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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • rsvktm
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    Good sleep and good food. Make sure taking recovery foods on board soon after hard efforts, if I don’t I find the next days training hard work.
    Also are you stretching well ?

    Full Member

    Thanks sportsnapper, we are putting dots on a map to work out a route and that looks to fit in well. I’ve never been good at stopping in one place for long but am getting encouraged to learn.. It’s our 10yr wedding anniversary and our honeymoon was spent driving through France and Italy for three weeks in a open topped car, so this is a sort of revisit but with bikes and van Instead. Still have the car but the bikes plan is winning at the mo.

    Full Member

    Thanks for that Stoner, looks spot on for what we are looking for. We will be looking to ride most days, no children and both fairly race fit so mileage and time not too much of an issue. As you state in your blog is doesn’t seem to be the easiest place to just plot a route, far to used to just linking bridleways together or long distance routes in Scotland. Any other ideas anybody ?

    Full Member

    We’ve got a bigger version of the one in the ebay link, ordered at a motorbike show a few years ago. Highly recommended, ours is in the garage so don’t know what it would be like outside but very well made and great locking system.

    Full Member

    A recent 8 minute test on the kickr gave me an ftp of 366, 20 minute section of commute home today including junctions, corners etc gave me an FTP of 361 with a stages. So happy enough with comparative readings.
    The main thing for me with the kickr is I don’t have to think or focus on keeping to a power, no gear changes. I just sit in one gear and vary the cadence for what I want to get out of it and the kickr keeps me at the right power.

    Full Member

    Funnily enough I enjoy the katahdin style, take a look at Hawks bill +2 week 5… The ones I really struggle with are the Bondcliff style, steady efforts, really highlighted weaknesses for me.
    So glad I went a bit mad and got a kickr, couldn’t be doing with the virtual power issues and questions.

    Full Member

    Impromptu test coming home from work, 380 for 20 mins, annoyingly don’t normally bother with HR strap for commute but was a decent headwind to push against. This is normally my summer figure on fairly fresh legs so trainerroad has helped massively over winter. Nearly at the 4.5 pwr that I wanted for this season.
    All down to using the mtb plan.

    Full Member

    When I swap forks from a Niner carbon fork to a 100mm it feels ‘awful’ for a while but then just works. The step change from a very light, quick steering front end to what feels numb vague and heavy takes some getting used too, but then I realise I get far more grip and can cope easier when tired I just get on with it.
    A 120 will feel that bit slacker than a 100, try it with reduced travel.

    Full Member

    edit. Already said…

    Full Member

    Surely if calibrated correctly it can’t be hugely out, maybe 1% is pushing it though, when I was looking into power meters they all reviewed well (dc rainmaker) and not that different results.
    To be fair as long as it is a figure that is a constant it doesn’t matter other than comparing with others…
    Raymond today for me after pushing it a little bit too hard in the wind on the commute, if I didn’t have a kickr I would have backed off but it doesn’t let me. Learning to embrace the pain 🙂
    Friend thought he was doing 700 watts for an hour until I calibrated his kickr properly for him, he’s gutted that he is using a lower figure now but has no idea what any of it means…
    Edit- re tr integration is it possible to do a standalone run without it running to check figures ?

    Full Member

    Had a play on a standard 848 a while ago and preferred it for road riding compared to 1098, that looks very very sweet. Enjoy.

    Full Member

    Krypton have a look at some of the mtb specific ones, specifically the last week sessions ie stress the system but not overload with a high tss. Over the years if I’ve ever felt that I really couldn’t face doing anything I would always just do a short but sharp session to wake me up but not kill me.
    Even have a look at some of the warm up sessions, they are aimed at low impact but enough to get you going. Or something like Katahdin with a lower ftp and not do all the intervals.
    Good luck for the race.

    Full Member

    Nothing much to add other than as stated comfy can help speed and useability, never been bothered for road bikes other than a way to get fit for xc racing and to get to work.
    Had a Planet X sl with durace, fast and light but no feel and hard to get power down. Convinced by my brother to try a trek madonne, the aero model year, bit heavier than my Planet X but far far faster and comfier. Now even just go for a road ride just because, carbon is not just carbon layup geo etc makes a huge differance. No idea if the aero is helping but ave speeds are higher in general.
    That bike calculater is an interesting thing to play with, cheers.

    Full Member

    Finding it hard to keep to a program as the weather hasnt been that bad so riding more than anticipated, so bit of structure has gone out of the window. However in middle of week 5 mtb and just done meganic +2, enjoy the sprint ones far more than steady state efforts.
    First xc race is 22nd March so will need to sort the timings out but feeling good for it, turbo and trainerroad has given me my best winter prep yet.

