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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    i thought this was going to be a dating thread


    Would you like to go for a drink/meal/film some time?

    Free Member

    I’ve been trialling a top-secret sonic weapon, against the local kids who hang around outside the shops below, making noise. Basically, very high-frequency sounds above 16KHz, that I can’t hear, played through my hi-fi, at loud volume. Continuous tone was not very effective, but an 18/16KHz pulse seems to be quite good. A mate of mine is looking into having someone at his work rig up a 40-watt system, that can be placed out on my balcony, and operated from inside.

    Of course, this is no good for you, as you have a little one who will hear it, but simliar systems have proven to be very effective; kids can’t stand the noise, and bugger off. Everyone who’s older, is not at all affected by it. My neighbours are observing the trials with great inertest.

    Such devices do of course violate children’s Human Rights. Sonic weapons are banned under the Geneva convention.

    This is not Geneva, however… 😈

    Free Member

    What a lovely little ray of sunshine yo are, G… 🙂

    Midlife; The example you posted is a bit cliched and derivative, praps, but still fairly well executed. I don’t think people should graffiti up trains, really, although boring grey Tube trains are sometimes jazzed up nicely with a bit of good graffiti.

    Graffiti has moved on a bit, though, from the 80’s hip-Hop style, although it’s nice to se homage to that era, if it’s done well.

    Sickboy and Sweet Toof are two contemporary artists who’s work you will see around London:

    Free Member

    the vanity of it is a bit tedious and the good stuff just seems to breed a mess of rubbish.

    You’ve not been to the Tat Modern lately, I take it? 🙂

    Free Member

    Flippin’ ‘eck! Don’t that supercharger on Epicyclo’s Morris Minor constitute a ‘visual obstruction’? 😯

    Managed my longest ever powerslide around Sainburys carpark.

    You are irresponsible, immature, selfish, inconsiderate, arrogant and represent all that is wrong with our society.

    People like you are a disgrace, and give all responsible, considerate drivers a bad name.

    Can I be in the passenger seat next time it’s icy??? 😀

    Free Member

    But make sure you have a very very good pension, to continue paying rent after you retire.

    Elderly people are entitled to Council Housing…

    Free Member

    Since the Thatcher sell off legislation there is such a shortage of council houses and flats your chance is zero.

    I think this is an invocation of ‘RudeBoy’s Law‘; ie, it’s always Thatcher’s fault, ultimately. 😀

    TJ and Ton are right; unless you have children and are on very low income, or have a debilitating illness/disability, or are considered ‘vulnerable’, most urban councils will not even look at you. Which is correct, really. Council housing should be for those with the most need, and who are unable to secure adequate housing for themselves.

    Sadly, the number of people who do deserve and need social housing is ever increasing. Thatcher’s lot may have made a fast buck, from the sale of social housing stock, but the reality now is that the cost of housing the needy in privately owned housing is costing the Nation a shitload more than Council housing ever did.

    Might sound a bit harsh, but if you can’t afford to buy, then you should either make efforts to have a more financially rewarding career, or just accept it, and continue to rent. Renting is not that bad; you may not end up owning a property (something that does not in any way bother loads of people in France, or the US, for example), but then you don’t have the hassle of having to pay for every tiny little cost associated with home ownership. And you can relocate at the drop of a hat, almost. Renting does give you freedom to change your lifestyle/job/career/surroundings whenever you wish.

    You’re still in a position to put a roof above your own head. That’s not so bad, is it?

    Free Member

    You’d permanently disable someone for causing possibly rectifiable damage to a car? 😯

    That would simply be criminal damage, anyway, as there’s no attempt to be creative at all. Not comparable to graffiti, really, other than the fact that paint is utilised.

    Graffiti is a tricky issue. If it’s done with a degree of ‘responsibility’, I doubt anyone could argue against it’s validity as artistic expression; sadly, there is too much ‘vandalism’.

    Free Member

    dimwit little keyboarded face mop hair teenager


    Free Member

    Can’t be bothered with this shit any more, but this is brilliant:

    ‘The democratic process’ means being presented with a number of overflowing sewers and then deciding which one stinks less.

