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  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    And it’s a bigger world out there than you seem to realise sometimes.

    It is indeed a bigger World than I can even imagine…

    I won’t pretend I’m some World-weary traveller, who’s had amazing experiences in far flung places. There are the odd occasions where I wonder if I should’ve gone abroad a bit more, maybe even tried living elsewhere for a bit, just to gain an outside perspective, if nothing else.

    London’s not the most perfect place on Earth (not that such a place could even exist anyway), I’ve never suggested that. It’s dirty, smelly and full of Cs. But it’s also got it’s good points, loads of them.

    I never tire of the place, I’m always up for seeing more of it, learning new things. And I love being part of it all. I’m sorry if you can’t see things in the same way, and as I’ve said, it’s not for everyone. It has many failings, but which huge city hasn’t?

    I disagree with some of your views on London. IMO, as someone who probbly has seen more of it than most, I feel I have the right to disagree, and also defend my Home. I’m sure you can appreciate that. So, slag it off all you like; don’t expect me to agree with you.

    Look; beautiful:

    Free Member

    Cheeze, chill out…

    Will I always be an outsider in this great, welcoming, multiculti, metropolis?

    Only if you want to be.

    (BTW; YGM)

    Free Member

    So when I was scanning the forum a couple of days ago and I saw a thread by him titled :Get ready; it’s a RudeBoy rant….. I thought “probably a load of nonsense – I think I’ll give it a miss”

    Which, let’s face it,was probbly a very intelligent and well-considered decision, because in fact, that’s what it was, mostly. Nonsense…

    Free Member

    Can’t it just be enough that London is an interesting place with some great nightlife, culture etc, rather than having to pretend that it’s also scenically stunning and a mountain biking mecca as well?

    I don’t think anyone is pretending it’s some kind of mountain biking mecca…

    Free Member

    I tried to help London, but London wasn’t willing to listen.

    What did you do, to ‘try and help’?

    Maybe you just came here, like so many others, expecting the streets to be paved in gold, and found instead dogshit.

    I could probbly slag London off more than any of youse could manage. But I instead prefer to be positive. London as a city has stagnated, and is slowly rebuilding itself. Not always for the good, but overall, the London I know now, is a better London than when I was a child. Having spent 37 years here, I’d say that gives me a pretty good idea of what change has actually occured, than some outsider who’s only seen a small fraction of it, for a relatively short period of time. Sody; I know loads of people who work hard to make this city a better place. Work that many people just don’t see, or appreciate. Comments like yours are hardly encouraging or respectful.

    If you don’t like it here, **** off back where you belong…

    Or, if you want to be a little less reactionary;

    If it’s not the place you dreamed of, or you feel it hasn’t got what you want, then try elsewhere. Staying here isn’t going to make you any happier, is it?

    A mate of mine moved back to North Wales, after living here for years. He’s happier up there now, and good luck to him. Means I get somewhere to stay, when I want to go biking there!

    Free Member

    Anyway, the OP was concerned with not being able to find much MTBing to be had down here!

    And as before; there’s not tons, but what little there is, is surprisingly good, and links to other places are very good.

    Must be a tough one, to contemplate leaving the biking you’ve known behind, but then there are possibly new horizons to explore, new things to be found. A city like this can certainly give you thrills and spills of a different kind!

    La Paz has better scenery, Paris has better restaurants, Oslo is greener, Rome probably has better opera

    ..and Cairo is older, Mexico City is bigger, Tokyo is busier, Geneva is cleaner, Rekyavik is more Arctic, etc…

    London is still unique.

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered with this any more. It will just descend into the usual London-baiting it always does.

    London is not the place for everyone. It’s my home town, and I doubt I’d find many other cities, globally, I’d be at home in, as much as I am here. And I’ve seen one or two. I’d certainly not give up living in London, for any other city in the UK, that’s for sure. would be like taking a backward step; going from a Ferrari to a Mondeo.

    I’m an Urbanite, not a country dweller. The countryside is a place where I can go and relax, occasionally, although I get a bit bored after a short time, tbh. I prefer the immediacy and close proximity to everything, in London. That’s me, I don’t expect everyone else to be the same.

