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  • Is It Time For A Shakeup In The MTB World?
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    I’d have kneecapped her.

    Some people need putting down

    Good to see a couple of sensible, rational, well thought out and considered responses….

    Free Member

    In school kids do what they want and learn bugger all and the GCSE’s that ppl do is a joke-multiple choice and you get marks for choosing the wrong answer…

    Oh dear…

    Free Member

    Oh look, an evil fascist dictator! And General Augusto Pinochet…

    Free Member

    TJ; The flat I rent is ex-council. My rent is 2.5 times what the council rent is. My neighbours who are council tenants are shocked at what I pay.

    Free Member

    Not yet, headfirst. But come on; we want a build-up to the great event, surely? Weeks/months of pain and suffering, allowing betting shops to make a fortune from offering odds on the exact date of her passing. Come on; she’d love that, surely? Entrepreneurial spirit, and all that?

    PS: I actually don’t care if any Thatcherites think me a C for wishing pain and suffering on her. Go and argue that with the families of Argentinian sailors killed on the Belgrano, or with ex-miners…

    Free Member


    Saw one in a Bike Hut a while ago; forget all the full-sussers and othe flash stuff’; I’d rather have that. Lovely frame.

    Houns works for Halfords? You kept that one quiet! 😉

    Free Member


    A vegetarian mate of mine would often produce noxious bum-gas, that was utterly foul and nasty. He always claimed ‘stop making a fuss; it don’t smell’. Dirty bastard. They always stank.

    My farts don’t smell, but I will always refrain from farting in the presence of a lady. Unlike many, I’m a gent.

    Free Member

    Not at all. Most stuff that shops stock can be found cheaper online. Unless the shop offers price matching, or is only slightly more spensive, I’ll buy online.

    Might sound bang out of order, but I will try on clothing/footware in shops, to get the correct size, then buy online, if cheaper. Sorry, but it’s simple economics, I’m afraid. I’ll go where it’s cheaper, and save my moneys. I can’t be losing sleep over the loss to the LBS. Capitalism, right? Survival of the fittest and all that? If the LBS can’t offer the same low price as online, then they lose my custom. Of course, if they’ve got something cheap in a sale, then I might buy from them. Otherwise, it’s often online. Last time I needed a new cassette; the LBS wanted £50. Online, it was £33 inc postage. I’m not throwing away £17, just to prop up an outmoded business model…

    Free Member

    A few years ago, I was lucky enough to catch an exhibition of the work of Albrecht Durer (possibly at the British Museum, I can’t remember).

    This bloke was proper talented:

    Free Member

    Whilst on the Dutch Masters, I’ve always found the Arnolfini Wedding by Jan Van Eyck utterly capivating:

    Free Member

    Oh it’s all going wrong!

    Free Member

    Ah, you’ve sussed it tyger! 😀

    EDIT: at least, I thought you had!

    Stick it back up. STW automatically limits image sizes so they don’t bust the page.

    Free Member

    Would another leader have given in to the Argentinains? Yes- We DO need that oil for the future for many reasons.

    What about the rest of the **** World? Christ, Hora; can you not see past your own nose? 800+ people died for that. So that Thatcher could show how ‘tough’ she was, and win another election. FFS…

    I make no claims to being clued up about Economics, but **** me, Hora; you really do seem clueless at times. Some of you recent posts beggar belief.

    And to compound it, Phil Collins has just come on the radio. ‘Su-Su-Sudio’? WTF are you on about, Phil?

    Are Hora and Phil Collins related?

    Free Member

    stuartie_c – Member

    Rudeboy’s Goya is very striking – what’s the name of the work?

    The 3rd of May 1808.

    Is that a Vermeer, Verbal Kint? Stunning. Look at the light; it’s like a photograph. Long before photography was invented!

    This is a fantastic thread. So much lovely art. Love the Caravaggio; another master of light.

    Free Member

    I’ve worked at both Halfords, and a couple of London LBs’s.

