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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Free Member

    Mine smell of sunshine.

    And I’ve impressed a fair few ladies with ‘anal dexterity’ ………. I can tell yer.

    All the more so, when they realise that the sun shines ou’ me arrse too.

    You bollocks. You’re a bloody vegetarian! In fact, they stink so bad they buckle the tracks of the Croydon Tramlink!

    I have no desire to know about any ‘anal dexterity’. And nothing shines out of your arse; more like, it is a black pit of infinite despair, which sucks the very life-force from all that goes near it.

    Free Member

    How sick? To the power of Rad?

    Free Member

    I’ve already got some mate! Pity some of you jolly well have not…

    I mentioned that I expected abuse, rather than any actual intelligent responses. and you’ve certainly not let me down, on that score! Sooo predictable. Unable to actually formulate an intelligent response, so you resort to abuse, and attempts to belittle me. Hazzunt worked, has it?

    Seriously, if anyone is actually capable of something intelligent, I’ll give it some consideration.

    Free Member

    I’m a what, RR? No, go on; don’t be shy.

    Spell it out on separate lines, if you wish to avoid the swear filter. 8)

    Free Member

    Reels ’em in… 😀

    Too easy. Just, too easy….

    Free Member

    I’m glad I score so highly in your estimation of me. 😀

    Free Member

    Thatcher’s more popular than Bliar you know – and many more

    McDonalds is more popular than any other food retail chain…

    Free Member

    LOL, this from someone who wishes another human being (Thatch) dead.

    And that’s got exactly what to do with this particular topic?

    Utterly predictable responses. Attack the person, yet fail to respond to what they say.

    My 2p’s worth anyhow….

    Not even worth that, tbh.

    Free Member

    I am well aware that Swadey is just trying to be humourous. From previous posts of his, I can see nothing that would make me believe he is homophobic at all. I’m not accusing him of being so. But I find the ‘laughing off’ of the incident, and the hate from those vile individuals, as a tad unsettling. Personally, I would be reporting the incident, and making a point of the hate crime committed. As I would if I witnessed racist or misogynist behaviour. I don’t see why such behaviour should be tolerated at all, in our society, and that only by speaking out, can it be addressed.

    Personally, I’m sick of all this ‘gay/jey/ghey’ ‘banter’ on here, and the way that being ‘gay’ is to be an object of derision; homosexuality is seen by too many people as undesirable, and something which deserves attack. And people are very quick to defend their homophobic attitudes, I notice. Homophobia does not exclusively manifest itself in the form of a neanderthal hate-filled thug; it exists in all sorts of seemingly innocuous forms, such as in some casual comments made on here, far too often.

    All I’ve asked for, is that people might give a moment to consider their own attitudes. That this has been met with abuse and insults, sadly does not in any way surprise me. It seems that quite a few are simply not mature enough to be able to face up to their own prejudices. I can understand this; that takes some courage. People can’t help being weak-minded.

    Inertestingly; those who are quick to abuse me, jolly well have not actually offered any intelligent response to my comments. Had they done so, I might respect their onions more. As it is, I will treat their childish and stupid comments with the respect they deserve; none.

    I’ll continue to challenge what I perceive to be phobic attitudes. And I won’t really care if others object to this. If you’ve got an argument, state it intelligently and with conviction. Resorting to abuse is cowardly and pathetic.

    Free Member

    “DVLA office, the queue”

    Brilliant! When’s that coming out? Can’t wait!

    Free Member

    So Project and rudeboy, looking back on the old days through highly selective rose tinted spectacles is a mistake. You need to look forward!

    Eh? Where did I say that the ‘Olden Days’ were better than today? Have you actually read my post propply? Have you understood it? I’ll help with any questions you might have, if you’re having difficulty with it.

    collecting two weekly dole cheques to the tune of £513

    Because of course, that’s how much you get, in Jobseekers’ Allowance, these days… 🙄

    The rest of your post just sounded like a Sun reader’s rant, so I just skimmed it.

    I am impressed at your optimism, though, and applaud your bright outlook. Things aren’t as bad as they’re made out to be, most of the time.

    Free Member

    Nice self portrait, headfirst. Very apt forum name, too!

    I got a mouthful of homophobic abuse from the passengers in the back (to be fair, I was in lycra…)

    I got a mouthful of racist abuse from the passengers in the back (to be fair, I had quite a tan…)

    See, it’s almost as though Swadey is somehow condoning the actions of these nubskulls; as though he can understand their desire to abuse someone they see as different to themselves.

    Whilst their actions are disgusting, Swadey’s comments seem to suggest ‘ah well, I was asking for it, wearing lycra’. That’s the bit I have a problem with. That he himself associates the wearing of lycra with homosexuality. And that homosexuality is somehow a ‘crime’; ‘deviant’ behaviour that deserves to be treated with fear and hate. I’ve requested an explanation of this, yet not received a suitable reply.

    it’s a forum that regards most lycra clad roadies as deviants from the norm…

    Is it? Or is that simply the view of a few numpties who want to have someone else to point and laugh at, so they can feel better than them, and about themselves?