    The great think about the UK is that if you don’t like one spot, you can always move, provided you’re relatively affluent. If you want to live in the countryside, fine. if you prefer Edinburgh to London, fine.

    Just accept, also, that others don’t share your point of view. And just because you may believe yourself to be oh so enlightened and clever, still does not in any way mean you know more than others, or that your onion is anyway more valid.

    One of the good things about London, is that it is relatively easy to leave. So, if you’re not happy here, then go. Find somewhere else, where you’ll be happy.

    Because those of us that do want to stay here, will still be happy, regardless of what choices you make, trust me. I’m not bothered one way or another, whether you chose to stay or not. Just don’t moan about it.

    Just out of interest, Sody; where you planning on heading next? Team effort, or solo venture? Whatever, hope it works out well for you. Seems London just weren’t the place for you. Nothing ventured, though, eh?

    Say you move around a wee bit, and get a different perspective on things in a few years…you might realise that London is what it is

    I’ve got a pretty odd idea of what it is, and I’m happy with it. I love the place!

    Free Member

    No thanks. I’ll trust in your research!

    Free Member

    That’s my advice… it’s priceless.

    Don’t be so hard on yerself, Sody; I’ll give you a quid for it! 😀

    Free Member

    And I can quite happily wander around at night without the risk of getting mugged.

    In Edinburgh?

    Come on mate; you might be loyal to the place, but that’s ridiculous! 😆

    Free Member

    LOL! @ Onion.

    Be honest, when it comes to weather, the opposite is true, really, is not it? 😀

    Good photoshopping, mind. Is that Canada?

    Free Member

    I’d say the best advice would come from someone into culture and mountain biking, who has lived in London, as well as other cities, and countries.

    That person happens to be me.


    But you’re bitter and twisted, sodafarls! you’d be a miserable sod wherever you lived! 😉

    BTW; I’m not expressing an onion about Scotland, as I’ve never been there (I have mentioned this). I just don’t feel and real significant desire to visit the place, when there are more attractive propositions on offer, culturally and economically. I’m sure Scotland is a fabulous place, in it’s own right. It just does not in any way appeal to me personally. Of course, I might be pleasantly surprised, were I to go there, but I’d rather spend me money go somewhere like Spain, France, Italy or Scandinavia, where I’d find loads more in the way of cultural and regional difference.

    You know how some people rave about visiting India; I’d rather visit Japan. The myth of Japan would be more exciting to me.

    That sort of thing.

    Free Member

    If it’s the London Olympics does that mean that tax contributions from the rest of England, Wales, NI, IoM, and Scotland are not being used?

    Londoners are paying loads more per person for the Olympics than those elsewhere in Britain. So that athletes from all over Britain, and indeed the World, can compete in the biggest sporting spectacular on the planet.

    Proir to London ‘winning’ the games, cities from all around the World were invited to compete for the privilege. Weren’t Birmingham also pitching for it?

    London won. Therefore, the Games are to be held in and around London. Not in Wales, or in Scotland, or anywhere else. London. It’s the ‘London Olympics’, not the the ‘London, Wales, Scotland and other assorted parts of the UK Olympics.’ It’s a city based event, not a countrywide one.

    Right. Got that one sorted out?

    So, as for MTBing sites around london; the site chosen would have to fulfil criteria of suitability; access, transportation, medical/emergency provision, telecoms, etc. Hadleigh Park has ben chosen because it was the location that best bet the IOC criteria. Go and moan to them, if you feel it’s the wrong decision.

    MTBing, believe it or not, is a pretty insignificant sport, compared to athletics, weightlifting, gymnastics and syncronised swimming. So, it’s not going to be in the best, most lavish setting, with the most incredible facilities. It’s little more than a demonstration sport, tbh. How many people worldwide do you seriously think will want to watch a 2-hour XC race? 5 minutes of late-night summary will be about all it gets on most networks. How much XC racing do you watch anyway?