    My experience at Halfords was both frustrating and demoralising. although they had just started the Bike Hut concept, it was no better than what had been before, tbh; just a few shiny spensive bits in a glass case. Still the same shit Apollo rubbish, and a few lower end GTs. Some of the Carreras were ok though.

    I started there really enthusiastic and motivated. Sadly, the team I was in consisted of one person actually passionate about bikes (me), a supervisor who actually hated bikes, and a bunch of young lads who were more inertested in skiving, than actually doing their jobs properly.

    Most of the complaints came on days when I was not in, as the rest of ’em were **** useless, mostly. all the typical ‘bikes falling apart in the car park’ stuff, as they just weren’t arsed enough to bother putting the things together propply.

    I lasted 8 months, and was suspended for the last three of those (on full pay!), ‘cos of a ‘bit of a fracas’…

    I then worked for an outdoor adventure shop, that sold a few bikes, which was pretty boring. Then went to a ‘proper’ bike shop, where I lasted 2 months, before losing my job after a colleague who’d been there a while, and was the son of a close friend of the bosses, made up a pack of lies about all sorts of stuff (later proven to be untrue, and I did get an apology from one of the bosses).

    I then worked at Cycle Scurgery. Oh joy; a proper bike shop, with decent people working there, who actually gave a shit, and worked as a team.

    I’d become bored by then, and was fortunately made ‘redundant’ (never been sacked, me…).

    See, that’s the thing. Anyone with any aspirations beyond the world of bikes won’t be sticking around long enough to make a difference, and most folk in bike shops are just there to get cheap bikes/bits, and be insulted on a monthly basis.

    When you’re getting paid the same as someone in McDonalds, yet are expected to show passion and commitment, as well as an extensive knowledge and understanding of the products/activity you are selling, you are being proper exploited. I have every sympathy with anyone working in a bike shop. I woon’t want to do it again.

    My local Halfords is ok, for grease/cleaning and stuff like the odd innertube, but I woon’t buy a bike from there (this is the same one I worked in, but a lot shitter now). The Evans at Canary Wharf is ok, actually. Helpful, friendly staff, and one lad gave me a light bracket for nowt recently! There was an arsey Aussie manager bloke there, but I can handle people like that easily.

    As for the Scurgery; it’s gone downhill. Still got nice stuff, but it’s nowhere near what it was, sadly (sold up to Snow and Rock; Ben and Steve ran it propply; they were passionate about bikes).

    If I need owt these days, I check it out in a shop, then buy online.

    Unless I need a spoke….

    Free Member

    This thread has lost all pretense of it’s original purpose and should now be closed

    No no hang on…

    One for the ladies; Simonfbarnes, earlier:

    Free Member

    A C-Block H actress would have really impressed me.
    Queen Bea or Vinegar tits ftw.

    Cell Block H rocked!

    I used to fancy the nice warden, Meg Morris.

    Is that wrong of me? 😯

    Actually, a mate of mine once met Queen Bea, Val Lehman. Said she was a lovely, lovely woman; really friendly and kind. Which showed what a good actress she really was; Bea was a right hard bitch in the show.

    Free Member

    You’ve bloody bunged pics of it up at every opportunity! 😯

    At first, I thought it was a gibbon.

    Free Member

    When in the same position last summer, I plumped for the Rock Lobster, as the Inbred wooduv been too long for me.

    Lovely, lovely little bike. I’m actually very surprised at how good it is, considering how cheap it was (£400 with Reba Teams!!!).

    Wharfedale; can we see pics when is built up?? 😀

    Free Member

    You wish you had a barnet like mine, Barnes! At least my hair’s on me head, and not all over me arse…

    DD; you are an utter utter bastard, and have now driven me to alcoholism.

    Cheers! It’s beer o’clock! 😀

    Free Member

    No, I don’t mind being a sex-object; it’s just that I like a nice chat and a cup of tea as well! 🙂

    Free Member

    sootyandjim – Member

    Are you being cremated or buried RB?

    I’m sure there’ll be a few gagging for a jig that day.

