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  • NBD: Cotic Escapade, Sonder Broken Road, Chris King bits, Purple Hayes (slight return)…
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    So Stoner’s guess was close, then?

    Mind, hazzunt every person from Oz, that’s ever been in the media, been in Neighbours?

    I was going to say Russel Crowe. He’s been in Neighbours. As has Nathalie Imbruglia, Holly Bedsheet and was not Madge or someone in a British Soap an’ all?

    Free Member

    Not strictly speaking ‘art’, but I think it’s a work of art in itself!

    Brilliant bit of design, iconic and timeless:

    Free Member

    i’m thinking what we need is a return to good old fsahioned Thatcherism.

    You were probbly sniffing too much glue, in your youth… 🙄

    Free Member

    No, don’t be nasty to BWD. He’s expressing his onion, and it’s valid within the context of this discussion. I personally think he’s got the wrong end of the stick, as far as the ethos of A+A, but let him have his say. It’s important to listen to all sides of an argument.

    A+A can get a bit ‘schoolboyish’ at times, and it would be good if more women were involved, and it could become an interesting place for discussion of body-awareness/fascism and stuff like that.

    There’s nowt wrong with looking, it’s the way you look, that matters…

    Free Member

    Here I am! 😀

    I can’t see owt wrong with expressing appreciation for the aesthetic appeal of healthy human beings. This thread is not sexist in itself, as it’s open to all. Some of the comments are out of order, but the concept itself is fine. This may be open to abuse by some immature individuals, but it’s the same with religion; mainly decent folk, with a few nut-jobs. You can’t condemn something based on the actions of a few individuals.

    As someone who tries to stay fit and healthy, I appreciate the effort others put into doing the same. is not what this thread is all about?

    It’s only natural to admire the physical human form. To try and deny that is to repress instinct.

    CFH has stipulated some clear and reasonable ‘rules’. And has been supported by the mods. There will always be some who object, but that’s life. I don’t like the attitudes of certain folk on here, on a range of issues/topics, but I accept that some others will think differently to myself. That they are wrong, is not my fault.

    I’ll be going swimming later. I, and others, will be wearing suitable skimpy and revealing clothing, as is required for such an activity. I will be looking, and I will be looked at. It’s in a context and environment where people have chosen to put themselves in, and will surely feel quite comfortable. It’s perfectly healthy.

    As for the subjects of the pics; athletes like Victoria Pendleton have exploited their physical sexuality, to promote themselves. They have chosen to display themselves as sexual objects, otherwise why pose for FHM/whoever? I’m sure VP woon’t like some weirdo stalking her, but I doubt she loses much sleep over the idea of some bloke/woman knocking one out over pics of her in her scanties.

    Long Live the A+A!

    (That Leryn Franco does have an exceptionally nice bottom!)

    One of my faves, because she is an exceptionally talented and brilliant athlete, and happens to be (in my onion) gorgeous as well:

    Yelena Isinbayeva; world bestest pole vaulterist.

    Free Member

    OH FFS!

    That is bang out of order, mrmo. I got all excited; like if you overheard your parents talking about a ‘ bike..’, then got all excited only to find out one of the neighbour’s kids has got a new bike, and not you.

    I am SOOOO dissapointed. I genuinely thought she’d finally carked it, the evil bitch.

    (Takes Champagne out of ice bucket, puts back in cellar)


    Please let it be soon; please…

    Free Member

    IS SHE DEAD???????

    Please, please let it be so!

    (Runs off to BBC News website..)

    Free Member

    Whilst in Oslo, a few years back, I discovered a little-known Norwegian painter; Eric Werenskjold. What I love about this panting, is that it’s just a simple, unremarkable scene, in many ways. Just like a simple snapshot. But it’s absolutely believable. I don’t know why it moved me so much, but I don’t care. I love it.

    Free Member

    I’m not inertested unless it’s Kylie.

    Free Member

    Always loved this Goya:

    Free Member

    Ahem, Flashy… 😉

    I’d completely forgotten about this idea. Nice one. Should be a regular STW fixture.

    El Greco was one of my earliest loves; this was in a book on art my mum had. About the same time as I first saw this, the Film ‘Jaws’ was out in the cinemas, and there were posters everywhere. See the influence?