    I know this has made some of you feel very uncomfortable, and your anger towards me does not in any way come as any surprise.

    But before you get all het up; have a little think about what I’ve written.

    Of course, I can’t help it if you’re a bit thick, and don’t get it. I’ve explained things clearly enough now.

    Free Member

    No offense was intended by my comments. It was meant to illustrate the narrowness of these people’s minds.

    It seems rather to have illustrated your own issues, I fear.

    Nice bit of back-pedaling there, Swadey.

    Still does not in any way explain how it would be somehow more understandable/justified that these Cs threw cans at you, believing you to be homosexual, though.

    Your comments seem to suggest that their assumption that you were homosexual was somehow borne out by you wearing lycra. Funny, I’ve never thought of lycra as a particularly homosexual clothing material, as the vast majority of those I’ve met wearing lycra cycling gear have been heterosexual. I may be being naive here, but I fail to see the association, somehow. Of course, if you can show me that wearing lycra has a direct correlation with the wearer’s sexuality, then I’d be inertested in seeing the evidence.

    And just because a few knob-heads on here think it’s ok to call roadies or lycra wearers ‘deviant’s or ‘gay/jey/ghey’ etc, does not in any way make it any more acceptable.

    As for the negative and insulting comments being directed towards me; well, I expect that, tbh. Just shows the depth of phobia and ignorance in some people.

    Free Member

    I’ve expressed sympathy.

    I got a mouthful of homophobic abuse from the passengers in the back (to be fair, I was in lycra…)

    So, from that, wearing lycra = being homosexual? And the abuse would be somehow justified? 😯

    I asked for an explanation of what Swadey meant.

    jolly well have not got one yet…

    Jeez RB, give it a rest

    What, and not challenge lazy and ignorant comments?

    So, from what you’re saying, if you were actually homosexual, and dressed in lycra, then it would be more understandable that you had abuse hurled at you?

    Free Member

    and it’s a forum that regards most lycra clad roadies as deviants from the norm…

    So, you’re saying that homosexuals are ‘deviants from the norm’, then?

    Please define this ‘norm’ of which you speak.

    Free Member

    Hampstead Heath?

    Free Member

    I got a mouthful of homophobic abuse from the passengers in the back (to be fair, I was in lycra…)

    So, homophobia is justified if the target is dressed in lycra?? 😯

    I take it you’ve reported this to police, rather than just mouthing off on a forum…

    BTW; nasty incident, and good that you’re ok. People who do things like this are scum.

    Free Member

    Ta. Glad some bugger read it!

    Free Member

    Not very nice though, is it?

    Blokes asked for the possibility of a lift, and it descends into regional stereotyping…

    Ay, calm down like…

    Free Member

    Here goes…

    Older people hark back to the zero crime era, when you could leave the back door open, yes probably true, because we had sod all to nick,and everyone was the same.

    Hard to assess whether there was less crime then, as detection and reporting of crime has increased. Praps there was less media hysteria, and people din’t fear the spectre of crime in the way they do today. And people had far less material goods of value. As for ‘everyone was the same’; seems that most people were simply ‘working class’, back then, and therefore maybe felt more social solidarity with their neighbours. Maybe the imposition of the class system, and it’s inherent ideologies encouraged people to believe they were firmly rooted within their own social group, and that it would be foolish to attempt to break away from the safety that the group offered. Immigration, bringing peoples with differing cultural habits and values, has further blurred distinctions, and led to communities becoming smaller and more specific.

    We had no Paedophiles,just men that your parents warned you about, and some nice older men that didnt have kids that gave you sweets.

    Paedophillia and other sexually motivated crimes were certainly not discussed openly, nor reported in the media, to anywhere near the extent that it is now. The taboos surrounding sex have been gradually lifted, to the point where people are no longer as ‘shocked’ by revelations of sexually motivated crimes. There is also certainly far more emphasis on the victims of such crimes now, whereas previously, people might have been loathe to admit that they had been a victim, such was the social stigma attached to such crimes. Media hysteria has unfortunately created a myth of paedophilia, which is far greater than the reality. Paedophiles are praps easier to detect, thanks to electronic surveillance.

    We played in the streets and rode our bikes without fear of the neighbours from hell,shouting and being abusive.

    People accepted that kids make noise, and were probbly too busy with manual chores to be worked up about it. Now, people lounge in front of the telly, and expect the whole world around them to be silent. Media hysteria of ‘delinquent hoodie youths’ has helped fan the flames of intolerance. Kids are no longer kids, they are ‘youths’. There are far more older teenagers with little to do, it seems; previously, many of them wooduv been working, and therefore not inertested in hanging around estates after dark. The disintegration of the family unit has led to kids becoming increasingly disenfranchised, and there no longer seems to be familial discipline in the manner there used to be. Lots more absent fathers adds to the disenfranchisement. CCTV shows just what the kids are up to, in glorious technicolour.

    we respected the Police, now we dont.

