight. Great film. I had a Norwegian gf whose grandfather was in the Norwegian resistance. Such brave people, who sacrificed loads, to sabotage Nazi activities in Norway. We have a lot to thank those people for.

    Free Member

    Glen Medeiros!

    Shame on you for even remembering him!!! Shit the bed, that brings back some memories (mostly hazy, involving teenage parties, too much Thunderbids/Pink Lady and utter, utter rejection).

    Nothing’s gonna change my love for you, surely one of the greatest love songs ever!

    I bet Aleigh had this…

    In fact, I propose that it should be the theme tune for this weekend’s ride.

    Free Member

    No-one’s forcing you to have to ride in the group! If you don’t like it, you can always slide off on your own.

    Free Member

    Jukebox, sexy bar staff, decent beer, no bonehead locals that look at you as if you shouldn’t be within 50 miles of ‘their’ pub.


    Lemon + Skampi Nik Naks.

    Heated smoking area.


    Nice open fireplace.

    Washing/drying facilities for muddy gear would be nice, too.

    Not too much to ask, is it?

    Free Member

    PK; who, Hora?

    Free Member

    Forecast is for a bit more sleet, but it’s going to be very cold, so little chance of heavy rain.

    Which is good.

    CG; any further info on good pubs nearby? The one in Windlesham is ok, actually. Quiet little place, and you can see the car park out of the window, if you’re worried about your bike. I can’t imagine anyone would break into your car there. And you’d be out the door straight on them, if they did.

    Free Member

    The mud/filth/grime etc is exactly why I have a SS for the ‘less dry’ months (most of the year, then). Sooo much less hassle. Brush the thick off, hose it down, bit of lube- good to go.

    I run a standard frame/hub with loads of old cassette spacers, a 16t Shimano DX cog, 7spd Taya chain and a Surly Singleator. 32t front ring, with an FSA bashguard. Works fine.

    Free Member

    Wot druidh said.

    Unless Flashfart is right. In which case, tell him to buy a really nice road bike, which he’ll get bored of, and give to you.


    Free Member

    No, Hora, you’re more like the android thing.

    Free Member

    Kingtut; nope, nowt to do with me, I’m afraid. Sorry to disappoint you.

    Druid + matt: I’m sure most people on there are probably ok, but you must admit, there are some proper idiots. Don’t you grow tired of the repetitive infantile dross?

    Free Member

    And Ton, I may actually be at MM, so I’ll definitely cheer you big lads on. Tell you what, get a basket on the bikes of anyone who doesn’t quite make the weight, and I can sit in it, to bring it up to the required weight! Be like a kind of grotesque little mascot.

    Free Member

    Foxy Chick; I’ve never registered on Mleh. Looked on it a few times, but never bothered with it, tbh. I’d rather waste time on here. 🙂

    Free Member

    Teeto, as I said, there seem to be some pretty good folk on there, so not all Mlehers are knobends. If you want to take it personally, up to you.

    Most of us are stuck in an office. But most of us appreciate there is a real world out there, and treat people accordingly. Judging by the amount of drivel spouted in many of your forum’s posts, I’d say there are probably quite a few bored, frustrated lonely inadequate types out there, with nothing better to do, and no greater imagination, than to constantly slag people off, think it’s big and funny to swear a lot, and send people emails tellling them to ‘f-off’, for no apparent good reason. Call that ‘friendly and relaxed’? I’d hate to see what they think ‘nasty and angry’ is…

    Steve Austin; no, I have no idea. Which is why I don’t bother with Mleh. I’m obviously not ‘down with the vibe’ enough.

    Anyway, I didn’t mean to hi-jack Ton’s thread. I think what he’s doing is great stuff. Sounds like a right laugh. I’m just a bit sad, that I will never measure up to his high standards. 😥

    I just thought it was out of order, that some people on Mleh think abusing someone in this way, is acceptable.

    Good on yer, Ton.

    Free Member

    What is it, about Mlehers, that most of them seem incapable of anything more than banal abusive crap?

    Seem to be some good folk on there, but a lot of it is just absolutely inane drivel, spouted by some seemingly pretty inadequate knobends.

    ‘Oh look at me, I’m swearing on the internet! How very daring of me!’

    Claim to be laid-back and chilled out, but as soon as you question their idiotic behaviour, they act like a dog with worms.

    Do any of them actually act like that in real life? Probably mostly stuck in some boring office feeling frustrated and lonely.

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