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  • Issue 143 Bonus Content! Classic Ride Fuel – Flapjack Recipe
  • rs
    Free Member

    Seems like Alexxx doesn't like the shape of the Alpine, which is fair enough.

    Is that not a banning offence :D

    Free Member

    your unlikely to find a steel frame with replaceable hanger… I think… could be wrong.

    Free Member

    This just looks pish doesn't it, couldn't possibly be fun to ride :D

    Free Member

    I'm 5'10" and had a medium enduro, it was relatively long compared to my DB alpine that i have now, no way do you need a large.

    Free Member

    touching the void?

    thats the one.

    Free Member

    maybe not quite in the same league as point break, but vertical limit was ok, there was the true story about some climbers stranded on a mountain, can't remember the name though, you could try lords of dogtown for some skateboarding.

    Free Member

    do everything other than headsets, your right its quite easy, i just tighten stuff up till it feels good and tight but not like your going to snap anything if you push it any further. Nothings fallen off yet!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I'm more worried how many stw'ers were some how close by all of this, what are the odds????

    Free Member

    you do know that it would be cheaper and easier to just buy the CD than try every magic potion out there to make a turntable sound better… flame away :lol:

    I've had (almost enough) of trying to get the best technology, its a waste of time when you spend more time on the technology than enjoying whatever it is your doing with the technology.

    A bike example for me was the garmin gps things, it got to the point where when going out for a casual cycle i would strap the unit on just to see where i'd been and how far it was and how much climbing… even around the park. That got sold as it was taking away the enjoyment of the actual activity.

    A camera example was buying an digital SLR and spending too much time fiddling trying to get the right settings rather than just taking some pics, yes i did get some good pics i wouldn't have got but for the most part the technology was taking over the event, I now have a simple little compact which is fine for uploading to flickr.

    Free Member

    haha, was waiting for someone to comment on that, the chain should obviously be the other side but because the bash isn't perfectly round it sometimes jumps out.

    note to self: check bike over before taking photos and buy new round bashguard.

    Free Member

    Its a kodak V1253, about 2 years old but records in HD, that was on the low quality HD setting, as i said it looks a bit fuzzy when viewed at full size on the computer, but looks better reduced for youtube and it seems youtube didn't hurt it too much. I have a Panasonic TS1 on the way so that should be even better, waterproof HD with 28mm wide lens.

    Free Member

    Didn't take too long, that trail typically takes a few minutes to get down, probably spent about an hour running back and forward with the camera. Quality actually looks better small, I was using an old kodak digi cam with HD video, the full size video looks a little fuzzy but it looks better when you reduce it. Cheers all.

    Free Member

    Dingy car park pics but car park test feels good. Smooth plush travel whilst bouncing up and down.

    Free Member

    does he get cold wrists??? his seats too low too andf his hats not on right!!! and your bricks need a clean and door needs a lick of paint, apart from that its all good.

    Free Member

    are his hands glued to the bars? think i'd be supermaning it by now!

    Free Member

    Lanesra, you just in from the pub?

    Free Member

    It is awesome :D

    Free Member

    the other bmxers are gonna take the piss out of him.

    Free Member

    I'll soon find out :) the pikes have been great forks but i really wanted a bigger fork on there, i don't care for tons of adjustability as I've never used it before when i've had it, I was slightly concerned that the damping may be inferior but it can't be that crap… can it? Weights not a huge issue as i rarely ride it up any significant hills (I live at the top of a hill with lots of trails going down the way and a bus with bike racks to take me back up… Oh and pics will follow in due course for sure.

    Free Member

    I wouldn't drink it. Why not just eat a balanced meal after a bike ride ?

    who has time to eat a proper meal just after a ride, it has been proven to be beneficial to take on protein and whatever else within 20 mins of stopping exercise, for most bikers thats getting changed, cleaning the bikes or driving home, so its handy having a drink to hand. For me, I probably wouldn't want to eat anything for an hour or two after a big ride, the exercise seems to make me not want to eat much but i could gulp plenty of milk/protein shake/liquid type thing.