    The road race, by contrast, will have many more well-known ‘stars’, and will not require any special course construction. It’s route will invariably take it past several of London’s famous landmarks, and provide a far more exciting spectacle. I doubt I’ll schlep to watch the mtbing, but I will be watching the road race, for sure.

    Free Member

    Welcome to the Family, My Child….

    Free Member

    I lived in London for two years and it’s a dump

    Obviously, living there for such a long time has enabled you to see and experience every facet, every single nuance of the Greatest Metropolis on Earth…. 🙄

    Ok, so it was not for you. Fair enough. TBH, I’d hate Scotland for more than a holiday. Everyone’s different. I have a mate in Edinburgh, from that town, who lived here for 8 years or more. He says he’d rather be living back here in London.

    You see, the thing some of you fail to grasp, is that mountain biking is not the be-all and end-all of our lives. Many of us choose to enjoy a myriad other activities outside of mountain biking. Personally, I see myself as a cyclist who enjoys a spot of mtbing. I’d say MTBing is perhaps 5-10% or my leisure interests. The rest is in all sorts of other areas. Therefore, living 2 seconds from ‘fabulous trails’ is not high on the list of priorities, for me.

    Now, I know this may sound strange, for some of you, that others may enjoy activities that don’t involve riding bikes off road all the time, but there you go.

    I’m glad you think London is a dump. Means people like you won’t hang around here for very long. You still came and lived here for 2 years though, didn’t you? I doubt I’ll ever set foot in Scotland, other than perhaps for a short holiday, or to visit someone. You see, if I fancy some proper mountains, it’s actually cheaper and easier for me to jump on a plane and fly to the Alps, the Pyrenees, or wherever. Is Scotland a dump? I doubt it very much. Never been there, so I can’t comment. Does it have enough to make me want to come? Not really. Expensive, not the best weather, judging by many comments on this forum, I may not be as welcome as I may elsewhere, and other places seem more exciting to me.

    As for getting to trails; I can be in Epping Forest in less than 25 minutes. And most of the journey there is away from traffic. I appreciate that getting to other places takes a bit longer, but I’m quite willing to accept that, as it’s a small price to pay for living in London. I’m only a short way from some of the World’s most prestigious art galleries, concert halls, music venues, universities and sports facilities. In a year or so, I’ll be living only a couple of miles away from a state of the art Olympic velodrome.

    As for saying are the trails as good as those in Scotland, Wales etc; well, what there is around London is surprisingly good, actually. I, and many others, enjoy them. Make the most of what you’ve got.

    Sounds like you came here with a narrow mind. Shame it wasn’t expanded a bit.

    Free Member

    Why don’t you ask one, Hora? 😯

    StuN, this is what you want:

    Free Member

    BigDummy – Member
    with Human sacrifices and that

    We have just found a use for Hora.

    Cheeze; if you offered him up as a sacrifice, you’d only anger the Gods further! 😯

    Free Member

    Can I have a hug please, Stoner? 🙁

    Free Member

    Get the money up front….

    Don’t assume people will pay you on time. Loads won’t, and will need ‘reminding’. A contract clause charging X% per day over a certain time limit, helps to encourage prompt payment.

    And always have something for a rainy day.

    Free Member

    reckon if I had to live with you for any length of time, even Spayne would start to seem pretty tempting.

    LOL! Even I’d agree with that one! 😆

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Well, I don’t force you to read it! 😀

    Back of the net…

    Free Member

    Drac; maybe a little lie down will help…

    BD; as a lawyer, you’ll no doubt be aware of the long queues, at yer average Magistrates’ Courts, for the Council tax fines bit.

    Care to hazard a guess how much it costs, to try and recoup the moneys from those what jolly well have not paid?

    And people like my old flatmate; faced with a large amount of CT, she appears to have fled the country. What if she’d been the only person liable? They’d get nothing at all.

    Not a bad effort, mate, and better than most of the Vogons on here, but Could Do Better.

    Free Member

    BTW; it is so nice, that so many of you must pay so much attention to my posts, to be able to remeber stuff even I’ve forgotten!