    I was hoping to get at least a bit of work done today. Ah well…

    Free Member

    Don’t tiny babies have the best hair??? 😀 Gorgeous! And what a lovely pic.

    Brilliant. I love new baby threads on here. Makes you forget all the silly arguing and posturing.

    All the best for the future, MF!

    Free Member

    Greavsie has always been an utter ****. Ignorant old bigot. Din’t deserve that medal, for the attitude he showed towards Andorra.

    Free Member

    Well I could never have imagined that Ronaldo and Ian Ormondroyd would be mentioned in the same thread.

    TBH, Ronaldo does not in any way deserve to be mentioned in the same thread as Ian Ormondroyd.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    …Poor second, but I know a bloke who shat himself on the sun-deck of tour-boat on ther Nile, while he was asleep


    Speaking of Egypt; I know a bloke who shat himself on a train there, and had to sit in his shitty keks, for hundreds of miles. In a hot, stuffy train…..

    ..with pretty young ladies he’d been trying to impress, being repulsed and disgusted by the whole thing.

    Free Member

    watch out for Tevez going to City….to be announced later today….seriuosly

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Trouble with City, is that they aren’t playing in Yerp next season, so many big-name players will be put off from signing for them. I suspect they;ll end up with a bunch of high-profile has-beens, yer Berbatov types who fail to settle at other bigger clubs, and second-choicers like Gareth Barry. Barry is not in the same class as Gerrard or Lampard, so if they’re planning to build a team around him, then they won’t be winning much for a while.

    Yer Tevez’s and yer Eto’O’O’O’O’O’s will be looking for bigger clubs to sign them up; clubs where they can play Champions League, and prove their worthiness to play for their countries in the World Cup. I suspect Robhino may not stick around, if he gets an offer to play elsewhere on a bigger stage.

    Free Member

    Yay! Sick of My Little Poncy Pony.

    Brilliant bit of business for Man U. Brilliant.

    Ronaldo is over-rated. The likes of Kaka, Messi and Ade Akinbayi are better, but don’t prance about as much, so don’t get quite the attention.

    Thing about Ronaldo, is that he looks good against the likes of Stoke, or Wigan, but on the big stage, such as against top CL teams, or in internationals, he’s often been very dissapointing. Sorry, but he’s not brilliant, in the same way as Pele, Madonna, Cruyff, Best, Zidane, Canestan, Ian Ormondroyd or Mel Sterland were.

    At last; we don’t have to see his theatrics in the EPL any more.

    £80 million! Could buy a small flat in Mayfair for that!

    Free Member

    I was hoping for double figures. Germany beat them 10-0 or something. 6-0 is simply not good enough; they were absolutely terrible. And Andorra weren’t too hot either! 😉

    WTF was Crouch doing? Missed about 3-4 chances, and only scored with a spawney poke-in.

    Defoe and Ashley Young looked good. I thought England lacked that sharp, incisive close passing football, after Rooney and Gerrard went off. Glen Johnson has come on leaps and bounds. Beckham showed why he should still be in the squad.

    Bit of a lazy performance, I thought.

    And it’s true; what will we do when we do come up against top teams?

    A lot better than under that useless faux Dutchman, though.

    Free Member


    Tell me the leg end is not truly back?!

    Woon’t surprise me if that bell-end was lurking around on here with a new login.

    But this Sab-Cher is apparently in the Edinbugger area, whereas AdamG was in Preston, no?

    BD; any insight you’d care to share with the group?

    Free Member

    No, off to bed. Booze-free two nights in a row now! 🙂

    Free Member

    You can post pretty much what you want, I spose, as long as it does not in any way offend anyone…

    Oh… 😯


    Hang on…

    Free Member

    Do you realise what you’ve done?

    You’ve opened the Gates of Hell… 😯

    Now you have entered, you can never leave. Every ounce of your soul will be consumed. Every waking moment of your life will become a Living Nightmare, and when you try to sleep, the sound of tortured souls will scream at you, from beyond the dark.

    There are no refunds given, when you make a deal in Hades.

    Most folk are ok once they’ve had a nice cup of tea, though!

    Welcome to The Jungle…. X 🙂

    Free Member

    Bob Crow has been on the radio, offering to re-open negotiations. So far, TFL jolly well have not responded.