    I’m sure there will be. I woon’t want folk to sit around all maudlin. 😀

    Free Member

    You will find few sociologists that do not consider that the Thatcher years had a big part to play in the rise of the underclass we know as “chavs”.

    I’m a Sociologist, and I agree with TJ!

    you must admit to admire the woman at the very least

    Sweet Jesus and Mary Chain… 😯

    Do any of you Thatcherites really think she had all British people’s best inertests at heart, or simply wanted to create an easy to control society, where people would fear and loath their neighbours, and where mistrust and paranoia would facilitate the ‘Divide and Rule’ elitist ideology that has sadly become so inherent in our Nation?

    The recent outcry against the Tube workers’ strike showed perfectly just how many people no longer care about ‘society’, but just themselves. Whilst people may enjoy more material possessions, there is no longer much solidarity between people, and the idea of ‘community’ is little more than a catchy slogan at the odd summer fete, or token effort to make people believe there is still such a thing remaining.

    The onions and attitudes of many people on here serve to highlight the very success of Thatcherite policies; many STWers are little more than curtain-twitching ‘Middle Englanders’, believing that it is they who matter more than anyone else in society. Yes, Thatcherism has succeeded.

    You selfish bastards. You sit there, moaning about the fall in value of your house, or that you can’t quite afford a new car, and blame everyone else for your own lack of fulfillment or achievement. Ask yourselves; what have you done to try and make better, the society you live in?

    Oh, sorry of course; there’s no such thing, is there?

    It’s ok though; just give a few quid a week to charidee, and may all your sins be absolved.

    I’m off to polish my dancing shoes…

    Free Member

    LOL! No wonder he’s bitter! 😆

    No-one’s getting the sausage buttie. I bunged it in the fridge, and am about to eat it now. Too late.

    I met a very nice young lady in the swimming pool. I think she ogled me. I, of course, treated her with utmost respect, and treated her as a person, not an object.

    There is a possibility she may be coming again next week! 😀

    I hope she does not in any way objectify me though. I’m a person, not simply a sex-object…

    Free Member

    Anyone want a sausage buttie? I’ve made two, but tbh, after the first one, I just don’t fancy the other one. Nowt wrong with it, just a bit too much right now. I’m having an apple.

    It’s there if anyone wants it.

    Free Member

    Or, if you want to save a few quid, and the hassle of sending it to a frame repairers:

    Get some Araldite Rapid Steel adhesive. If you can pull the thing out completely, then good. Superglue may be ok, but the Araldite is the stuff. I’ve glued an un-bonded frame back together with it!

    Free Member

    Fairy Liquid and granulated sugar.

    Ditto. Works brilliantly, and much more environmentally friendly than Swarfega (and shitloads cheaper too).

    Make up a mixture before mechanicking, to prevent oily sugar jar.

    Free Member

    Saved the country

    LOL! Funniest thing I’ve heard in ages! 😆

    Nice one mcboo; great Friday afternoon joke!

    Free Member

    LOL! Had a couple last night. 2 days off is pretty good, I think. I’m not going teetotal ffs!

    Reduced intake, 2-3 beer-free nights a week; that’s the plan.

    Free Member

    Bikes? What are they, pray tell??? 😯

    Free Member

    It’s a service, Troutie offers to STW.

    Wonderful. Thank you Troutie! 🙂

    Free Member

    Erin Densham; triathlonist:

    Free Member


    Mia Hamm; footballerist:

    Free Member

    That year was the first I watched the Tour on telly. That final time trial was amazing.

    Free Member

    Sascha Baron-Cohen; erm, Kazhak wrestlist?

    Free Member

    Offal woman?

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    I recently bought some of the same stuff as Stoner, from a local backstreet motorcycle repair place. £3.95 for 500ml.

    I vaguely remember something in a bike shop, going for about £12 for the same thing. **** rip-off.

    Free Member

    Rudey, what does expressing your onion mean? Is it rude?

    It’s like an opinion, but multi-layered.

    It is not rude, but it is a Rudeism.

    Druidh is an onion.

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