    Shows my words stick inside your minds. I am flattered that I have such an influence on you all. Most of youse, I can’t remember what insignificant cobblers you come up with from one day to another.

    Thank you for your unwavering support. God Bless you all!

    (Signed postcards will be available for just £9.99 inc £4.99 p+p)

    Free Member

    What are you on about, TM? ❓

    The main argument against your proposal is that it would make it harder for councils to gather the money they need to pay for services.

    Erm, but they might have more who are willing to pay a lesser amount, so your argument is negated.

    The Community Charge failed, because it was unfair.

    What I am proposing is not the Cummunity Charge. It’s fundementally different.

    All you need now is the TV Licence to catch up with you.

    They’ve been and gone. I’m clean! 😀

    Free Member

    Devastating news, Mick. 🙁

    Make what future you all have together the best possible, eh?

    Free Member

    Can I have Coke and Wagon Wheels?


    Free Member

    Nitromors is the bastard. But cover your face/skin, and ffs please please please wear eye-protection. That stuff is really nasty. Have a large bowl of water handy to wash off any accidental slashes.

    And do it outside, or you’ll feel sick.

    Free Member

    I would be inertested to hear arguments against my proposal.

    Still waiting for an answer to that, btw… 🙄

    Free Member

    You’d think he’d give up but he never does.

    You fool! Me? Give up? 😯


    Free Member

    Lefty turns Tory when faced with bill. Who’d have thought it ?


    Sorry, I thought the Tory Tax was about screwing as much money out of people as possible. I’m on about individuals paying their fair share.

    Task for you all!

    Go and have a read up on the Community Charge. Find figures for Labour and Tory areas. Then come and discuss.

    Free Member

    For what is a warrant for her arrest being issued, out of genuine curiosity?

    Er, you’re the lawyer, allegedly! 😉

    (It’s not for the illegal cultivation of Brussel Sprouts on a motorway verge; or possession of a book on Byzantine art with intent to Tuesday, in case you were thinking along those lines)

    Free Member

    That’s what Maggie said.

    No; the Community Charge was the same per person. If you bothered to read owt propply, you’d see I’m suggesting an individual amount payable according to how many lived at an address.

    EG; £1000/4 = £250 each. £1000/5= £200 each. Geddit?

    Thatcher: £250 per head; so: 4 people = £1000. 5 people = £1250. Etc.

    It is a thankless task, to try and bring light to those in darkness, but a sacrifice I feel it is my duty to make…

    Free Member

    Your beef isn’t with the system, your beef is with the Spanish girl who left you in this mess.

    It’s with both. If the system was in the form I propose, then I woon’t be in this mess.

    I have her addy in Spain. and my tentacles reach into the furthest flung corners of the Globe…

    With a warrant for her arrest issued, if she is abroad, she won’t be able to enter the UK without being arrested. 😀

    S’a bit ‘ot, innit?

    Anyone want an ice-lolly?

    Free Member

    Living in a house with students and diplomats was something you had no choice over? That was bad luck, sugartits

    One became a student after I’d moved in, and the Embassy worker moved in after me. Oh, and the layndlord selected who moved in, anyway. So no, I had no choice over that.

    Free Member

    mcboo – Member
    Rudeboy on supporting LBS

    What’s that got to do with this? FAIL.

    All right; forget it’s RudeBoy. Imagine you are in this position.

    There, easy to laugh at others, eh?

    Oh, and the bailiff’s are out of the equation. They haddunt given me any prior notice, or reasonable opportunity to pay.

    And there may be shortly a warrant issued for the arrest of the my old flatmate!

    The agreement between us, to pay our equal share that we were liable for, is also legally binding. I’ve been told I have a good claim against the cow.

    If we can find her…

    Free Member

    Oh dear. It appears the heat is affecting people’s ability to think propply (even mine, but I’m ill).

    BigDummy; you post lots of words, but you don’t really say much, do you? Careful; one day, you might actually express your own independent onion…

    Your analogy refers to something you might do through choice; CT is something you have no choice over.