    Oh, and quite a few Tube trains were actually running today.

    And I notice that some of the reporting of the matter has been less than truthful, and particularly biased against the RMT. Greed and selfishness seem to be taking priority over workers’ rights.

    Free Member

    They still about??

    I still have a (pretty worn) pair on one of my bikes. 2.1″ version. Excellent tyre. Best all-rounder I’ve had. Little bit more puncture prone than some, but fairly light.

    Or is it a completely new tyre?

    Free Member

    LEDs, Mirror, Batteries and voila!:

    WANT IT.

    Where it is from, I can get it?

    I must have it…

    There’s a new ‘fast track’ ticket system down my local leisure centre. you bung yer membership card under the reader, press a few on-screen options, and it’s meant to give you he correct ticket/wristbaynd.

    **** thing never works propply, so I have to queue up anyway.

    Free Member

    Bollocks, BB. Nowhere near the same. Rubbish comparison.

    You’re starting to sound like an apologist for the Nazi scum, tbh.

    Free Member

    I have a dream where I go and sit in a parliamentary commitee on health. Eating a steak and kidney pie, and drinking pints of special brew, burp as I’ve finished then light up a fag

    Martin Luther King wooduv been proud of you, my son! 😀

    Or walk into a conference on Feminism, and ogle the ladies. ‘Phwooar! Nice pair, love! Now, go and get the kettle on, there’s a good girl!’ Little slap on the arse as she walks past*. ‘Birds, eh? They love it really!’

    *RudeBoy does not, in any way condone sexist behaviour in any form, or the derogatory and insulting treatment of wimmin.

    Free Member

    North of the River, RB. North of the Parks as well, I believe.

    Is it North of Islington? Then I’m not going. Too far. I’ll catch me death of cold if I venture that far.

    Free Member

    Shame there are so many corrupt administrations

    ..that were often installed/supported by the West, to favour Western trade..

    Like Saddam Hussein, for example. Augusto Pinochet. Or the recently deceased president of Gabon. And countless others.

    Free Member

    Yeah, that might have something to do with it…

    Free Member

    Yeah, go on then.

    Where’s Sheffield? Is it near Peckham?

    Free Member

    I play every shot with an 8 iron…

    LOL! Like it!

    I play ‘Speed Golf’; Just use one club (no sense in lugging that heavy bag around), whack the ball, run after it, whack it, run after it, repeat until ball in hole, then go down pub.

    What do you mean, there’s another 17 holes?? 😯

    Free Member

    Sufr; JK?????



    You cannot be serious?

    Free Member

    I believe in justice
    I believe in vengeance
    I believe in getting the bastard, getting the bastard, getting the bastard

    For a bonus point: Song title and baynd?

    Free Member

    There’s a bike forum? 😯


    Free Member

    Yeah, so what if I did? What you gonna do about it? Naahfink, you ponce!

    Pick a window; you’re leaving!

    Caahhm on then! Ahhll ‘ave the faaahkin’ lot of yer!!

    Free Member

    I have done

    No, according to you, you ‘put your hands up to stop him crashing into you’. As far as I can tell. So, you din’t actually deliberately push him off, did you? It was just an instinctive defensive reaction. Fair enough. But you started off by having people think you would deliberately push someone off their bike, simply for riding on the pavement. Which you probbly woon’t, let’s be honest.

    Here’s the confusing bit:

    I’d very happily push a cyclist off if I was walking along the pavement and they came too close, strikes me as very similar to the whole thing about smacking cars that get too close. If they’re close enough to shove, they’re too close. Simples.


    Free Member

    Well, a 24mm socket would be the best tool for the job. Less chance of slipping, and rounding off the top cap. A 24mm spanner would be the next thing, but I’d stay clear of adjustables, as they have a nasty habit of slipping at the crucial moment.

    One thing that anyone should learn about maintenance, is that it’s better to do the job propply, than bodge it, and suffer problems later on. I should know, I’ve done enough failed bodges.

    24mm socket shoont cost more than about £5, and a plain drive arm about £10-15. So, £20 for the tool might sound a tad spensive, but new top caps cost a bit more, plus the labour for a mechanic to get the buggered one out, etc…

    If a job’s worth doing….

    Free Member


    I want to have his babies…

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