    So, so true…

    Free Member

    **** cheek. Is that where I’d have to sit? You’d put me in the back of the motor, like a dog?

    Bastards. I bet you’d leave me in there all day, too, whilst youse go off for a nice bikey.

    Probbly not even leave a window cracked open, or any water. In the sweltering heat, too.

    Utter bastards.

    Free Member

    Rudeboy’s rather naive take on the legal system is that committing an offence automatically leads to sanction,

    Where did I say that?

    You’d be a rubbish lawyer. Don’t give up yer day job… 😉

    vying for attention with adverts that people have paid to put up

    That’s an inertesting one. Personally, I hate seeing huge billboards all over the place. some ads are eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing, but most are just a form of ‘visual vandalism’, to me. Sadly, the Law protects their imposition.

    Free Member

    Terpishore wins! Brant; you fail.

    Free Member

    BWD sorry but I do not do highschool girls…

    Just as well you don’t live round here. Then, you’d have to deal with kids….

    Free Member

    I disagree. The law does distinguish between them.

    No it does not in any way. If you spray something somewhere where you don’t have permission to do so, you are committing an offence. That is the Law.

    Whether or not the police etc decide to implement it, is another matter. A lot of the more creative graffiti is tolerated, if the building owner is not bothered about it. A lot of the time, it simply is not in the Public Inertest, to utilise police/legal resources, to pursue and prosecute ‘offenders’. The Offence remains, however.

    Free Member

    The trouble is, that where you may have a few real top notch artists such as the likes of Banksy, for everyone of them, there are 1000+ little shites running round with spray cans from B&Q tagging their own areas with ” Young Team Rulez ” and similar tat.

    True dat. And that is a huge problem. Sadly, the Law does not in any way distinguish between ‘art’ and ‘fart’.

    It is certainly a tricky one. One one hand, you’ve got the unconstrained creative freedom, and the other, simply vandalism. Responsible artists will get permission, where possible, quite often. But there is the anarchic element; commissioned or tolerated works aren’t ‘true’ to the ethos of Graffiti.

    Free Member

    You could do with your face sprayed up, make it less ugly. 😈

    Free Member

    Well, what about, convicted Graffiti artists being made to work in crack clean-up squads? So, if you have your property vandalised, you can ‘phone them up, and they will come and clean it up for you, FOC? That would save the taxpayer millions every year, and may dissuade the ‘vandals’ from trashing bus stops and tube trains and that.

    I think spraying up someone’s private property is out of order, but the proper ‘artists’ don’t do stuff like that; they tend to stick to stuff where a bit of graffiti won’t matter. Like under motorways, and on old warehouses and along train lines. Places where it actually is of some aesthetic benefit, IMO. Many a dull wall has been enlivened by a nice bit of graffiti.

    Free Member

    Good question. These blokes were ‘vandalising’ trains, as far as I can tell from the BBC article. We’ve had no examples of their work.

    I really don’t think jailing people for such crimes is appropriate. As for ‘the answer’ to this tricky issue, I dunno. But Toxo9 has been banged up, apparently, and it hazzunt stopped them, as jail does not in any way stop yer serial sex attackers, murderers and career criminals.

    Free Member

    I’ve always thought Schlepp is Yiddish, as Chakaping has pointed out. My Jewish friends use the expression, as do I , and quite a few people I know in London. I have no idea if it has some contemporary Yute symbolism.

    As for ‘Brap’, that’s the sound my bottom makes after I’ve had a curry and beer…

    Free Member

    Nice one, Jalopy! Good stuff.

    I’d love to visit Iran. Maybe one day…

    Free Member

    I was never a fan of that fluffy airy stuff anyway. Always prefered something denser. Lasted longer, you got yer money’s worth. And Mr Whippy would melt in 5 seconds, on a hot day.

    I knew something weren’t right about it, even then.

    Free Member

    No, but I’m excited by this Barbie table football game:

    Free Member

    Why are you so ‘orrible, Ernie?

    (BTW, I sent you an email. Not that you ever bother to check yer emails…)

    Free Member

    Is that Ting Tong, from Tooting?