    Again, more transparency in the way the police are run, greater public access to information, and increased media scrutiny has led to disillusionment with the police, which has then in turn led to increased mistrust and revulsion.

    We had little idea of the fiddles the MPs got up to.

    Heh! They’ve always been at it, but in today’s ‘Surveillance Society’, it’s harder for them to justify it. It’s probbly no worse than ever before, and may possibly not be as bad!

    We went to work, or we didn’t have money.

    The disintegration of the Family, and local Communities, has meant that the needy are increasingly reliant on the state, for support, where they may have been looked after by family previously.

    We respected our Elders, now they’re seen as a hindrance, holding us up.

    In truth, they’ve always been a ‘hindrance’, once they outlive their economic usefulness. The Elderly are further devalued in a society of the New, the Immediate, the Latest Must-Have. The acceptance that one has to look after Granny has dissolved; Granny no longer has the value as the family elder, passing down knowledge and skills to younger generations. The ever-changing workplace and nature of the economic system, mean that those skills are very often no longer needed, and their knowledge is no longer relevant. Very sad.

    Far too simplistic, I know, but I’m not sitting here all weekend.

    Basically, it’s the Media and Thatcher’s fault, probbly.

    Free Member

    I’ve been saying this for ages on here, every time some blinkered fool wails on about how it’s ‘all gone bad’, ‘country’s gone to the dogs’ or whatever.

    Stoner; I don’t think anyone was suggesting you need to beat yourself up about it; why go on about birches and self-flagellation? Seems to be in your head more than it is elsewhere. Do you feel guilty?

    ‘Take a look at what you cooduv won’.

    No thanks, I have no need for a speedboat. Load of hassle, tbh.

    Free Member

    I know a few round here, Stoner, but you’d have shat yer pants before getting within 3 miles of them…

    Trouble with late night places on a weekend, is that they tend to get very busy, as people still wanting to carry on drinking will flock to wherever is still open. Hence why quite a few late-night drinking dens are more lock-ins, and don’t let anyone but regulars in after normal closing time.

    Another problem is the licensing. Pubs tend to be in more residential areas than clubs, and often find it difficult to get late licenses. Local residents don’t often take kindly to pissed up revellers urinating in their doorways, falling on their cars and generally waking everyone up.

    Good luck with your quest.

    Free Member

    Oy vey… 😯

    Free Member

    Yeah, but that’s not really Ska, is it?

    This is Ska!

    This is Ska!

    Free Member

    You ‘avin’ another? What’cher drinkin’, Special Brew?

    Free Member

    Well, you just watch it, ‘cos if you come dahyn ear, and start giving it wiv all the bunny, we’ll ‘ave to give you a bit of the old Inner London Violence…

    Free Member

    Please don’t. 😯

    Free Member

    you will be agreeing with rudeboy

    It is the only way.

    In political terms, it is One Step Beyond….

    Free Member

    Shame there’s so much FHM stuff keeps appearing.

    I’m sorry. I admit the Simonfbarnes pic is gratuitous… 🙁

    Free Member

    Why not Margaret, if it’s a girl? That way, she could be named after someone you deeply admire!

    Or Dennis, if it’s a boy… 😉

    Free Member

    I’d fix your puncture anytime, CG… 😉

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Come on. read abit more into history and not wikipedia.


    You should have your own stand-up show, Hora!

    Free Member

    at the end of the day everyone else was behind her…

    Were they? I know shit loads of people that weren’t.

    as a fairly dispassionate observer of the Rudeboy vs Hora spat I’d just like to say that Mr Rudeboy comes over as a slighty hysterical SWP magazine waver which tends to colour the appreciation of his sub tabloid type argument. Just an observation of course….

    As regards Thatcher – isn’t it time that all y’all (as we say here in Texas) got over her – it was some time ago……

    Ah, Texas….

    …that bastion of free-thinking and open mindedness.

    As for Hora; well, by his own admission, he was not old enough to really remember much about Thatcher’s reign, so I’ll let him off. He’s also a bit, well, you know…

    Forgive him; for he knoweth bugger all about what he spouteth…

    Free Member

    I really like a lot of the posters from the 20s and 30s especially travel ones like this and the ones of the railways.

    Ooh yes! Art Deco ones! I love those!

    Free Member

    Sebastiao Salgado:

    I almost wet myself, when I first saw that, in an exhibition at the Hayward.

    Free Member


    Equivalent VIII

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh, it’s so nice to see people appreciating art! Keep it coming, folks!

    DD; That head looks like it’s made of wood. I want to believe it’s beer…

    Time for a bit of tography:

    The Master; Henri Cartier-Bresson:

    Man Ray:

    (I know it’s nudey ladies, mods, but it’s ok, because it’s ‘art’! 😀 )


    Feel free to slag off my one. I make no claim to being anywhere near the same league as the two above, but I enjoy me tography.

    Free Member

    LOL! £17 is not ‘a bit higher’, it’s considerably higher.

    Morals? MORALS????

    Have you ever worked in retail? 😯

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