    Justice for brahyn people was the key policy of the Rude Manifesto

    You are being particularly dense today, arent you? The Rudifesto calls for equality for people of all colours, races, creeds, etc. Not exclusive to brahyn people.

    Right. For the hard of thinking:

    4 people live in a house. The council tax is say £1000 per year. Ok so.

    With things being equal, and all tenants being equally liable, this would work out as £250 a year each, right? I mean, i know they are jointly liable, and they could, if they wanted, sort out a different amount per person, but split 4 ways would seem fair, no?

    Ok. So, Imagine 2 of those people are exempt, due to being a student, or working for the French Embassy (Embassy staff are exempt from paying taxes in the UK, apparently). This now means the £1000 is payable by only 2 people, say £500 each. Hmm. So, the student and the French Embassy (note, French Embassy, people…) worker get their bins emptied for free, or rather, are being subsidised by the other two who are fully liable.

    Now if these 4 people were a family, this would surely be an acceptable situation. But, as these particular 4 people in question have no links between each other, does it not now seem a little unfair that 2 are paying for 4? And what if a 3rd person decided to become a student? That would leave the 4th person paying £750 a year (single person’s allowance)!

    What I am suggesting, is a provision for such circumstances.

    IE; if a house is occupied by people with no family link to one another, then each person should pay only their ‘share’.

    Council tax is worked out on the basis that it’s one charge per household, based on the value of the house. This means that the two of us were paying more, than if we were sharing a 2 bedroom place.

    Still with me?

    In large cities, it makes economic sense for people to share, speshly if they are of low income.

    The current system makes paying Council Tax a struggle for many low-paid people, and places a greater financial burden upon them. And what do people do, when hey are palced under stressful financial burdens? That’s right; they tend o entertain thoughts of fiddling the system.

    I’ve seen places where there’s only one person on the CT liability form, yet there are several living there, who are eligible to pay. And they one person is a student…

    Starting to make sense, now?

    I would be inertested to hear arguments against my proposal. Personally, although I am not claiming it to be perfect, I do believe it would be fairer on the individual than the current system.

    Free Member

    Where is the logic in a charge based on the value of the property which is divided between the occupants?

    Did you not read my bit propply?

    In situations where the members of a household are neither related to or in any direct relationship with any of the others, why should they be liable for someone else’s debt? So, buy a pint, but the bloke in front of you buggers off without paying for his. You think it’s right to pay for his pint too?

    I do admire the transparent self-interest of your politics. It’s all “justice for brarn people”, “kill Stoner and take his money” “in the perfect republic I wouldn’t have to pay Council Tax”

    Poor, BD. What’s my being ‘brahyn’ got to do with anything?

    People should pay their fair share. I did, yet I’m now having to pay for someone else’s, who is actually now breaking the Law.

    Free Member

    he’s gotta earn a living somehow

    Well, he won’t be getting owt from this job! Bailiff’s have failed to inform me previously, yet have had my addy for over a year. They’ve just waited for their charges to ramp up. The CT people won’t be paying them on my account.

    Be funny if they do turn up! I’ll just sit indoors, with me music turned up. Maybe sit on the balcony. If I need to nip out, I can always go through next door’s! 😀

    Bailiff’s can be utter Cs. They have no meaningful legal training, and are often ignorant of the Law. As in this case; I’ve tried to save this bloke a wasted journey (from Leicester!), but he’s being all ‘hardman’ about it.

    I’ve spoken to a solicitor, who says I have nothing to worry about, as the agreement I’ve made with the Council nullifies any Bailiff action. Aside from the issue of them not giving me adequate prior warning or opportunity to pay.

    Free Member

    Not poll tax. The Community charge was unfair, as it charged per head, regardless of how many people lived at a property. And they were bloody steep, too, in all but Tory boroughs…

    No, same system, but with protection for individuals who are merely sharing, rather than living as a family unit. IE; if there’s 4 people, then the total amount is divided by 4. Each person pays a quarter, and if one defaults and absconds, the remainder is not charged to the other poor sods. Do you know how much CT fraud is going on?

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