    Full Member

    Number of years ago broke a couple of ribs and had a few complications, compounded by me doing the first whinlatter challenge whilst damaged, this led to me being put on an inhaler and realising that I’ve always coughed hard when pushing. I would as others say concentrate on steady efforts and getting sorted. It is no hindrance having exercise induced ashma if corrected, I am fitter and stronger at mid 40’s than I’ve ever been.
    Very frustrating though but it will get sorted but don’t rush it, my cardio took a while to get sorted but legs are much stronger for it.
    Good luck

    Full Member

    My wife’s bike for this seasons xc is a 15.5″ carbon trek superfly, with 27.5 wheels, loves it and she’s 5’3″. Other women were racing 29ers last year and whilst they do small frames Jane couldn’t get on with any of them. We’ve put some better wheels on and a few tweaks, narrower handlebars etc but it was the men’s. They are not crazy money for what they are, nice and light and very quick. More shops are looking at the smaller sizes, up til now been a nightmare getting a small fast xc.
    Giant do a nice little carbon xc also.

    Full Member

    I’m 6’2 and a bit and ride a large, they are a short cockpit and seat tube I ride with a chunk of post out when jra, I’d ask on the mtbr Knolly forum. If I was any bigger I’d probably size up but then would be big bike… See if you can get a demo. Mates got a large endo as a trail bike and he’s 5’10 ish.

    Full Member

    mr blobby, haven’t had a problem with the kickr. It is reading high compared to the stages but consistent as long as do a spin down test once it’s warmed up. I’ve just adjusted the ftp up and done a test to make sure accurate. I couldn’t turbo without the kickr erg mode, I’m too lazy and would back off… Can’t use the stages as on a carbon road bike that I don’t like to see flex in the turbo, just have an old steel mtb in there.

    Full Member

    kryton is there anyone near to you that can lend you a power meter ? You seem to be having more than a few issues, unfortunately Strava power doesn’t match any ‘real life’ figures I’ve done. I’m in North Yorkshire with a kickr and a stages if your anywhere near.

    Full Member

    It can be frustrating and demoralising though, I’ve never been good a pushing myself for the sake of it that’s why I seem to have developed into a of a sprinter because I enjoy pushing power and I have neglected endurance.
    That’s some HR dirty rider, doesn’t seem to be dropping at all in between intervals, I couldn’t flatline like that I’d fall over. Think your fairly local to me, or at least go round Dalby a bit. Stalker mode. It’s only that I’ve seen your stages on your mtb on that thread.

    Full Member

    It is good to train to weaknesses but also not worth beating yourself up about it, one of the great things I am finding about using TR and a turbo is that it is a safe environment to test yourself. It is helping me understand where my limits are and just how far I can push without holding back thinking I either had to get home or finish a race.
    Did an 8 minute test two days ago, still no good at constant power and pacing, more power on second interval with too strong a finish. But learning and was an improvement.
    Just to add wouldnt get too hung up on sprinting, I am working on losing a bit of top end to fill in my mid range. I race hour and half xc and always lead from the start but get reeled in.

    Full Member

    My lynskey pro 29 got a hairline crack in the seat tube, time from sending off to getting back with new decals, all welds checked and looking like new was iro 4 weeks. Compared to another ti frame from a small manufacturer that cracked within 6 months into a lifetime warrenty took over 3 months messing about to get to the point where I got a near on full refund. All frames can crack or break, I’ve done in a few Ali frames as well in the past and my lynskey has now done well over a year and been very used with no issues. They will look after you.

    Full Member

    Thanks for that. Normally use High 5, chunk cheaper and enough bought to keep us sorted for summer.


    Full Member

    Have used Magnum hi tecs in winter in the past, nice and warm but sole not that stiff. I ride clipped in all the time now so just chuck on whatever level of overshoe needed for the conditions and that works well for me. Don’t know if could put some on normal shoes ?

    Full Member

    BB no worries I’ll e-mail some Dims and pics when get chance. The length ways bench seat has a flap that folds down to extend it into the space that a forward reclined drivers seat gives and then has enough space for me at 6 2. However I normally sleep on the floor with my legs under the garage, recently fitted a double passenger swivel and if I was starting again I would probably incorporate that into a double bed but lengthwise rather than width.
    The bikes fit well in the garage, front wheel out, no undoing anything just turning the bars to an angle.

    Full Member

    Week 3 of mountain bike mid volume started tonight, Lafaytte, is it sad to say I’m enjoying the pain ? Liking the turbo in winter as means that my commute can be a nice drift along and mtb is just about having fun, without the background thought that I should be ‘working’ at it.

    Full Member

    In our short wheel base Vivaro I’ve built a garage with the floor on the wheel arches, fits two bikes top to tail with front wheels off, plenty of space to store stuff around them along with the front wheels. I’m over 6 ft and sleep on the floor and my wife who is a fair bit shorter sleeps on a length ways bench seat. I can sleep there if soloing but two’s a bit cramped.
    Spent over two weeks in it at a time often enough, loo, fridge, solar panel and 220amp HR batteries keep us sorted for wild camping.