    Free Member

    Read this before you do anything

    I have an older olympus 850SW, its ok, pics are fine for sticking on facebook/flickr/etc. Just rigged this up for it…

    I wouldn't mind something with image stabilisation though, the video's get quite bouncy on anything other than smooth trails.

    Free Member

    I've wondered about all that stuff about speeding up your metabolism, does it really make any difference, or is it like 0.001% increase.

    Free Member

    Now off to the pub

    ^^^^^^^^ We may have found your problem :D

    Free Member

    you could tell people your not fat, your just storing energy for future use.

    Free Member

    totally NBR but drive the icefields parkway between banff and jasper, essential if you're in the area although it will take two days out of your holiday. As for tires, high rollers should be fine for almost everything, ST ones would be better, sounds like an awesome trip, have fun.

    Free Member

    the stuff about milk is true i think, the maximuscle stuff I use to get said that on the side of the tub, it was quite expensive but mixed well (no lumpy gritty bits) and tasted good, for recovery after a ride though you need some sugar in your system as well as just the protein… so i hear anyway.

    Free Member

    oem's could be speced differently from aftermarket too.

    Free Member

    I work in the softwrae industry so dont need a guilt trip about piracy thanks, like bike theft it happens and we're powerless.

    Not powerless to stop yourself doing it though, might as well go out and nick a bike too.

    Free Member

    I live in Vancouver and have to say its pretty awesome, currently suffering through a heatwave as temps are up into the 30's and humidity is making it more like 40.

    I haven't found any problems with the people here especially given that half the place is populated by immigrants. If anything they love our accents. You will be taken aback by the friendliness of shop/restaurant staff compared to the service you get in the UK. I think in small towns there will be some sort of redneck mentality but i think you get something similar in the uk whether that be neds or chavs. Personally I'm glad i haven't heard or seen that kind of human for a while.

    It is true that there isn't a huge pub culture here but there are pubs and people do go out for a drink but not to get hammered (well apart from the odd redneck), personally the pub culture and go out to get hammered attitude of everyone where i lived in the UK was pissing me off so don't miss it.

    I can't say much about the east, I don't think I could stand the extreme cold and heat like they get there, its bad enough here this week trying to get to sleep when its still 30 degrees. I won't be moving back!

    As for the job, I got a transfer from the company i worked with in the UK which made things easier, just do it, you can always go back and for every plumber i think there are a 100 who would never go back to the UK.

    Free Member

    If there wasn't enough room, your thread would be different, I blame the driving instructors!

    Free Member

    sounds like there was enough room to me.

    Free Member

    Outside the detection area ? WTF – we now have pedestrian crossings who are stroppy and get the hump ?

    "Sorry mate, you stepped outside 'the detection area'. Your request to cross has been cancelled"

    ffs ……….. bleedin' jobsworths

    bet your the first to moan about all the traffic congestion too, if you decide to cross before you're supposed too, you're ped crossing time gets cancelled and traffic spends less time queuing, quit whining!

    Free Member

    did my first wall ride last weekend, bit scary but i got both wheels on it :D

    big scary wasp

    sea wall


    Free Member

    makes no difference, you'll just wear out the button quicker then one day it won't work and it'll all be your fault.

    Free Member

    good luck man!!!think of all the money that you could now put to your bike

    You might now be able to afford a bike each :D

    Free Member

    I just read all that then get to the end and find out its 3 months old, i feel cheated! what a fanny for even asking that question in the first place!

    Free Member

    is this the same TJ that preaches on hear about healthy balanced diets when all that time you've been puffing away to suppress your appetite? :wink: anyway good luck with it and no longer being one of the manky b@stards :D

    Free Member

    it would be quite cool if you could add a one line preview to the general forum listing so that when you hover over the post title you see the first line of text and get an idea what its about. I miss that when i've been on NSMB for a bit then come back here.

    Free Member

    my bike looks like its been left in the loft for millions of years, there's so much dust on it right now :lol:

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