    Soory, Doog. I had a neighbour from the subcontinent. Married, but that din’t put me off (in fact it makes me worserer). It’s the Cobra link; I saw her one day, drinking a bottle.

    Miserable cah, though, now I remember. Never **** smiled. 🙁

    Free Member

    Pink Mustang! That was my first MTB! 36lbs of 15-speed Hi-Tensile steel goodness…

    Free Member

    Shitting Jesus; I want a Troutelite 6er, for the trails in Epping. something like that will instantly dry all the mud, and my bike won’t get filthy!

    That is ridiculous, mate. And to think, me and some mates first went night-riding with those Smart 10W lead-acid battery jobbies!

    Free Member

    I’ve just had impure thoughts. It involves a neighbour at a place I used to live at.

    It’s your fault, Doog.

    Free Member

    Walter? How TF can a bike be called ‘Walter’?

    What a preposterous suggestion…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Dur! Just drink extra beer then!


    Free Member

    Ah bollocks! ‘Last delivery 11pm’. Yarbles. 🙁

    Free Member

    Had Chinese food earlier in the week. tell you what, I could right fancy some grilled dumplings right now…

    (Toddles off to find take-away menu)

    Free Member

    No-one is elected to Prime Minister, you twonk. You vote for your local Member of Parliament. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the majority of MPs elected to the House of Commons.

    And you talk about reading, rather than gaining info from Wiki?? You don’t even know how Parliamentary elections work! S’not the USA, you know! We don’t have a President (yet).

    And I have no idea to whom you are referring as my ‘Dear Leader’.

    Free Member


    Only way I’ve noticed, is when a fox shat in our garden, one place I lived. A dog had shat on a bit of grass outside, the same day. It was Summer. I noticed the dogshit was still there 3 weeks later! The fox shit had long gone. I deduced that this was ‘cos dogs are fed dogfood which contains preservatives, thus extending the faecal decomposition period.

    I concede this was not an entirely scientific test…

    Free Member

    It’s Human shit that stinks the worst. We eat so many preservatives, the natural biodegration is retarded, thus it takes far longer for our shit to break down and stop being ‘orrible and nasty. Notice how dogshit takes longer to break down than fox shit? That’s because there are preservatives in dogfood. Not natural.

    Free Member

    Well, I’m considering one, as I need something small and lightweight. Ideally, a little netbook with a 10″ screen would be great, but Apple don’t do owt like that yet. But the Macbook Pro is pretty small and light.

    I jolly well have not read owt really bad about it’s construction, so far, and they seem to be pretty reliable.

    If you jolly well have not used a Mac before, you may be pleasantly surprised. Many converts to Mac I know, ove them. The Operating System is very easy to get used to, and using things like Wi-Fi, printers, cameras etc is a doddle. Plenty of excellent software built in, and things do ‘just work’ a bit easier than a PC.

    Spensive, mind, although I am biased, and think they are worth it.

    Free Member

    Wozza – Member

    Shameless Ad

    I’m selling my iBook G4 apple Mac. 12″ screen, huge battery life, OSX, carry case etc…..£350

    Not being funny, but that’s a hell of a lot, for at least a 3/4 year-old laptop, based on outdated architecture, with limited compatibility with many current applications. I’ve been looking at getting a Mac lappy, and for that sort of money, I’d expect an Intel-based MacBook as minimum, unless you’re including a decent genuine software bundle with it (Adobe CS, Final Cut Pro, etc.).

    Good luck with flogging it, but I can’t help thinking you’d struggle to sell it at that price. Even at half that, I still think you’d have problems. For eg.; a mate of mine recently sold a similar vintage 15″ Powerbook G4, a much better specced model, for £200.

    Not wishing to piss on your chips, just trying to be realistic.

    I’d still rather have that than any Windoze thing though. I’m hoping Apple come out with a net-booky type thing in the next few months, tbh, although the new Macbook Pro 13″ looks very, very lovely…

    Free Member

    I Loled @ gizzardman! 😆

    Free Member

    I’m with you on that one, Ernie. Nowt like it before, or since.

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