    Full Member

    The double seat swivel looks just like one we’ve got for our vivaro, got ours from Kiravans. Great place to deal with and its an easy fit, taking it steady less than hour or so.

    Full Member

    its not generally the travel that’s the issue it’s the build. My 160 has coil front and rear, flows, big brakes and heavy tyres iro 35lbs done weeks in Scotland big mileage and climbs, however change to air front and rear lighter wheels and tyres, totally different bike but I miss the bombproof feeling the bigger build gives.
    Short answer, if I need to go fast I use different bikes but if I want to have fun I use the big bike, but I don’t have any issues winching it up anything. But it can be a drag..

    Full Member

    Kryton, if it was me I’d just do one of the warm up sessions. Something to get your legs working but not taxing anything much and gets you going again with no potential of fail.
    Good luck with the weekend.
    I’m back into the mtb plan again after a road bike crash stopped me being able to push for a week or so. Jobs done, onto Torbert tomorrow. Week 3 looks interesting..

    Full Member

    Trek Superfly 100 elite sl, 1x, American Classic race wheels, Bonty 29-1 tyres tubeless, rest standard. Circa 22lbs, could make it lighter but happy enough as it just works.

    That cannondale looks sweet and they ride really well, fancy the new fsi but have a few wheel sets and would entail yet another standard !

    Full Member

    In summer most of us are faster, it’s only natural as generally the riding is more enjoyable ! Have a look at Carson TC if struggling for time as only 30 mins and looks at sweetspot training with a drop in cadence for hill climbing, as said though watch your knees.
    I was supposed to be in the third week of mtb plan but a patch of diesel put paid to that, so picking and choosing lighter effort sessions to keep legs working while the bruises and strains clear up….

    Full Member

    Have you just lifted your natural cadence, spinning more than before or are you actually slower ?

    Full Member

    Got a few bonty wheels with their rim strips in, pre fitted strips so sorry can’t help with the fitting but there is a definite step to the edge and the best way to mount tyres I’ve found is plenty of hand soap, inner core out and then compressor.
    The soap did the trick for me.

    Full Member

    When we bought our VX price wasn’t a factor in the decision, test drove a k series Elise and it was gutless compared and didn’t drive as well as the VX for us. We both preferred the look as well, but didn’t like the Turbo to drive as that was our initial idea.
    Luckily neither of us have ever been badge conscious so the Vauxhall thing made no difference, wife learned to drive in a Lada whilst I was lucky enough to grow up around a fair few exotics.
    VXs are rarer too..
    Used my Westfield for a good few years commuting and went round France a couple of times, anythings practical to a point. Used to carry mtb on a rack fastened to the roll cage.
    When we went round Italy back in 2005, visited a number of supercar factories and the VX got a lot of attention from the workers at Lamborghini and helped us get in the door, gates, of Zonda and chatting to the man himself, which was nice.

    Full Member

    Caterham is a totally different animal, not half as practical but far more ‘fun’ and the bmw just feels big and soft compared. Yes I’ve driven plenty of caterhams and a 3.0 bmw roadster…

    Full Member

    Still got one that we bought in 2003 as a replacement for a my Westfield and my wife’s MX5 as a sort of half way house, ie something that was fun but semi practical.
    It’s not that fast but a really nice car to drive, has been used in all sorts of weather but always garaged. Used to drive around France a lot in it, spent three weeks touring France, Italy etc for our honeymoon amazing how much stuff you can cram in the boot with careful planning.
    Never missed a beat for us, usual issues of engine mounts and shock collars needed sorting but diy if capable.
    Keep thinking of selling it but know we would never replace it and doesn’t cost much to keep.
    Overall a very capable car that we still enjoy driving it as it just feels right. Getting in an out is an art but once mastered is easy, I’m 6’2 and wifes 5’3 and both drive it comfortably.
    Vx220 org is a great resource.
    Good luck

    Full Member

    Bought twice off them with no issues, communication was a bit slow but was just after they announced the ovals and got a bit overwhelmed.

    Full Member

    Been running 32 and 34 Absolute Blacks on a couple of 29ers for a good few hundred miles and I’m a convert. I notice the difference on any sort of climb that needs a bit of finesse or just low cadence grunt work. Not dropped a chain yet either.
    Mate who is a big lad and very poor pedal stroke, so bad that can see power pulses in soft ground, had a go with one and noticed a huge difference. Still not put his hand in his pocket yet..

    Full Member

    Got a vivaro 5 yrs ago, insulated with kingspan behind a bought ply kit that was fastened in with self tappers. Was a new van so before put any thing in covered it all in anti rust solution.
    Ours has been brilliant for everything including over 2 wks in Scotland wild camping, only used campsites 3 times in that time. It’s a swb with a garage big enough for two bikes and kit and sleeps both of us, snug but comfy. External screens were our best purchase to stop condensation.
    Good luck and enjoy.

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